Settling In

Arrogance and Ignorance: College Daze

Kai absentmindedly played with Kaemi’s hair as she slept against his shoulder. They were headed back to Seoul for the MT was over and classes started in two days. Despite not being too fond of school, Kai was grateful to be leaving the camp. He and Kaemi hadn’t had that much time to spend with each other, and he was on high alert for Daesang coming to swoop in and monopolize what little free time they did have to see each other.

“Kai?” Kaemi mumbled in her half-awake voice. “Are we there yet?” She gave a little yawn and snuggled into his arm a bit more.

“We’re just about an hour away,” he replied, wrapping his arm around her. “You’ve slept the whole time, you know. Aren’t you tired of sleeping?”

“That doesn’t make sense, Jagi,” Kaemi mumbled once again before she was once again out cold with sleep. Kai raised one eyebrow.

“Did she just call me ‘Jagi’?” he asked himself, a small smile playing on his lips. She had never called him that before, and he never really thought about it. But now that she said it…was undeniably cute.

“Lucky you,” D.O. grumbled from the seat behind him, rolling his eyes. “At least you have someone to snuggle with. All I have is this big doofus.” He jabbed a thumb towards the seat next to him, where Chanyeol was also sleeping, mouth open with a little bit of drool. D.O. shuddered and made a face.

“He isn’t that bad,” Kai said unconvincingly. “At least he isn’t trying to use you as a pillow. He’s twice your size.” This only seemed to make D.O. frown more.

“Is that a short joke?” He hissed, glaring. Kai just chuckled and returned to staring out the window. He could practically hear D.O. fuming behind him.

When they arrived back in Seoul, it was already nighttime, and the students were left to navigate the campus carefully. Luckily, they were the first to arrive for the term; upperclassmen would be arriving tomorrow afternoon.

“Do you need help moving your things in?” Kai asked Kaemi as she double-checked that all of her things were off the bus. She shook her head and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“That’s okay. Appa helped me move things in before I met you guys for the MT,” she explained. “But if you want, you can come see the house; it’s really pretty! I think Mia’s in the house just next to mine.” She grabbed her suitcase and happily bounced along the lit path in the direction of the house. Kai let a small smile appear as he watched her, full of energy due to her long bus-ride nap.

“Isn’t it wonderful?” She asked him as they approached the building, a grand looking house that reminded him of the ones he saw in fancy real estate catalogues. She pulled him along, fumbling around for her key card before swiping them in. The inside was just as lovely as the outside, and Kai had to admit that he was excited to see his own house. He liked that about this campus. The students lived in houses instead of blocky, concrete dorm buildings, and were split into themes. For instance, Kaemi was in an art dorm, since the University considered Creative Writing to be part of their art department. Kai was, of course, in a dance themed house.

“You have a roommate?” Kai asked as she led him through a lavishly decorated living room to a double bedroom. Kaemi turned and gave him a sly smirk.

“Is that going to be a problem, you ert? And even if I did have a single, you wouldn’t be up to any shenanigans.” She slapped his shoulder, loudly laughing as his face reddened.

“I-I wasn’t even thinking about that!” He protested. “It’s you who has the dirty thoughts.” Kaemi rolled her eyes and plopped into the bed. Kai plopped down next to her and she snuggled into his arm.

“Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't,” she mumbled. “Anyway, my roommate was on the bus that had problems and will be late. She won’t be here for a while. You can stay until she gets here, but then I don’t want her to freak out or anything because you’re here.”

“I tend to have that effect on most girls,” Kai said, earning a glare. “I only have eyes for you though, so you don’t have to worry.”

“I wasn’t worried for me; I was worried for the other girl. You’re a weirdo, you know,” Kaemi deadpanned. “Why am I so tired…?”

“Because you’ve been running through my mind all day,” Kai smirked. Kaemi sat up and made a face.

“Would you like some pasta with that cheese?” She asked, rolling her eyes. Kai just laughed and pulled her back into his arms.

“Don’t lie; you like it,” He said, closing his eyes and pretending to sleep.

“Are you Korean?” She asked him suddenly.


“Because I’m pretty sure you’re my Seoul mate.”

