Chapter 5

Don't Forget Me

---Back Home---

"So, how did it go?" Mi-Young asked curiously.

"Can I not answer your question? I am dead tired. Goodnight." I walked to my room.

----DBSK Dorm----

"So, did you get her number?" Yoochun asked.

"Yeah, I also gave her our address!" I smiled.

"Hyung! I am hungry! Go and buy some snacks back!" Changmin ordered.

"Why me? Ask Jaejoong hyung to cook for you!" I argued back.

"Jaejoong hyung is busy composing music! Please hyung?" Changmin whined.

"Fine! I'll go! Aish... such a troublesome guy." I walked out of the dorm.

After buying what Changmin wants, it started to rain heavily.

*Aish... so unlucky. How am I supposed to go back now? I didn't bring my phone though.*

With no other choice, I ran back to the dorm.

"Junsu hyung! You're back!" Changmin ran to the front door.

"Oh my God! You're soaking wet. Did you shower or something?" Changmin asked.

"Yah! It was raining outside, DIDN'T YOU KNOW?!" I shouted.

"Heh, nope. I was keeping myself entertained, Changmin said cheekily, pointing to the television.

"Be thankful that I went to buy just because of you." I said with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.


Everyone was already asleep, I stumbled out of the room to get a drink of water. As I kept sneezing and coughing non-stop, Yunho came to the kitchen and out of concern, he asked, "Junsu-yah, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I smiled.

---The Next Morning---

"Yah... Changmin, it is already 10 o'clock, Junsu is still sleeping?" Jaejoong asked.

"I'll wake him up." Changmin went to the room.

"Junsu hyung, wake up, It is 10 already." I touched his body and felt that his body was hot. I quickly went to touch his forehead. He was sweating and his face was as pale as a sheet of paper.

"Hyung! Junsu hyung is burning!" I shouted.

Yunho was the first to dash into the room and the rest followed.

"Junsu-yah, how are you feeling?" Yunho asked.

"Hyung... Cold..."Junsu shivered.

Yoochun heard and covered the blanket on Junsu's body.

"Changmin, can you pass me the thermometer?" Yunho urged him.

After taking Junsu's temperature and realized it was hitting 40 Degrees Celcius, Jaejoong hurriedly went to call the doctor.

While waiting for the doctor to arrive, Yunho placed a wet towel on Junsu's forehead, with an attempt to cool him down.

---In The Afternoon---

"How is he, doctor?" Yunho asked.

"Don't worry, I've given him an injection, he will be fine once he wakes up." the doctor smiled.

Yunho heaved a sigh of relief. "Thanks doctor, I'll walk you to the door." Yunho smiled.

"Hyung, we have a photo shoot at 5pm, who is going to look after Junsu?" Yoochun asked.

"Hmm... should we try to call ~~~~~~, we can ask her for help." Yunho took Junsu's phone and dialed her number.

"Hello, is this ~~~~~~?" Yunho speaked.

"Oh, yes why are you calling?"

"Sorry to trouble you, but can you come down to our dorm? Junsu is sick and we need someone to look after him as we have a photo shoot later on." Yunho explained.

---Your Bedroom---

"Junsu is sick?" I replied.

*Should I go? Or not... Sigh.. since it was Yunho oppa who asked, I should just accept.*

"Okay then, I'll be right there." I ended the call.


I pressed the doorbell of their dorm. The door opened and Jaejoong oppa welcomed me in.

"We got to go now, really thankful that you are willing to help." Jaejoong thanked me.

"It's nothing! I'm free today anyway!" I smiled.

"Thank you ~~~~~! We will try to rush back once the photo shoot is done." Yunho assured.

"No problem! Leave this to me!" I laughed.

After they left, I went to check on Junsu, to see if his fever has gone down and also to change the wet towel on his forehead. When everything was done, I decided to help tidy their rooms since they have not come back yet.

"Phew, finally finished tidying. Wow, really, didn't know that Yunho oppa was the most untidiest member."

Cleaning their rooms was tiring. I then decided to take a nap before they comes back.

*I should just sleep in Junsu's room. It will be easier for me to take care of him.*

I lie on the sofa and fell into deep sleep.


Done! It's been a few months since i login to AFF. I would like to thank WhiteAutumn_x for helping to edit my story! ^^ 

Please comment and suscribe. I know this story is a bit weird.. I'll try to improve!!

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Chapter 5: So, Love at the first sight...
I love it..
thanks for the update and update soon ^^
Chihana #2
Chapter 5: Thanks for updating, I like this chapter and that she is gonna take care of him. I'm Junsu bias so please don't make him very sick? I hate when he is suffering or sick.
Chapter 5: whaa i love it
Chapter 5: Thumbs up! ^_^ And awaiting your next chapter!
Chapter 5: Cute Junsu, I thought that Junsu will be cold like the poster, story though, and I hope that Junsu will be with that girl, not Yunho *psstt, Junsu bias here
Cant wait to read more from you <3
Chihana #6
Chapter 4: I really like the story. It's a cute and sweet idea.
Chapter 4: I like how Junsu's trying to clear up! /melts/! ^^ Aw he's already such a guy in rl! ^^ Good job, but the povs are always switched suddenly and It makes me confused all of a sudden heh. :) Anw fighting!
Chapter 3: Woots not bad not bad! :) But do away with the ~~~ esp, the Thank You part? ^^ I thought that was not necessary though! ^^; Great job and awaiting yr nezt update! & JUNSU YOU. xD
lazycharms #9
Chapter 3: third chapter only and they are already on this love quarrel stuff? lol ah!~ I can't wait to read more!!
lazycharms #10
Interesting start! :) And I love it that Junsu seems to be the main character of the story (hopefully!) because our dork just doesn't receive enough love on AFF. Update soon! :)