Chapter 46.

The Florist.
"Will you marry me?"
It wasn't Sungyeol.
It wasn't Sungyeol waiting behind the counter at Le Fleurs for her.
Standing in front of her, was Myungsoo smiling like a fool. He knew she had mistaken him as Sungyeol and felt just a little bad for her. He didn't mind the disappointment in Nana of course, it was all understandable. He called her to come to the counter, and she placed her flowers and letters on it. Myungsoo then took out another letter and flower under the counter and passed it to Nana.
"Dearest Jung Nana,
I know you're surprised that it isn't me that's standing there in the shop,
but our family won't be complete without this annoying death-god wannabe.
He knows his task, let's reminiscence shall we? 
I promise, I'll be here waiting for you, wherever you may be.
Love, Lee Sungyeol."
Nana asked Myungsoo to explain what the letter meant. Because in all honesty, she had no clue what Sungyeol had written. So she was here with Myungsoo, for what, a double-date with the married man sounds weird. And what waiting, she was always there for him as well. Why did he make it sound as if she something grave was about to happen and she was kept in the dark. Then, she saw Myungsoo taking the eight stalks of flowers and began making a bouquet, just like when they were back in the days.
"I'd never liked you before, do you remember?"
"Vividly. Especially your glares."
"Well you can't blame me for that, I was protective."
Nana giggled.
"You were always staring at him, and it made me frustrated as hell. Of course now, I realized, that was the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life. You were the perfect one for him, you always were, even ever since then. And you were the one who saw him, saw the real him before he'd even said a word. You knew him better than all of us put together. Most importantly, you care and love him very much."
Arranging the flowers perfectly, Myungsoo began explaining the purpose of the flowers.
Nana was surprised, there was a purpose?
"Each stalk here, represents and held our love and wishes for the both of you. We began with Woohyunnie hyung, who sends his love, care and concern through food and health. That Drama Queen enjoyed buying things and caring for us because he'd always wanted a family. He was trying to be a better man, and through his love for all of us, he become who he is today with Sunggyu's help."
Nana saw Myungsoo grinning as he explained.
There was a very nice feeling in the room.
"Dongwoo sent his love through the girl he loved since young. She's called Hanuel Lee. Through her, he showed and sent his love along with her. Love is a wholly life affair. And he was trying to teach you that by bringing you to play with kids, because one day, you'll have one too. He did everything he could to make Hanuel happy, and here's what he's trying to do again, for us. He wanted to make you happy."
Nana felt tears gathering in her eyes.
She muffled her stiff.
"Hoya sent his love and blessing to you and Sungyeol. We all know he likes you, but he chose to let you go because you love Sungyeol more. It doesn't matter what he says then or now, all we can do is to accept it. Hoya's a strong and stubborn man, he could force you, but he never will. That's his love. Because for a man like him, loving someone is to make sacrifices. And he hoped you and Sungyeol understood that. He'll be happy Nana, don't worry."
She nodded.
Some tears rolling down her cheeks now.
"Sunggyu hyung, is more like an Appa than a brother don't you think? His posture, his smile and the way he treats us, it's a mixture of a brother and a father. You might now know, but Sunggyu had no family just like Sungyeol and Sungjong. The only person who helped and cared for him had died, because of him. So he's doing things for the ones who deserved it, just like how he did for them. Right now, you're his baby sister. And using what he has most - Money - he bought gifts just like how a older brother would for his sister. He buys you gifts, because it makes you and him happy as well."
Nana looked at the remaining three, already guessing who it was from.
She was trying to hold back her tears, but it was so hard.
"Yvonne sent her love, for always being with and there for you. She supported you with every decision you made and love you like how a real sister would. You were lonely once, and so was she. You girls found one another and experience an undying real friendship. Sisterly love, the love she offered. For myself, I sent my blessings to you who made my best friend happy. I know for a fact, that no matter what happens, Sungyeol will always be there for us, he will too for you. There can be times, when we won't be with you, but just know, regardless of whatever, we'll love and cherish you and him just the same."
Myungsoo held up the last stalk of flower.
And Nana realized it was the very first flower she had saw on the table that morning.
"Sungjong sent his love through his very own special way. He knew long ago that you were the right person for his brother, and to say the lease, you can be the female version of him. You were the one who brought Sungyeol out of his shell after the accident, and he was grateful, for sure. Sungjong would do anything for his brother, and now so will you, as we have witnessed. They'll do anything for the other, and they can't live without one another - Just like you and Sungyeol right now."
