Sunshines behind the rain

A Fangirl's Love Story: Diary of Love

A/N: You guys asked for the fast update, here it is!

Exo M's Peter Pan





“Jiyoung?” You yelled out her name as soon as you arrived at the dorm but to your surprised, Jiyoung has turned into Luhan.

“Hi Jasmine!” He waved at you from the couch while flashing his famous smile.

“Where’s Jiyoung?” You asked him

“She went to an ice-cream shop.”

“Huh? But she told me there was an emergency.”

“Really? She just joked, I think.” He said smirking. What a nice excuse, Jiyoung. I need to remind myself to thank you later.

“Why did you come here, by the way?” You asked while walking toward the couch and took a seat on it keeping a good distance.

“I miss you!”

A short answer with only three words but it could shake your heart like crazy. For a moment you hoped he meant it, but what are you wishing for?  Grow up, Jasmine.

“It’s not funny.”

“I didn’t think it’s funny either because I meant it.” He simply shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal.

“What are you doing here anyway?”

“What happened on the rooftop?”

You rolled your eyes after hearing his question.

“Well, I was standing there alone catching some fresh air and then your precious girl came. I hate her so much so I started to pull her hair and slapped her face like crazy. That was what happened.” You said with an annoying tone. As soon as you finished your words, Luhan smacked your head lightly.

“Stop being sarcastic, Jasmine, I’m serious here.”

“Tsk, will it make a different? I’m a after all.” You said looking at the floor.

“Jasmine!” Look moved a bit closer to you and put his hand on your shoulder. “What exactly happened? Tell me, you know I trust you, right?? Why did you pull her hair?” His voice sounded gentle and calm. That was your soft side. He never failed to persuade you. You sighed in tiredness.

“I didn’t pull her hair, she did it herself. Well, I indirectly called her insane. She was mad so she pushed me and I didn’t do anything back yet, she caught my hand and placed it on her head, then made it look like I was pulling her hair.”

You heard a chuckle from Luhan.

“I guess she watched too many dramas.”

“I think so! If you love her, you should bring her to the hospital sometimes.”

“When did I say I love her??”

You frowned with his question.

“That night at the park…………..

You paused and he was raising his eyebrow.

“That night at the park………when I asked you if you still loved her, you didn’t answer me.”

“So you just took it as a yes?”

“Of course! If you don’t, you could have just denied it.”

“But sometimes being silent doesn’t mean it’s a yes.”

“But…nah forget it!” You were too tired to argue so you just turned your back at him. The next minute, you almost passed out when a pair of arms wrapped around you from behind with a head on your shoulder.

“I’m so tired today!” He whispered and his breathe touched your ear making you got Goosebumps. You tried to struggle from his embrace but he was stronger than you.

“Oppa, what are you doing? Get off of me.”

“Why? Don’t you want me to hug you? I though you love me.” He whispered again.

“I’ll count from 1 to 3, if you still hugging me, I’ll scream.” That was the stupidest idea you could think of.

“Go ahead!”

You stopped struggled and sighed.

“Luhan oppa, you’re confusing me. Stop playing with my heart, I’m tired. I’ve had enough, you’ve hurted me enough.”

“I know and I won’t hurt you anymore. Listen Jasmine, I’m sorry for everything and for those words I’ve said to you. I didn’t mean it, really. Sometimes I just said it to annoy you..and…..

“But those words from last night, it hurts me so much.” Your voice started to crack up. He made you face him and tucked your hair behind your ear.

“I’m so sorry! I said it without thinking and I didn’t know it could hurt you this much. I swear, I didn’t mean it Jasmine. Please believe me!!”

You searched his eyes and you could tell he was sincere.

“How did you feel when I confess to you??”

“Happy! I was so happy that finally you stopped denying your feeling. And the confession was so sweet.”

A soft smile appeared on his lips. Opposite from him, a tear rolled down on your cheek. It was a tear of mix emotion. You couldn’t divide your feeling whether you’re happy or not, it was confusing. But later you found yourself already hugging him.

“Stop confusing me, Oppa. I can’t handle it anymore, stop confusing me with AnAn.” You started to cry in his chest. Luhan hugged you back and put his chin on your head.

“Forget AnAn, Jasmine. That girl means nothing to me now. I once loved her but that feeling was vanished away since God knows when. It was just a mistake that a normal teenager made and it didn’t even matter to me anymore. All I care is you.”

You looked at him and a smile was formed on your lips throughout the tears.

“You’re giving me hope.”

“Yes I am so stop crying, kiddo.” He said then kissed each eye of yours. You closed your eyes and feel the warmness from his lips. It feels so right.

