Close Encounters of The Intimate Variety

Arrogance and Ignorance: College Daze

For not the first time in her life, Shin Kaemi felt as if her whole body was on fire.

"You okay?" Kai asked her, waving his hand in front of her face. She blinked dumbly for a moment before taking a step back and closing her eyes.

"I will be once you put on a shirt," she mumbled. Of course, being the tease that he was, Kai just smirked and took a step forward.

"Why? It's not like you haven't seen me without a shirt before," he said, his voice low and heavy. She took another step back and her hands in front of her as a guard.

"It's the middle of winter; you'll get a cold," she protested. "And those times were different; we were at the beach. It’s not the same!"

"Well now we're inside with a space heater and more than enough blankets. I think I'll be fine," he said, smirking at the fact that she still had her eyes closed. "I'm getting the sense that you are thinking dirty thoughts, right now..." He trailed off purposely, holding in laughter at the sight of Kaemi’s deep red blush.

“I am having dirty thoughts, but I came over so that we could study for finals,” she finally said, crossing her arms over her chest. Kai’s smirked dropped, his surprise at her honesty clearly showing on his face.

“I was just joking,” he said, and she opened one eye to glare at him. "Really, I was."

“Well I wasn’t, so please just put on a shirt.” She turned around, and waited until he gave the okay. “Thank you. Now, let’s tackle English first. You’re still having trouble with the composition section, right?”

They started studying, but Kai couldn’t concentrate. His thoughts continued to wander back to Kaemi's admission. Had she really been thinking dirty thoughts about him? Right now, she seemed to be intently studying the formulas they had to know for the chemistry final, and she seemed so innocent. And he sure as hell wasn’t expecting her to admit something like that.

He had to be honest with himself, however. He had those kinds of thoughts about her, so why shouldn’t she be allowed the same thoughts about him? It made him happy, of course, but at the same time he was feeling apprehensive. Was she seriously considering having se-

“Kai? Are you listening?” Kai felt a blush creep up his cheeks.

"Sorry," he said sheepishly, giving her a lopsided smile. "Do you want something to drink? I'll make some hot chocolate and grab some cookies." Before she could answer he stood up and hustled out of his room to he kitchen. He was nervous, and he was sure she could tell, so the little distraction of food and drink would give his mind a few minutes to relax. Unfortunately, his girlfriend didn't seem to think that was what he needed.

"Kai, what's wrong?" Kaemi asked as she followed him into the kitchen. "And don't tell me that its nothing; I can read you like a book."

Kai purposely ignored the question and instead busied himself with trying to find suitable mugs for their drinks.

"Kai~" Kaemi whined, snaking her arms around his waist. "Don't ignore me." Kai froze as soon as he felt her hands clasp together around his middle.

"Were you serious before?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Kaemi looked confused.

"Serious about what?"

"Before, when I didn't have on a shirt. Were you serious about what you said?" It took a moment for his words to register before Kaemi blushed slightly and took a step back, releasing her hold on him.

"I was being serious," she said after a moment. "Is it weird? I'm sorry if it made you feel uncomfortable, I just-"

"No, you don't have to apologize," Kai interrupted. "I mean I do, too. Have those kinds of thoughts, I mean."

An awkward silence filled the kitchen. The pair avoided each other’s eyes, unsure of what to do or say after such a conversation. They were spared when Kaemi's cell phone rang from the living room and she didn't hesitate to go and answer. As soon as she left, Kai let out a big sigh. Was this really happening so awkwardly, and with his own girlfriend? He returned to making hot chocolate, trying to get his mind off the topic. Just as he was pouring the hot drinks into mugs, Kaemi returned to the kitchen.

"Sorry about that," she said, shaking her head. "Umma wanted to remind me to pick up eggs on my way back home." She paused, contemplating her next words.

"I don't think it's weird," she said with a nervous smile. "I mean, we are a couple, and some couples... well you know." Kai nodded and handed her a mug. Another awkward silence as they both took sips of their drinks.

"Thanks for helping me with English," Kai eventually said in a not so subtle attempt to change the subject. "You're lucky that you're exempt from the exam." Kaemi, clearly getting the hint that things should go back to a safer avenue of conversation, gave a short laugh.

"I'd have an unfair advantage in the rankings if I were to take the test," she replied. "And I'm not the only one, you know. Last year, Dayoung unnie didn't have to take it either. And I think there's some other kid in Sehun's class, too."