He cracked open one eye and grinned at her. “And you call me cheesy.”

“I never said I wasn’t.” She nudged his shoulder and kissed his cheek. “Anyway. Are you going to help me unpack a bit or are you just going to laze around?” she attempted to free herself from his hold, but he again pulled her back.

“I prefer cuddle times,” He murmured, trapping her in place by throwing his arm across her stomach.

“Kai,” Kaemi whined, reaching behind her and whacking him with a pillow. “If you help me unpack a bit, I’ll treat you to samgyupsal tomorrow.” Kai seemed to perk up at this, and removed his arm.

“I wouldn’t be a proper boyfriend if I let you pay, but I’ll take it.” He swung his legs over the edge of the bed just as the door to the room swung open and a rather frazzled looking girl hurried in. She had wild, curly, obviously dyed hot-pink hair and was wearing an electric blue blazer with neon rainbow-print t-shirt underneath. If that wasn’t bizarre enough, she was also wearing black fishnets under a pair of jean shorts and a pair of obviously worn black converse.

“Oh, Sweet Jesus, a man!” She nearly shouted in joy as she spotted Kai. Without warning, she grabbed him by the wrist and with remarkable strength pulled him out of the room. Kaemi followed, mildly amused at whom she assumed to be her new roommate.

The girl in question had given Kai a box that looked to be bursting from the seams with clothes. Upon seeing Kaemi, the girl shoved a smaller box labeled ‘Designs’ into her arms. The girl herself hoisted a box labeled “Maybell Sewing Machine” and started heading down the hall back to the room. Once there, she directed them to just put the boxes at the foot of the empty bed.

“I’m Rae, nice to meet you and thanks for the help,” the girl finally greeted, smiling at Kaemi. She turned to Kai with an appraising look. “Nice boyfriend. A bit on the skinny side, but cute. And he can carry boxes. That’s a good sign.” Kai frowned, but Kaemi laughed at the girl’s unabashed judgment.

“I’m Kaemi and this is Kai,” Kaemi introduced, looping her arm through Kai’s. “Your bus got here earlier than expected.” Rae shrugged and started to tug her long, wildly curled hair into a ponytail.

“Happened to be a bus station where we were having troubles, so they just loaded us onto another bus,” she explained. “Dear GOD, this hair is to freaking INSANE to do anything with!” Kai seemed to be taken aback by Rae’s sudden outburst but Kaemi, having had plenty of them herself, just lent a helping hand to the girl by quickly parting the hair in the middle and putting it into two curly pigtails.

“Ah, you’re a lifesaver, Mimi,” Rae sighed in content. Kaemi’s eye widened at the nickname, and for the first time since they had met, Rae seemed to want to back track on her words. “Sorry, I have a tendency to nickname people soon after I meet them.”

“Oh joy, another weird one,” Kai muttered, earning a glare from both girls.

“Be quiet, Kkamjong,” Kaemi scolded, eyes daring him to challenge her further. He raised his hands in mock surrender. She turned back to Rae. “I’m going to go walk this guy back to his room, but we should help each other unpack, okay?” Rae grinned and waved the pair away. Once outside, Kai turned to Kaemi.

“She looks like she stepped out of the acid trip from hell,” he noted, placing his free arm around Kaemi’s shoulder. The other pulled his suitcase behind him. “Good luck.” Kaemi scoffed and playfully punched him in the arm.

“I think she looked fine and I think we’re going to be great friends,” she sniffed. “In any case, I think you should at least be nice to whomever your new roommate is. Even if they might be a little odd.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Kai said. “I’ll be on my best behavior.” Kaemi shook her head in disbelief, wondering how she came to fall in love with such an incorrigible (but decidedly charming and good looking) fool.

As it turns out, Kai’s roommate was much like Rae in that he was very friendly and loud and didn’t seem to care about either thing. His name was Levi and he was a Korean-German, whose father worked as a marketing strategist for LG and whose mother ran a German restaurant in Itaewon. Kaemi stayed for a while with the boys before bidding them a goodnight and walking back to her own house. Kai insisted on at least walking her halfway back because it was dark, and they parted with a long kiss, with the promise to meet for breakfast the next morning.

