“What happen to your face?” Mrs. Vera asked her son as she saw the visible red marks on his left cheek. A strong slap that is indeed! Nichkhun remains unspoken for a few seconds trying to find an answer that she would buy. He did wash his face before entering his mother’s office in attempt to make the print to be less visible but it seems to not working as he wanted to be. Screw her, he said.

 “Don’t even bother about it mom”. He rubbed his cheek. How could he tell his mom that her son had just being slap by a girl? The same girl that hit him the other day.

 “Hey, what’s the matter?” concerned Mrs. Vera. As a mother, she could tell that’s something bothers him. She could feel the sadness just by looking her son’s eyes and that make her sad too. Mother instinct may I say.

 “Nothing!” that’s all he said coldly. He felt sorry towards her mom for not answering her in a correct manner so avoiding her eyes would make it less hurtful.

 “Oh really…?” Mrs. Vera is getting annoyed by his simple respond. “I knew you very well Khun. You won’t come here if you don’t have anything that bothers you” she paused. “Is it the marriage?” again mother instinct and it always right.

 “Even if I say yes, there’s nothing you could do to make me feel better right. Am I right?” he sounded sarcastically. That’s true, what he said just now. The decision was already made and everyone was powerless to against it including her. 

 “Khun listen to me dear” she holds his both hands. “I know it’s hard for you to accept all these. But your dad, there’s a reason why he did this and that is for your own good. Victoria is a good girl. She’ll be a good wife to you. I guarantee you” she persuades.

 “How do you know it’s going to be good or not? You shouldn’t just make an assumption just like that you know” he said. “Besides I already have Eunjung and she’s good too mom. Why Victoria?” he paused… “What’s so great about her after all? If you want a pretty girl, Eunjung’s pretty. She also came from a well-known family” he continues.

 “That’s not the case Khun. You seem to not understand that you and Victoria are bounded to be together since you’re a kid just like what your dad had told you last time.” She explained. Khun had enough with this ‘since you’re a kid’ thing. That’s in the past and it just different now. That’s what his parents didn’t understand. People change so as Victoria, he thought and we couldn’t deny that.

 “But mom…”

 “Khun, why don’t you go with the plan first? We’ll see how the outcome is within the first few months and after that we’ll let you decide. How’s that?.” Now his mom starts thinking. To him it sounds perfect but what about his dad… “Don’t worry about your dad I’ll handle that. He would understand I promise you.” Another nature of being a mother and that is enable to read their child’s mind.

 “I don’t know mom. I guess that’s the only reasonable way we had.” He said.

 “Khun, have you told Eunjung about this?” she asked. Nichkhun was a bit flustered because of it as he didn’t expect her to ask about Eunjung. Eunjung was his current ‘girlfriend’. Well she’s not his real girlfriend though; she’s just a girl that Khun used as an excuse every time he was asked to bring a girl in any family events or office occasions. Among all the girls that Khun had ‘dated’, she stays with him the longest despite knowing that he’s not the kind of man who shows commitment in terms of relationship.

 They were ‘together’ for almost a year now. She also knew that he had tons of girls besides her but as long as none of them crossed the line she’s fine with it. Eunjung was also the only girl he ever introduced to his parents and his friends since that ‘day’. Since he got back from the States, Khun hasn’t got the chance to meet her yet. She’ll be back in Korea in three days from now and that’s when he decided to tell her about the marriage.

“I haven’t. I don’t know how to explain it to her. She’s still in Hong Kong for the photo-shoots. I’ll tell her when she’s back.” He gives a ‘don’t you worry’ smile to his mom. “Well then, I think I’m done here so I’ll just go home first, have some rest and calm my mind so that I’ll be looking just as normal as always tonight.” He winked and kissed her mom before leaving the office.

“Ok you do that…” she said while smiling.


-That night-


Vic’s POV


 I was inside my room, preparing myself for the dinner. I was wearing a red knee-length dress I bought just now. My body was well-illustrated with my curves and the s-line that makes me looked absolutely gorgeous and y. My long black hair which coiffured into loose curly style makes me even like a goddess. Sulli who was there, stunned by my appearance even though she’s the one who did all the makeovers on me. “I should open a salon one day… look at you, my first masterpiece” said Sulli. More like complimenting herself.

 A sudden knock alerted both of us. “Vic dear are you done yet?” my mom voices out as she slowly open the door. She was in daze for a sec after seeing my reflection in the mirror. “Look at my baby girl… she look so pretty” she praised with her hand still covering . Sulli and I giggle at her reaction. Out of nowhere my mom started to cry softly. I turn around to face her and asked, “Mom why are you crying?” Bad move Victoria, very bad move as she was getting more drench with tears. “Please stop, you look ugly when you cry” I joked.