Now thoroughly distracted by a conversation centered around something other their... ahem... intimate relations, the two continued on as if nothing awkward had happened at all.

"It was so awkward, Eun Chae!" Kaemi was lying on her bed, feet dangling off the edge, hair splayed around her head like a distorted halo. "I told him that I had dirty thoughts about him. It was awkward as anything I've ever done." While Kaemi was currently freaking out, Eun Chae found the whole thing hilarious and was laughing loudly.

"And what did he say back?" Eun Chae asked, trying to hold back another wave of giggles. Kaemi buried her face in her hands and shook her head.

"Well first he asked me if I was serious, and then he said that he did, too," Kaemi recounted. "I mean, it's normal for us to feel that way, I know, but then we both kind of just stood there. What are you supposed to say after something like that?" Eun Chae got a mischievous look on her face and dropped her voice to a conspiratorial whisper.

"Ask him to take off his shirt, and all the rest of his clothes for an impromptu anatomy lesson?"

Kaemi scoffed and threw a pillow at her best friend. "Yah! Do you want to die tonight?" Eun Chae just cackled and used the pillow to prop her head up.

"Hey now, at least you have a boyfriend to even consider doing those kinds of things with," she said with a shrug. Since the mutual breakup between herself and Jonghyun, she had been single. That was six months ago, and while she was enjoying her single status, she was starting to feel a bit lonely.

"Maybe you'll snag yourself a cutie while in China," Kaemi suggested. "Your cousin has to have at least one cute friend." Eun Chae shook her head, her smile falling.

"The last time I saw my cousin, puberty was putting him through the ringer," she said, remembering how utterly unattractive he was. "I mean, unless he found some magical attractiveness serum, I doubt he's improved; his friend circle less so." Kaemi giggled at her friend's writing off of her cousin and his friends.

"Anyway, let's stop talking about that dreaded place," Eun Chae said, brightening up again. "Tell me some more about your freshman orientation. That's the week after school ends, right?"

"Yeah, we just got our orientation information in the mail," Kaemi said, growing excited. "Apparently it's going to be some kind of retreat to a camp or something like that."

"That sounds like so much fun," Eun Chae said with a hint of jealousy. "Don't make a new best friend while I'm gone. If you do, she better be super pretty and super smart and super good at making you go out and do stuff." Kaemi laughed at her friends silly demands.

"You know I'm never going to find another friend like you," Kaemi said, rolling over and judging her friend in the ribs. "We've known each other for practically our whole lives. Even if I do find a new best friend, you'll be the first one I tell when it does actually happen between Kai and I."

"You dirty, dirty girl!" Eun Chae squealed.

The rest of the night was spent gushing over their favorite idols and reminiscing over their last year of high school and wondering what life was going to be like now that they were finally growing up. It was times like these that made Kaemi wish she never did have to grow up. After all, when was the next time she would get to have a sleepover with her best friend and talk about boys and life and everything?

As they drifted off to sleep Kaemi wore a contented smile. Though things were changing, she knew that times would be good. She had a boyfriend who loved her as much as she loved him, a pair of parents that meant the world to her, and friends who were wonderful and would be there for her, no matter what country they were in.

And in just three weeks, she would be sitting in her first official university class, learning new things and getting closer to her dream of becoming a children's writer. She couldn't wait to start.

While Kaemi was drifting to sleep, Kai was lying wide awake in his bed. For him, the day had been weird and while he was a smart guy, it was taking him awhile to process.

There was no way in hell he was going to let something like his girlfriend’s intimate thoughts bother him. He should be happy, no, he was happy.

But he was afraid.

He had no idea what he was doing. What if at the last moment he chickened out? What if he hurt Kaemi? What if she decided that he wasn’t good enough and dumped him afterward?

With a frustrated sigh, he rolled out of bed. Heading towards the bathroom, he thought that maybe a nice, relaxing shower would help him get to sleep, and his mind off of something he shouldn’t even be worried about in the first place.

Kai stood in the shower, the hot water pouring down his sides, his dark brown hair dripping water onto his shoulders and down his back. The peaceful sounds of the shower were soothing and sensual. He ran his hands through his freshly washed hair. The sounds of the shower always made him feel so at peace. The sound of water running, it thudding against the shower's floor in sharp streams, the door creaking, even the sound of the fragrant suds squishing through his fingers was calming.

“Ah,” he thought. “This is exactly what I needed.”

