
CrazyIsGood (Cancled)

YeonJin's P.O.V

"Thankyou. Please come again," I said with a fake smile at the man I just served. When he was out of earshot I groaned and sat down on the stool behind me. This was the 31st comstumer I served this morning, and it's not even 8:00 a.m. yet. My bestfriend Minha smirked at me. She knew I hated this job, so she took pleasure in seeing me tortured like this."What are you smirking at? You hate this job as much as me," I said to her with a dirty look.

"Yeah," she said with her stupid 'i dont care' voice,"but I have learned to except it. Were going to be here for awhile so you might as well get used to it." She walked over and put her hand on my head. "Besides, did you think that as soon as we got here we could automatically get are dream jobs?"

I pushed her hand off my head and scowled." Don't pet me. And no I didn't think that, but it's already been 6 months since we came here from America and we haven't done anything to get ourselves closer to our goals." What I was saying was true. We lived in America for most of our childhood, so when we graduated highschool, we moved here to get started with our lives. I expected that at least by now one of us had had gotten at least a head start in our dreams. Minha wants to be an actress, which suits her very well. She loves being dramatic. Plus her looks have anybody falling head over heels for her. With her long and sleek black hair and vibrant blue eyes, she was beautiful. So much more than me with my basic brown hair and eyes.

I guess you could that I envy my best friend, but that's not the case most of the time. We've been together since we were in diapers, and she always stood up for me when I was bullied. She's so confident, and inspires me.

"Ha Rin, just be patient. Something will happen, eventually. But untill then," she picked up a broom and handed it to me,"go and sweep the floors and I'll take care of the costumers." I grab the broom and came from behind the counter. I guess Minha was right.Still, I wish someone would come up to me and offer me a job to a really big music. As I swept, I sang to myself softly. All of a sudden I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around to see the man I served earlier.

"Yes, can I help you sir," I asked in a fakely sweet tone.

"Yes, actually," he said and stook out his hand for me to shake,"My name is Mr.ChoiJin. How would you like to be a caretaker for S.M. Entertainment's Newest Project Shinee?"

My eyes widened and my jaw hit the floor. I looked over at Minha, and knew right away that she heard everything from the shocked look on her face. I looked back at the man, and three words fell from my mouth.

"I'm sorry-WHAT!?"

ChoiJin's P.O.V

I walked away from the girl at the counter with my sandwich and sat down at one of the empty tables. I was in deep trouble this time. I can't believe the stuff that happens to me. All I said was that the boys needed someone as young as them to relate to and help with their everyday lives. Now I'm stuck having to find a "caretaker" that is at least 18 years old. And if I don't find one by tomorrow, I can't be Shinee's manager. Me and my big mouth. I hear people arguing, and look back at the 2 girls bickering behind the counter. Both of them looked at least a year over 18. Maybe one of the would like the job. I know it isn't good to ask random people, but I'm already on thin ice, so why not. The one with the blue eyes looks like she might have the knack for it.

When the girl with the brown hair went off with a broom, I went to ask her friend about the job, But before I could even get close, 5 people got in my way. Great now I'll never get close to her. I was about to walk out of the shop when I heard someone singing. I turned around and saw the girl with brown hair. While she may not stand out as much as her friend, her voice was beautiful. Maybe she's the one I'm looking for. I walked over and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Yes, May I help you sir," she said in a fake sweet tone.

I stuck out my hand to shake hers, "Yes actually. My name is Mr. ChoiJin. How would you like to be my "caretaker" for S.M. Entertainments Newest project Shinee?"

Her expression was priceless. Her eyes popped and her jaw dropped. She turned toward her friend who seemed to have heard us because she had the same expression. She turned back to me and three words spilled from .

"I'm Sorry-WHAT?"

This girl was perfect.

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Chapter 6: Hahahaha, okay.
Chapter 5: Mystery!!! I love mysteries. :))
Chapter 4: Well I don't watch Doctor Who (Honestly because I find it too daunting to watch all the seasons.) but I hear it's great. :) Maybe you can convince me to watch it? :))

I've always wanted to go to a Comicon. The ones here aren't too great. It's on my bucket list to go to a Comicon in the states or Austrailia or some place like that.

I love Jjong's line BTW. :))
Chapter 3: It's all good. :)

Skinship with SHINee!!!
Chapter 2: Aw, are they fighting for her already? So adorable. >.<
Chapter 1: Sounds like a great start! I can't wait to read more. :)