Do I have The Right To Love You?

With My Life


The next day, as Sungmin wake up he right heard his mother nagging again.

“Sungmin I really hate what you have done with Sunny I know she left you in the altar but why can’t you see she’s regretting what she had done. He look at his father who is just busy reading the newspaper and Minho who just shook his head the usual.


As he made some coffee, he feel like his ears are going to explode he can’t believe his mother will give this kind of welcome. Good thing Minho finally said something.

“Hyung, your colleague at work she called yesterday you know Tiffany-noona, she said if when will you be back to get your things or if you’re reconsidering of retracting your resignation.


“Perhaps Sungmin just go back to your job, perhaps I doubt if that wedding will still go through just get you previous job back so that your Appa and I won’t be worried about you at all.”

Sungmin finally had enough drop his chopsticks.

“Umma, can you once at least side with me, I can’t believe you’re tolerating this.”

“I am not tolerating, like I said she approached me in a nice way, and we are humane enough to talk with her.” Sungmin rolled his eyes and just stand up.

“Yah! Where are you going?”

“In my previous workplace to get my things.”

“Aish! that kid get your back besides I don’t think that wedding will still go through.”


(In some park)

“Kai bai bo!” Kyuhyun shook his head. “Aish seems like Oppa lose again.” He told the little girl as he stretched his hands for her to spank.

“Oppa seems not himself today.” The little girl said.

“Because oppa wil never love and if he got beaten he won’t accept defeat.”

“ Oppa is just kind today that’s why.” Kyuhyun stands up left his little friend.


(At Sungmin’s workplace)

“Sungmin-oppa , are you really sure about your decision I mean you can have your job back, besides Manager said he wants you to replace once he retired in 6 months.”

“You know it’s because of me keeps on planning things that’s why I ended up experiencing worst things, I even declined the other office offer besides the wedding did not go through I no longer need a bigger company to work.” Sungmin said as he puts his stuff in the box.

“Oppa, you have been here for almost 2 years and you’re one of the most improve employee I am just sad.”

“Hey I will call don’t worry ok?” Sungmin hugged his friend tight.

“Oh I’ll miss you and your pink stuffs and how you throw my papers when it’s not needed.” Sungmin smiled at him and waved at his colleagues goodbye.


(While Kyuhyun…)

His sister picks him up since he has not brought his own car, as they were inside, Ahra reminds him of the things he needed to do.

“Tomorrow the coordinators will visit the yacht ok? And about the Proposal thing we need white and red rose.”

Kyuhyun rubbed his chest as he is listening to his sister.

“Yah Cho Kyuhyun are you ok, you’re not listening to me.”

“I know, coordinator, white and red rose, proposal happy?”

“Wait a minute.” Ahra suddenly looking at Kyuhyun’s wrist. “Since when did you had a watch?”

“Why bother asking things.” As Kyuhyun just tried not to talk to her sister he suddenly spotted someone going out of the office.

“Sungmin?” Kyuhyun suddenly muttered taking off the seatbelt and get out of his car.

“Yah Kyuhyun where the hell are you going?” he ignored his sister’s question and tried to run the other side as fast as he could but before he could reach Sungmin he had enter car and started driving.

He went inside the office and approach one of the guards.

“Uhm excuse me sir that guy that went out earlier you happen to know him right?”

“Yeah it’s Lee Sungmin he is a great employee too bad he resigned already.”

“Do you happen to know his address?”

“Oh no we don’t OH! There is Miss Tiffany he might be able to help you.

Kyuhyun did what he was told and approached the lady.

“Hi miss.”

“Oh hi cutie do I happen to know you?”

“Uhm no but you know my friend Lee Sungmin.”

“Our Sungmin? Why?”

“You see we have been schoolmates during college and I was thinking of visiting him do you happen to know his address.” He told an outright lie to her. Tiffany looks at her but seeing Kyuhyun can be trusted and seems to tell the truth he gave her precious colleague’s address. Kyuhyun thanked him and went out of the office.


“Yah Kyuhyun, why did you get off the car just like that huh?” She said as she opened the door fro his brother.”

“Noona do you happen to know this place let’s go here.” Kyuhyun told him.

After an hour travel they reach Sungmin’s house, Kyuhyun just stay in his seat, as he does not have the courage to go out.


(At Sungmin’s House)


As he entered his home, Minho approached him.

“Hyung, Sunny-Noonan’s parents are here.”

“What?” She said as he greets them politely once he went inside. He decided to talk with Sunny in private.

“Sunny, you shouldn’t be doing this why dragged your parents here, look why just dmit you made a terrible mistake, you cheated on me remember?” He whispered at her.