“Oppa, you’re not playing a prank on me right? It was all true, right?” You said while wiping the tears with the back of your hand like a kid.

“I’m not and it was all true. Each and every word came from my heart and I’m expecting you to take it seriously.”

“Can you hug me again?” You asked with a glitter of hope in your innocent eyes. Luhan smiled and spread his arms wide.

“Sure, come here crybaby.”

You threw your body at him as he hugged your tight and squeezed you lightly.

“It’s warm here.” You whispered.

“Really? Then stay like this as long as you want.”

You nodded and kept feeling his scent in his warm embrace. It was a long hug until you broke it. You stared at his eyes as he stared back and second by second, his face was getting closer to yours. You heart was pounding and your body was trembling in nervousness.

“You won’t mind if I kiss you, right?” He asked with a playful smile.

“At the park, you did without asking me.” You face turned into a rosy color.

“Oh right!” Then he started to close the space between the both of you. As his face was only a few inches apart, you closed your eyes ready to feel those honey lips but as you waited, nothing happened. You opened your eyes again just to see him smirking. You felt a little bit hurt so you looked away.

“Don’t avoid my eyes.” He said but you ignored it. “Jasmine, I said look at me.” Again, you didn’t obey. Suddenly Luhan pulled you until you fell on your back against the couch. He placed both of his hands on either side of your head while grinning widely.

“Jasmine ah!” He called you softly.

You didn’t answer but this time you stared back at him.

“Were you disappointed that I didn’t kiss you?”

You didn’t want to deny so you nodded.

“Stop teasing me, i just…….oops”

Without letting you finish, he crushed his lips on yours and made a move slowly. Once again his soft lips were burning you inside. You didn’t know how long both of you have kissing each other; you just know that you were panting hard after broke from the kiss.

Luhan looked at you with the eyes that could melt your heart while caressing you cheek.

“I’m sorry again! I’ve made you cried a lot.”

You smiled and shook your head.

“It’s worth it.”

“Let’s spend more times together!!”

Then he pulled out his phone and dialed someone’s number. You watched him talking on phone patiently.

“Hyung, it’s Luhan.”


“Yes, it’s been a while.”


“Yes right! Can you prepare a special dinner for me? I want it on the rooftop and make sure there’s no paparazzi around.”


“I want it the day after tomorrow.”


“Hyung, I trust you.”


“Haha yes thanks! I’ll see you there.”

After he hung up, he turned to look at you.

“I’m going to China tomorrow but I won’t stay there long, we’ll go out when I come back, hmm?”

You were too happy to say anything so you just nodded..again.

“Will you miss me? Because I’m sure I’m going to miss you much.” He said with a cheesy smile. You couldn’t help but to curved your lips upward into a huge smile too.

“I’ll miss you, oppa.”

“I want to kiss you.” He said while staring at you lips.

“But you just kissed me like 5 minutes ago.”

“I’m addicted to your lips and now I wish to kiss you gain, will you grant my wish?”

“No, I’m still lacking of oxygen.”

“Oh Jasmine, baby girl come on!”


“Do you think you can escape from me, huh??”

“No, I don’t think so!!”

He touched your lips with his thump and grinned.


That’s what Luhan said before both lips met for the second time of the night.




Something's missing in their relationship!!!




Shout out: hwangniyoung    ljeoluhan   love_styleforever         ParkYeonHyo          kyulovesriona     Exolover383838 khookh      haguromogitsune        nalaadwilifiaa          exo_xoxo12        Aceaiko      yoshi1990 jekkajekkainfinite        beragon1821          avisdawn

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Hey guys, i edited the foreward of the story! Check it again (or not) that's your choice. It's really importance though :O


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Hi authornim, I'm back again to read this
Flowercrownid #2
Chapter 60: Ouhmy! This story is sooooooooooo awesome! You are amazing author-nim. I love it so much! Thank you author-nim ^^
panda0502 #4
Chapter 31: Your making everything more and more interesting authornim :))
sakinah_hannah #5
Chapter 44: how about baekhyun!!!!!! Poor baekhyun!! Seriously, if me, i'll choose baekhyun!! serioisly!!!!!!! aaaaaHHHh!!!!!!!
sakinah_hannah #6
Chapter 1: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 48: yaahhh they're cute and luhan is just asdfghjkl
Chapter 46: oh my god this is amazing
Chapter 41: yaahh I'm jealous... I want in my life :(
Chapter 34: I don't want to kill Luhan but I want to kiss him too xD
Oh. My. God I already imagined myself kissing him xD
this awkward.. I gotta stop this stupid behaviour xD
I mean come on he is an idol and I'm a fan..
... thnx