Myungsoo passed the perfectly done bouquet of flowers to Nana. He had some tears in his eyes as well and he looked away for a moment to wipe them away. She had no idea everyone had a story to tell and had brought her happiness in their own special ways. As she held the flowers in her hand, she had more or less guessed what was happening. Drying her eyes quickly and fixing her own make up, she saw Myungsoo waiting for her by the door when she was done. He was going to being her somewhere.
He offered his arm to her, and she took hold of it as they left the store. Walking slowly, they saw the sky's colour was slowly changing. The perfect day for Nana was about to end, but she knew good things never ends, so she smiled as they walked.
"Did you ever wished we could go back to school and finish it together?"
"All the time."
"The eight of us, and I missed those times. If only Sungyeol didn't get blind.."
"Now now Myungsoo, don't go crying on me."
"Don't you wish?"
"Of course I do. But I love what I have now as well. I'm fine with not having a degree at all."
He laughed, before turning serious again.
"You know, he'd always love you. He waited, and waited and did nothing but wait. Everything he used to do was for Sungjong, and now, it's for you. You might think we're repeating all of Sungyeol's good, but it's the truth. Make him happy, and please don't hurt him."
Nana vowed inwardly, and outwardly as well.
"I will, I definitely will."

They reached a book store.
Much to Nana's surprise.
They were at a book store down the street away from Le Fleurs. She was puzzled to say the least, but Myungsoo assured her it was the right place before leaving her at the entrance. Holding the bouquet tightly in her hands, Nana opened the door and walked in. She noticed it was just a normal bookstore, however, there were arrows on the floor leading her to a specific area. She followed it.
And when she turned another corner, she found a tall someone standing in front of her, holding one of the novels he wrote and hiding his face behind it. He was wearing a dark blue suit with a bow tie and she recognized who it was when she saw his hands.
They way his name rolled off Nana's tongue made Sungyeol weak for a minute there. He peeked out from the side of the book before closing and placing the book where he found it. She pondered about his actions and walked closer to him. And when he finally turned to face her, he was blown away by her beauty, while she was surprised by his good looks. Sungyeol's hair was styled back and the colour was lightly, caramel brown, similar to Nana's. His eyes were sparkling with love and nervousness. He was sweating, even in the air-conditioned store.
"Are you alright Yeol?"
"H-Huh? I am, I'm fine."
Sungyeol's voice just went a few octave higher.
He cleared his throat while Nana held back her laughter.
"Y-You look really be-beautiful today."
And he pulled his collar to loosen the tightness around his neck.
He took several breaths to calm himself down first.
"Mm. Nana, I think you already know what's going on."
"M-More or less."
"It's a little sudden and surprising right?"
"Just a little. But it's alright."
Sungyeol exhaled deeply before continuing.
Damn but he was so scared.
"We didn't really talk about this before and I know you were busy these few days. But I was thinking, if not now, then when? It's a little rush I know and I'm sorry for that. I wantedyou to enjoy this day and to make it memorable for you. I want to you make you happy Nana, I really do. I planned this day more than a month ago. I-I'd even asked the others to make sure everything was perfect. I've been practicing my speech as well, but it isn't going well now..."
Nana smiled lovingly at him.
"Just say what's inside your heart Yeol, I don't want a scripted speech either. Right now, this moment, tell me."
"Nana.. I-I'm not the best speaker anyway, I'm sure I'll ruined this moment for yo-"
Nana walked up to press her lips against his.
He was getting more nervous than before and she had to do something for him.
They kissed for a while, and Sungyeol felt his nervousness leaving him already. When they parted shortly, their eyes were so near that they stared at one another for a long long time. Sungyeol leaned in for another kiss before finally remembering what he was supposed to do. He didn't want to end the kiss at all, and pecked her once more before finally moving apart. He left a small distance between them to stop himself, but it was so hard when Nana gave him a pout.
He couldn't resist.
She knew he couldn't everytime she pouts.
Because everytime she did that, Sungyeol would have a strong urge to kiss her cute pouty lips. It took him another few seconds before he pulled himself away from her lips again, grinning like a kid to himself.
"Kissing you calms me down."
"I know."
"Stop pouting Nana, or I'll have to kiss you again."
"I might forgot what I want to say."