“Oppa please…” Sungmin sighed wondering when would this end.

Outside Kyuhyun finally went out of the car as he practice his lines.

“Hey Sungmin… No.. Uhm Hi long time?.... Nonsense… You see … wait let me explained firt about what happened you see……” As he is practicing his lines he suddenly saw Sungmin went outside with a girl, Kyuhyun would assume that it would probably be his ex-girlfriend he told his sister for them to just go home.


“Tell me did something happened while you’re on the cruise?” Ahra asked him he just looked at her with that she was able to understand.

“So how does he or she looks like?”

“It’s a he Noona.”

“Omo! Is he great in bed or…”

“Noona nothing happened like that, he was heartbroken with his girlfriend, then we just bonded because I am the best option and I do not bite that’s why well we kiss and….”


“We never talk by the next day when we are going back to Korea.”

“Omo! My dongsaeng is in love! So any plans of looking for him again?”

“For what you know I can’t…”

“Why you can’t?”

“You know the reason why right why asked it, geez.”

“It’s just ugly you know, there is no closure you were not able to say what you really feel and most of all you’re still in-denial that you fell for him.”

“ God!”

“Yah! Watch your word.” Ahra smacked his head.

“I wish for him not to give me someone that I would love more than myself but he seems to tricked me.” Kyuhyun commented.

“But it won’t hurt right to gave yourself a chance.”

“Noona, I don’t want anyone to love me, I don’t want anyone to cry because of me, I don’t want a complicated life I don’t want to be a burden!”

“Kyuhyun, wherever you hide it’s impossible for not hurting someone because there is someone loving you…” Her sister said as he left Kyuhyun alone.


(While Sungmin and Sunny)


“Oppa, I know that I did a big mistake, remember this place this is where you proposed to me. I really want us to have a chance.”

Sungmin just look around, as he cannot answer sunny or not even in the mood to talk to her.

“Oppa I just can’t understand it’s just one stupid mistake why throw away everything.”

“That’s the problem I don’t know did you forget you’re in a commitment with or you just don’t care.”


“Sunny, actually you don’t have to feel guilty, you gave me a chance to know myself, and I realize maybe I no longer love you and with all that had happened you may have save us and I am grateful for that.” Sungmin told her as he hugged her ex-girlfriend tightly.


(As Sungmin comes back)


“Hyung…” Minho tried to call his brother he was surprised seeing him cried, he knew Sungmin never cried even after Sunny had done he will never show his tears except when he is drunk, so this is unusual for him.

“Minho…” Sungmin called him he was watching the videos he had with Kyuhyun.

“That guy… even I just met for 3 days I feel like I have known him my whole life… sorry I think hyung is not making sense to you.” Sungmin tried to smile.

“We don’t need everything to have sense right?” Minho answered him back.

“you know what? With all the things that happened I want to flash forward my life then skip all the ugly part but now I want to press rewind I want to go back to the 3 days Cruise.

“Hyung you can press rewind anytime you want, you can even freeze just make sure the remote control you will use is this.” Minho pointed his chest. “Your heart.”


(At Kyuhyun's place)

“So have you decided? If I were you while you’re fixing your sickness, Fix that broken heart of yours or else you’ll never be at peace. I better go back to my apartment I’ll drop by here tomorrow ok?”

“Fine just don’t come back”

“Aish this evil little brother of mine.” She said as he left him alone.

“I know God can do anything right? He can even do impossible things, I just hope can he just give me my life to keep?” Kyuhyun said to his self as he is thinking whether to see Sungmin or not.

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maryell2018 #1 its the scene where kyuhyun last moment
maryell2018 #2
Chapter 1: aga and kristene love story hahaha..
Alice_K26 #3
Chapter 6: Why kyu must die...?? Huweeeeee
I wonder why ming alway snezee whenever he meet kyu??
Chapter 6: So..sad!! waa!!
elmokyu #5
Chapter 6: Sobs... ohh Kyumin?? Well at least Ming has a companion!
elmokyu #6
Chapter 5: Awww so sad.... sobs...
elmokyu #7
Chapter 2: Great chapter... is Kyu sick? Omo...
Ok I'll continue reading..
elmokyu #8
Chapter 1: I just started reading your fanfic. Interesting. And you are good with Japanese! You learn it? Is Min really sneezes bec of Kyu?
Chapter 5: omo! you updated.. please don't make a broken kyumin pleeeeaasssee^^^
Chapter 3: hey... i just wanna ask .. who is misu? she/he was mentioned in your story^^