
Arrogance and Ignorance: College Daze

“I can’t do this anymore, Kai!” Kaemi shouted, tears streaming down her face. Kai reached towards her, but she flinched away, knocking over a drinking glass in the process. It broke into several pieces and she crouched down to pick them up.

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about, Kaemi,” Kai said, his voice just as desperate as hers. He made a move to help her clean the glass, but again, she refused his help. “What happened?”

“I don’t know Kai. That’s just it! I just… this isn’t working anymore.” Kaemi stood quickly and placed the pieces of glass on the table from where they’d fallen. For the first time during their conversation, she looked at Kai. He looked torn between wanting to gather her in his arms and tell her that things were going to be okay, but fearful that he would be rejected once again.

“Kai, this needs to end.” She spoke quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. He could feel the dread pooling in his stomach.

“What are you saying right now, Kaemi? I don’t unders-”

“US, Kai!” she suddenly shouted. “This, you, me… this thing that we pretend is a relationship! It’s done Kai. We are done.”

The world seemed to fall away around Kai. Sounds became a dull murmur in background, his face grew hot, and his hands began to tremble.

“No, Kae, but, I just-” This time he didn’t hesitate to reach out to her, but when he did, his hand passed right through her. “What? Kaemi, what’s going on? Why are you…” But it was like she couldn’t even see him anymore. She walked right through him and towards someone else.

“Shin Kaemi, please! Stop being like this and just tell me what’s going on!” He shouted, screamed, tried to get her attention, but it was no use. She was no longer listening to him and instead approached someone else. And that someone was-


Kai sat up in his bed, frantic. He looked around and was met with Kaemi’s worried face. He blinked, confused, and then pulled her down to his level, wrapping him in her arms.

“Kai, are you okay?” She asked, slightly taken aback that he would just pull her into his bed like he did. “Chanyeol came and got me because he said you wouldn’t wake up no matter how hard he tried. What were you dreaming about?”

“Shh, please; I don’t want to talk about it,” he whispered, closing his eyes and burying his head in her hair. “Just let me hold you like this for a little while longer, okay? Please don’t leave me.”

“Yes, of course, okay.” Kaemi replied, her worry spiking. He seemed so out of character, trembling and frazzled as he was. She repositioned herself so that they were spooning, her back pressed into his comfortably. “I won’t leave you, Kai.”

“Okay.” They fell silent, and soon Kaemi could hear his breath steady and his hold around her waist loosen a bit. Chanyeol poked his head back in the room.

“He’ll be fine, I think,” Kaemi told him quietly. “I don’t know what happened, but he seemed pretty shaken. If you don’t mind, I’m going to stay. It’s the middle of the night and I don’t want to leave him only to have him freak out again for whatever reason.”

“Yeah, go ahead,” Chanyeol said as he climbed back into his own bed. “I told Mia that you were here so that she wouldn’t worry. Good night, again.”

“Thanks Chanyeol. Good night.” Kaemi closed her eyes and turned so that she was facing Kai. She was only slightly embarrassed to be so close to him like this, but given the circumstances, she was happier that he had calmed down and was sleeping a bit more peacefully. She was curious about his dream, but seeing as it disturbed him so much, she would just have to wait until he was ready to talk about it instead of prying.

The next morning, Kai woke to find Kaemi curled up against his chest, open just a bit, and snoring lightly. He held back a laugh afraid to wake her, and instead drew her a bit close. It took him a minute, but the dream he’d had came rushing back, and he frowned. It bothered him that he would even imagine such a thing, especially when the girl he was so afraid of losing stayed with him through the night and was currently using him as a snuggle buddy.

Of course, he knew it was just his subconscious worries coming to haunt him. He had confidence that Kaemi loved him as he loved her, and he wouldn’t let some nightmare scare him away.

“Mm, tell the cat I said he’s not allowed to eat Mr. Jeong. That would be bad.” Kai’s attention returned to his girlfriend, who seemed to be talking in her sleep in English. He couldn’t understand all of what she was saying, but he found the fact that she spoke in her sleep really cute.

“Oh, Kai, you’re awake.” Chanyeol reentered the room, his toothbrush and a towel in hand. “She talks in her sleep. It’s really funny.”

“Yeah, it is.” Kai replied, grinning. “I’m going to assume you went and got her last night, so thanks.”

“No problem. You sleep like a rock, I figured I would get her to-”

“Will you two be quiet? Chanyeol you sound like a gravel in a blender,” Kaemi mumbled. She le out a little yawn and with half opened eyes looked up at Kai. “Good morning.”

“Good morning, Kae,” Kai said, kissing the top of her head. “Thanks for staying with me last night.” Chanyeol made a disgusted gagging noise.