She pouted, it was unavoidable given the situation.
But for Sungyeol, she covered as she did it and waited for him to speak.
"You know I'm the kind of guy who shows what's inside my heart instead, and the only time I told you I love you was always when we were in the hospital. I want to tell you whe we're outside of that building, but I was afraid, as usual. I'm scared of many things because of you. You're my only weakness Nana."
To a strong man like Sungyeol, telling her what his weakness was was like giving her his heart.
The Legendary Second Leader was telling others his weakness easily.
"I love you Nana. I love your honey brown hair, your big beautiful eyes, your rosy cheeks and especially your sweet sweet lips. I love the sweet you carried around that makes me so addicted to you. I love how you know what to say to make me happy. I love how you pout just to make me crazy. I love your kind and strong character that moved me. I love it when you hug me while sleeping and I love your soft snores. I especially love your kisses, the ones you give my cheek every morning when you think I wasn't up yet."
He kissed her cheek to tell her what he meant.
"I love how you make me crazy over you that easily. And I love, how you're always here for me. Always. Most of all, I love you for being you, for being that girl who can't stop staring at me back then at Le Fleurs. That girl who lied about being lonely to ask me out for dinner when you had a family event that night, just so we could spend some time together and alone. I love you Nana, our love began because of you. Thank you."
He kissed her cheek again before whispering how much he loves her by her ear that it tickles.
He love her cute reactions, he just does.
"I know I'm not the best man for you, given my past and lies. But I'm willing to vow, to swear and to promise that I'll spend the rest of my remaining life to cherish, love, protect you with all I am. I'm willing to give up everything I've ever had just for you and give you more than that. I hope you'll accept me too Jung Nana. You're the Queen, my Princess of my heart. Would you give me the pleasure, of being the happiest man in the world, and marry me?"
He slowly went down on his kness and took out a small box from his blazer. Opening it, he showed and gave it to her. Nana started crying again and she nodded quickly while wiping her tears. Sungyeol had tears in his eyes as well as he got up and slipped the ring onto Nana's fourth finger. After that, he cupped her face and kissed her deeply, letting all his love flowed through her veins if possible. He smiled like a crazy man after that and hugged her.
"Thank you. Thank you so much for accepting me. I love you, I love you!"
"I've accepted you a long time ago pabo!"
He kissed her forehead down as his tears fell on her cheeks. He still couldn't believe something this good was finally happening to him. He dind't think he deserved Nana, she was everything he ever wanted and needed. But along with his promise, he vowed to make it true. After that, he took hold of Nana's hands and pulled out of the back door. The moment she walked out, there were shouts and cheers and confettis falling everywhere with ribbons falling.
Nana looked in surprise as her friends, family, mentor and even her collegues at work were here on this day. They congratulated her and Sungyeol before running back to their seats. Nana paused in her track when she realized her wedding day, was the same day as her proposal day. She took one good look around and saw that everything looked exactly as how she had visioned her wedding to be.
Who would have realized the back of a book store could be this beautiful, it was wonderful too.
She was speechless. The flowers, the tables, arrangement, people, dressing, bridesmaid, best man, and everything else was all done and there. The sun was setting that moment and there was lights in bottles hanging everywhere. The flowers were hand arranged by Sungyeol himself when Nana was taken around the area by the others. The lights were done by Sunggyu, Myungsoo and Hoya the previous day, hanging them on by one around the trees.
Everything else was done by Sunggyu other than the invitations. A personal message by Sungyeol was said over and over again that it was supposed to be a surprise and not to tell Nana anything. He had said about a million times to the guests that they wanted nothing more but to throttle the groom. Nana's father walked up towards them that moment and hugged his daughter while Sungyeol took long strides towards the alter, in front of the pastor.
"Why did you tell me anything Appa?"
"It was meant as a surprise."
"But still.."
"Sungyeol will slit my throat if I told you anything."
"Now now, there's no point arguing. You're happy and you like this. Even if the wedding is rushed, you'll still marry him in a rusher rush."
He smiled at his lovely daughter.
"Look at him over there, he's staring at you ever since he left your side. And look closer, he's shaking."
"Why is he?"
"He's nervous you'll run away."
"And how would you know Appa?"
"Because I went through that process before I married your mother. So let's not let the poor man wait any longer."
"I love you Appa."
"I love you too. So take my arm, and let's walk. The sun is already setting."
