I Hate Storms. Or Do I?

Repeat After Me~

“Who are you?” I demanded as the woman grabbed a hold of my wrist and began pulling me towards a tan SUV. AM I BEING KIDNAPPED?!

The man opened the side door and the woman gently pushed me into the back seat. I scrambled my way towards the opposite door…it was locked! The woman calmly sat herself in the seat next to me, adjusting her sunglasses. She tilted them down so she I could see her eyes. The man began to drive off and I fell back in my seat, slowly inching away from the woman.

“You have a beautiful complexion.” She complimented. “It’s too bad you dress, awful.”

“What do you want with me?!” I asked weakly.

The man snorted. “She’s scared out of her wits, just tell her, Jimin.”

Jimin smiled sweetly and removed her glasses. “I’m Jimin and that’s Suk. We’re you’re stylists.”

What…the, hell. “Why didn’t you just say-…?”

Suk started laughing. “We were bored.”

I sat upright, smoothing out my shirt. “Why do I need stylists? I’m not famous.”

“You’re kidding right?” Jimin rolled her eyes. “You’re going on tour with the guys right?” I nodded. “People are bound to find out who you are, take pictures, criticize you.”

“We’re just here to make sure you look good while they’re doing it.” Suk finished.

I raised a brow. “So I’m, getting a make over?”

Jimin waved her hand. “In a sense, yea.”

“In addition, we’re also you’re personal bodyguards.” Suk added.

“Speak for yourself. I’m just the genius. You’re the muscle.” Jimin scoffed. She took a strand of my hair in her thin fingers. “You’re hair is so shiny!”

“How are those boys going to control themselves around you when we’re done? You’ve already got that exotic look about you.”  Suk commented as he pulled into a parking garage. I blushed.

“Ready?” Jimin asked me as she opened her door.

I wasn’t sure what was going on still. I followed her out of the car and into the building, which happened to be one of SM’s many headquarters. I kept my head down, following Jimin and Suk’s footsteps, trying not to look up at the people inside the building who were obviously staring at me, most likely wondering who this foreigner was. I stuck out like a sore thumb in Korea. For the most part I had my father’s eyes, his Chinese features, but with my mother’s long wavy brown hair and light olive skinned tone. I Followed Jimin and Suk into a room and when I looked up it reminded me of a salon.

“Sit down. This won’t take long.” Suk smiled.

Jimin nudged me towards the chair. Clumsily I made way towards it and timidly sat down. She ran her fingers through my hair. Suk pulled a rack of clothes closer to where I sat, looking at shirts and dresses holding them up and then looking at me.

“Let’s begin.”  Jimin giggled.


To say the least I was exhausted. Between the trying on clothes and the time it took for them to get my hair completely straight and styled, over three hours had passed.  It was finally time to get a look at the reinvented me. I stepped out of the dressing room and walked over to Jimin and Suk who were standing by the full length mirror. As I made my way over, they both nodded in approval.

“You look much better.” Jimin winked.

I stood in front of the mirror. It was…different. My hair was now silky straight, with full bangs just above my eyes. My make up wasn’t too thick but very natural. I looked to my clothes. It was cute, Just not me. They had me in a sleeveless floral dress with a white cardigan over it; it was a really short dress, with somewhat high heels. I smiled wearily, just to please the two.

“Can I use the restroom” Were the words that finally slipped out of my mouth.

Suk rolled his eyes. “We make you look amazing and that’s all you say?”

I looked to Jimin.

“Down the hall to the left, then take a right.” She instructed.

I smiled sweetly and bolted out of the room, when I actually got out of the room though I slowed down my pace. I didn’t have to go that bad but I was sitting in that chair for majority of the three hours! My eyes drifted to the ceiling window…it’s getting stormy outside. I wrapped my arms around myself. I hated storms. I’ve had a bad experience with them, let’s leave it at that. When I turned the first left corner I noticed that everyone had left for the day. It was close to seven now. I made the right turn and saw there was a room with its door open. Isn’t everyone supposed to be gone?

Against my better judgment I peeked my head inside to see. It was a large dance studio and in the middle of the room someone was laying spread out on the floor. I pushed open the door and crept inside, which was hard because of the heels, but even through my noisy heels the person lay still. Omo, please be alive. I thought as I neared the body.

I squatted down now looking at a sleeping Leeteuk. He was out. I tapped him on the shoulder. He scrunched up his face and slowly began to open his eyes.

“What are you doing here?” He muttered drowsily, trying to sit up.

“I should ask you the same thing! Everyone’s gone home….not to mention you were sleeping on the floor.” I pointed out.

He tsked. “Were you following me? Hoping to catch me alone like this?” His tone was cruel and he had an even more harsh expression on his face to match. Leeteuk stood up now staring down at me.

I scrambled to my feet, surprised by his out of character words. “What are you talking about? I’ve been here with the stylists!” I pointed to my outfit and my new hair.

Leeteuk shook his head. “Even if that were true you probably already knew I was here. What do you want from us, foreigner?”

My eyes began to water. “Stop!” I shouted.

He looked taken aback.

“I don’t care who you are. I’ve done nothing wrong to you or to your band mates. Even if this is how you protect them by threatening me, it’s not right! You want me gone? Fine! But just know they’ll only hire someone else and you’re going to do the same thing. It won’t end. And they’ll tell all your fans what a mean person you really are.” A few tears had managed to slip out and ran down my face. I can’t believe I just said that.

