Nichkhun’s POV


 -Slap- “You’re a jerk!”


 Once again a strong hand launches on my face causing my head to swing to the sides. As I look up back at her, without knowing, she had left. My eyes focused on her slim body as it disappears into the crowds. The stingy feeling left on my cheeks are now slowly gone. What the did just happened? I questioned myself. I was lost for a moment before the reality alerted me. That ! She slapped me. Yes, she really ing hit me with her dirty hand. TWICE! I cursed. By now I could sense my body temperature rises due to it. The snickering sound from the crowds who are watching the ‘drama’ between me and that did not help to cool me down at all, instead it brighten up more the fire inside me, literally.

 “What the hell are you guys looking at? Will you just mind your own business huh!  You typical busy body people” I let go of my anger before leaving. The ones said that ‘the first experience is always hard to be forgotten’ and that is so damn right! I won’t ever forget this day and that woman who made my day as hell. I’ll make sure that one fine day, I will take my revenge and it would be more painful than this. I swear I’ll get her, if not soon, later. She definitely had ruined my day and because of that I had no mood to do anything right now. I called my secretary to ask her to cancel all the appointments I had but unfortunately the line is busy. I try again yet another failure. Where is she? Where did she go? This girl really… After calling her for the nth time with the same outcome, I gave up and ended up calling my best friend to help me out.


KHUN: Hello Woo, it’s me Khun. Am I interrupting you?

WOO: Hello? Khun hyung is that really you? *giggle*what’s with the politeness. It’s so not you. Hahaha…

KHUN: HAHA! So funny, Yah! Of course it’s me who else. This brat really… Are you free now?

WOO: Ne hyung. Why?

KHUN: Can you do me a favor? I need a little help here. Could you please go to my office and ask my secretary to cancel all the appointments I had today.  I called her many times though but she did not answer of it.

WOO: Do you mean ask IU shi?  *a glimpse of happiness*

(What is wrong with him today? Of course it’s Miss IU. As far as I know I don’t have any other secretary besides her. Pfft...) 

KHUN: Yes, Miss IU, and also tell her that I won’t coming back. Something just came up. Text me up if it’s okay will ya! Thanks bro.

WOO: No problem hyung.



 I ended up the phone call. Wooyoung is my best friend since we were in high school. Actually he is my best buddy since forever. He is very talkative and loud. People would be surprised when they find out that he is the leader of the Jang Corporation despite his craziness and wild personality. His company and mine are in good term in terms of partnership. Besides him, there are few more people who I really closed with. Ok Taecyeon, the son of the minister of Home Affairs, Kim Minjun, the owner of most of the night clubs in Seoul, Lee Junho, the owner of the LJ Entertainment and last but not least  Hwang Chansung, the son of  the president of Hwang University of Music & Art. Among all of them, I was more open towards Wooyoung. It’s not like I don’t trust the others but it’s just that I’m more comfortable to talk with him.   

 Now it’s done and I left with this as I look down at my shirt. What should I do with you? I searched for the boutique, my mom’s boutique as you may call it, and there you are! Finally I found you, ‘VH’s Collection’. Once I enter the shop, a young girl greeted me, “Good afternoon Mr. Horvejkul. What can I do for you?” “Or is it, by any chance, are you visiting your mother sir?” she continue speaking, not giving me a chance to actually speak out. I wanted to say ‘seriously, look at my damn shirt you slowpoke! Obviously I came here to get a new one’ but before I manage to say it, once again that mouth of her couldn’t stop blabbering. “Owh! What is wrong with your attire sir? What happen?”  OMG! This girl is really annoying. She should stop asking before something bad happen to her.  “Just get me a new one, go!” I said then she leaves. Finally she’s gone. Couldn’t my day get more worsened? First, that and now, this little creature. Ugh! What a day? I sighed.

 While waiting, I stepped inside the boutique and have a look around it until a person catches my sights. That woman isn’t that… It felt like I’ve met her before.  And her voice reminded me of someone. Could it be…? I went to her and… “Aunt Laura is that you?” I’m not sure of myself though but her face really familiar to me.  She turned around, facing me with a questioned look in her eyes. “I’m sorry young man, do I know you?” she spokes. “It’s me Khun, Khunnie Khun, Vera’s son, remember?” As I told her my name, her eyes gets bigger and formed an ‘O’ shape. “Owh! Khun! Is that really you?” I nodded my head. “Wow! You’re so… handsome and buff. You’ve grown up really well. What happened to my little, cutie pie? What had Vera and William did to you?” I just laugh towards her compliment? I guess. “Where are your parents? It’s been a while since I met you and your family. Wait when was the last time I saw you guys? 15 years ago! Wow that’s quite long time.” She’s still the same as old Aunt Laura, very loud. “Well if you see that label on the door, you’ll know it,” I said pointing towards a door labeled ‘MANAGER’s ROOM (V.HORVEJKUL)’. “She’s here? OMG why didn’t I ever think the meaning of VH is actually the name of my old dearest friend. Silly me,” she mumbled. “Come on aunt, you should see her. She’ll be happy for sure.” I grabbed her hand and lead her to mom’s office. “Just wait here ok,” I instructed as I knocked the door and opened it slowly.   

