I hate my brother

CrazyIsGood (Cancled)

Ok so here's the deal. I give my brother my computer and he messes up everything. I didn't know he made the last chapter but I really have no desire to finsh the whole 'mystery plot' especially since I have know Idea how to go along with the plot so lets just say they solved the case and everybody is feeling better.

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Chapter 6: Hahahaha, okay.
Chapter 5: Mystery!!! I love mysteries. :))
Chapter 4: Well I don't watch Doctor Who (Honestly because I find it too daunting to watch all the seasons.) but I hear it's great. :) Maybe you can convince me to watch it? :))

I've always wanted to go to a Comicon. The ones here aren't too great. It's on my bucket list to go to a Comicon in the states or Austrailia or some place like that.

I love Jjong's line BTW. :))
Chapter 3: It's all good. :)

Skinship with SHINee!!!
Chapter 2: Aw, are they fighting for her already? So adorable. >.<
Chapter 1: Sounds like a great start! I can't wait to read more. :)