“Oh, what? Kai gets a pleasant good morning, and I get an insult? Chanyeol oppa is hurt,” Chanyeol said, feigning heartbreak.

“Chanyeol oppa is crazy for referring to himself in third-person,” she replied, turning to face him. “I’m sure some people *cough* Mia *cough* might find that cute, but not me.”

“Oh, shut up,” Chanyeol grumbled, his face turning red. “Don’t you have to get ready for the scavenger hunt like the rest of us? Our team isn’t going to lose by default because you were in here snuggling with this guy.”

“I almost forgot,” Kaemi said, suddenly becoming more alert. She faced Kai once again and gave him a smile. “I love you Kai, but I don’t think I can forfeit team points for snuggle time.” She wiggled her way out of his grasp and headed to the door. He frowned a little, but got up himself and gave her another kiss, this time a more passionate one on her lips.

“I’ll see you later, then,” he said, watching her walk down the hall until she disappeared around a corner. He came back into the room to find Chanyeol giving him a worried look.

“You wanna explain what last night was about? You freaked me out,” Chanyeol said, pulling some clothes out to change.

“I had a dream that Kaemi left me for some other guy. I don't know, it was weird,” Kai confessed. “It felt so real, and when I woke up and she was there, I thought I might have been dreaming again.”

“Wow, okay. You’ve got it bad man,” Chanyeol replied. “But I don’t think you have anything to worry about. She didn't hesitate to come here when I went to get her. In fact, she beat me back here. Have you seen her face when she talks about you? Lit up like a Christmas tree.”

“I know, I know,” Kai sighed, rubbing a hand over his face in exasperation. “And you know how much I love her. I know she knows I love her, and I know she loves me. I just… after what she said the other day on the way here, it’s been on my mind all the time that there is a small chance that one day, we may not be what we are now. I just can’t picture what things without her would be like.”

They were both silent for a while before Kai sighed one again and stood to get ready for the day.

“Well, I can’t give you much advice, seeing as I’m still trying to figure out my feelings for someone,” Chanyeol said. “But I can tell you that Kaemi is the one person you can count on 100% of the time, and she will be by your side for a long time, even if you guys don’t last as a couple. Remember she was your friend before she was your girlfriend, and I don’t think that is going to change anytime soon.”


“Miaaaaaaa I don’t want to do this anymore!” Kaemi whined as they trekked up a rather large hill. “How in the hell do you have so much energy all the time?”

“Oh stop whining, Halmeoni,” Mia teased from further ahead. “Don’t you want to win? That should inspire you to get to the top.”

“I like to win, but for crying out loud Mia, slow down.” Kaemi paused, placing her hands on her knees and taking a few gulping breaths. “My god. This kid is like a permanent sugar high.”

“Come on, come on! We’re almost to the top and then we can get the stuff, and race back to the finish line and then we’re all done,” Mia encouraged. “Don’t you want to see Kai? I think his team has already finished, surprisingly.”

“I think you just want to see a certain Happy Virus,” Kaemi muttered. “You are perfect for each other, too. So much goddamn energy; it’s unnatural.”

“Just get your up here!” Mia shouted. Kaemi, desperate to finish, willed herself to run the rest of the way up the hill, and soon caught up to her friend. They retrieved the backpack full of items, and after deciding that the one with more drive to win (read: Mia) would take the pack, began the trek to the finish line.

It was a wonder they came in fourth, but apparently Mia’s determination overpowered Kaemi’s lack thereof, and they reconnected with the rest of their group about halfway through (at which point Mia and Chanyeol resumed their little game of awkwardly being in like with each other but not having enough guts to say something). Luckily for Kai, his group came in right after Kaemi’s and there were two other groups behind his.

“You didn’t get last this time; that’s good,” Kaemi said as she and Kai walked towards a bench to sit. “You would have beaten us if Mia didn’t spur me on like a workhorse. That girl has got energy I can’t even begin to imagine having.”

“You’re plenty enough to handle right now,” Kai replied, earning a playful punch in the arm. “I think you’re fine just the way you are.”

“Well aren’t you being Mr. Romantic today.” Kaemi looped her arm with his and rested her head on his shoulder. “Feeling better from last night?”

“Well, after waking up to see you there, yeah, I’m feeling a heck of a lot better,” Kai answered. “I think I could get used to that.” A blush flared across her cheeks and she buried her head in his arm.

“Kai, please don’t turn into a ert in public,” she mumbled, though a tiny smile had found it’s way to her lips. “Besides, I could have gotten in trouble if someone found me in your room. I don’t think it’s allowed.”

