Let Me.....


Seungri looked at her back angrily. "Stop protecting me! Stop helping me!", he yelled making her turning her body. She looked back at him, hurting inside but fighting not to show any emotions. For only 5 seconds before Seungri finaly said it. "Let me be the one who protects you...", he paused for a moment and looking at her desperately. "Let me love you". 

She closed her eyes before saying the words that would break both of them. "I'm still your psychologist".


Let me help you.

Let me protect you.

Let me in.  Let me see through you. 

But... Don't let ourselves be in love with each other.


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Chapter 4: your story is so great.
Are Seung Ri (Big Bang) and Ji Yeon (T-Ara) is a couple?
BigBangSeungrilover #2
Chapter 4: I like the story so far ^_^
tayforv #3
Chapter 3: oooh nice! Great story you have!
Please, update soon! I'm waiting!!