Chapter 9

Saranghae, My Idol Prince


Chapter 9

So this is idols,

They are so busy!

In the morning, they went out even before Hayeon wakes up.

In the night, they return after Hayeon slepts.

It’s already been a few weeks since Hayeon moved here.

Even though she is staying in the same house as them, but since the day she moved in, she hasn’t really meet them.

The only way for them to communicate, is through the sticky note that is paste on the refrigerator.

Every day when she cooks the dinner, she will wrap it with plastic wrapper and place it into the refrigerator, placing a sticky note on it.

When they return in the late night, if they notice it, they will have it as supper.

However, every night….

After Yonghwa returns, he will go into her room, and place her blanket nicely for her.

There was once that Hayeon was drowsily half awake, after she saw the him, she thought that it was a dream.

After a few days, Hayeon starts to wonder.

Why did I dream of Yonghwa every night?! He seems like a real one though…

Hayeon decides to sleep with the lamp on.

The next morning, she wakes up and notice the lamp light is turn off. With that she assures that that’s really Yonghwa who came to look at her every night…

It’s not a dream!

She smile sweetly,

She feels that Yonghwa is like a brother to her, giving her warmth like what she has in the past.


Hayeon still has no progress in finding her parents.

If she knew the full name of them, it would be so much easier, but in fact she doesn’t know anything about them…

In a large city like this, makes her feels so lost.

How she wish she can go back to the past when her mum and dad were still alive, loving her even though they’re not her biological parents. This is a greatest happiness for her.

Drops of tears fell onto the glass of the photo frame.

She wipe away the tears drop on the frame, gazing at the smile of her mum and dad, a smile also forms on her face slowly.

She still clearly remembers the memories…

First time she encounter with her mum and dad.

Her dad told her –

“I really love your smile, it’s your smile which makes me wants to adopt you, really your smile is the best!”

And her mum told her—

“When I see you smiling at me, I knew it was fate who let you to be my daughter.”

She inserts the disk into the CD player, sitting in front of the television, replaying the happy memories with her mum and dad in the television.

She stays with her mum and dad in a small town of New York, her house owns a small farm.

She loves to help them in doing the farm work and plays with the children there.

Though her family was not rich, but at least they lived happily together.

Hayeon hugging herself, tears rolls down her cheeks and yet she’s smiling…

She soon fell asleep on the couch.


Early in the morning, only L comes back.

The movie that Taemin and Yonghwa stared in was about to crank up soon, so they stay overnight with the crew.

And L, who‘s arrogant and likes to go his own way missed a few chances to film in movies.

Well, it doesn’t matter him much, he’s more arbitrary compared to professional idol stars

L is shock to see someone’s lying on the couch, until he realize that it’s Hayeon.

It’s normal for him to be shock as he only sees her once before which is the day she moves in.

He walks toward Hayeon.

He sees Hayeon wearing a girly pajamas, hugging the photo frame. Strips of her hair lying on her rosy cheeks, her eyes are slightly swollen which can tell that she just cried but her lips is curled seems like she’s smiling.

This is how a girl should look isn’t it!

She looks so different from that they, now that she looks more pretty.

L looks at the TV.

The TV is still playing the video of her and her family in the past.

Her smile looks pure, innocent, brilliant and sweet...

He suddenly feels a stinging pain in his heart, the heart that couldn’t feel any warmth.

Is he moved?!

L places his hand on his chest and mumble to himself.

A girl, who can only carries those happy memories with her into dreams, she have to face the cruel reality once she wakes up.

L turns off the TV, slowly carries her up and walks to her room.

Hayeon feels warm inside o L’s arms, the warmth she feels is like a small fire on the winter snow, little by little giving warmth to her heart.

Her body relaxed, her smile becomes brighter, quietly lying against L’s chest…

L notices her slight movement.

This is the first time he care for a girl, but he knew that, it’s not because of sympathy, but because of her smile.

It is the kind of smile which makes people wants to retain it.

This night Hayeon dreams of her parents and that little farm.


The next day

Hayeon wakes up, rubbing her eyes and get off the bad lazily.

After she brushed her teeth and washed her face, she heard noises coming from the kitchen.

She thought that it’s a thief and took of her slipper holding it in her hands.

She takes a deep breathe, walks quietly to the front of the kitchen door.

The footsteps are coming nearer…

One, two, three!

She counts and swing her hands which is holding a slipper towards the person without seeing his face.


Hayeon’s wrist was held tightly by another hand, and she releases the slipper from her hand.

Next she see L’s holding his breakfast using one hand, another one holding her wrist, looking at Hayeon with his poker face.

He ask coldly,

“May I know what are you trying to do?”


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Chapter 11: Update? Soon?
octa82_ichigo #2
Chapter 10: It's a good story :) update soon please ^.^
angel_shizumi #3
Chapter 9: Its not bad! I wonder who will she end up with!! XD
Chapter 7: epp update please, it's good! And your english is good don'y worry to much :)
sashalove #5
Chapter 3: Update~ ~~~