He stared at me, speechless. His face softened a little but all I wanted to do was get out of the room and away from the fake leader, someone who I had once looked up too for his kindheartedness. I backed away slowly making my way towards the door.

BOOM. BANG. SNAP. The lights went out. Then, the rain started to pound down.

I let out a cry and automatically took to my knees. I covered my ears and closed my eyes tightly. No no lightening, no, no thunder.  I could feel myself began to shiver as the thunder grew louder, which was probably why I was startled when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Leeteuk moved my hand from one of my ears.

“We have to get out of here. Are you ok?” He asked gently.

I shook my head and pressed my hands harder against my ears. “N-no…I don’t like storms,” I stuttered.

I refused to open my eyes but I could feel him get up from where he was next to me and could slightly hear his footsteps across the room.

He’s just going to leave me here?! I began to panic and my breathing became uneven and heavy. Oh, no.


The sounds of the storm faded as I felt Leeteuk remove my hands from my ears and placed what I was pretty sure were head phones over them instead. Out of inherent surprise I opened my eyes and looked up to him in the dark. His silhouette was standing in front of me, now trying to get me to my feet.

I stumbled in the heels and finally regained balance on my feet. The light from his iPod was bright. He pressed play and the music started to play loudly and almost instantaneously.

‘Sowuhni innayo yeah marhaebwayo (ever more)
Honja haneun sarang yeah geuguhn olhji anhjyo you got to have me
Sesang modeun guhshi dowa jul guhyeyo geudae ganjuhrhi wuhnhandamyuhn’

Sapphire Blue drowned out the noises around me. Leeteuk grabbed a hold of my hand and led me out of the room. In the hallway there were dim flood lights that led to the emergency exit. We quickly made our way to the exit but before we could reach it, the lights went back on. Leeteuk looked up and then reached out, taking the head phones off of me. I tried me hardest to calm down my breathing.

“I think the worst is over. I just hear rain now.” He stated. He looked away from me.

“Thank you.” My hands were still shaky, both from the shock of the storm and my words.

Leeteuk chuckled uneasily. “I can’t believe you’re so afraid of storms. I love the rain.”

I looked to my feet, ignoring his attempt at small talk. “Why are you being so nice now?”

He sighed. “I’ve always been nice. Whether you believe me or not it was hard for me to be rude to you. I only did it for everyone else. I thought that if I could intimidate you, you wouldn’t try anything deceitful to them.” He leaned against the wall, his head hung. “I’m sorry I judged you. I was only trying to protect my members. It’s just been so stressful.” Leeteuk wiped at his eyes.

Oh! He’s crying! Instinctively I reached out but quickly withdrew my hand, afraid of his reaction.

He looked up, smiling through his tears. “It’s strange.”

I titled my head in confusion.

“I know I cry easily but I’m able to hold it in when it’s in front of people I don’t know.” He wiped away the last tears. “Thank you for standing up to me. I didn’t know how much longer I could’ve kept up that act. You have a very strong heart.”

I felt like crying too. He really was kind and he loved s so much that he was willing to break free of that gentleness and do whatever it took in order to protect them. I held back my tears and smiled. He really was an angel.

“There you are! We looked everywhere for you!” Jimin stood a few feet away from us in the hallway. “Manager Lee would’ve killed me if he knew-…” Her eyes drifted over to Leeteuk, her expression going serious.

Leeteuk straightened himself up. “Is it ok if I take Miss Soria back to her dorm, Jimin-ah?”

She blinked in surprise. I did as well.

“Uh, I suppose?” She replied uncertainly. “Leeteuk-ssi, is everything ok?”

He nodded. “I just want to properly apologize for treating her so awfully.”

Suk came around the corner. “Oh she’s ok!”

“No thanks to her bodyguard.” Jimin commented under her breath. She cleared . “Leeteuk-ssi offered to take her home.”

“Oh…Are you sure?” His question poised towards Leeteuk.

Leeteuk furrowed his brows. “What are you both so worried about? I’m not going to try anything!” He defended.

“Of course not!” Jimin giggled nervously.

Leeteuk looked to me. “I’ll pull the car around, right here.” He headed out the exit

Suk turned me to face him. He and Jimin had very concerned expressions on their faces. “Make sure you wear your seatbelt! He’s gotten better at driving but even so!”

“That’s why we’re worried.” Jimin added.

I face-palmed. OMO…

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Gaaaaaad. Your story is really good! Kyuhyun is so mean and so ahhhh... And Kibum&Ryeowook are so NICE i kinda want them to end up with Jade but i know that she'll end up with Kyuhyun.. But ok! Yeah but Lia is pissing me off -.-
Omo! It's been a while since you updated author-nim. I literally started reading from the very first chapter to remember every bit of your story. It's worth it though :)
Aish. I hate that Lia. It's frustrating. I don't like Jade to be in trouble. I hope she'll be okay.
Author-nim, I'll wait for your next update. Even if it takes you a century, I'll wait. You can do it. Fighting! ^^
nikkelz #3
hello everyone! i am currently in seoul right now so updating has been kind of hard! but i will let you all know that the next chapter is almost done!! ^^
kyu.just be true to yourself that you like her^^
KimMiinah #5
love, love, love XD and a lot of love in the last chapter<br />
update soon! :)
Aww<br />
The sweet side of the evil maknae came out <3<br />
Update soon!!
ofhumming #7
so cute ;_;
I can totally feel the love between Kyu and Jade already XD<br />
Hehe, I want to see the sorts of lyrics she comes up with in the end :D<br />
Update soon!!