Chapter 44.

The Florist.
Happily Ever After (IV)
Nana took off her bandage a week after the operation.
Much to the dismay of herself, that is.
Everyone was there as usual. They couldn't help anticipate such a happy moment, the moment they had all been waiting for. Jitters were racing through them and every part of their body. Nana had told Woohyun that she could see some light through her bandages and was nervous as hell when she yelled for the Doctor. He sighed first when he realized Nana had opened her eyes beneath the bandages. There was a purpose for the bandage, and she just opened her eyes like that. What the hell, was his first though.
But like how every doctor would say, Nana's body wasn't as strong as Sungyeol's, therefore she couldn't remove her bandages just yet. She had to patiently wait until he said she was able to take the bandages off. Sungyeol was beside them the whole time, and had honestly thought doctors were human were made of steel. Nana had tried countless ways to 'plead' with him. She threatened, did agyeo, be nice, threw a tantrum all so he could take her bandages earlier.
But the Doctor was persistent and immuned to Nana's actions.
It took him only one sentence for Nana to stop all her nonsenses.
"If you carry on acting like this, I'll prevent Yeollie from entering this ward ever."
"Y-You can't oppa!"
"I mean it Nana. I'm doing this for your sake. You might not care for your health, but we all do."
Fine, that two sentences, was all that was needed.
But just Sungyeol himself, was enough reason and motivation for Nana to stop being all bossy and noisy. And of course, other than Sungyeol who was beside them, Woohyun didn't allow any of his other family members to know about this incident. For if they did, he would've been in a huge trouble. But he had to do what he had to do, that was his duty and his obligation. He wanted Nana to get better as well. And even though it was in a slowly pace, it would help her more. Forcing recovery meant no recovery at all.
Therefore when Woohyun was taking off her bandages, she could hear her family's happy squeaking, giggling and titters. It increased her excitement and she giggled the whole way. Woohyun snorted playfully and shook his head in amusement at them acting like three year olds for cookies. When he fully pulled off the last of the white rough material, he asked Nana to very slowly open her eyes. Not that she hadn't opened them yet, but he still asked and reminded her three times to slowly do so.
Bit by bit, Nana lifted her eyelids. Woohyun took out a mini torchlight from his white coat and flashed it towards Nana's eyes. He increased the intensity and brightness slowly as well and told Nana to tell him if she felt uncomfortable. He made sure to stare at her body language in case she was hiding her pain from him. Patients like Nana were those that drove Woohyun crazy by being so persistent and stubborn. Nana got used to the light as everyone looked at her. Other than Nana's parents, everyone else was there.
"Alright. She's all done and recovered. Good job Nana."
"Thanks Woohyunnie oppa."
"Would you like to stay another day or get discharged today?"
"Today please."
"Okay, I'll get the paperwork done and we'll go home together later."
Woohyun was surprised that no one was pushing and glaring at him from the back yet. He was almost positive that Sungyeol would have barge through him the minute he said Nana was recovered. What were they all waiting for, he wondered. Yet when he turned back to walk towards the door, he saw the others looked worriedly, as if they didn't dare to believe that Nana was finally seeing again. It was a another miracle in their house, and they didn't think they would ever get used to this excitement.
Woohyun nodded before walking out, giving the others the signal that he had to leave for a while but would be back soon. The others ignored him but he didn't mind it. When he finally left the room, Nana changed her vision from the back of the white coat, to the other six people in the room. She smiled happily as she stared at them one by one.
And gosh she had to get used to looking at such gorgeous human beings.
They were all, so bloody good looking that her lips went dry.
The effect and glow they all had around them was brightening, and probably even brighter than Woohyun's torchlight. Nana took in how every single one of the guys and her best friend had looked like. Yvonne's hard was dyed red for the occasion and Nana though it suited her very well. She was still the same girl that she had remembered, not any taller, nor fatter. The only difference was, she was married and was much prettier. Nana felt herself tearing.
She then looked at the man beside her best friend and easily recognized him to be that annoying man who was teaching her mischevious tricks for the past months to be used on Sungyeol. She grinned at him and he grinned back. From that dark and anti-social man, Kim Myungsoo had grown into a cheeky and playful person. She had much more fun with him compared to before. He winked at her then and did a mini dance with his eyebrows. Nana laughed then at his adorable reaction. To the man beside Myungsoo, he was taller than Nana had remembered and much more good looking as well. Hoya was smiling happily at her with tears in his eyes.
Hoya had a rather longing look on his face, as if he wished he could run up to hug her. But it wasn't in his position, he wasn't the best friend, nor the boyfriend and him going up to hug her first would only bring more issues for all of them. He was slightly happier however, that Nana was looking at him first before Sungyeol. But then, 'saving the best for last', was that what Nana was doing? He felt unenergized all over again.