He felt a presence in the room, must be a spiritual presence one feels when in a state of such tranquility. Kai continued scrubbing his body with the sandalwood scented soap Kaemi had gotten him a few weeks ago. It was not until the shower curtain was pulled back and two arms wrapped around his soapy waist did he finally realize that perhaps the presence he felt was more real than he had thought. He attempted to scream, but a hand clasped firmly over his mouth.

"Shh, it's only me," A light, familiar voice whispered.

"Kaemi?" Kai asked. He could feel her pressed up against his back, and he blushed. Kaemi wasn't wearing anything. “Obviously, this is a shower,'” His mind told him. Keeping his eyes shut tightly, and trying to ignore the warm, tingly feeling that was coursing through his body at her touch, he asked, "Why are you here? How did you get in here? I locked the door." Their earlier conversation was running quickly through his head, and he started to squirm.

Kaemi leaned in and whispered quietly his ear “You’re safe now. Don’t worry.” Her soft lips brushed against the side of his neck, and Kai felt his knees weaken.

"But my sister is home, and what if-" He never finished that sentence. Kaemi's lips landed squarely on his, capturing his face in her hands. Her lips trailed down the side of his face, planting soft kisses along his jaw line. No longer thinking about the ‘what ifs’ and the ‘maybe’s’, his hands traced little circles on her wet skin at the spot between her collarbones and continued to go lower down her chest and to her abdomen, all the while kissing her passionately. A moan escaped from Kai's throat as she guided him against the wall of the shower. Now his knees were more than weak, and he slid down the cool tile, bumping into a shampoo bottle on the way down. The small bang of the bottle falling onto the wet floor of the shower caused his eyes to snap open. He lifted his head sheepishly to look at Kaemi, only to find that she was not there.

Getting to his feet and looking around, Kai saw that he was all alone. The shower curtain was still slid closed, he moved it aside to reveal that the door was still shut and locked. He shook his head, trying to rid his mind of the vivid images from his apparent daydream.

So much for that mind-clearing shower.

A/N: Wow. That was kinda hot. Okay, that was very hot. I had fun writing it. Especially the shower scene. I was jonesing for a Kai without a shirt scene and I managed to not only get him without a shirt, but without the rest of his clothes, too. Soooo satisfying. I hope you enjoyed the nice mental image ;D

I tried to make Kai and Kaemi’s conversation about as realistic as possible. Based off of my own experiences and those of some people I know, I hope the idea that this stage in a relationship can be awkward comes across clearly. Also, as much as Kai and Kaemi are a wonderful couple, they are still teenagers going through awkward teenage experiences. Hope you like it! Please leave a comment~

AAAaannnndddd, of you didn’t read chapter three, I need some questions answered for the upcoming chapters. It would really help me out! Here are the details:

1.) What is your idea of a great first-year/freshman class trip and some activities to bond students together, get them to make new friends, etc.?

2.) What kind of plot twist is your favorite kind of plot twist?

3.) Should I give the other EXO boys a bigger role in this story? I feel kinda bad not including them as much...



HINT: There are more members of EXO-M than there are EXO-K.


Thanks a bunch!!



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Chapter 4 coming soon. Expect bungee jumping, an odd confession, and a bit of badly timed intimacy~


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Chapter 11: AH I MISSED YOu
Chapter 11: Classes! How I miss going to school too. :)
Update soon authornim! ♥
Daesang and Sara are making me uncomfortable, most specially Sara. Hmmm let's see what'll happen next
Chapter 10: Kai...tsss.tsss. be careful buddy. Daesang and Sara. Hmmmmmmm...
Chapter 9: That's really...greasy both of you. XD
Oh Kaemi...Kai has someone to mess w/ you two! Oh my!
Chapter 8: Oh Kai, beware baby. Seems like Daesung is not an easy opponent.
Chapter 7: Oooohh... I'm rooting for MiYeol couple! :">
Daesung! Spice 'em up. XD
Chapter 6: Awwwwww....and yes. In every relationship, one has to give way and lower their pride for the sake of each other. Because no matter what happens, at the end of the day, you'll realize how petty it was that you guys have fought for to just ruin the trust and everything you put in each other.

naaaaahh...don't mind me. I don't know what's gitten into me I keep blabbering nonsense. Well, been there, done that. Lol xD
Chapter 5: Yes. Please. Guys must really be understanding sometimes. Uggghh. Not all the girls must do the effort in understanding the guy in a relationship.
Chapter 4: Oh! How awkward must that be?! XD
Yeah...I found that hot too. Kyaaaaa~