Wild mind!

A Fangirl's Love Story: Diary of Love

You and Luhan have been dating for a while and the relationship was going well until the last few days. He distanced himself from you and being colder and colder. He didn’t call nor answered your phone. The first week of dating, he’d call just to say hi, I miss you and I love you and he never forgot to send you sweet messages—greeted good morning or tell you to have a sweet dream at night. But recently he didn’t! Whenever you called him, he just said he was busy or tired and hung up the phone immediately. It was weird and that hurt you a lot too. You even ended up crying alone.

When he met you and the company, Luhan didn’t even acknowledge your presence. First you thought he was just keeping a secret to the others until one day you saw he did something that broke you heart into pieces.


“Oppa, why did you kiss her?” You asked Luhan while your body was shaking in anger. He rolled his eyes and sighed.

“How many times do I have to repeat this? I didn’t kiss her, Jasmine.”

“But I saw it with my own eyes. I’m not blind.” You clenched your fist tight.

“There was something in her eyes and I just tried to help her.”

“Oh really? What about you let that singer cling on your arms?”

“It was just the sake of variety show, why can’t you understand? Stop being a pathetic, you’re overreaction.”

A tear rolled down on your cheek and your lips were trembling. You couldn’t believe what you just heard.

“Did you just say pathetic? I can’t believe this, oppa. I’m your girlfriend and I have every right to get jealous.”

Luhan closed his eyes and sighed. There was an annoying expression on his face.

“Yes you’re my girlfriend, not my wife. You have to learn how to control your feelings. I’m so tired, Jasmine. Stop these nonsense things!!!

“That’s because I love you, oppa. Why can’t you understand me? I can’t stand it when you being close to the other girls, even if you don’t have to. That hurts me!”

“It’s my jobs to do all those things. Break up with me if you can’t stand it.”

You were speechless. It’s not been long since he asked you to be his girlfriend and today he just told you to break up with him. You held his arms and cried.

“You’re kidding, right? Oppa, tell me you’re just kidding.”

“I’m tired, Jasmine and I want to rest. Let go!” He pushed your hand and walked away leaving you crying your heart out alone. You fell on your knees and began to call out his name.

“Luhan oppa!!! We need to talk.”

He didn’t even turn back to look at you.


You kept calling his name until you vision were gone and you out.



“Jasmine, Jasmine!!”

You felt someone tapped your cheek and you quickly opened your eyes. Your vision was blurred because of the tears. You were sitting leaning your back against the wall on the rooftop of SM. Luhan was looking at you with a worry expression. You realized it was just a bad dream. You immediately hugged Luhan tight and cried again. He hugged you back and moving his hand up and down on your back trying to comfort you.

“Jasmine, what’s wrong??”

You told him about your dream.

“It’s ok, babe! It was just a bad dream. I’m here with you and nothing bad is going to happen.” He wiped your tears away. You nodded and tried to smile. Why would I even dream about such a thing??

“Why were you here with me? I remembered I was sitting with Jiyoung before I fell asleep. Where was she anyway?”

“Jiyoung used your phone to text me. She wanted to grab some foods and she didn’t want to leave you alone. I was free so I came and then I found my girl was sleeping peacefully and I didn’t want to disturb.”

“Did you watch me sleep the whole time?”

“Yes..but then you began to call my name and sobbed. I was kinda freaking out.”

You rested your head on his shoulder and looked at the sky.

“What do you think this dream mean, oppa? Could it be a hint of something?”

He chuckled and knocked on your head lightly.

“You’re thinking too much, sweetheart. It was nothing but a bad dream.”

“I hope so!!”

Luhan wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your forehead.

“Just relax and enjoy the time we have together, Jasmine. Nothing’s gonna………………….

Heavy footsteps on the stairs cut Luhan off. Both of you looked at each other in shock.

“Oppa, we need to hide! Someone’s coming.”

“But where? This is the rooftop!!”

“Then what should we do? We’re going to get caught.”

“I don’t know! Let’s see who it is first.”

“But what if it was your manager or SM staff?”

“Let’s deal with it! Don’t worry, babe. I’ll protect you.”

He held your hand tightly as both of you focused your eyes at the door.




Who was it?



  1. Must say this badass author like the darn cliffhanger hella much xD
  2. Must say this story’s gonna end soon ><
  3. Must say thanks for sub and commented ^^


Shout out:

  1. haguromogitsune
  2. SHElulu
  3. windyskies
  4. yoshi1990
  5. exo_xoxo12
  6. michelle_chokimwu
  7. kyulovesriona
  8. Exolover383838
  9. jekkajekkainfinite
  10. khookh
  11. Jeneselle
  12. hwangniyoung
  13. beragon1821
  14. zatie92
  15. HyunIkha
  16. ljoeluhan
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Hey guys, i edited the foreward of the story! Check it again (or not) that's your choice. It's really importance though :O


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Hi authornim, I'm back again to read this
Flowercrownid #2
Chapter 60: Ouhmy! This story is sooooooooooo awesome! You are amazing author-nim. I love it so much! Thank you author-nim ^^
panda0502 #4
Chapter 31: Your making everything more and more interesting authornim :))
sakinah_hannah #5
Chapter 44: how about baekhyun!!!!!! Poor baekhyun!! Seriously, if me, i'll choose baekhyun!! serioisly!!!!!!! aaaaaHHHh!!!!!!!
sakinah_hannah #6
Chapter 1: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 48: yaahhh they're cute and luhan is just asdfghjkl
Chapter 46: oh my god this is amazing
Chapter 41: yaahh I'm jealous... I want in my life :(
Chapter 34: I don't want to kill Luhan but I want to kiss him too xD
Oh. My. God I already imagined myself kissing him xD
this awkward.. I gotta stop this stupid behaviour xD
I mean come on he is an idol and I'm a fan..
... thnx