Nana quickly arranged herself and her father signalled the musicians by the side to start playing the Wedding March. Everyone stood up to look at her walking down the aisle with her father. Nana however, saw no one but Sungyeol. She was shivering slightly but her father patted her hand on his arm to calm her down. They reached him in sixteen steps, not that she counted. Her father hugged her once more before looking sternly at his soon-son-in-law.
"Promise you won't hurt her in any way."
"I won't sir, I promise."
There was so much convinction in Sungyeol's voice that the older man had no doubts at all. He then took Nana's shaking hands and placed them on Sungyeol's before walking away to sit with his wife. The pastor began speaking, and the sun glowed over all them. The scene was probably beautiful since Myungsoo was moving around taking photos. The best man was moving around for the first time.
And it began.
"Dearly beloved.."

"A toast, to the happily married couple of today, Mr and Mrs Lee Sungyeol!"
Everyone raised their glasses to the couple at the end of a very long and curvy table. There wasn't a lot of guests because Sungyeol knew Nana didn't like crowded events. Only close friends and families were invited. Everyone was allocated seats, but soon everyone was everywhere instead. The bride was now hugging her best friend and scolding her for lying.
"Seriously, a double date Von?"
"It was the only thing I can think of that moment, forgive me?"
"Of course. And you look very pretty by the way."
Yvonne did look amazing that night.
Her husband was hovering around her like a bee to necter.
When she was rushing everyone in the small bridal shop, Sunggyu had drove back quickly and was immediately set for make up. He quickly changed after since everyone was waiting for him. As the last of the blusher was applied to his face, he pushed everyone out after paying and drove quickly to the wedding venue. They reached when Nana just entered the book store. Sunggyu parked then and took the alley towards the other side and began finishing up the remaining work, like ushering the guest and checking the food.
The reception was wonderful, and exciting.
However, Nana was fidgeting once in a while. She wasn't prepared to get married yet since it came too suddenly. She was taking her fourth glass of champagne when Sungyeol stopped her. She flinched at his touch. He set the drink down and took hold of Nana's hands and brought her somewhere far from the reception. The lights around were bright enough to show their path and they reached a small swing at the back. He told Nana to take a seat while he bent down low to match her eye level.
"Why are you drinking so much?"
"It's a happy event, so I shoul-"
"Nana, just tell me what's wrong?"
"It's nothing.. I'm just nervous."
Sungyeol could see her blushing even in the dark.
"Tonight, la-later on."
It took Sungyeol a few moments to get her - She was talking about, ahem, that for tonight. And out of nowhere, he felt worried and nervous as well. In truth, he was looking forward to it. But seeing how worried Nana was, he got worried as well. He caressed her cheeks and tried to soothe her down.
"I'm a little nervous too."
"Y-You are?"
"Uh-huh. I've never done something like that before too. I mean, I do think about it from time to time when I'm with you. But when today is already here, I'm still nervous. What if I do something wrong, what if I touch something I shouldn't, can you imagine my stress?"
She giggled.
He started doing some dramatic effect of embarrassement that made her laughed really loudly next. She understood that he was trying to calm her down with ertic jokes and gestures. He began laughing too. It was a private moment for them, and then, they heard another different kind of laughter. It was smooth and soft, and it sounded like bells. They both heard it, and looked around.
Yvonne and the guys were near them.
But it didn't sound like them at all.
"Was it you?"
"No. But we heard it as well."
Then, the laughter sounded again. They searched for the source because it felt so familiar. Nana recognized the laughter first, having been familiar to the darkness when he arrived and found the source soon enough. She got off the swing and walked to the front, a few yards away from the guys. The laughter got louder and clearer.
"Sungjongie, come out! Don't scare your poor hyungs, I've found you."
"Aww, you're no fun noona."
Everyone watched in amazement when Sungjong materialized himself in front of the nine of them again. He was glowing as usual, but there were three other people beside him. A lady was standing beside Sungjong along with a young couple. Sungjong's warm hands were touching hers and she moved forward towards the guys with him.
"You shouldn't scare them like that Jongie."
"It's a fun game though."
"Look at Dongwoo, he's as white as a sheet!"
"It's not me Noona, it's her. Let me introduce you all to her. This, is Hanuel noona. Lee Hanuel."
Nana felt the air stuck in as she looked towards the gorgeous looking lady.
She was smiling and waving at her.