Once back at her own room, Kaemi got to know Rae, who was a fashion design major. Like Levi, she was only half Korean – her father was a burly Irishman, while her mother was a petite Korean woman. Rae definitely got her wild from her father, as well as a light dusting of freckles across her nose. She had her mother’s big hazel eyes and cheesy grin. Both her parents were technicians at a local radio station.

“I hope you know that I’m going to use you as a dress dummy,” Rae announced as she tried to find the perfect spot in their room to set up her sewing machine.

“As long as you don’t make me look like I stepped off the set of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” Kaemi replied. She had long since finished unpacking and was tacking up designs and magazine ad spreads on Rae’s wall. They spent the rest of the night chatting and laughing and decided that they would take a tour of the campus tomorrow after breakfast. After exchanging numbers, Rae said she was off to meet a friend in a different house, and Kaemi changed to pajamas and crawled into bed.

The next morning, Kaemi woke to the sound of soft buzzing coming from across the room. Rae was already awake and seemed to be working on something on her sewing machine. Kaemi was a relatively heavy sleeper so she wasn’t surprised that she didn’t wake up earlier.

“Good morning,” Rae murmured from her spot, though she didn’t turn around. “The bathroom is free.” Kaemi, still in her morning stupor, just gave an appreciative grunt and shuffled into the bathroom to shower and make herself presentable.

45 minutes later, she was considerably less groggy and had changed into an outfit suitable for public viewing. She grabbed her phone and bag and within minutes she and Rae were headed towards the main campus building and the dining area. When they entered the building, they were surprised to find that they weren’t the first people there. It was fairly early (8:15am) and they were quite sure that people would sleep in. Spotting Chanyeol’s spring curls, Kaemi dragged Rae over to the table, and they both plopped into seats across from him.

“Kaemi! You brought a friend,” Chanyeol said, his everlasting grin spread wide across his face. “Park Chanyeol, resident Happy Virus and in charge of atmosphere in the group.” Rae quirked an eyebrow in amusement, but shook his outstretched hand.

“Rae Mairin, in charge of wardrobe and general image of the group. A pleasure to meet you,” she gave him a conspiratorial smirk and stood.

“Where is everyone else?” Kaemi asked Chanyeol, who proceeded to check his phone. “Kai already told me that he was on his way, but what about Mia? Did she text you?” He question was purposeful, because she knew that the two had exchanged numbers the second day of the trip, and had ben texting back and forth for a while. Despite this fact, Chanyeol blushed up to the tips of his ears and nodded.

“She and Jiho should be here soon, too. I don’t know what happened to D.O.,” Chanyeol answered. “Oh look, there’s Kai now.” He gestured to the door on the far wall of the large hall through which Kai had just come, hands shoved in his pockets and looking absolutely exhausted.

“Sleeping Beauty decides to join us,” Chanyeol jibed, earning a glare from Kai. “Welcome to the land of the living.” Kai just rolled his eyes and pecked Kaemi on the cheek before slumping into the seat next to Chanyeol.

“Shut up,” Kai groaned as he laid his head in his folded arms. “Why so early for breakfast?”

“It was your idea, Kai,” Kaemi reminded him with a sigh. “Don’t slouch in your seat; you’ll hurt your back that way and don’t you have auditions later today?” That seemed to perk Kai right up and he grinned at her.

“I’d almost forgotten about auditions,” he said. After lunch, he had to report to the dance studio to participate in a series of placement tests for his dance classes. He was confident that he would do well – after all, he’d gotten into their program early decision, and they wouldn’t have accepted him if he wasn’t good.

“Guys!” All heads turned toward the entrance Kaemi and Rae had used. Mia and her brother were headed towards them, a lost looking D.O. trailing tentatively behind. They filled in the remaining space at the table, with the girls on one side and the boys on the other.

“Now you may be wondering why I called you all here,” Chanyeol joked, drumming the tips of his fingers together evil villain style. Mia and Rae giggled while the others just rolled their eyes at the corniness of the joke.

