
Capturing Kim Myung Soo's heart


On your 16th birthday, it was decided that a luxurious and grand party would be held at Parks Hotel, one of your family’s hotel. You rummaged through your enormous wardrobe full of clothes and searched for the gown you had bought the day before, bringing out clothes after clothes. Soon, your clothes were piled up on your bed, making your room look like a clothes warehouse sale. *Ah… I finally found you.*You brought out a sapphire blue chiffon dress from the wardrobe and chose an elegant sapphire necklace to match with the outfit.*This is perfect*

Soon, the party started. Guests with wealthy backgrounds arrived, streaming into the ballroom with their wives, husbands and children. You are still in your room, dressing up for the party. ‘Mr Kim and his family has arrived’, announced the announcer. Mr and Mrs Kim went to find your parents, leaving Myungsoo behind, and the four of them were soon in a deep conversation. Myungsoo, feeling bored and irritated having been ignored by his parents, stood at a corner. A few girls, whose fathers or mothers were wealthy, were glancing and making passes at Myungsoo but were ignored by him.

‘Now, I present you Park Dae Eun, the birthday girl’ said the announcer. As you entered the ballroom, you can hear many gasps. Guys looked at you like you are a rare and exotic gem while girls were green with envy from looking at you and your beauty. Myungsoo looked towards the entrance as soon as he heard your name. He was dazed but he suppressed his emotions and showed no sign of emotion on his face.

Through the night, you were meeting and greeting people who were present at your party. Suddenly, all the lights were shut off and a spotlight shone on the stage, revealing four figures on the stage. As you went closer to take a closer look, you realized that those figures belonged to Mr and Mrs Kim and your parents.

‘Welcome ladies and gentlemen. First of all, I would like to thank you for making time to come to my daughter’s birthday party. It is our pleasure to host this party. We hope that you all enjoyed yourselves. Next, I would like to make an important announcement. As many of you know that the Kim family and the Park family have been very close, I would like to announce that my daughter, Park Dae Eun, and Kim Myungsoo, the Kims’ only son will be engaged. Their engagement and wedding will be held on the same day, due in a month’s time. Let’s welcome the going-to-be engaged couple to start the first dance.” A few girls went blue with anger as they could not accept the engagement. You gasped. *What is the meaning of this? I am to marry Kim Myungsoo? The one who is nicknamed ‘Ice Prince’? *

While your mind was bombarded with many questions, a spotlight shone upon you. You looked up. Kim Myungsoo was standing right in front of you, staring. *He does not look surprised at that announcement* He held out his hand. “Miss Dae Eun, would you dance with me?” You gently and politely put your hand on his and suppressed the emotions swelling up inside you. “Kim Myungsoo, did you hear what our parents just said on stage? What is the meaning of this engagement?” You whispered to him while dancing. However, he did not even look at you in the eye and just continued dancing. After you finished dancing, couples started dancing to the soothing music while the youngsters hang around and chat.

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