Apologize and forgiveness

A Fangirl's Love Story: Diary of Love

A/N: Sorry if there are some words or grammar mistakes, i did'n't check :3

Pink: Give me a reason http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgEFfZOV9GQ





“Why did this girl follow us? Isn’t she supposed to ride on a vain like the other artists?” Jiyoung whispered to you while both of you were on the bus. AnAn was also on the same bus with you and you would catch her gazing at you once in a while.

“But she didn’t officially debut yet; no one will recognize her thought.” You answered Jiyoung while your eyes were on AnAn.

“I saw her glaring at you, Jasmine.”

“It’s weird if she didn’t!!!”

“By the way last night I saw you put some roses in the vase, where did you get them??” Jiyoung’s question reminded you of last night which you were trying to forget. You heavily sighed and rested your head on the backrest.

“Luhan gave me!!” You said almost whispered.

“WHAT??” Jiyoung’s voice caught all attention on the bus including AnAn. You stared back at her when you caught her staring at both of you but a second later, she quickly looked away. What a !!

“Later control your voice, Jiyoung!! This is embarrassing.”

“Hehe sorry, I was too excited. Did he really give roses to you???”

“No, I lied-maybe??” You rolled your eyes.

“I hate the side of you.” She smacked your hand.

“Thanks, I love you too.”





“Why are you following us??” Jiyoung asked AnAn in an annoying tone. Both of you already arrived at the company and you thought AnAn would leave you alone but there she was, walking behind you.

“I didn’t follow you.”

“But you were walking behind us.”

“Stop acting like you own the place, I have right to go wherever I want. I wanted to use the elevator and it was in the same way with you.”

“Yah, what the-----------

“Leave her alone Jiyoung, let’s go!!” You dragged Jiyoung’s hand and were about to leave but when you turned back, Luhan and Lay were standing in front of you.

“Hello Jasmine and Jiyoung.” Lay greeted with a big smile.

“Hi Lay oppa.” You smiled back at him before gave a vacant stare to Luhan.

“Hi Lay sunbae nim, Hi Luhan sunbae nim.” Jiyoung bowed at them.

“Luhan ge!!” AnAn’s angel mode was .

“Hi! How was your cut? Did it get better?” He sweetly smiled at her. You immediately felt heavy in your chest. He didn’t even talk to me. He asked her but he didn’t ask me. I was cut too, did he forget??

“Yes and it thanked to you for took care of my cut last night.” AnAn flashed an innocent smile at Luhan making you rolled your eyes. Jiyoung and Lay were watching the scene in puzzle. Who’s that girl? She seems close to Luhan ge but I can sense that her smile was fake. I saw her smirked at Jasmine. Lay thought to himself.

You were annoyed watching the scene so you just bowed at Lay then dragged Jiyoung toward the stare.

“Jasmine, wait!!” Lay stopped you.


“Your hand, what happened??” He pointed to your finger which had Band-Aid around.

“Oh it’s nothing. I fought with a dog last night and that’s all.”

“A dog??” Lay raised his brow while Luhan was frowning at you. AnAn, on the other hand, was shotting a dead glare at you when Luhan didn’t notice.

“Yes, a two faces dog.”

You looked at AnAn by the corner of your eyes then Luhan. He had question marks all over his face. Tsk, this is such a drama.

“I gotta go now, see you later Lay oppa. Bye!”

“Bye Jasmine.” Lay still had a puzzling face.

“Oh I forgot. Good bye Luhan sunbae nim and you too AnAn unnie.” You sarcastically said.

“Good luck, Jasminnie.” Guess who? The newbie actress.

“Let’s go before I slap a person, Jasmine.” Jiyoung glared at AnAn before dragging your hand away.



“Why did she call you sunbae, ge?” Lay quickly asked Luhan after both of you left.

“I don’t know, she took the wrong medicine I guess.” Luhan answered carelessly but he actually was doubtful too. Why did my Tinker Bell being like this to me?? (Tsk, screw you Luhan. You still dare to question, huh??)

