The Adventures Sherelle Holmes and Dr. Jamie Watson Part 1

CrazyIsGood (Cancled)

YeonJin's P.O.V

I sighed as I looked at the the T.V. screen in front of me. There was never anything good on in the mornings. I glanced down a Taemin's head in my lap. Unfortunately he had taken the most toll of whatever happened last night, so right now he was trying to handle his first hangover. At least I had gotten his brain working enough this morning to clean himself up and take some asprin. On my right was Minho and Minha. They were avoiding eye contact with eachother so I figured they were still embarrassed about waking up In the same bed. The shower was running so I figured Key was in there trying to wake himself up. I can allow him using my shower but he better not be using my soap. Onew was in the kitchen looking for breakfast. I would have made some for us but on mornings like these I'm to lazy do much of anything really. But hangover Onew was really different because when I tried to ask him how he was doing, he just glared and said not to ask. Jonghyun was in my room putting back on his regular clothes. His outburst this morning had woken everyone up and put about half of us in a crappy mood, me not being one of them.

Basically, I was the only one who was ok from the unknown fiasco of last night. I have to thank my dad for that. When I was in my Junior year of highschool in America he and Minha's dad bought us beers and we had to promise not to tell our mother's. While Minha was a complete lightweight, I was thankful to have gotten my dad's Immunity for alchohol. But I must have drank alot to be drunk enough to forget what happened last night. I looked up when I heard Jonghyun exit my room. I blushed when our eyes made contact. I was never gonna get that Image of Jonghyun In my Batman costume out of my head. But right now, I could be mad at him for wearing it. He walked over to the couch and lifted Taemin's legs so he could sit next to me, then sat next to me. I decided to grill him a little about what happened this morning.

"So..." I started, "What were you doing in my costume? Do you usually go through a girl's closet and wear her things?" He narrowed his eyes at me to show that I wasn't funny. "Well, I'm sorry that I was wearing your things," he stated, "but why do you have that stuff in your closet? Three-fourths of those costumes don't fit you. What's the point of keep it in there?"

I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to keep myself calm. "Do you know what all of that stuff in my room is?" He shook his head no. "Everything In my room Is one of a kind. Those costumes are the original ones from the movies. All of those figurines are one of a kind collectables in mint condition. Every comic and graphic novel on my bookshelf are all original copies and most of them only have two copies left in the world. I have spent every moment of my time on a computer watching anime and have read a least 500 manga series so far in my life. So I don't care if it all of those things don't fit my body or personality, but If find anything that has to do with anime, manga, superheros, StarTreck, Doctor Who?, or any fandom, I will get it because I am a mega-fan and that is why I don't want you touching my stuff. Any Questions?"

I studied his face and almost laughed at his shocked, stuck-on-stupid look at my mini-speach. I guess he wasn't suspecting me to lecture him about my choices but he asked and I answered. Although what I said was true. When people first meet me, they don't expect me to start fan-girling about superheros. I guess that's just how I am.

Finally, eveyone came in to the livingroom and I started the meeting. "Alright, does anyone know what happened last night." I was hoping that someone would answer yes but I knew that wasn't the case. "Alright what was the last thing any of us remember?"

Onew raised his hand and said, "I remember what happened before we went to your aparment. I think we were in the practice room..."


We were in the practice room eating the chicken Minha got us. Well the boys were eating whille I scolded Minha for getting distracted and lost.

"I gave you specific directions and you go and get lost anyway," I scolded. "Do I really have to help you with every thing Minha, cause you're old enough to follow directions by yourself." I know I'm going a little to far, but honestly she should have a better sense of direction. She even got lost on her way to the bathroom when we were in elemetary and the teacher always sent me to find her.

But my lecture didn't faze her cause she just brushed me off. "Yeah, Ok. Don't get lost again, Yada Yada Yada. I've heard this lecture before YeonJin. Can I go eat with the hot boys now?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Fine, let's go ahead and eat now." I knew that It was a lost cause with her. She didn't listen before and she wouldn't listen now. She sat next to Minho, and I sat next to Jonghyun and grabbed a bucket, pulling out a chicken leg.

The boys looked between us before Key got the courage to ask, "Do you guys always argue In american?" I shrugged and Minha answered, " Not all the time, were just used to it. But you should have seen YeonJin in highschool. She argued with anyone she could." I threw a chicken bone at her and it hit her square in the forehead. The boys laughed and I grabbed another piece.

After a few moments of aimless chatter I asked, "Minha, what are we having for dinner?" "Sushi. Why do you ask?" I turned toward the guys and asked, "I wanted to ask you guys If you wanted to come to dinner?" The boys nodded and we finished our chicken before getting back to work.

*End Flashback*

"...That's the last thing I remember. Everything else is a blurr," Onew Finished.

I nodded and said, "Well that's a start. But we need more info If were going to piece everything together."

"Who are you Sherlock Holmes," Jonghyun asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh god that name brings back memories," I said looking at Minha, "Do you remember what they called us in sophmore year?" "You mean our detective names? Are you really gonna bring that up again?"

Key raised his eyebrow and asked, "What are you guys talking about?" I laughed and said, "When were were sophmores, they used to call us Sherelle Holmes and Dr. Jamie Watson because we loved mysteries and figuring out puzzles. Everyone always came to us for help when something went missing too."

"Well, what do you suppose we do now Holmes," Minha asked, getting into character.

I smiled and said, "Well that's simple my dear Watson. This young man," I pointed at Onew, "has given us a scene. We just have to find the plot. Each of us has a page of the story, just not the entire book. We need to stitch each page together to find the ending. Any question?" The boys gave us strange looks but didn't say anything, so I guess they decided to go along with my game. "Good. Then let us begin."

To Be Continued------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I understand that I haven't updated in a long time, but things have been pretty hectic on my end. I won't go into detail, but since I have everything in my life under control I'll update more. Thanks for your understanding.

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Chapter 6: Hahahaha, okay.
Chapter 5: Mystery!!! I love mysteries. :))
Chapter 4: Well I don't watch Doctor Who (Honestly because I find it too daunting to watch all the seasons.) but I hear it's great. :) Maybe you can convince me to watch it? :))

I've always wanted to go to a Comicon. The ones here aren't too great. It's on my bucket list to go to a Comicon in the states or Austrailia or some place like that.

I love Jjong's line BTW. :))
Chapter 3: It's all good. :)

Skinship with SHINee!!!
Chapter 2: Aw, are they fighting for her already? So adorable. >.<
Chapter 1: Sounds like a great start! I can't wait to read more. :)