
CrazyIsGood (Cancled)

YeonJin's P.O.V

"Oh my god, this job is so tiring Minha," I said over the phone. " I was running around so much my feet hurt. Plus I had to keep all the boys in line. They are just like my brothers." (A/N:That is actually not true. My brothers are much much worse, but I needed something to write.)

"Well I'm sorry your dream job is not working out for you." I could tell she was mad that I was complaining about my job while she was stuck at that awful sandwich shop. "Could you please give me an excuse to leave work and visit you?"

"Well you could bring lunch for me and the boys," I said and she laughed.

"Your favorite meal," she suggested.

"Please and thankyou," I said and hung up.

I laughed and turned around to walk back to the studio, but suddenly I was knocked down by someone. I heard someone groan and then gasp.

"Oh my gosh are you ok," someone asked, but I didn't have the energy to recognize the voice. I guess I was still dazed from the fall to pay attention. All of a sudden 5 heads blocked my view of the cieling."Hey did you hear me?"

Normal P.O.V

"Hey did you hear me," Onew asked as he and the other Shinee members crowded around YeonJin. She blinked a few times and nodded. All the boys thought about how cute she was with the blank look on her face.Being the first out of his trance, Minho grabbed YeonJin's hand and pulled her to her feet.

"Thanks,"she said, "but what were you guy running around for. Did you almost get into trouble...again?"

Jonghyun smirked,"No but thank you for worrying about us." His stomach then decided to growl,"We were trying to find you because we were hungry and were wondering what we should do for lunch?"

"Well you are in luck boys," she said walking back to the studio with the boys trailing behind her. "My bestfriend will be here in about 15minutes with lunch."

"Noona, are you sure you're not a mind reader, because you have been one step ahead of everything all day,"he asked cutely. She just couldn't help herself,not with his puppy eyes and his adorable cheeks.

"Oh my gosh, you are just so adorable," she shrieked wrapping her arms around him.He stiffened for a moment before relaxing and returning the hug. A few seconds went by before they let go of eachother. "I'm sorry. I'm a really big hugger. Actually my friends back in America call me the queen of skinship. And it's true in everybody's mind, even mine."

"Then can I have a hug," Jonghyun asked holding his arms out. Before he could even get one, Onew, Minho,and Key jumped in front of him saying they wanted hugs to.

"Ya," Jonghyun screamed as they stole his hug, " what about me?!"

YeonJin smiled and pulled him into a hug which he happily enjoyed and returned. After they let go, she looked at him and asked"Can you give me a ride on your back? My feet really hurt." Jonghyun nodded his head and bent down so she could get on. Once she was settled, they all walked back to the studio.

'Skinship is the best,' Jonghyun thought, smiling all the way back.


Please don't be mad at me for not updating in a while. I was at my grandmother's house and she is anti-technology. But now that i'm back, I promise I will update more. XD

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Chapter 6: Hahahaha, okay.
Chapter 5: Mystery!!! I love mysteries. :))
Chapter 4: Well I don't watch Doctor Who (Honestly because I find it too daunting to watch all the seasons.) but I hear it's great. :) Maybe you can convince me to watch it? :))

I've always wanted to go to a Comicon. The ones here aren't too great. It's on my bucket list to go to a Comicon in the states or Austrailia or some place like that.

I love Jjong's line BTW. :))
Chapter 3: It's all good. :)

Skinship with SHINee!!!
Chapter 2: Aw, are they fighting for her already? So adorable. >.<
Chapter 1: Sounds like a great start! I can't wait to read more. :)