Let Me

Let Me.....


Yang Hyunsuk was a man in his 40. He had a wife and a child. But, besides them, he felt like having many kids. He had the good ones and the naughty one. Yes, the naughty one. Just one and it happened to be Lee Seunghyun, Seungri. He often scolded him, even scolding him in advance. He did that because he cared about him. He cared alot about him and tried to prevent him from getting hurt by doing wrong things.

Then it happened. The scandals about Anna and the scandal. This time he did not scold him. He called Seungri over to his office and said that he was disappointed. Judging from Seungri's look, Yang Hyunsuk knew that this time Seungri was hurt mentally. He knew Seungri got scolded badly by the other members, and he knew these two scandals were the worst. That is why he did not ask him anything. That's why he did not scold him like he usually did. He knew Seungri was hurting.

Months after those scandals, Yang Hyunsuk knew there was something unusual with Seungri. Seungri was cheerful and playful, like he usually was. But, Yang Hyunsuk noticed that while he visited Bigbang's recording session. Seungri was singing his heart out. He could feel it. No man who was cheerful like him could sing a sad song deeply like he was meant it. He asked Jiyong once whether he felt it too. Jiyong said that Seungri was indeed very emotional during his recording session, but the other times... Seungri smiled and laughed a lot. Other than recording session, Seungri is playful.

Yang Hyunsuk thought that it was good Seungri could actually sang like he meant it. But, if he could not say what's he has been feeling... it was not a good sign. He knew it was not healthy. Moreover, he knew Seungri once mentioned he did not like to tell others his worries. He once decided to tell other about his worries and the next day others knew his trouble. Yang Hyunsuk knew what he need to have in his company. Someone whom can be trusted by his kids. Someone whom the kids could rant to without having worries that their stories would be known by others.

It was pure luck that he met Jiyeon two years ago. He met Jiyeon when she was having a vacation in Seoul. She didn't know who he was and they talked about things. He knew that she was a psychologist, having an interest in depression, and she would love to live in Korea to work in psychology area. He remembered her and found her in a desperate situation to leave her country. He offered her the job which she gladly accepted.

Yang Hyunsuk smiled as he remembered this. He looked up when the door of his office was knocked. "Come in", he said.

The door opened and Seungri entered his office. "Sajangnim", he said politely.

"Oh, Seungri-yah. Have a seat."

"Ah, yes, Sajangnim", he then sat on one of his sofa.

"You know that today you'll have a counseling session right?"

Seungri nodded as Yang Hyunsuk took a sit in front of him. He knew Seungri did not like the idea of talking his secrets to a stranger. He knew he could socialize with anykind of people, but not talking his thoughts and secrets to a stranger.

"Ya, think of this as an opportunity. Think of this as a good chance to be better."

"But, I am fine. I can manage things well until now, right? I am happy with myself."

Yang Hyunsuk sighed as he nodded. "Then think of this as a check up. You don't have to be sick to go to a hospital for a checkup right?"

Seungri stayed silent.

"Go see Jiyeon. She's in her room already, waiting for you."

"Yes, Sajangnim."



Jiyeon was in her room at YG building. She was browsing through journals on the internet. She would like to read more about psychological research in Korea, especially about the culture, depression, mental health. She was reading until she heard a knock. She turned of the computer and looked up, "Come in".

There Seungri was. He smiled at Jiyeon as she motioned him to sit. She smiled back and said, "Nice meeting you, Seunghyun".

"Seungri. Just call me Seungri. Nice meeting you, too"

She smiled, "Okay, Seungri then."

They stayed silent for almost 2 minutes until she spoke up while smiling, "People said to me that you're talkative".

He smirked, "Yes, I am. But, I know what I came here for. So, why don't you just ask me questions?"

Jiyeon felt amused, "and why do you think you're here?"

He shrugged, "YG said I'm not okay... mentally?"

Jiyeon stood up to grab 2 glasses, "Do you think so?"

Seungri looked at her back as she filled the glass with water. "It's them who think so"

"Them?", Jiyeon handed him the glass and sat down.

"YG, Jiyong hyung, and perhaps others too", he took a sip.

"And you're annoyed because you have to see me because you think you're fine?"

He rub his chin and said, "it's more like I don't like talking my inner thoughts and feeling to a stranger".


He rolled his eyes, "Everyone would feel the same about talking to a stranger".

Jiyeon smiled, "I know. I know my reason why I don't like it. But I don't know yours."

He looked confused and answered doubtfully, "because.... I don't know who you are".

"You don't feel safe sharing things with me... is that so?"

He nodded and she smiled, "You don't have to share anything you don't want to. But I am here to listen. And for your informations, I am tied by this strict rule about not telling others."

She saw him listening seriously. "Unless you're trying to kill yourself or other people", she said winking.

He smiled and seemed more relax. "How much do you know about me?"

Jiyeon raised her eyebrows, confused.

"Oh, c'mon. You must have done some research about me before? Or at least looking at my handsome pictures?", he said winking.

Oh, there he was... finally I see Seungri, Jiyeon thought.

"What? Was I right? You were looking at my pictures right?", he chuckled.

Jiyeon felt amused and decided to provoke him a little bit, "yes, your scandal picture".

He looked at her curiously.

"You don't need to tell me if you don't want to," she looked directly to his eyes. "I'll be your social support. I don't mean this romantically, but let me be there".


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Chapter 4: your story is so great.
Are Seung Ri (Big Bang) and Ji Yeon (T-Ara) is a couple?
BigBangSeungrilover #2
Chapter 4: I like the story so far ^_^
tayforv #3
Chapter 3: oooh nice! Great story you have!
Please, update soon! I'm waiting!!