 “Hello mom! Miss me?” I greeted.  “Oh it’s you khun, missing you? Not really” she teases. “I know that, I bet of all people you miss me a little but for this one person, you missed her so badly. Please come in.” As the door opened… “Vera?” “Laura Song! OMG is that you?” Here we go again a happy moment between two friends who hadn’t met for ages. It would be much better if I just leave both of them and give them a little privacy so that they could proceed with their ‘long-time-no-see’ conversation. “Uhm… I think I’m no longer needed here so I’ll just leave here then. It’s really nice to meet you again Aunt Laura.” “Same here, it’s nice to meet you too” she replied. “Meet you later Khun” my mom said. I gave her an ‘OK’ sign and leave.


End of POV


 -The women’s talk-


VERA: I really missed you. How have you been? How were Michael and your daughters? And how did you get here?

LAURA: I miss you too. I’m great so as them. Michael is so occupied with his business, my youngest daughter, Krystal, she’s in the States, studying her degree whereas my eldest daughter, Victoria, well she still looking for a suitable job. Nowadays it’s really hard to find a permanent job. The competition is really crazy.

VERA: You’re so right. If William didn’t own the company, Khun might be the same as her. Where is she now?

LAURA: Well I was with her just now. She’s somewhere in this mall. Actually she’s waiting for me.

VERA: Ask her to come here then. I missed her and I want to meet her so bad. She must be as beautiful as you right.

LAURA: Stop it you… Wait a minute I’ll call her. *calling Victoria*


LAURA: Vic honey, where are you now?

VIC: At home.

LAURA: What! Home as in home, home? But aren’t you supposed to be waiting for me? I want you to meet someone but I guess…

VIC: I know mom and I’m really sorry for not letting you know. It just that something happened to me just now at the mall.

LAURA: What is it? Are you Ok? Did you get hurt?

VIC: Relax mom… One at a time, I’m fine now mom. It’s a long story. Didn’t you just said that you want me to meet someone, who is it?

LAURA: Oh it’s your Aunt Vera. Do you remember her? She really wants to meet you but I guess today just couldn’t.

VIC: Oh really? I felt sorry towards her. Mom please send my regards and sorry to her.

LAURA: Its ok honey, she’ll understand your situation. Ok I’ll hang up now… Meet you later.

VIC: Ok mom. *end call*


LAURA: Vera I’m really sorry but she went home already.

VERA: Oh really? *disappointed face* Well perhaps today is not my day but I really wanted to meet her…

LAURA: Don’t worry you’ll meet her eventually. Oh I almost forgot… she sent her regards to you and she did apologize for not able to come

VERA: Oh it’s okay... no need to be sorry

LAURA: Well I think I should get going now… I’m so happy to be able to meet you again. I promised you I will bring my daughter next time we met.

VERA: Me too… Don’t rush… We still have a lot of time.

LAURA: You’re right… See you next time dear…

VERA: You too… Take care… (Hugs kiss) Bye!







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really miss this story, when will you be able to update again authornim?
we really anticipate to read the next chapter :)
ceciliaDy #2
Same with me.. I love wontoria too. He's perfect. But story of them just 2 or 3 maybe..
Chapter 10: AAAAAAAAAAAA authornim wae sooooooooooooooooo short? TT
update soon asap please jebal TTTTTTTTTTTTTT
aleixa #4
Chapter 10: Haha! I would really laugh aloud whenever Kyuhyun or some other guys are used as a third party for Vic. You should have chosen someone whose profile resembles Siwon (not biased or playing favourites but he's more of the tall, handsome, and formal type if you don't assume he's a derp).
vicqian #5
Chapter 10: Wow this is interesting, both have partner ;) but this chapter is too short,update soon ☺ĸåφ ˆ⌣ˆ
ceciliaDy #6
Chapter 10: huftt.. i don't understand why so many people like to pairing khun with eunjung? tiffany is better than her maybe even if i dislike her. same with kyuhyun. changmin more handsome tham him. *sorry for kyu bias, it just my pov*
Chapter 10: Wating for khun jealous Update soon
heartkhun26 #8
Chapter 10: hmm.. I wonder if khun will get jealous over kyuhyun.. hababa
gween97 #9
Chapter 10: why I always found khuntoria ff and eunjung got an antagonis character? haha but it's oke i love this story, please udpate soon author-nim and thank you for update haha:D