“Jasmine is so weird! I heard she doesn’t have many friends because of her personality. Poor girl!!” AnAn said and acted like she was worried about you. Luhan didn’t know what to say so he just awkwardly smiled but Lay was frowning. There was something behind her words, I could tell. It didn’t sound sincere.

“Luhan ge, let’s go. The others are waiting for us.”

“Oh ok! See you around, AnAn.”

“Yes see you, Luhan ge and you too Lay ge.” She smiled at Lay but he ignored her. Who gave her a right to call me ge?





“Who is she??” Lay asked Luhan when AnAn completely disappeared from their sight.


“You’re playing dump again, ge.”

“You mean AnAn??”

“No, I meant Jasmine.” Lay answered sarcastically.

“Haha I was kidding. AnAn is…um how did I put this? You can say she’s an old friend of mine.” Luhan smiled but without Lay noticed, he was rubbing his palms together.

“Really? You’ve never mentioned her before.”

“Because she was in China. She just arrived in Korea a few days ago.”

“Oh!!” That was the last word of Lay. Old friend? Interesting!!




You were in a dancing class with others 20 trainees. The trainer was teaching some break dance moves. Usually you always did well because you’ve learned about it when you were in the US but today you kept repeating the mistakes. You soul left your body and you didn’t really pay attention to your trainer. You were thinking about last night and last morning, you felt like a part of you was dying. You felt small and you hate the fact that, you were so into Luhan.

Did he even notice that I was mad at him? No he didn’t! If he did he’d at least say something. Who is AnAn to him? He cares about her a lot. They just met each other last night and it already put me in hell. Was I overreacting all by myself? Did I expect too much from Luhan? I didn’t have right to mad at him, did I? Luhan doesn’t belong to me, he doesn’t belong to anyone. Aigggoooo, my head’s going to explode soon.


“Park Ara!! Yah Park Ara focus!” You woke up from your thinking when you head the trainer yelled out your name.

“I’m sorry, sir.” You quickly bowed and apologized.

“What’s wrong with you today? You usually did really well.”

“I’m just not feeling good. Can I have an early break today? Please….”

“Just go and come back when you feel good. I let you this time because I think you always do good, but there’s no more excuse later, get it?”

“Yes sir, thanks!” You bowed at him.

“Jasmine, are you ok?” Jiyoung whispered to you.

“I’m fine. Call me when you finished, ok?” You gave her a weak smile.

“I will.”

“See ya later.” You grabbed your backpack and left the room.

You didn’t know where to go so you just warnder around in the company. While you were walking, you felt your phone vibrated so you took it out from your pocket. You’ve got 5 new messages and 10 missed call. It was all from Luhan.

10:23am Peter Pan: Hey, why didn’t you pick up your phone??

10:30am Peter Pan: Yah, what’s wrong?

10:55am Peter Pan: Jasmine, why didn’t you reply me?

11:05am Peter Pan: Are you mad at me?

11:20am Peter Pan: Jasmine, please pick up your phone. Are you really mad? I’m sorry.


You mind lightened up a little when you read his messages and you found yourself was smiling but it didn’t make up from the fact that he ignored you because of AnAn so you put your phone back in your pocket without replying him.. You’re such a hard puzzle to solve, Luhan oppa.

You sighed and was about to move but someone grabbed your hand and pulled you into the elevator. You were surprised by the sudden gravitation. You looked at your wrist and followed the hand until you saw the person’s face.

 Surprisingly, it was Luhan smiling innocently like nothing happened.

“You scared me.” You shot a glared at him.

“Did I? Sorry…” He just shrugged his shoulder. You freed your hand from his grip and kept the distance from him as far as you can.

“What’s with this behavior?” He raised his brow at you.

“Nothing, why you care anyway?” You carelessly said.

“What? I always care about you.”

“Such a sweet lie!!”

“Jasmine ah, what’s wrong? You ignored my call and didn’t even reply my text and now you’re acting like stranger.” His face dropped while complaining. You looked at him in disbelief. Did he really have no idea? Seriously? You ignored him and looked to the other way but you could feel his gaze was on you the whole time.