 “I just couldn’t believe that my princess is going to get marry, that someone is going to snatch her from me…” she said. She took the handkerchief that Sulli offered to her and wiped her tears away. “Wait here I’ll get you something…” she went out of the room and came back with something on her hands. “Here you go. Open it and see what’s inside” she lend me the box that she just brought in. Wow! That was the only reaction I could make. “That’s the same necklace I wore when your dad and I got married. It’s a gift from your late grandma” she explained. “Let me put that” she took the necklace out from the box and hangs it around my neck. I have the urge to cry and so I hugged my mom tightly as if I don’t want to let her go. At first I was very nervous about the dinner but gladly my mom came and did something to lessen the nervousness inside of me. I was about to break a tear until…    

 “Hello mister you better not to cry or else I’ll have to redo all your make-up again. It took hours okay…” thank god Sulli was there to ruin our moment or else I would definitely burst out. I pulled her into a hug and thanked her for being here. “I’m happy for you too. Please let me be one of your flower girls please…” she plead “Hey I’m not getting married just yet. I’m just going to have a dinner with them remember” I said. “Still I want to be you flower girl”.

 After everything was done, we stepped out from the room and went down revealing myself to my dad who was waiting downstairs for hours. “Vic you look beautiful tonight…” he praised as he reach my hand to help me with the stairs. Did I mention that I hate to wear heels? Yes! I hate it so much because it just troublesome and it hurts my ankle. But I’ll just have to endure all of that since it was Sulli’s idea. She’s been working hard for tonight and I don’t want to disappoint her. Before leaving the house I thanked her for who knows how many time already and bid her a ‘wish me luck’ good bye. Here we go…*finger crossed*.


End of POV


-In the restaurant-


 “They’ll be here in any minute” said Mrs. Vera, staring at her wrist watch. The Horvejkuls just arrived a while ago and now they’re waiting for the arrival of their special guests. “Khun I warn you… please behave yourself in front of them…” she warned.

 Nichkhun who look like a child being lectured by his mom answered “I will…” weakly receiving small chuckles from his sisters. He gave them his ‘murderous’ glare but then they just ignores it and stick their tongues out instead.

 “Same goes to both of you. Don’t say anything that will embarrass your oppa understood?” Both of them nodded their heads.

 “There they are” The Songs are slowly approaching their table as the waitress escorted them. Nichkhun who seem to be more nervous tried to look for ‘her’ but since she’s at back, he couldn’t steal any glance of her.

 “Good evening William, you too Vera and of course you too, Nichkhun,” Mr. Song greeted.

 “You must be Victoria right…?” asked Vera towards Victoria.

 “Ne!” she replied. “How are you auntie?”

 “You’re so polite and beautiful too… I’m good dear” Victoria blushed as she’s being hugged by Vera. “These are my daughters Yanin and Cherren…” she introduces while shook their hands.  Both of them are so beautiful and the younger ones look so I don’t know. Familiar? Victoria thought. “…and that’s my son, Nichkhun.” She couldn’t see Nichkhun’s face clearly as her father was blocking her view. “Khun come here, meet Victoria” Vera called her son. Once their eyes landed at each other, they were totally in shocked. It was like an electrifying moment for both of them. Not to mention the awkwardness that arises between them. YOU! They thought. They’re only able to keep those words from blurted out.

 Nichkhun was the first one to get his sense back and act normally. Just to make it to be less awkward he offers his hand for a handshake. “Hey, I’m Nichkhun…” he introduced himself.

 Victoria looked at his hand nervously. She didn’t have the choice other than accepting it or else who knows what would happen.  “I’m Victoria…” she said.

 “You look more beautiful~ than before” he praised.

 “Thanks… you look… good… too” she’s struggling herself out to find a word that she could describe for him. Good? That’s what you could come up with, very great. And why does he say that anyway. Ughh! Just whatevs.

 “Ladies may we have a sit now” Mr. Horvejkul interrupted. Thank god he did that or else the tension between Nichkhun and Victoria will become more obvious for the others. The dinner went smoothly. All of them had a warm conversation with each other except those two. They never dare to make an eye contact through the dinner not until they names being mentioned. “I think it’s better for us to leave these two alone for a while. I’m sure they want to talk something since they’re ashamed to do so.” All of them agreed and leave the two alone there. Now let the battle begins…

 As soon as their figures disappears…

 “What the hell are you doing you here?”

 “Hey I was about to ask you the same thing but never mind… It’s not like it’s going to change any but I’m still in disbelief of this…of you sitting here with me…”

 “What a small ing world indeed right but I’m still wondering like why it has to be you of all million girls out there.”

 “What is that supposed to mean?” “Just so you know I’m also not expecting any of these and that’s including you like come on there are ‘millions’ of guys that are at least nicer than you.”

 “I don’t have a thing to say so I surpass this to you then…”

 “Well you still owe me an apology considering you don’t have a word to say.”

