Gathering Informations

Let Me.....

Jiyeon opened her laptop in her new apartment. It's 7 PM in Seoul and she had dinner with Director Yang and Bigbang managers. She already set up a date for Seungri's counseling sessions. She also wrote down Bigbang schedules to know their activities more. It was important for her to understand percisely what they did to fully grasp what kind of life Seungri lived in. Jiyeon recalled the conversation she had earlier with his manager.



"Seungri is a very chatty person. He's very talkative. So I guess, it will be easy for you to talk to him," Seungri's manager said to her at the dinner. "But, I guess you'll have to set rules since he's quite playful". 

Jiyeon smiled and said, "I see. Thank you the informations. Can I know more things from you before I meet him tomorrow?"

"Sure, do ask."

"Was the scandal true?"

He went silent for seconds before answering, "As far as I know, Seungri does not have an intention to date Anna..."

Jiyeon smiled, "It's okay, Sir, to be opened with me. I'm a psychologist. I won't tell others for whatever sakes. And I ask this as an informations to know Seungri more".

He looked more relief and smiled before continuing, "No one really knows about what he did. But the picture is true. It is him. That is why we can't deny it or say anything to defend him". He sighed as he said, "But, we are concerned about him... about how he handled these scandals".

Jiyeon raised her eyebrows slightly. He took it as a sign to continue, "We know that his hyungs scolded him badly and he did look troubled. But, the next day, he was suddenly back in his cheerful Seungri. Usually, when he's in trouble, he would still feel guilty and less cheerful for the next days. It feels weird at some point."



Jiyeon closed her eyes and started to think. Perhaps, it's Seungri's defense mechanism. Freud stated that when one feels overwhelmed with anxiety, one would unconsciously build a defense mechanism. Either it's lying, repressing, rationalizing, or any other defense mechanisms.

An email went in her inbox. She opened it and found out that it was a hate email. 

"How was Korea, coward? Running away huh?"

She deleted it. She was used to it by now. Yes, she ran away. She accepted and admitted the fact that she ran away, the fact that no one else should understand how she felt. She knew perfectly she was not an ordinary woman. She was straight forward and she had an idealism that was too taboo for her country. She spoke about it freely and now, she knew this was the consequences. It hurt her, but it hurt her more for not living her idealism. So, she learned to accepted it and moved to Korea.

She shut down the laptop and called Jammie. He picked up after the third ring.

"Hey! Finally! How's Seoul?", Jammie sounded cheerful and relief.

Jiyeon smiled, "Hey! it's good. I met with Director Yang right after I landed. I went dinner with the managers later. I'm in my new apartment now. What are you doing?"

"Done with homeworks and pratice session. My voice sounded great at today's recording session~!"


"Am not!"

"Yes you are, kiddo!"

"Oh well, can't help being myself."

"Gee...Sometimes I wonder if I'm really speaking with a 10 years old kid."

Jammie laughed, "you're the one who's childish."

Jiyeon snorted, "Oh please... look around. There are no 10 years old kid speaks like you".

He laughed again, "by the way, have you met your first counselee?"

"Not yet. Why?"

"Remember your ethic code, Sister. You know you have a thing for Korean men. Who is that again? Lee Minwoo? Shinhwa?"

Jiyeon laughed, "Ya! Of course I know my limit! Besides, I don't fall for younger boys. The talents here are either too old for me, or they are too young for me."

"TOP? Isn't he as old as you are?"

"You mean as young as I am."

"Hell yeah, you are old. Accept it."

Jiyeon laughed, "TOP is not my kind of man"

He snorted, "You haven't met him yet."

"Hey, last time I checked you were the one who said I shouldn't fall for the talents?"

"Just reminding you. Anyways, I gotta sleep now. Take care! Miss ya!"

She smiled, "alright! Be good!"

She hung up and lied down. Tomorrow she would meet with Director Yang and Seungri at night.

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Chapter 4: your story is so great.
Are Seung Ri (Big Bang) and Ji Yeon (T-Ara) is a couple?
BigBangSeungrilover #2
Chapter 4: I like the story so far ^_^
tayforv #3
Chapter 3: oooh nice! Great story you have!
Please, update soon! I'm waiting!!