Touching the World

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Young Guk was sitting in the small sector four apartment, sighing as he counted his cash. He had enough to move out of here. His genes were good enough to get him into sector three, maybe sector two with a little modification. He could even start a legitimate business, if he wanted to.

He sighed, bound the cash and threw it in the box on the floor. The problem with moving was higher security. He liked the freedom to come and go in section 4. He could run his business without too much interference. Everything in him knew that he needed his business as much as those people needed him. There was no way he could live without touching people.

People needed to be touched. They needed the contact to keep them healthy; mentally and physically. This ban was absurd. Stupid politicians had ruined life for everyone in their struggles for power. Perfect genes, money, power. He laughed and smirked. That was all any of them ever saw.  None of them could see past their own vanity to the people suffering.

The only upper sector person he had ever seen even look at a lower sector without contempt was that girl; Chun Hei’s friend. That girl was different and interesting. She threw her power around to get her way with people who understood no other language, but she didn’t use it with Chun Hei. She treated Chun Hei like a person, like a close friend. That was unthinkable.

The shower turned off and Bang hid the box quickly, in the wall. “Are you working tonight, or can I keep you to myself?” The woman asked and he laughed under his breath. “I have the money.” She insisted and he waved his hand, not looking up. “Just cuddle with me for a few more hours.” She pleaded and he shook his head.

“You’re losing your head, coming here all the time. If you keep it up, I won’t see you anymore.” He said and the woman knelt at his feet. “Don’t beg. It’s unbecoming.” He said, lifting her chin with his fingertips.  “You can come visit me in a week. If you haven’t seen another Holder, I’ll take care of you. If you have, I’ll never see you again.” He said firmly and she looked like she would cry.


He dragged her out of the house and went on his way. She would not wait for him. She would try one, maybe two other holders before she understood. He knew it because he knew only he was not motivated by money and that made all the difference. She would find little joy there and then she would wait.

There would be more fights tonight, which meant more people to break in. He would wage his own silent war, to bring things back to reality should be. One hug at a time, he could right things. It was stupid, he knew, but it was the only thing he could do.


At the fight again, Youngguk sat in the back of the warehouse, with a younger girl crying in his arms. On nights like tonight, he did not charge. Her father had passed the morning before and she needed to be consoled. She needed the comfort of another person. He rubbed her hair and she cried into his shirt. As he held the woman, his gaze wandered the room, discouraging onlookers in the crowd.

That was when he saw her, again. She was dressed in a tank top and shorts that showed off her figure. Her skin was so fair, she changed colors with the flashing lights. Her purple and pink bangs framed

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Chapter 3: Loving the story more and more as you introduce new characters :) Is that Jico I spy?
Chapter 2: The fact that Yong Guk is in here makes me happy, I truly do love the concept you have for this story
Whoa! This sounds amazing!