First Day

With My Life


Kyuhyun finally get his key card and entered his room, he put down his bag. He opened the closet to put his clothes there he decided to walk around.

He first went out as he change his clothes and explore the place, he went to go right away at the arcade area and try to play some games there, since he forgot to bring his laptop .

He almost spend his time outside the room exploring the ship, he even went to a mini bar there and watch a mini concert.

As the night passed by he is looking forward reaching Osaka, as he look at the ocean and stars at the rails something caught his attention.


He saw a guy drunk approaching the rails and began shouting. Kyuhyun just stared at him wondering if he would help him or just leave him alone.

“You, what are you looking at?” suddenly the man asked him.

Kyuhyun looks away pretending he did not hear him. But he was suddenly approached by the young man grabbing his shoulders, as he looks closely to him, he could see tears in his eyes.

“Yah! Do you know the feeling of getting left by someone you love?”

“I’m sorry?” Kyuhyun answered him clueless what the guy is talking about.

He just looks at him not answering his question and the next minute he suddenly throws up at Kyuhyun’s clothes, seeing this he walked away from him leaving Kyuhyun not irritated but amused with the guy he met.


Kyuhyun went back to his room to wash up and change clothes. After taking his shower, his phone in his room suddenly rings.


“Mr. Cho, you have a call from Dr. Park. Will you take it?”

“No and please just a favor, don’t take any calls for me ok? Thank you.” He said as he hungs up the phone.


As he lay in his bed he suddenly remembered how his siter Ahra tried to stop him from doing the cruise.



“Kyuhyun, you better just cancel that travel of yours, I mean what if…”

“Noona, I know how to take care of myself don’t talk as if I would die on that cruise.” he replied to his sister.”

“I am just worried you know.”

“Nothing will stop me from anything and here is my number to my room if you need something just call me okay?”

(end of flashback)


“I shouldn’t have give her my number in the first place.” Kyuhyun mumbled to his self as he turned of the lamp and drifts into his sleep.


With the sun touching his skin, he slowly woke up and went to grab some breakfast. He is looking for some empty seat he suddenly spotted someone, it was the same guy he approached him.

“Excuse me seems like everyone else is full can I…” he just looks at Kyuhyun not replying but focus again on reading his book.

Still he sat on the empty chair, as he ordered for his food while waiting for it he started to have a conversation with him.

“Don’t you remember me?” he asked him.

“Excuse me?” he asked him back.

“Uhm you forgot, last night you…” Kyuhyun trying to do a throw up act.

The other guy suddenly remembered and felt speechless and seems to be embrassed.

“I’m sorry about last night, I’ll just buy you a new clothes if you want.” The guy said.

“Hey, I am not asking for it, by the way I’m Cho Kyuhyun.” He said as he held his free hand for the other guy to shake.

“I better go.” The guy said as he left Kyuhyun alone, as he left he noticed to forgot his handkerchief, he tried to call him but he can no longer see him. As he looks at the handkerchief he smiled.

“Nice to meet you Lee Sungmin.” He said to his self as he put the handkerchief into his pocket.


After the breakfast, he prepare for the things he need to bring in Japan, he decided to bring his camera, and of course his money for him to buy souvenirs. As he went out of the dock he saw Sungmin again.


“Are you following me?” Sungmin asked him looking irritated.

“No maybe you’re the one following me.” Kyuhyun answered back. “By the way you forgot your handkerchief earlier Lee Sungmin.”

Sungmin just looks at him and took it back from Kyuhyun. Suddenly out fo no where he suddenly sneezed.

“Bless you.” Kyuhyun said. “Excuse me why are you bringing an organizer?”

“For my plans.”

“Plans, I listed here all of the place I want to go to, while we’re here in Japan and also the places we need to go to once we also reach Malaysia and Thailand.”

“Is it needed I mean why just go to places without any plans at all.”

“I just want things organize.” Sungmin replied.

“Well good luck with that.” Kyuhyun remaked as they are now going out of the ship.


As they reach Osaka he went first to Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine and took some pictures in there, afterwards he travel to Osaka Castle to visit the Museum there and was almost amazed with the holograms and 3d pictures he saw. After some hours he decided to go to ennoji Temple as he walked around he heard someone sneezed again.

As he turned around he saw Sungmin filming the sight.

“Hey we met again.” Kyuhyun greeted him.

“See you’re the one following me.” Sungmin answered back without looking at him.