"Congratulations on your wedding, it's nice to meet you. I'm Dongwoo oppa's girlf- I mean ex-girlfriend."
If Nana thought making friends with angels was weird, she didn't comment on it.
She thanked Hanuel for her well-wishes and pointed to Dongwoo who had came up to her already.
His expression- eager and anxious.
"H-Hanuel, is it really you?"
Dongwoo began crying, tears rolling down like waterfalls as he touched her hair. He couldn't feel her of course, but he rememebred the texture. It was so soft and smooth. He wanted to hug her, he wanted to feel her again. Tell her how happy he was to see her, and to hear her voice one more time. He tried hugging her once, but Hanuel stepped away from him.
"It's nice to see you again oppa."
"I-I can't let you touch me."
"Why not!"
Dongwoo looked so chestfallen that Nana felt hurt too.
"I'm not real here. I'm just a spirit. Heaven gave me a chance to see you again because Sungjong begged and asked for it. He knew how much you wanted to see me because you told him when you visited him first. He knew how much I want to see you too. Oppa, do you know, I was never away from you. Even when I'm dead and buried, I'm always around you. I'm your guardian angel, just like Sungjong is for your family. I watched over you, I saw how you cried and wished to see me again. It broke my heart, I'm so sorry.."
Dongwoo shook his head, telling her to not be sorry.
"I couldn't come down to see you like Sungjong, because he knew his place, but I don't. I wanted to come back to life to be with you, but I can't. Sungjong knew his place, he did dream of if, but he never wanted it. He knew his place was to watch over all of you. But I can't. I want to see you again, I want to feel you, hug you and kiss you once more. Heaven knew if I came down, I might not return, because of you."
A glowing tear fell down her eyes.
Dongwoo told her not to cry.
"P-Please stand beside me, don't leave me till I have to go."
"Of course. I'll always be beside you remember?"
Dongwoo couldn't stop staring at Hanuel, drinking in the sight of her. Her flawless skin, her bright blue eyes and black raven hair. He bit his lips while trying to hold her hand and smiled happily when he could. She felt so real, smooth and cool. He was contented for the moment. Sungjong, on the other hand, walked up to Sungyeol with the young couple beside him.
"Hyung! Congrats, you're married!"
"I want you to meet someone, this is Appa and Omma hyung."
Sungjong smiled lightly.
"I found them when I was in Heaven. They welcomed me happily and said I was very brave for saving you. They were sorry for leaving us but they didn't have a choice. The airplane that exploded had killed them instantly. I-I know it's overwhelming. I know you're sad and angry that they left us, but they didn't want to. They didn't abandon us hyung, they didn't."
Sungyeol gulped hard as his parents walked towards him, glowing brighter while crying too.
They were afraid to approach him, thinking he was angry at them.
Sungyeol ran forward and knelt, shocking them all.
"I'm so sorry.. I couldn't save Sungjong, I couldn't take care of him well, I watched him die. I'm so sorry appa, omma."
"It's okay, it's alright dear, we understand."
"I-I-I tried so hard to raise him, but I can only do that much. I'm so sorry.."
"Come on dearie, don't cry anymore please?"
Who would have thought, Sungyeol meeting his dead parents on his wedding day. He was so happy to see them, finally, the image of them in his head could be renew. He was sad however, because he failed as a brother and a son. He felt hugs out of nowhere, his family was hugging him. They were so proud of him, so so proud.
"It was an accident, just like our death. Forget the pain son, forget those sadness. You're happy now, with Nana, our perfect daughter-in-law. And your happienss is all we ever wanted. Forget about losing us, forget about not being good enough. You're our son, the best son that anyone could as for."
The young couple walked to Sunggyu and the rest.
"Thank you, for helping him when we have nothing to offer. Thank you for taking care of my son when he had no one. Thank you for making him listen and treating him well. Thank you Sunggyu, and Woohyun. Thank you for making Sungyeol's life a kinder and brighter one. We saw your parents Woohyun. They're so proud of you now. Especially your brother. He was showing off to the other angels around how his brother was a doctor and a good person. He's happy, very happy."
Woohyun began crying.
Sunggyu patted his shoulder.
