It has been yet another tiring day for Nichkhun. He had to call his client from Italy several times to persuade him not to give up on their billion dollar project. It was the largest investment he’d made and to lose it will cost him a huge lost. Not to mention 70% of it was funded by his company. A lot of work has been done to it and abandoning it would make all their efforts wasted. With all the skills he had, he managed to convince his client and the project will resume as normal. If all things went smoothly as he had planned, there will be no doubt that he would become the most successful bachelor in South Korea, perhaps in Southeast Asia.

“You’ve done a great job sir. Congratulation”, his secretary congratulated him.

“Oh sheesh it really took more times to convince that old brat huh…” Khun sighed in relief but his secretary, Miss IU, was slightly surprise by his words. “Anyway thanks” he added.

 A warm bath would be a better idea to freshen myself, he thought as he spun around his chair. He rushes up, grabbed his coat and leaves his office with a proud smile plastered on his face. Once he arrived at his place, he saw an unknown car besides his parent’s cars. Whose car is that? He asked. Well probably it was just his parent’s acquaintance dropping by his house. As he was about to open the door, a man appears from the other side, followed by his father.

“Oh son you’re home” His father greeted him and started to introduce someone. “Come here. Do you remember him?” his father grabbed Khun’s shoulder and slightly pointing towards the other man.

“Uncle Michael? Is it?” Khun looked at his father then towards the man who was now smiling as his name being mentioned. He may not remember all the things that happened during his childhood lives but he definitely recognizes the people that were very close to his family. Even till now.

“You do remember my name don’t you? I really didn’t expect you to recognize me” he paused. Then he said “You’ve grown up very well Khun”

“What a coincidence, this morning I met Aunt Laura at mom’s boutique and now I met you. How are you uncle?” Nichkhun asked excitedly.

“I’m doing just fine, son”. Nichkhun was slightly taken back when Michael hugged him. He hugged him back to make it not obvious. Michael releases and said, “Since you mentioned her name I think I have to go. I have to pick up your aunt at the mall. You know how woman was right? Shopping and shopping.”

“Why don’t you stay for a while… Another hour won’t be that long and Aunt Laura will definitely fine with that I guess?” Well Nichkhun really wanted to have more time with him. He guessed a chit chat will just do but to his dismay his uncle really has to go.

“Oh no I can’t, I mean I’ve stayed long enough. Plus your aunt will mad at me if I pick her up late”, he jokes.

“Oh yes! You’re right. She’s still the same as old Aunt Laura, loud as ever.” Nichkhun said. He tried to hide his disappointment by making fun of her aunt and yes it was a successful one.

“You better get going and drive safe” reminded William to Michael.

“Ok my friend. It’s nice to meet both of you. Just like the old time” Michael said before entering his car.

“You too, Michael” Khun’s father replied.

As the car leaves, just before Nichkhun enters the house, he was somewhat surprise by his father’s question asking him where will be he going tonight as he never eats his dinner with them lately. Without thinking twice he automatically said, “Uhh? I mean I don’t know yet. Maybe I’ll just stay here. Why did you ask?”

“Oh! Nothing! It’s just that I want us all to gather around and have a nice dinner. It’s been a while we did that.” He answered before Nichkhun mumbled something in his mouth. “What about hyung?” Well if he wanted them ALL to gather around, his brother should be there too isn’t he? He’s still my brother, Khun thought to himself. “Sorry? Did you just say something?” Nichkhun was a bit flustered knowing that his father might just hear what he mumbled just now.

“Oh yeah you’re right. We shall do that. It would be nice.” Nichkhun said to his father before dashing and went up to his room.



-That night-

 The wind blew slowly as the Horvejkuls was having their dinner outside the balcony area. The menu of the night was quite simple yet they enjoyed it so much. Mrs. Horvejkul decided to cook the dinner by herself as she normally did that when they were having their family gathering. A chicken salad, Chinese fried rice, Grilled salmon and some juices were nicely arranged on the table.  Who cares about the menu, what’s more important is that they are here together as a family. It would be nicer if Chan is here. Thought Nichkhun. Then his mom interrupted the moment as she mentioned she met her old friend at her boutique.

“This morning I met your Aunt Laura. Actually it was Khun who met her first,” taking a brief glance towards her son who was enjoying his foods showing no interest on the topic. “She said she missed all of us.” She added.

