Getting A Little Bit Comfortable

Let Me.....


The sun had not shine yet, though it was 6 AM already. The cloud was thick and it covered Seoul this morning. Jiyeon was still in bed, thinking. Jiyeon knew perfectly that Seungri was still far from being comfortable with her. The first session was considered okay, since she finally started to see a little bit of Seungri in the end of their session. She could not make any assumptions yet based on that session. She was thinking about joining Bigbang recording session and helping their managers to set up schedules. Or perhaps, it would be nice to text Seungri... just to see his reaction... to see another Seungri perhaps?


Seungri lied in bed, awake while Jiyong was still sleeping next to him. His mind was blank. He was always like this for months already, woke up early and did nothing while stayed in bed. If he wanted to admit, he would say he felt kind of anxious. But he did not know why. There were something that was unfinished. But... what? He could not figure it out. 

His cellphone beeped, a message was received. He flipped open his cellphone and pressed the button to see the message.

From: Jiyeon-ssi
To: me
"Morning! Awake?"

He raised his eyebrows and typed his reply.

From: me
To: Jiyeon-ssi

He pressed "send" and wondering what she was up to. Honestly, Seungri felt awkward when he had his first session with Jiyeon. He did not know how to behave in front of her. Should he be Seungri... the playful one? Should he distance himself? Seriously, he was thinking too much at times. Then, a message came into his cellphone.

From: Jiyeon-ssi
To: me
"Er... Nothing. Just checking out"

He smirked as he typed his reply.

From: me
To: Jiyeon-ssi
"It's just one session and you fall for me already? ;)"

He read his message again. He could not help but being himself. It might be a good choice to just be they way he was. Like YG said before, it might be an opportunity. The advantages were on his side actually. First, he could talk to her if he really had to. He still didn't see the need to do that, though. Second, she would not tell anyone about whatever came from his lips. Wait ... she has an advantage too... she gets to see this handsome face, he thought cheekily. A message came in, interrupting his thought.

From: Jiyeon-ssi
To: me
"Geez... I'm not interested in younger man. Moreover, a younger panda."

He chuckled ad typed his reply faster than before.

From: me
To: Jiyeon-ssi
"So I see you've done your research about me. Or better, you've observed my face that detail. Hmm... tell you what.. I don't mind being with a nuna ^^ "

He smiled  and waited for her reply. He only waited for 15 seconds before it beeped again.

From: Jiyeon-ssi
To: me
"See my previous message. Too bad it's once sided then. Btw, I'll be seeing you guys later at recording session. Later!"

He chuckled and Jiyong stirred, awake by now.

"Ya, maknae... who're you texting with? It's still early.....", Jiyong rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"Sorry, Hyung. It's Jiyeon-ssi", he said.

Jiyong looked at him sleepily and said, "ya... she's your doctor... better not mess with her.......".

Seungri smiled, "I know... I know".

Jiyong starred at him while he starred back. Five seconds passed.

"Ya...! You're nasty!", Jiyong hit him in the face with his pillow as he got up and went to the bathroom.

"Ya Hyung! You started it!", Seungri yelled. He chuckled and he replied Jiyeon's message.

From: me
To: Jiyeon-ssi
"Alright! Later!"


"Jiyeon-ssi, next week will be a good rest for Bigbang members. They will work on the new choreography for some of the new songs after that. They will finish the recording in the end of the month," Seungri manager told Jiyeon with low voice in the recording room. Leader Kwon did not like too much commotion while he's working, so they kept their voice low. 

"So, Seungri will have a week off? Maybe we could use that to continue the counseling sessions?"

"Hmm... I guess we can schedule that this weekend. Seungri has to fly to Japan on Monday for his japanese single project," he said and widened his eyes. "Oh! I almost forgot! YG asked if you could accompany Seungri to Japan with me. Is that okay?".

Jiyeon smiled as she said, "That is fine with me. I'll reschedule my session with Dara. I'm supposed to have a session with her on Monday, but she has a day off tomorrow. Let me ask her and I'll let you know the update.".

"Great! I have to meet YG now. Bye, Jiyeon-ssi", he smiled and waved goobye.

Jiyeon smiled and waved back at him. She called Dara, asking if she was okay to move her session, when Seungri was done recording and sat next to her on the sofa. She was still talking to Dara while Seungri was watching Taeyang working on his part.

"Alright, thanks Dara. See you tomorrow!", Jiyeon ended the call and wrote on her agenda.

"Done with your recording?", she asked Seungri while writing.

Seungri looked at her and said, "Yup! My voice was great!"

Jiyong snorted though he was not looking at Seungri.

Jiyeon chuckled and remembered Jammie suddenly, "You remind me of someone I know". Then her phone rang. Jiyeon smiled once she read "Jammie" on her phone screen. "Speaking of the devil", she put on her cellphone on her ear and spoke, "Hello there!".

Seungri was still looking at her. He was listening, trying to figure out who's she talking to.

"I'm alright. You? Hmm... yep. Hey, I'll talk to you later tonight. I'm at the recording studio. Okay, bye", she hung up and found Seungri smirked at her.

"Your boyfriend?", he asked.

She smirked, "He's 10".

Seungri widened his eyes fakingly, "You're a pedhophillia????"

She rolled her eyes, "be more creative, will ya?"

He chuckled. Then he said while looking straight at Taeyang who's singing his falsetto. "Nuna, I still didn't think it's necessary for me to talk to you". 

Jiyeon looked at him softly and waited for him to continue.

He continued and looked down at his hands, "I mean.... I can handle things okay until now. It's not that I don't trust you. I know you're tied with ethic code. I just don't find the urgency."

Jiyeon smiled at him, "It's okay. Like I said before. You don't have to share anything if you don't want... if you don't feel like you need to. But, listen. I have no right to judge you. Honestly, I still don't see anything since we just meet for the second time. But there are people who are concerned about you.".

Seungri looked at her as she continued, "Let me be there for you".

Seungri smirked, wanting to as she abruptly added, "Ya! I don't mean it that way!"

"What way, Nuna?", Seungri kept on teasing her.

She looked at him sternly. Seungri smiled apologeticly.

She then continued, "I'll accompany you next week to Japan. Actually we have a session this weekend. But, it's fine if you don't feel like you need to. Just let me hang around you for a while. Perhaps, it will prove that they are concerned for nothing?"

Seungri seemed to agree and smiled, "Alright". She smiled and he said again, "hopefully, this is not only your excuse to get closer to me".

Right after that, Seungri felt a slap on the back of his head.

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Chapter 4: your story is so great.
Are Seung Ri (Big Bang) and Ji Yeon (T-Ara) is a couple?
BigBangSeungrilover #2
Chapter 4: I like the story so far ^_^
tayforv #3
Chapter 3: oooh nice! Great story you have!
Please, update soon! I'm waiting!!