They began thanking the rest of the guys - Myungsoo, Hoya and Dongwoo. Letting them know how thankful they all were. They pressed a quick kiss on Sungyeol's and Nana's cheek after before returning to where Nana had orginally found them the few yards away. Sungjong took one long look at his hyung/ The reason why he was always so cheerful and thankful, was because he knew getting a chance to see his brother was more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack. He wanted all the chances to see his brother be a good one.
"We met again, just as I had predicted. You look well hyung."
"I am well. Thank you Jongie."
Sungjong smiled wider.
"I never once hated you hyung. Even after finding out what you did, I realized I couldn't hate you at all. But I was hurt, hurt that my brother was getting hurt because of me. I was so sorry. So sorry for not being more understand towards you. Nana noona is though, and she'll always be beside you to take care of you, trust me. We'll see each other soon again hyung. And I'm always with you because I'm your guardian angel. Goodbye!"
He began walking back to where his parents were, and the three of them glowed bright. They were leaving, they realized. Hanuel was still standing beside Dongwoo, she was glowing brightly as well and needed to be with the other three quickly. She didn't want to go, she really didn't want to leave Dongwoo again. It hurts her then, it was hurting and killing her now again.
As she took one step towards the other three angels, she suddenly turned back and hugged Dongwoo tight.
The Dino hugged his lover back as well, glad to feel her again.
"I love you. I love you. I love you Dongwoo. I always have, always had and always will. I've never stopped loving you even till now. I missed you, I regretted leaving and killing myself. I wished I was still with you. We could've been married like promised by now. You were my sunshine, my personal happy pill. I'll never forget all the good and happiness you've brought to me oppa. I'll always be here, I promise. Take care and maybe we could see each other again. Visit me soon alright?"
She placed a kiss on his cheeks before quickly rushing back to the others. She turned back to smile at Sunggyu and Woohyun once more before the four of them slowly vanished and evaporated before their eyes. Dongwoo finally broke down, knelt and cried like a baby. He wasn't sad though. He was happy beyond words to be able to see Hanuel again.
Nana walked towards her husband and hugged his waist.
Sungyeol was still tearing silently that he saw his family again.
He could finally let go and forget the pain. All the things he had done were finally worth while somehow. He hugged Nana back as they waddled back towards the reception. The other guests wondered what was wrong. Everyone crowded around them and demanded an answer. Why was Sungyeol's eyes red and everyone was so solemn and sad.
Nana's answer surprised them all.
Surprised Sungyeol the most of all.
"He was really worried about tonight and so-"

They didn't allow her to finish and laughed their heads off.
Nana looked silently back at Sungyeol.
And it was then, she realized, she was so going to get it from him. He was getting pounds on the back for being a sissy while he threw a really dirty, lustful and y smirk at her. Her heart raced and she span around to speak to the person beside her, startling him too.
"Sunggyu oppa where did you get this place, it's beautiful!"
"Oh. It's mine and I let Sungyeol borrowed it."
"This huge land is yours?"
"Yep, I was thinking about what to build here."
"You're not going to build a house and throw us out right?
"Wellllll~ You're not exactly wrong."
"Oppa! You can't-Woooah!"
She was lifted up by Sungyeol in his arms.
"Sorry hyung, can't talk, need Nana to help calm me down for later."
He said it really slow on purpose, making her blush madly. Everyone cheered and he carried her away in to a car. He got his license year the period when Nana was blind. As he placed her in the passenger seat, he thanked everyone for the wonderful night and quickly drove away, towards their hotel to rest for the night before the honeymoon. He turned and saw Nana pouting at him.
He began driving faster.
The small fire inside of him was getting bigger, he felt hotter too. He loosen his bowtie at a traffic light and ed some buttons of his shirt. Nana stared at his delicious milky skin. His pants began getting tighter as he thought about the things they would be doing later on. When they reached the hotel, he quickly parked the car and kissed Nana deeply in the car first. His tongue inside of and taking her sweetly. Quickly, he took their suitcases and pulled her towards the lobby. The receptionist knew he was coming and passed him the key without another word.
They entered the lift alone and Sungyeol pressed the higest floor, the suite. He kissed her deeply again while kissing her neck and her ear, making her really weak with excitement. He cursed for choosing such a top floor. Kissing Nana was supposed to calm his appetite down, but instead od slowly down, Nana started kissing him back and on his neck, making him stand on the edge of sanity. Luckily, they reached their floor soon and Sungyeol pulled Nana towards their room.