“Breakfast,” Kaemi and Jiho said at the same time. Glancing at each other they stood and headed toward the breakfast bar, a mutual understanding passing between them. The others followed, not want to fight off hunger any longer than was necessary. By the time they had all reconvened at the table, their stomachs were growling. They dove right into eating, with little talk in between. Despite the relative silence, it seemed that two members of the little group were having a glaring contest. It came to a head when one of them huffed angrily.

“Stop making faces at me!” Rae nearly shouted with her angry gaze focused on D.O. “Are you still sore about losing to me in that stupid game at MT? Because that’s really mature of you.”

“I was just trying to figure out how someone could look that ugly without trying,” D.O. said nonchalantly, taking another bit of cereal. Rae was fuming, and blew her bangs out of her face in frustration. She didn’t have a comeback. D.O. turned his attention to Kaemi.

“Where’d you find this clown?” He asked. Kaemi frowned and threw a piece of bread at his forehead.

“She’s my roommate, Kyungsoo,” Kaemi said, purposely leaving of the honorifics. “And if I were you, I wouldn’t comment on someone’s looks, seeing as you can’t get on some amusement park rides because you’re so short.” The rest of the group tried unsuccessfully to hide their giggles behind their hands and food. This shut D.O. up and he looked at Kaemi wounded – she usually took his side in arguments. With a scowl, he muttered an apology to Rae, who looked triumphant.

“Well now that that little melodrama is over, how about we go exploring?” Mia suggested, trying to break up the awkward atmosphere. “I wanna check out the art studios first, of course.”

“I’ll go!” Chanyeol said enthusiastically, earning a knowing glance from Kaemi, Kai and Jiho. He reddened and cleared his throat. “Uh, I- I mean. Yeah. Sounds cool.” Kaemi just shook her head and rolled her eyes.

“While you two are off there, how about some of us go round to the classrooms? I want to check them out before classes start so I don’t look like a lost lamb.”

Seemed like most people had the intention of exploring so they all split and went their ways. Kai headed towards the Dance studios, Chanyeol, Mia toward the art studios and Kaemi, Rae toward the classrooms, and D.O. and Jiho headed toward the science building.

Kai was awestruck as he entered the dance building. Even just the lobby was huge, with big bay windows lining one wall and pictures of dancers scattered about. Looking up, he could see that there were three floors in total, with what he presumed to be dance studios on each floor. He could already tell that this would be his favorite building on campus.

He headed towards the elevator, intending to find an empty studio, figuring he could take advantage of the emptiness to squeeze in a bit of practice before the afternoon. Just before the doors closed, however, a voice called out for him to hold them open.

Within seconds, a girl dashed inside, panting. As the doors closed, she caught her breath and flashed him a pretty smile.

“Thanks for holding the doors,” she said, adjusting the straps of her duffel bag. She must’ve been a dance as well, given the evidence of her workout clothes and presence in the building. “I suppose I could have just taken the stairs, but I figured I could make it. I’m Sara by the way. Sara Ansel.” She stuck out a hand for him to shake and he took it politely, not wanting to offend her.

To be honest, it made him slightly uncomfortable to be in such a confined space with a girl who wasn’t Kaemi, alone. He knew she wasn’t the jealous type or would have accused him of anything simply for being there, but he still felt like he was doing something wrong.

“Earth to Elevator Guy, Earth to Elevator Guy. Do you read me, Elevator Guy?” Kai snapped out of his thoughts to find Sara still holding his hand in a handshake. He let go quickly, scratching his neck sheepishly.

“Sorry,” he muttered, turning his attention away from her and to the front of the elevator. Why was it moving so slowly in the first place?

“Aren’t you going to press the button for the next floor?” Sara asked, a smile playing on her lips. Kai gave her a blank look and then noted with embarrassment that he hadn’t pressed the button.

“Oh, right.” He quickly pressed the button for floor two. He was growing increasingly uncomfortable, attributing it to the fact that the girl was so disarmingly chatty and seemed to be hell-bent on keeping the conversation going.

“You have a name, Elevator Guy? Unless, of course, you want me to keep calling you that,” Sara prompted once again.

“Kai,” he muttered, hoping that she would get the hint that he was not interested in talking. Either she didn’t get the hint, or she was choosing to ignore it because she grinned.

