Victoria went to her room as soon as she arrives at her house. She planned to do something, anything to be precise, just to distract her from recalling the accident at the mall.  She switched on the TV and tried to enjoy watching it but the program was just too boring. Then she opened her laptop but she didn’t know what to do with it and finally, she decided to read some books but she’d read all of it so many times already. Those hurtful words he said to her just now were still playing in her mind. Damn that brat! She cursed. How such person can exists in this world? Suddenly her phone rang. “Oh gosh!” she exclaimed. It was a call from her mom at which she forgot to tell her that she went home by her own leaving her mom alone in the mall. She put her phone asides after her mom hung up the phone call. She was told that someone named, Vera wanted to meet her. She’s not very sure of that person though as she was still a kid when the last time they met. The phone rang again but this time the no. appears on the screen was showing that it was an international call. She pushed the green button and was greeted by a loud voice.


KRYS: Unnie!!! I miss you so much!

VIC: YAH! No shouting please or else my ear drum will crack.

KRYS: It will be much better that way. HAHAHA! Kidding! So what are you doing at the moment? Where’s mom? *she said soundlessly as if she didn’t want her mother to know that she called*

VIC: She’s out. Hunting some clothes definitely… and why are you hushing? 

KRYS: Hushing? Who’s hushing? Unnie, you do know that I really love you right? To me you are the best sister in the world and…

VIC: OK! Stop it! What do you want? Or let me rephrase that, what have you done?

KRYS: Hehe… Remember the last time I told you that, my housemate and I went to watch SUJU Concert? Well I kind of spent a little too much on the merchandise sold there and now…

VIC: Enough with the explanation and just go straight to point. How much do you want?

KRYS: US$200 is enough though but if you want to give an extra I’ll gladly accept that.

VIC:  US$200 it is… I’ll send it later.


 Victoria really loves her sister even though Krystal might annoyed her most of the time. She willingly gave up her dream to continue her study overboard for Krystal as their parents couldn’t afford to send both of them before. Since little, Krystal was pampered by her family especially by Victoria. She would do anything for her little sister as long as that would make her happy. Seeing her sister in a joy state was enough to make her feel relief.


VIC: But Krys, you should be more responsible next time. Throwing money over something that is not necessary is the same as wasting it.

KRYS: *Click* Done. I already put that in my mind. Anyway thank unnie. I looove youuu so so much

VIC: I know! Who wouldn’t? If you have no more things to say I’ll hung up then. I need to relax my mind from thinking that crazy guy.

KRYS: HUH? Which guy are you talking about? Are you dating someone? Why didn’t you ever told me about it?

VIC: Just a random guy who stupidly I bumped into. He’s a jerk. Wait worse than a jerk.

KRYS: WOAW! Chill sis. Tell me more about it? Is he handsome?

VIC: I’ll tell you more next time ok because I really need to calm myself right now.

KRYS: Sure then. Say hi to mom and dad later. Bye unnie!






After excusing his self, Nickhun received a call from the person who he misses the most. It’s no other than his brother, Nichan. He may seem aggressive and bad yet in front of his family, Nichkhun is the opposite of it all. Who would believe this cold-hearted person is easily being controlled by his older brother. To him, Nichan is and will always be his brother even though he’s no longer lives with them. He loves him as much as he loves his other siblings. They would contacted each other twice, sometimes thrice a week but they hadn’t do that for a quite a while now. No one knows about their interactions as Nichan wants it to be a secret just between the two of them. Nichkhun went to the exit staircase and immediately answer his phone call.


KHUN: Hyung! Where’ve you been? Why don’t you give me a call for the past two weeks? Did something happen to you? *bla…bla…bla… He kept firing more questions towards the person he talked to. Some are relevant and some are not so relevant. He sure to be worried though*

CHAN: Yah KHUN!!! Will ya calm down a little bit…  I’m fine. There you go. I’m perfectly fine. So stop blabbering. Seriously dude, you will be like those ahjumma outside there if you keep doing that.

KHUN: But hyung…

CHAN: No more buts please… I know I haven’t call you lately and I’m sorry for that… plus the case that I handled at the moment is really taking much time than I thought so that’s why I didn’t call you.

KHUN: Who ask you to get such extreme and boring job at the first place?

CHAN: It’s not boring. It’s…

KHUN: Something you love to do. It’s not about the money but the passion and the hard work you put into it. I get you. I know it all. You don’t have to repeat it all the time

CHAN: Good! So no more question on that? How’s mom? And the others?

KHUN: As usual, busy with their own things. I’m at mom’s office though, want to talk with her?



 Nichkhun knows the fact that his brother really missed their mom, but while you know typical young man, letting their egos overcome themselves. Men are all the same, they acted as if they are strong and not really care about those tiny matters but that tiny matters actually could change everything in both ways; good and bad.