“Oh yes I almost forgot that I also met Michael at the office. I never expected that he was my client. What a small world indeed right? He also misses you guys. After we had our appointment, I brought him here and we had a little talk or more likely catch up story. Just before he leaves, Khun’s arrived. Right Khun?” Mr. Horvejkul asked. Nichkhun answered with a simple ‘Ne!’ while nodding his head.

“Who are they?” was the first thing that came out from Cherren’s mouth. Obviously she couldn’t remember the Songs as she was just a little girl the last time they met.

“Aunt Laura?  She’s your mom’s old friend / neighbor at China my dear. Probably you don’t remember her but when you‘re a baby, she was the one who took care of you when your mom and I were not at home.  The last time we met was 15 years ago, I guess, when you’re just two. Khun and Nin were little back then. And Michael was…” just before her dad said anything about him, Yanin, her older sister speaks up.

“Uncle Michael is Aunt Laura’s husband. He’s your friend. Right dad?” she said.

“You remember him?” their father asked.

 “Not really though, but I do remember their names as well as their looks, I guess” Nin said.

 “Well your aunt and your uncle had two BEAUTIFUL daughters.” Mrs. Horvejkul joined in emphasizing the word ‘beautiful’ so as to gain some interest from Nichkhun who were now in his own world. “But they are definitely not as beautiful as my two lovely angels here.” Mr. Horvejkul added while giving his creepy smile towards her two daughters.

 “Yuck! Get a mirror puh~lease” Nichkhun always make fun of her sisters by saying those things that annoyed them so much.  Her sisters were indeed beautiful but he just didn’t want to admit it because that would make them satisfied. A little joke won’t hurt right? Due to that he received a smacked on his head from his sisters. “YAH!” They are not just beautiful but strong too. Their parents just watch the scene in front of them as if it was a normal thing their child do every day. Arguing and more arguing.

Mrs. Horvejkul continued the topic that has been cut off for a moment. Thanks to Nichkhun who caused the little chaos on their dining table.  “They are Victoria and Krystal. If I was not mistaken Victoria is two years younger than Khun and Krystal was born in the same year as Nin right honey?” They are back on track. That’s what they thought until Nichkhun said something that made his mom annoyed.

“Dad I have good news for you. Our client from Italy agreed to cooperate with our company and with that our project could be done within this…” Khun was not able to complete his sentences as his mom interjected his words. “Khun you could talk about it later with your dad after we finishes our dinner. I don’t want to hear any business-related on this table. Ok son?” Mrs. Horvejkul may seem not strict but she was very strict. When it comes to family gathering or any family occasion, any businesses or office works should not be brought up. You could talk about it elsewhere at any time but not within that event/occasion.


-Inside the Home-Office room-

After they had their dinner, as usual Nichkhun will directly go to their home-office to do some left over works. A typical young adult, moreover a hot bachelor like him will usually spend their nights with their friends by going out to night clubs or just hang out with them. He used to do that before, you know having fun with his fellow friends with girls surrounded them but ever since that day, the day he was cheated and started to hate any girls that tried to be with him, Nichkhun never spent his time for such time-wasting activities ever again. He still hung out with his close friends but it would be just a simple friend-meeting. He also met some random girls to be his victims. Victims as in slaves that will fulfill his ual needs. He was cheated once and once was enough for him to trust a human being called women.     

“Khun I have something to ask you?” While he was in his deep thoughts, he didn’t realize his father’s approach. He was a bit startled with his father’s question. As usual he will stay calm and put his smile on his face so that his father wouldn’t know how surprised he was at that moment.

“What is it dad? Is it about the project? Well you don’t need to worry about it. It’s under control.” He said steadily.

“I trusted you my son but that’s not it.  As you know, your mom and I are getting older each day and I could die anytime.” Khun’s eyes bulged after hearing those words. “Dad! What are you talking about? Stop saying that…” Seriously he should stop talking like right now. “But before it happens, I really want to see you standing in front of me along with my daughter-in-law. It may sound silly to you but I’ve been dreaming of having my own grandchild lately. There is nothing this old man wishes to have other than having his grandchild playing around him.” He continued

“But dad…”

“Don’t you think now is the right time for you to think about your future. You know to start a new life and build your own family? You’re mature enough and you have a great job, great position and so on. What you need right now is a wife that will take care of you. That will fulfill you daily needs.” Mr. Horvejkul pointed out all his inner thought.