Next to the bulkier Hoya, was the short and adorable Dongwoo. Nana remembered that smile on his face and his catchy laughter as well. She just couldn't help but laugh when he saw how Dongwoo never changes. He was still adorable, still carefree and still blur just like the oppa she had remembered. He was the man with the special ability to make anyone smile, to make them a happier person. She missed him badly.
And then, the person next to Dongwoo, the brother that she had respected ever since the beginning of their friendship. Nana might miss Dongwoo badly, but she missed the oldest brother even more. Sunggyu was just staring at her, as if he was trying to understand how Nana was feeling inside at the moment. She looked back at the man who she had admired the most, the man who encouraged her to take on her dreams to do something for herself. And as she looked at Sunggyu, tears fell from her eyes.
They all had a shock at why she was crying, but no one made a sound since they knew it was an emotional moment for her.
But still, crying when she was looking at Sunggyu.
Did she owe him money, was he glaring at her, they had all turned to take a look.
Only to find Sunggyu smiling at her.
Nana moved on to the next person to prevent another misunderstanding.
Yet when she stared at the tallest person in the group, her tears were falling uncontrollably. The man had moved from his original position beside Sunggyu to sit beside her. He couldn't take the distance between them and needed to be beside Nana at that moment. Her gazed followed his movement. The way Nana was staring at him, they all realized, it was as if she was slowly drinking her fill of Lee Sungyeol's handsome face. The imagination of Sungyeol she had had in her mind was nothing compared to the man before her.
Everything about him, was the same. Yet, he looked more good looking than she had remembered. His hair, hs face, his every facial detail looked the same, but he was different as well. Nana couldn't put her finger on what was different at first, but then the answer slowly came to her. Sungyeol was happier, more cheerful and was smiling even more. Sure he did smile when he was with her, but that was when she was blind, or when he was blind. Now, they felt as if they went back through the years, to the night they parted after dinner, the night before the kidnapped.
The night they were able to see one another again.
The night when they were both teenagers still - He, nineteen. She, eighteen.
It was like going back in time, going back to the most precious memories they had or when they first met. That was the emotions they were both experiencing. He was different from that man then, but similar as if he never changed. It was hard to explain, but it was just there. Nana raised her hand up towards Sungyeol's cheek, her other hand covering her lips as she couldn't believe she was finally seeing Sungyeol again.
"I'm here, I'm here."
Nana was staring at the man she had loved so blindly and dearly. She was afraid to touch him at first, thinking that she might still be in a dream and he was just her illusion. Yet after the moment when Sungyeol said he was here, Nana had lurged herself forward to press a kiss on Sungyeol's lips. It was a very short deep peck, mainly to cheek it he was real. And when she had confirmed her own dream, Nana cried again as she hugged him tight. He was warm, yet his bones and muscles were hard. It was everything she had been dreaming and waiting for. As she hugged him, she whispered muliple times to him.
"I can see you Yeol."
"I can see you Lee Sungyeol."
"You're wearing your blue shirt and your hair is brown right."
"Am I right, am I right? Gosh I can see you again.."
Sungyeol was nodding when Nana looked up to see the five other people behind him. She smiled yet bit her lips in happiness with the tears pouring down her face again.
"I can see them too, I can see Von, Myungsoo, Hoya, Dongwoo oppa and Sunggyu oppa!"
"I can see them again, I can see you again Yeol!"
The excitement was too hard to contain, and everyone wanted a hug from Nana. They wanted to look at her properly, they wanted to tell her how happy they were too. But Sungyeol just refused to let go of her. He kept hugging her, tighter even after Nana told him to let her go for a while. He just didn't want to let go of her, why couldn't the others just understand him and leave them alone like he wished.
And then, Nana had a mischevious idea. She went to kiss Sungyeol. She knew he enjoyed kisses, which was why his guard would be let down. And when it did, Nana quickly ran out of his embrace and towards her other family members. Sungyeol could only stared blankly before blinking twice. His Nana was really adorable that he couldn't even get mad at her. She ran to Yvonne first and the two friends started talking and crying together.
Two ladies crying in the same room, disaster.
The guys were throwing head back in defeat, having no clue what to do to the crying ladies. However, Myungsoo appeared out of nowhere and hugged Nana first. He told them to stop crying and then to Nana that she did a good job while looking towards Sungyeol. The tallest man thought it was high time he had a talk with Myungsoo about this tricks he was planning with Nana. He grabbed him by the collar and took out him out of the ward while Dongwoo went forward to get his turn of a hug.