CHAN: So how about you? Are you still with that girl? What was her name again, Yoona, Tiffany, Suzy or I just heard this name though, Eunjung? *changing the topic*

KHUN: YAH! Why don’t you just list all of them! I’m hurt you know. But recently I met a girl…

CHAN: Here we go again… Khun you should stop with what you’re doing right now…

KHUN: Listen to me first…

CHAN: NO! You listen! As your hyung, I don’t want my little brother to be labeled as a player or even worse a jerk. Changing partners all over the time is the same as playing with their feelings. You should take note of this. Women are very vulnerable and they are very sensitive than us men. You should be more gentle and respect them as who they are. They might sometimes acts childishly and sometimes they get mad easily which us, men think that all of these are unreasonable but it’s their nature of being a woman.

KHUN: No hyung! You are wrong. They are all the same. They are all materialistic. They would leave you as they got what they want.  We, men should not let them plays trick on us as that had did to me and I will show the whole world that they are not the only kind who are capable to do that.


 He’s still hurt with the past. He really couldn’t forget that time isn’t he? Thought Nichan. There are reasons behind everything that had happened and that will happen. Same goes to Nichkhun. Once he was very happy with his love life. It was almost a perfect life for him until he found out that he has been cheated by his beloved one. A guy promised her to give her everything she wants and that promise was the reason she left Nichkhun. He thought his loves was enough but to her money was more important than his stupid promises. He’s very hurt knowing that she chose money over him. It took many years for him to regain his consciousness. That’s why he was sent to the States to help him to forget his misery. But now he’s back with his vengeance.


CHAN: Khun listen to me. You should not let your anger over power you and ruin someone’s lives. Moreover an innocence’s lives. You’ll get hurt eventually. Just please bear that in your mind.

KHUN: Hyung… Why are we talking about this ? Seriously? I just want to know how you have been doing. If we keep talking about this I’m sure there’s no end to it. I’m sorry for raising my voice earlier but…

CHAN: Hey… I understand you. You don’t have to be sorry. Guess what… It was also my fault for bringing up the past and for that I’m sorry as well.

KHUN: Hyung…

CHAN: No it’s true… So about the girl you met, what is it? *back on track*

KHUN: Oh! Just forget about it… I don’t feel like to talk about it either… Moreover you’ll be burst out loud when I told you about it so it will be my nightmare then.

CHAN: YAH! You make me curious. Come on! Tell me!

KHUN: Hyung I’ve got to go now. Bye!

CHAN: YAH!!! –End of line-







 First of the most, I sincerely apologize for not updating for a while but as I mentioned before I’m quite busy for the past few weeks. And lately there’s something wrong with my connection here at which I had a rough time thinking of it. Fortunately it gets settle (not fully fixed though) in short time or else I wouldn’t know what will happen. I might be on hiatus for a while since the electricians? are still in progress of fixing it. I don’t really know how long but just hope that it won’t take that long… To my dearest and loyal subbies THANK YOU SO MUCH for not losing faith in me and this story as well. I know I say this so many times but all the supports and loves that you guys had put in this story really means so much to me. I’m sorry for not being a good author but yet you guys still patiently waiting for my updates… For that I love you guys MILLION times… <3<3<3




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really miss this story, when will you be able to update again authornim?
we really anticipate to read the next chapter :)
ceciliaDy #2
Same with me.. I love wontoria too. He's perfect. But story of them just 2 or 3 maybe..
Chapter 10: AAAAAAAAAAAA authornim wae sooooooooooooooooo short? TT
update soon asap please jebal TTTTTTTTTTTTTT
aleixa #4
Chapter 10: Haha! I would really laugh aloud whenever Kyuhyun or some other guys are used as a third party for Vic. You should have chosen someone whose profile resembles Siwon (not biased or playing favourites but he's more of the tall, handsome, and formal type if you don't assume he's a derp).
vicqian #5
Chapter 10: Wow this is interesting, both have partner ;) but this chapter is too short,update soon ☺ĸåφ ˆ⌣ˆ
ceciliaDy #6
Chapter 10: huftt.. i don't understand why so many people like to pairing khun with eunjung? tiffany is better than her maybe even if i dislike her. same with kyuhyun. changmin more handsome tham him. *sorry for kyu bias, it just my pov*
Chapter 10: Wating for khun jealous Update soon
heartkhun26 #8
Chapter 10: hmm.. I wonder if khun will get jealous over kyuhyun.. hababa
gween97 #9
Chapter 10: why I always found khuntoria ff and eunjung got an antagonis character? haha but it's oke i love this story, please udpate soon author-nim and thank you for update haha:D