“Our love can’t be stopped, babe,” Kai said with a cheesy grin. Again, Kaemi playfully punched him in the arm. “Oh come on, don’t deny our r squared pi.”

“Where are you even getting all of this cheesiness from? Did you eat some weird plants while you were in the woods?”

They joked teased each other while waiting for the rest of the groups to trickle in. It seemed like everything was fine, at least on the outside, but Kai was having a battle on the inside. He was worried, the dream, the earlier argument with Kaemi, the fact that they wouldn’t be seeing as much of each other once classes officially started… it made him feel uneasy. He wouldn’t readily admit that to just anyone except his closest friends, but it just so happened that one of his closest friends was also his girlfriend and it just sent his mind on a whirling circle of confusion and frustration.

“I love you Shin Kaemi,” he said suddenly, turning to face her. A huge smile broke out across her face and she hugged him tight.

“I love you too, Kai. Don’t forget it,” she replied. “I’m not really easy to get rid of, so you’ll have to get used to me now.”

“Kai, Kaemi! What’s up?” The couple looked up to find Daesang headed their way, looking like he had just tumbled through a bunch of leaves.

“Hi, Daesang,” Kaemi greeted, giving him a friendly smile. She felt Kai’s grip on her waist tighten, and gave one of his hands a comforting squeeze.

“Oh, hey,” Kai said, a bit more unenthusiastically. “What happened to you?”

“I had a run in with a couple of difficult bushes. No big deal,” Daesang replied, waving the subject away. “Congrats on not making last; I heard that yesterday was pretty rough in terms of punishment.”

“It wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle,” Kai replied, choosing to take the jibe with grace. “I wouldn’t do it again, but it was fine. Besides, I had a good welcoming committee once I got back on the ground.” He turned to Kaemi, and in a more showy display, gave her a lasting kiss on the lips. When he pulled away, he could see that she was only a bit mad for the obvious showing off, but seemed satisfied nonetheless.

“You should go get cleaned up; It looks like bruises will form soon,” Kaemi pointed out. “Good luck with the punishment! I hope it’s not too bad.”

“Ah, thanks, your right. I should probably shower and clean these,” Daesang rubbed some dirt off his arm. “Luckily we decided who would do the punishment before hand, so I get a free pass this time.”

“Lucky you,” Kai said, trying to sound as positive as possible. “We’re going to lunch now, so, uh, later.”

“Yeah, later!” Daesang jogged off and Kaemi turned to Kai and sighed.

“Thank you for at least being civil this time,” she said, giving him a light kiss on the cheek. “I really appreciate it.”

“I told you I would make an effort,” Kai assured. “I still don’t particularly like him, but I can’t really throw a temper tantrum every time he’s around, can I?”

As they walked back to the dining hall for lunch, Kai could feel the uneasiness in his heart rise to the surface again. He just knew that Daesang liked Kaemi in more than a platonic way, and even though she reassured him time and time again, he knew he would have to fight to keep her. With time, hopefully the feeling would fade.

AN: Where the heck did this chapter even come from? I don’t know. Apologies for the late update, I have been busy, and forgetful, and dealing with life. But, here it is. A little glimpse into Kai’s inner worries, and a bit of foreshadowing…? Comment and subscribe, my lovelies!


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Chapter 4 coming soon. Expect bungee jumping, an odd confession, and a bit of badly timed intimacy~


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Chapter 11: AH I MISSED YOu
Chapter 11: Classes! How I miss going to school too. :)
Update soon authornim! ♥
Daesang and Sara are making me uncomfortable, most specially Sara. Hmmm let's see what'll happen next
Chapter 10: Kai...tsss.tsss. be careful buddy. Daesang and Sara. Hmmmmmmm...
Chapter 9: That's really...greasy both of you. XD
Oh Kaemi...Kai has someone to mess w/ you two! Oh my!
Chapter 8: Oh Kai, beware baby. Seems like Daesung is not an easy opponent.
Chapter 7: Oooohh... I'm rooting for MiYeol couple! :">
Daesung! Spice 'em up. XD
Chapter 6: Awwwwww....and yes. In every relationship, one has to give way and lower their pride for the sake of each other. Because no matter what happens, at the end of the day, you'll realize how petty it was that you guys have fought for to just ruin the trust and everything you put in each other.

naaaaahh...don't mind me. I don't know what's gitten into me I keep blabbering nonsense. Well, been there, done that. Lol xD
Chapter 5: Yes. Please. Guys must really be understanding sometimes. Uggghh. Not all the girls must do the effort in understanding the guy in a relationship.
Chapter 4: Oh! How awkward must that be?! XD
Yeah...I found that hot too. Kyaaaaa~