Sungmin just ignored him and decide to left him alone but after some minutes he was surprised when the shorter man return and approached him.

“You see there is this erted guy who seems to like to disturb me perhaps I need your company since you seem to be more harmless. Kyuhyun smiled at him and became his partener in touring Osaka.


“Have you bought any souvenirs?” Kyuhyun asked him.

“You can see obviously I only have my organizer with me and my Video cam.”

“So that’s a no.” Kyuhyun suddenly grabbed him. “Come one, come do some buying with me.”

“What? But I am going to the Aquarium museum after this.”

“Those fish could wait but my souvenirs won’t beside I need a company while doing some shopping.”

Sungmin with no choice just came along with Kyuhyun, as they reach a bazaar Kyuhyun bought some figurines and some postcards. Suddenly some shirts caught his attention. Though he is struggling with the language he was able to communicate well thanks for learning some Japanese in the net before he left. Sungmin is just standing there suddenly saw some pink stuff and approached the seller.


“Sumimasen, Ikura desu ka?” Sungmin asked the old lady pointing at the pink obi he saw.

“Gosen en desu.” She replied.

“Ja sore o kudasai.” Sungmin said as he took out some money and give it to her.

“Arigatou.” Sungmin bowed his head with Kyuhyun seem to be amazed by him.

“you could have told me you can speak Nihongo, I thought I would lose my mind back there.”

“I have been studying the language for almost three years now and you did not ask me in the first place.” Sungmin replied to him almost laughing at Kyhuyn holding amount of plastic filled with souvenirs.


“I feel so hungry let’s go to some place to eat before going back to the ship.” Kyuhyun told Sungmin as he grabbed him by the hand.


“Irasshaimase. Nanmei sama desu ka?” the waitress greeted them.

“Futari desu.” Sungmin replied.


As they reached their seat, Sungmin assisted Kyuhyun with the menu, Sungmin ordered mixed sushi while Kyuhyun ordered a ramen and tempura. After eating they do some few more walks and even took some pictures in a photobooth after some hours they finally return to the ship after their long walk. As Kyuhyun is taking Sungmin to his room he sneezed again.


“Hey I don’t smell that bad.” Kyuhyun commented noticing SUngmin;s sneezing becomes very frequent.

“You know what maybe if I got lost I am sure I’ll find my way back all I need to do is find your scent.” Sungmin remarked at him.

As he reached his room they bid each other goodbye. Sungmin carefully closed the door and smiled a little suddenly he heard someone knocks at the door and it was Kyuhyun.


“You’re souvenir.” Kyuhyun gave it to him, Sungmin embarrassed by it grabbed it quickly and closed his door.


As Kyuhyun returned to his room, he feels strange not feeling any pain at all during his travel, as he felt his heart beating in a strange way he just shook his head.

“No way Cho Kyuhyun you know you can’t fall in love with him.” He said to himself as he looks at his picture with Sungmin.


You can leave comments and subscribe if you want in case you hate it's ok to comment but please do not bash in my page thank you!^^ I almost lose interest in writing I mean, if you hate the story just don't bother looking at it... I spologized to that person who commented it's just that she is very affected. Guys I am a fan of SUJU I do fanfic for them because I realized that I can stretch them a lot I try my best to make them good characters. I was irritated I mean come on!  Sorry about that I was still traumatized I feel I was bashed but still for those who like my last completed story thank you very at least that person who commented is alone but I deleted it or else I might really lose my motivation

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maryell2018 #1 its the scene where kyuhyun last moment
maryell2018 #2
Chapter 1: aga and kristene love story hahaha..
Alice_K26 #3
Chapter 6: Why kyu must die...?? Huweeeeee
I wonder why ming alway snezee whenever he meet kyu??
Chapter 6: So..sad!! waa!!
elmokyu #5
Chapter 6: Sobs... ohh Kyumin?? Well at least Ming has a companion!
elmokyu #6
Chapter 5: Awww so sad.... sobs...
elmokyu #7
Chapter 2: Great chapter... is Kyu sick? Omo...
Ok I'll continue reading..
elmokyu #8
Chapter 1: I just started reading your fanfic. Interesting. And you are good with Japanese! You learn it? Is Min really sneezes bec of Kyu?
Chapter 5: omo! you updated.. please don't make a broken kyumin pleeeeaasssee^^^
Chapter 3: hey... i just wanna ask .. who is misu? she/he was mentioned in your story^^