She bursted into the room and began wondering around, the beauty of the view in front of her. Sungyeol stood behind her the whole while after putting their luggage away and closing the door. From the back, she looked amazing. He chuckled at her cute reaction. Nana heard his laughter and turned to face him. Sungyeol's hair was now the same as his original hairstyle. His shirt was ed and he looked so yummy.
He pressed his hands against the window and trapped Nana between him and the window. His face was a few centimetre away from hers. His eyes were clouded with lust and need. It was shoring right into her body. He knew he might die if he didn't take Nana now, but he wanted to first.
"Who's the worried one now?"
He smirked at her, and was about to say something more when Nana lunged forward and kissed him hungrily, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him close to her. He was surprised and stood frozen for a few seconds before responding. He felt the love in her in that one kiss and got hornier. He picked her up, wrapped her legs around his waist, their clothed cores brushing against each other for a while and they moaned loudly.
He quickly walked to the bedroom, feeling the need to explode soon while shoving his tongue into . The moans she was making was making him even lustful. They couldn't stop kissing. It reminded them of the day when Sungyeol went out of control and wanted to take Nana's ity even though he was blind. That day came back to them and Sungyeol finally gave in to his urge and cupped Nana's clothes s. She moaned loudly, he silenced her with his tongue again. Gosh, it was so damn hot that it drove them crazy.
That night, the room was filled with moans and groans and they lost count of how many times they found ecstasy.

P/s: Hi everyone! Just wanna let you all know that there's still one last chapter, so don't give up yet. I was actually thinking whether or not to write the next chapter as , about Sungyeol's and Nana's... I can't write the word if not the story would become rated. I didn't write the last part of the chapter detailed enough for my liking. Sigh. But i've never written before. Drop me a comment if you think I should try to write one more chapter on before the epilouge, if not i'll just continue to write the ending.
P/s/s: If you're wondering how god-like Sungyeol looked on his wedding day, it's this picture. He is soooo hot! It's the Mnet, 20's award. Infinite looks hot while their Destiny hair style.
{Edit} I've decided to write a chapter for this as a new chpater. Hope you all will liked it. After my ecams of course. It's always here and I want to die. Countdown for this story: One more chapter. Finally! xo.
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Chapter 49: Love the story.
It made me laugh, and cry.
Continue writing.
Jae_Yong #2
Chapter 48: Hello!
I'm new to AFF and also your new reader.
First of all,your story is really Daebak!I know this story from Running Gaea.
I bawl my eyes out when Sung Jongie died(he's my bias).II almost stop reading and nagged RG a lot why she gave me the story where Jongie died.But she told me to read it till the end and I will thank her.And Now I really did.Anyway,I also cried when I read about Lee Hanuel and when Nana gave up her eyesight for Sung Yeol.I laugh out loud in my class when I read how Myung Soo's Proposal!I was punished for not paying attention in class but I don't regret it.
Your story is so great that I forgot to update mine.But I don't have the heart to do that right now.I jux finished The Florist so I'm gonna jump to The Carpenter.I might update my story only after I have done reading these.
All in all,I love It!!!But still wishing Jongie survive.Andweee~~~
You got yourself a new supporter,Authornim.
P.S-I wanna upvote but I don't have enough Karma.I will do that as soon as I have enough.Till then XOXO. ;-) :-*
ara2712 #3
Chapter 50: hello author-nim~! i'm a new reader of this story hehe yep i managed to find this beautiful story because of the doctor, and i fell in love immediately until i can't stop myself for reading this story
i love your story sooooo much! you can made me feel like i was there, watching their movement. i cried at the part when sungjong died, when haneul died, when nana sacrificed herself for sungyeol, and also when sungyeol met nana's parent. i also giggled nonstop when myungsoo proposed yvonne. oh and also when nana and sungyeol talk about their first night kk
in conclusion, i love your story! and i'm starting to read the carpenter too hehe gonna wait for you to update the doctor ^^
Chapter 48: Loved this *^*
Chapter 46: <3 soooo cute
zhiqing2906 #6
Chapter 46: continue their honeymoon... :D it will be interesting... :D <3
Chapter 45: i am so excited for the next chapter omg. i love this story to death ♥
Sichem #8
Chapter 44: Sequel, yay !!!
Poor yeollie, he can't sleep with Nana.
zhiqing2906 #9
Chapter 42: of coz she should get her eyesight back... :D
Chapter 42: Awwww nana get ur eyesight back :)