“Let’s go!” He dragged you out of the elevator. You looked around and it was on the top floor of the building. He pulled you toward the stairs and finally both of you reached the rooftop.

“Why did you bright me here?”

“We need to talk.”

“But I have nothing to talk to you.” You turned back and was about to leave but he stopped you.

“Tell me, what did I do wrong?” Hearing what he said, you lost your patience.

“Seriously, are you playing dump right now? Think about last night, think about last morning. You ignored me the whole time.” You raised your voice at him.

“Eh why? I didn’t ignore you but you talked like I was a stranger.”

“Yes because you are!! We’re not CLOSE.” You stressed on the word close and Luhan seemed surprise.

“But we are!”

“Oh really? But you didn’t say so when AnAn asked you.” That’s it. Luhan finally got the point. He put both of his hands on your shoulder and made you completely facing him.

“Listen Jasmine, I didn’t mean what I said and I didn’t expect you’d hear either.”

“But I already did.”

“I’m sorry, ok? I really didn’t mean it.”

“Then why did you say it?” You looked into his eyes but he rejected your stare by looking down.


“You don’t understand.”

“Then mind to make me understand.”

“Later, ok? Just remember, I care about you a lot.”

“No, you’re not. Last night you were so over protective on AnAn’s cut. You blew air on her finger, you applied the medicine on and wrapped the Band-Aid for her but you let me bleeding.”

You said bitting your lips almost crying.

“Were you jealous?” He asked you with a wicked smile. Oh yes, I was more than jealous.

“Hell no? Why’d I jealous? I was just disappointed.” You said and looked away but to your surprise, Luhan took your hand and planted a kiss on your finger.

“But I didn’t do this to AnAn last night, did I?” He was beaming cutely. You couldn’t help but to smile with his behavior. Because you’re like this oppa, I can’t help but to fall for you even more.

“Why did you do that? It was too much.”

“I just wanted to apologize. Am I forgiven now??”

“Tsk NO!!” You being stubborn. For the second time, Luhan kissed your finger made you blush madly. Only couple does that, right?? Luhan is confusing me?

“Am I now??” He asked again. If I say no, will he kiss me again?? Oh no, stop that stupid idea of yours Jasmine.

“You won’t ignore me again, will you?”

“No I won’t, I promise.”

“Ok then, you’re forgiven.” You said with a bright smile.

“Your puppy eyes are so cute.” He said and pulled your cheek.

“Ouch, oppa that hurts!” you said and tried to pull his cheek back but you couldn’t reach his height.

“You can’t reach, can you? Hahaha”

“Aiiigo, be prepare!!” You jumped and tried to attack him with you little fists.

Both of you were chasing each other like little kids playing. Meanwhile, a person was watching the whole scene clenching the fists. Be happy when you still have a chance because this is only the beginning!!!!







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Hey guys, i edited the foreward of the story! Check it again (or not) that's your choice. It's really importance though :O


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Hi authornim, I'm back again to read this
Flowercrownid #2
Chapter 60: Ouhmy! This story is sooooooooooo awesome! You are amazing author-nim. I love it so much! Thank you author-nim ^^
panda0502 #4
Chapter 31: Your making everything more and more interesting authornim :))
sakinah_hannah #5
Chapter 44: how about baekhyun!!!!!! Poor baekhyun!! Seriously, if me, i'll choose baekhyun!! serioisly!!!!!!! aaaaaHHHh!!!!!!!
sakinah_hannah #6
Chapter 1: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 48: yaahhh they're cute and luhan is just asdfghjkl
Chapter 46: oh my god this is amazing
Chapter 41: yaahh I'm jealous... I want in my life :(
Chapter 34: I don't want to kill Luhan but I want to kiss him too xD
Oh. My. God I already imagined myself kissing him xD
this awkward.. I gotta stop this stupid behaviour xD
I mean come on he is an idol and I'm a fan..
... thnx