Holy Crap I'm Batman!!

CrazyIsGood (Cancled)

YeonJin's P.O.V

'Oh god... My aching head,' I thought as I sat up from my position on the floor. 'What happened last night?' I looked around the room and saw Onew on the couch, snoring and muttering something about chicken. In his had was a can of whipped cream. I just rolled my eyes, stood up, and walked toward kitchen. At the kitchen table were Taemin and Key. Key had white stuff in his hair-which was probably the whipped cream I saw Onew with earlier-and blue stuff on his face. He wasn't gonna be happy that. I looked at Taemin and saw makeup on his face. In his hand was a bottle of food coloring, which explained Key's blue face. I put a hand over my mouth to keep from laughing and slowly backed out of the kitchen. Next I went into Minha's room.

What a shocking sight.


...and Minho.

In the same bed.

What the heck happened last night?

I walked over to Minha's side of the bed and pulled the covers back. I sighed in relief when I saw they were both fully-clothed. But honestly, I would be okay with their relationship, just as long as the were careful. I walked out of the room and silently closed the door behind me. A thought then occured to me.

Where is Jonghyun?

'Please don't let him be in there,' I thought as I ran down the hall to her room. I opened the door and the familiar sight of Marvel and D.C. posters Appeared before my eyes. Ilooked at the shelves with mycolletibles of 'Star Treck' and 'Docter Who?' and sighed when I saw none of them were missing. I walked toward my closet and looked inside. All of my cosplay costumes were there.

Except for one.

My Batman costume was missing.

I looked and saw Jonghyun laying on my bed. He was wearing the costume. I sighed, and prepared to wake him up. When he sees all my stuff, he'll probably call me a nerd like the people back in highschool. 'Might as well get it over with,' I thought and walked over to the bed.

"Jonghyun, time to wake up," I said, shaking him lightly. He just snorted and to his side. I scowled and shook him again, this time harder,"Come on, wake up you stupid dino-head." He snorted again, this time grabbing my hand and pulling me on to the bed and holding me against his chest. I literaly died at that moment. Not from embarrasment, but from fangirling. Batman was my favorite superhero of all time and while this wasn't Batman it was pretty close. Jonghyun was strong but his grip was very gentle, loving, and protecting. His chisled features were noticed even under the mask and he was very handsome. I wouldn't mind being with a guy like him.

'No bad YeonJin,' I thought. 'He is just a friend. Besides, you can't date a guy your working with.'

You sighed and put your lips near his ear, " Jonghyun, WAKE UP!!!"

He jumped up, causing me to fall off the bed. He looked around for a second before his eyes stopped on a mirror. He looked at imself for a second before saying, "Holy Crap, I'm Batman!!"


I'm sorry for whole geeking-out thing. My amazing boyfriend got 3 tickets to Comic-con, and is bringing me and my brother that 2 years older than me with him. He is going as Batman, I am going as WonderWoman, and my bro is going as Superman. It's gonna be awesome and I can't wait. Plus this describes my entire room in a nut-shell. If you don't know what Doctor Who? is, just ask me to tell you in the comments. (But if you do know what it is, tell me what your favorite episode was. XD

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Chapter 6: Hahahaha, okay.
Chapter 5: Mystery!!! I love mysteries. :))
Chapter 4: Well I don't watch Doctor Who (Honestly because I find it too daunting to watch all the seasons.) but I hear it's great. :) Maybe you can convince me to watch it? :))

I've always wanted to go to a Comicon. The ones here aren't too great. It's on my bucket list to go to a Comicon in the states or Austrailia or some place like that.

I love Jjong's line BTW. :))
Chapter 3: It's all good. :)

Skinship with SHINee!!!
Chapter 2: Aw, are they fighting for her already? So adorable. >.<
Chapter 1: Sounds like a great start! I can't wait to read more. :)