“Dad I don’t think I’m ready yet. Plus I haven’t found the right candidate. Yet!” A common excuse he used every time he was asked about girls and marriage.

“Candidates? You don’t have to. You see, when you was a child, I made a promise to Michael that one day we will unite both you and his daughter, Victoria, as one. I mean I will ask you to marry her daughter. Your uncle is having some problems in his business at this moment and I want to help him. By marrying you to his daughter would help him a little.” Khun’s jaw dropped after hearing all his father explanations. He couldn’t think properly as if a bullet was shot through his head. All he could say was, “But dad that was a long time ago!”

“A promise is still a promise and I will make it happens. No one could change it. Not you or even your mom. I believe your mom would agree to it as well. Just so you know, your uncle was the one who lent me the money to start the business and now look at us, we’re living in luxury. Thanks to him. If it’s not because of him, we’ll never be living here. And now he needs help and we need to help him back.” Khun’s father was still able to control his emotion. He know how stubborn Khun was.

As expected, Nichkhun will not give up that easily. What he said next made all the patience inside his father all gone. “It’s between you and him. Why do I have to do with it? And I don’t know her.” He said. As stubborn as his son, Mr. Horvejkul will not lose to his son. “Stop being selfish khun… You knew her since you’re a kid. She’s nice and polite. You use to play with her.”

“But that was...”

“That was what? I don’t want to hear more excuses from you. Like I said before, this marriage will still be going on. You like it or not!” He already made his decision that no one could waver it.

“Why do you have to control my entire life? I don’t need you to tell me what to do!” Khun shouted. Nichkhun didn’t realized what he had just done. He shouted in front of his father. He raised his voice towards the person that he respected the most.


“Don’t you ever talk to me like that. I’m still your dad and I know what I should do. That is to marry you with Victoria. She’s the one. She will guide and help you to find the happiness that you’d lost ever since that girl left you!” He was very mad that he couldn’t control himself as well as to control his words.

“Do not bring up the past…” Khun’s eyes started to teary and no one knows how much hatred he had inside it.

“I know you haven’t moved on my son, and I will keep bringing it up until you start to think…”

“Fine! I’ll do it as long as you stop talking about it.” Khun said before leaving the room.



-Meanwhile at The Song’s Residence-

 The Songs were in the living room doing their own thing. Mr. Song with his television; his wife was on the phone talking to their youngest daughter who was now in the States whereas his eldest daughter, Victoria was busy with her laptop perhaps searching for any vacancies that are offered online. For six months she had been going here and there just want to be accepted but not even one company welcomed her. She had her degree with good recommendation and on top of that she did great in both academic and other activities but what else did she need. Life is getting tougher and crazier each day. That is so right! Her dad did give her an offer to work with him once but she rejected it. Working with your father under the same roof will cause an unnecessary criticism. That’s what she thought but that was also the truth. It might happen.

 While they were practically occupied with their businesses Mr. Song called Victoria to sit next to him as he has a thing he wanted to tell her daughter. “Vic dear, come here for a sec, I have something to talk to.” As a compliant child as she was she immediately went next to her father. Among her two daughters, Victoria was more obedient than Krystal. From his serious look she could tell that something big will happen but she didn’t want to make any wild assumption instead she asked her dad directly. “What is it dad?” Mrs. Laura was still on the phone at that moment.

 “Where should I start first?” he mumbled. “Ok! Earlier in the morning I met a friend of mine which you might know or remember him but that is not the case. You do know that lately the company was facing some financial problems right?” Vic could only nod her head and continue to listen to his explanation. “It’s getting worse. We are not affords to pay some of the outstanding debts and the extra charges imposed. If we’re not able to overcome these matters soon we might probably lose our clients, in worse case, bankruptcy. This friend of mine is willing to help us but I couldn’t accept it just like that. We’re talking about thousands perhaps millions dollars here and that’s why” he continued.

 “Well you should have accepted it as he said he wants to do it willingly. And who’s your friend actually? I’m really curious.” Vic really wanted to know the person her father talking about. For all she knows most of his friends are just a normal people like them. Who is the person that keen to lend them with that amount of cash? “It’s your Uncle William” he answered. William? William? William? She tried to recall which William he meant but she couldn’t think any. When her father told her that he was their neighbor in China the light bulb lights up literally. Ting! formed an ‘o’ shape.