“Now we’re getting somewhere. Nice to meet you Kai,” she said as the doors dinged open revealing the second floor lobby. They exited, and Kai, thinking fast slowed his steps a bit and dashed back into the elevator just as the doors were about to close. Pressing the ‘close-door’ button as if his life depended on it, he let out a sigh of relief as the last thing he was Sara turning around in surprise at realizing he wasn’t there.

As soon as the doors opened on the first floor he hurried out of the building, regretting not going with Kaemi and Rae to the classrooms. He had to keep reminding himself that he wasn’t doing anything wrong; he wasn’t cheating on Kaemi just by greeting a girl in the elevator. But he knew that his feeling of unease came from the fact that he was afraid of losing Kaemi. The argument they’d had just a few days ago was still fresh in his mind and he knew that he would never do anything to hurt her intentionally. He knew that it was foolish to think that he wouldn’t have anymore awkwardly uncomfortable encounters like that again, but he would at least try and make it clear that he was unavailable. He was confident in his looks (almost too confident) and in high school he wasn’t lacking for admirers. He was prepared to deal with the same at university, but now that he was dating the love of his life, he wasn’t about to make trouble just because of his big ego.

“Crisis averted,” he mumbled to himself as he headed in the direction of the main academic building. He hoped he wouldn’t have to see that Sara girl again; he did leave rudely, after all.

Little did he know that the fates were playing against him.

A/N: Hi everyone. It’s been a while hasn’t it? This chapter sort of just appeared out of nowhere. I had a loose idea of what I wanted to do but then OH SNAPDRAGON A WILD PLOT BUNNY APPEARED! IT USED ATTRACT! IT WAS SUPER EFFECTIVE!

Yeah… basically the plot for this chapter popped into my head after I had already drafted the original (BY HAND, I MIGHT ADD). It worked better than what I was originally going for, so I just went for it. What do you think?

As you probably already know, I’ve started yet another fic called Howl. It’s EXO centered (let’s get real, the exo tag has beat the shinee tag people riot it’s the END OF DAYS) and it’s a supernatural/romance/action fic. The romance part hasn’t come yet, but that’s because there is still quite a bit I have to get out of the way for the main plot. My point is, you should check it out if you haven’t already.

Secondly, I have also acquired both an advertisement shop and a Writing Tips shop. Please check them out:

Addiction to Fiction Writing Shop- Writing tips and challenges!

Reading Your Soul Advertisement Shop- Have a fic you want to give some traffic to? Advertise here!

Lastly, I started a YouTube channel, which I hope you guys will check out. It’s K-pop based and I only have three videos at the moment, but I would love some feedback! And if you guys have a YouTube you would like me to subscribe to, I will (just send me the link or something).



Thanks for listening to me ramble!


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Chapter 4 coming soon. Expect bungee jumping, an odd confession, and a bit of badly timed intimacy~


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Chapter 11: AH I MISSED YOu
Chapter 11: Classes! How I miss going to school too. :)
Update soon authornim! ♥
Daesang and Sara are making me uncomfortable, most specially Sara. Hmmm let's see what'll happen next
Chapter 10: Kai...tsss.tsss. be careful buddy. Daesang and Sara. Hmmmmmmm...
Chapter 9: That's really...greasy both of you. XD
Oh Kaemi...Kai has someone to mess w/ you two! Oh my!
Chapter 8: Oh Kai, beware baby. Seems like Daesung is not an easy opponent.
Chapter 7: Oooohh... I'm rooting for MiYeol couple! :">
Daesung! Spice 'em up. XD
Chapter 6: Awwwwww....and yes. In every relationship, one has to give way and lower their pride for the sake of each other. Because no matter what happens, at the end of the day, you'll realize how petty it was that you guys have fought for to just ruin the trust and everything you put in each other.

naaaaahh...don't mind me. I don't know what's gitten into me I keep blabbering nonsense. Well, been there, done that. Lol xD
Chapter 5: Yes. Please. Guys must really be understanding sometimes. Uggghh. Not all the girls must do the effort in understanding the guy in a relationship.
Chapter 4: Oh! How awkward must that be?! XD
Yeah...I found that hot too. Kyaaaaa~