 “That is so not happening.”


 “What did you just say?”

 “So I guess we should just sit here silently and wait them to get back.”

 “You there, whatever your name is,” “…are you agreed with this marriage?”

 “What does it look like to you?” “And it’s Victoria.”

 “Don’t you want to get married with your boyfriend if you have one?”

 “That’s none of your business and F.Y.I I have a boyfriend.”

 “Oh really? I thought you won’t have one ‘ever’. I mean look at you who wants to be with a witch like you only an idiot does…”

“Seems like you’ll be that ‘idiot’ who’ll stuck with me.”

“Oh god what have I done wrong to be given with this woman.”

 “Excuse me, if you don’t like this ‘witch’ or this set up, why you don’t tell your parents to just cancel off all of these from the beginning, simple right?”

 “Why don’t you do that?”

 “I can’t because I already gave my promise to my dad that I’ll make it work for him, my family and for the sake of our company. I don’t want people to lose their jobs because of me.”

 “So I see now, it’s all about money…”

“Just whatever...”

 If that’s the case then it’s easier for you to take your revenge on her. You know, you could do ANYTHING to her since she’s FULLY yours. Suddenly Wooyoung’s words the other day played in his mind. Should I proceed with it? It’ll be fun though, torturing and watching her in misery. That brat is truly a genius, 10 points out of 10.

 Thirty minutes of being with Nichkhun seems like 30 hours of torture to her. Thank god the others are back to their table. She couldn’t stay any longer with him. They not even get married yet but the quarrel between them has just started. She bet everyday will ‘has no end to it’ when they live together.

 “We’ll let you decide when and where the wedding will be held. The earlier the better but we’re not rushing you guys so don’t stress yourself out” said Mr. Horvejkul. Both Nichkhun and Victoria nodded their heads as a sign of agreement.

 “Dad Vic and I have a request to ask? We want to live by our own. Meaning to say we’ll live separately from you guys. I guess it’ll be easier for us to learn and understand each other more and also like any other ‘newlyweds’ do, we want some ‘privacy’ of our own.”

 “If that’s what both of you wanted… it’s 100% fine for us all.” Vera said. “Victoria since you doesn’t have a job yet why don’t you work for our company first” she added.

 “Oh really it’ll be wonderful. Thank Aunt.”

 “No need to thank me, It’ll be yours too after all and don’t call me aunt. Call me mommy instead.” Vera said.

 “Ok mommy.” 

“It’s very nice to have you all tonight. Thanks for coming and hopefully everything will go perfectly and smoothly. I just can’t wait to welcome my future in laws especially you my dear. Please do take care of yourself. I don’t want anything happen just before the wedding. Starting tomorrow Nichkhun will be your companion where ever you go. He’ll make sure you’ll be safe and sound. You heard that Khun?” Mr. Horvejkul said sternly.

 “Huh? Yes of course. It’ll be my ‘pleasure’. Anything for  MY FIANCEE”  








Sorry for the long wait you guys... Just finished this chapter just now and there's some coloured sentences if you realised so I'll assume you guys will know whose those lines belongs to. Actually It's not 100% done yet. I coloured those lines to make it quick since I dont want to dissapoint any of you but dont worry I'll edit that later on. Just for now  I'll present you this chapter as it is. Enjoy reading... >:)


Ps. 100th subscribers... I'm still hoping for you to show up... kekeke




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really miss this story, when will you be able to update again authornim?
we really anticipate to read the next chapter :)
ceciliaDy #2
Same with me.. I love wontoria too. He's perfect. But story of them just 2 or 3 maybe..
Chapter 10: AAAAAAAAAAAA authornim wae sooooooooooooooooo short? TT
update soon asap please jebal TTTTTTTTTTTTTT
aleixa #4
Chapter 10: Haha! I would really laugh aloud whenever Kyuhyun or some other guys are used as a third party for Vic. You should have chosen someone whose profile resembles Siwon (not biased or playing favourites but he's more of the tall, handsome, and formal type if you don't assume he's a derp).
vicqian #5
Chapter 10: Wow this is interesting, both have partner ;) but this chapter is too short,update soon ☺ĸåφ ˆ⌣ˆ
ceciliaDy #6
Chapter 10: huftt.. i don't understand why so many people like to pairing khun with eunjung? tiffany is better than her maybe even if i dislike her. same with kyuhyun. changmin more handsome tham him. *sorry for kyu bias, it just my pov*
Chapter 10: Wating for khun jealous Update soon
heartkhun26 #8
Chapter 10: hmm.. I wonder if khun will get jealous over kyuhyun.. hababa
gween97 #9
Chapter 10: why I always found khuntoria ff and eunjung got an antagonis character? haha but it's oke i love this story, please udpate soon author-nim and thank you for update haha:D