 “William and I were best friend back then. For once we had thought of getting you and his son, Nichkhun to get married. We actually did promise to each other to make it happen until one day, William and his family had to move to the States. Now we’re able to meet with each other again as if it was destined.” Mr. Michael was so engrossed and went deeper with his words while Victoria almost choked herself after hearing those sentimental phrases. She couldn’t stand anymore with any of that so she barge in. “Wait dad, WHAT PROMISES? Seriously you watch too much drama. And what’s the co..co..con..nection between lending money with this marriage stuf..thing?” Victoria suddenly felt uneasy about it that she stuttered.

“Don’t you get it by marrying you with his son, the chances of this business to be back as normal is very promising. It’s not that I want to take any advantage from it but William really wants you no, he needs to become his daughter-in-law. At the same time I couldn’t accept his help without giving him something in return. So I’m thinking by doing so he gets what he wants and same goes to me. It’s a win-win situation.” Mr. Song persuaded but to Victoria it seems like she was being used. Like his father was selling her to William. “No! I’m not selling you to him!” He was very disappointed towards his daughter’s thinking. “Just consider this as giving and doing him a favor. So what do you think?” He said in calm tone. “I don’t know dad. I don’t know what I should do” she replied. “You don’t have to give me the answer now my dear and I won’t force you either. I just hope that you will rethink about this thoroughly and make a right decision that will benefits you and also the others. I will accept any of your choices whether you agree to this marriage or no.” Mr. Song said  

 “What are you both talking about? Marriage? Whose getting married?” out of nowhere Mrs. Laura put herself into their conversation. Mr. Song explained everything from the roots to the shoots. After hearing the clarification of what the two just talk about she asked, “Vic did you mention to your father who I met this morning?” Victoria was lost. What did she mean? “I met Vera” she said. But she was not so reluctant on telling it. She was more concern of her husband situation at the moment. Mrs. Laura said that she understands what Victoria felt but what her husband just asked for was also the right thing to do. Hundreds of people will lose their jobs if the business really needs to be shut down. Not to mention that, Krystal just told her that she needs to pay her annual school fees soon but in this situation, where could they get the money from? This was her final year and Mrs. Laura was anxious of what will happen if they did not pay the fees a. Krystal might not be able to graduate or even to sit for the final exam. For three years she sacrifices herself for her studies and it will end just like that. What ashamed. This made Victoria to reconsider everything that her mom just said. *Hopefully this is the right thing to do* she thought while crossing her fingers.

 “Dad, I’ll do it” Victoria said sternly. 





Sorry for not updating for this long but look at the bright side, IM BACK!!! Here are the fifth chapter of TTE I hope you guys enjoy it and keep on supporting this story. To all the subscribers I love you guys so so much. Sorry for my MIA but knowing you guys are still here really made me touched. Starting for now I will definitely work my best (my off) just or you guys. THANK YOU is all I could say. :)

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really miss this story, when will you be able to update again authornim?
we really anticipate to read the next chapter :)
ceciliaDy #2
Same with me.. I love wontoria too. He's perfect. But story of them just 2 or 3 maybe..
Chapter 10: AAAAAAAAAAAA authornim wae sooooooooooooooooo short? TT
update soon asap please jebal TTTTTTTTTTTTTT
aleixa #4
Chapter 10: Haha! I would really laugh aloud whenever Kyuhyun or some other guys are used as a third party for Vic. You should have chosen someone whose profile resembles Siwon (not biased or playing favourites but he's more of the tall, handsome, and formal type if you don't assume he's a derp).
vicqian #5
Chapter 10: Wow this is interesting, both have partner ;) but this chapter is too short,update soon ☺ĸåφ ˆ⌣ˆ
ceciliaDy #6
Chapter 10: huftt.. i don't understand why so many people like to pairing khun with eunjung? tiffany is better than her maybe even if i dislike her. same with kyuhyun. changmin more handsome tham him. *sorry for kyu bias, it just my pov*
Chapter 10: Wating for khun jealous Update soon
heartkhun26 #8
Chapter 10: hmm.. I wonder if khun will get jealous over kyuhyun.. hababa
gween97 #9
Chapter 10: why I always found khuntoria ff and eunjung got an antagonis character? haha but it's oke i love this story, please udpate soon author-nim and thank you for update haha:D