It doesn't matter

Sunshiners' Wishes - Fic Collection

Sunny's POV 

I went into my class and sat in my seat.

The bell rang and our teacher came in.

" Class we have a new student. " she announced.

A boy walked in, he had a smile on.

" He looks creepy. "  " Is he ok? " 

I frowned at the comments. I think he looks cute. I smiled at him.

" Class, calm down. Why don't you introduce yourself? " the teacher asked the new kid.

" Hi. My name is Chanyeol. " he said shyly.

" Well hi Chanyeol. I'm happy to have you in my class. You can sit next to Sunny. Sunny raise your hand. " the teacher said.

I raised my hand and he made his way to the area I sat in.

He put away his stuff and sat looking straight at the teacher.

" Nerd, " a student snickered. 

" Silence! Turn to pg. 120 and begin reading your lesson. "

The class reached under their desk to grab their math textbook.

I looked at him all class period and notice how he never removed his eyes from the teacher. Weird.


The bell rung and it was lunch time.

I got my lunch and wondered about where to sit. I saw Chanyeol sitting alone so I decided to sit with him.

I yelled his name, but he didn't look back. When I got to the table I tapped his shoulder and quickly turned.

" Why didn't you answer me? " I asked.

" Oh sorry I was daydreaming, " he answered. I nodded and sat next to him.

" Sunny-ssi. " 

" Huh? " I asked.

" Why did you sit with me? " he asked.

" I just wanted to, " I replied. He nodded.  I smiled. He's cute.

" Hey Chanyeol let's be best friends, " I said.

He chuckled and covered his face.

" YA! Why you laughing at me? " I asked.

He answered while smiling, " You're so straightforward. Sure though. "

After shool, we hung out at the park and he walked me home.

" Thanks, " I told him.

" You're welcome, " he said and smiled lightly. I lightly blushed and went inside my house.

It was my first time getting walked home with a guy I like.

A fews day afterward, we had our sports day.

Chanyeol surprisingly got popular after his haircut and he stopped smiling "creepy". 


I didn't like it though. I like him how he was before.

Chanyeol and I didn't get to talk much because of the fangirls.

I decided to take place in the relay which Chanyeol also took place in.

He ran after me. When I was practicing, sadly or stupidly I should say, I tripped over my own feet.

I'm not a clumsy person that was like my first time tripping. I don't know why I was looking at Chanyeol and I tripped.

I screamed when I tried to stand up it hurt. I saw Chanyeol running towards me.

" Are you ok? Can you stand up? " Chanyeol asked me.

" I'm ok, but I don't think I can stand up, " I answered.

Chanyeol called Mrs. Kim, one of the coaches, and told her about my condition.

He helped me stand up and picked me up in bridal style. My face immediately turned red. I looked at my fingers. We arrived at the nurse's office. The nurse put an ice pack on my leg.

" You ok now? " Chanyeol asked.

I answered, but avoided his gaze. " Yeah. "

He made me look at him.

" Sunny why you so red? " he exclamined.

He put his hand on my forehead.

" You're burning! "

I just got more red if that's possible.


-Days Later



Whisphers were heard throughout class.

" He's deaf? "   " Seriously? "

" Class quiet down, " the teacher said.

The class finally quiet down. Well for like two minutes.

" I can't believe Chanyeol is deaf. "

I dropped my pencil. He-he's deaf?

I looked at him and just saw him doing his work.

Now I think of it.

He put away his stuff and sat looking straight at the teacher.


I got my lunch and wondered about where to sit. I saw Chanyeol alone so I decided to sit with him.

I yelled his name, but he didn't look back. When I got to the table I tapped his shoulder and quickly turned.

" Why didn't you answer me? " I asked.

" Oh sorry I was daydreaming, " he answered. I nodded and sat next to him.

At lunch I didn't see him, he wasn't there.

I went around school looking for him. I found him in the music room.

He was just sitting there. I walked in and poked his shoulder.

" You know? "

" Yeah I know, " I answered.

He smiled bitterly.

We didn't look at each other.

I felt my eyes tear up a little.

" I have to read lips. I lost my hearing at 5 when I was close to an explosion. I didn't run fast enough. The sound of the explosion destroyed my ears. " he said.

My tears threaten to fall. 

" You know why I tell you these things? " 

" Why? " I asked.

He turned to me and held my face with his hands.

He closed in the distance and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

" I like you, " Chanyeol answered.

" You know I see when you blush right? "

My cheeks blushed on cue. From that day we started dating.


4 years later

We were on a date.

I suddenly thought of something. He never heard my voice and again my eyes slowly blurred.

" Jagiya, " Chanyeol called me.

I quickly blink the tears away.

" Yes, " I answer with a smile.

" I don't need to hear your voice to love you, " he said.

I gwak how did he know.

" It doesn't matter as long as your next to me. It doesn't matter if I'm deaf because cause every second I'm with you I forget that I'm deaf, "

My tears were flowing freely through my face and I immediately pulled him into a hug.

He pulled away and looked at me.

" We been together for 4 years. I know it's still early, but I'm sure I want to spend my whole life with you, "

He cupped my ears and mouthed something.

I read his lips and I started crying.

His lips read 'I love you' and 'would you marry me?'

I then cupped his ears and mouthed 'I love you too and yes I would marry you'.

He pulled me into a kiss.


Now I am siting in my wedding dress. Holding my bouquet in my hand I thought, " Today is the day I become Mrs. Park. "

I smiled and looked at the mirror. I looked unrecognizable. I looked beautiful with the little tiara on my head.

It was time. I stood up and stop at the door. I paused and opened it. Everyones' glazed went to me I swallowed and looked forward.

Chanyeol looked stunning as always. He shot me a smiled.

I got to him and he hold my hand. I felt like I was in heaven. Yoona on my side and Chanyeol was right next to me. We exchanged vows. 

We, however didn't have our rings, they were specially made so we didn't get them at the wedding, but it's worth it.

We looked at each other for a little. The final statement was then said.

" I now pronouce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride. " 




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Please update
jeonsunhan #2
Chapter 48: sweet sunny at here so touchy on her words ::>_<::*^O^*
jeonsunhan #3
Chapter 47: poor jaehwan i am almost want to cry~T_T~ the way jaehwan said how could i be happy without you it so dramatic and i love it
SUNHUN again juseyooooo
zarawrshi #5
Chapter 44: My innocent cute little Uppie~ *squeal like a retard*
I wish one day BAP and Sunny would have a real interaction. :>
wusunsoohan #6
sunkris plss
sunkris again please!!!!
exosun12 #8
Chapter 45: Plz make exo n sunny plz
make an exosun
Chapter 43: idek why i want this but, i've got this thing about Park Minwoo and Sunny? kekeke ^^