The energetic dino was running around after hugging Nana because he was just so happy that he wanted to share his joy and let out cries of happienss. He almost ran out of the ward if Hoya had caught him. Nana then patted Dongwoo's head and otld him not to run around the hopistal to disturb the other patients. After that, she pouted sadly before asking why didn't he want to spent more time with her. Because Sungyeol returned, it would be difficult again for Nana to get away from him.
Dongwoo immediately hugged Nana again and said it was fine. They had forever, all of them, had all the time in the world to hug one another. Because no one was going anywhere else, and they were a family. Sunggyu smiled at his little sister and gave her a big hug while telling her how proud he was of her. He was filling in the role of an Appa and an older brother for her. He then said sadly that because of Nana's tantrums, Woohyun had been looking unwell these days. No one needed to tell Sunggyu anything, the man just knew for some strange reason.
Nene then cheekily smiled before asking where Woohyun was. She purposely called him Woohyunnie Omma in front of Sunggyu, causing the whole room to shake with laughter. And Woohyun chose that time to enter the ward, and Nana called aloud to him.
"Aigoo did my daughter call me?"
"Neh~ Sunggyu oppa said he was really worried for you because of me.. I'm sorry."
"Aww it's alright. Omo Yeobo! You were worried for me, you shouldn't have!"
Woohyun began nagging away while Sunggyu shot a soft glare towards Nana. But even though he looked unhappy at Nana, there was a smile on his face that he was happy Woohyun was fine now. Nana realized and shook her head at how untruthful Sunggyu was. As she looked to her front, she realized Hoya had appeared out of nowhere and hugged her tight. Nana thought she was about to die from suffocation and told Hoya to let go of her a little. Hoya moved back before pressing a kiss on Nana's cheek.
Everyone paused in surprise and stared at the two of them.
Sungyeol had chosen this timing to return back to the room with Myungsoo too.
The awkward silence in the room so strong that it made everyone weird inside. Hoya was in shock as well since he didn't know what had came over him to do something like that. He looked up at Sungyeol and saw the taller man expressionless. Nana had pouted angrily at Hoya and told him only Sungyeol could kiss her. Hoya felt horrible and trash that moment. Not only had Nana rejected him, he had made a fool out of himself.
She looked around and saw Sungyeol looking at her the whole time, she didn't know if Sungyeol had saw Hoya kissing her cheek or not, but it didn't matter to her to be honest. She would only love Sungyeol and only him for the rest of her life. So she went over and hugged her handsome boyfriend, she didn't managed to get a good look at him earlier too. The tallest man was stiff as a block of wood. Only Myungsoo saw Sungyeol unclenching and clenching his fist that were hidden behind him.
"Right Howonnie?"
Nana sighed at the bulky man. But Hoya had been staring at his own two feet that he didn't realize Nana was talking to him. He was thinking about the kiss he had given Nana earlier on and even though it was on the cheek, he still felt horrible inside. Nana must have thought he was being rude and Sungyeol would definitely kill him later. Gosh, could he kill himself?
"I said, that was just a brotherly kiss right?"
"A what?"
"A kiss that brother and sisters shared."
Everyone stared back at Hoya, as if willing him to nod his head that the kiss meant as a brotherly kiss. Hoya felt horrible when he felt the tension in the room rising because of him. But he couldn't exactly confess to her right now, nor ever confess to her actually. Why couldn't the others understand his pain instead of forcing him to do things he didn't want to. The realization that Nana would never liked him sunk into him a long time ago. But Hoya couldn't just change his feelings as and when he wanted it to.
He nodded nonetheless.
Against his own will, sadly.
Sungyeol raised an eyebrow at Hoya, asking him whether that was the truth of not.
Hoya looked away, refusing to look at Sungyeol again as the guilt and jealousy inside of him was eating him.
"Then I saw kiss Nana as well!"
Dongwoo rushed towards Nana like a three year old and puckered his lips out at her. His main purpose was to divert everyone's attention from Hoya towards him instead. He whined loudly when Sungyeol stepped in and carried Nana away from the over hyeractive Dino. He then said they had to leave the hospital soon since Nana's parents were waiting for them. Everyone panicked then as they remembered the lunch they promised Nana's parents. They told Sungyeol to help Nana with her packing while everyone went out.
Dongwoo was the one who directed them and told Sungyeol they would wait at the car for them. His face however, did a hundred and eighty degree change after Nana's ward door was closed. He turned back and looked unhappily at the others. Yvonne and Myungsoo flinched since they never saw this side of Dongwoo before. The Dino told them to go to the carpark with them. Woohyun, who was all packed before he went to Nana's ward tried speaking to Dongwoo first but the Dino ignored him.
"Don't get mad at me for ignoring Woohyun, Sunggyu hyung."
"And why can't I?"
"You ignored him more than I did and you punched him. Because you're much worse than I am."
Sunggyu, at first, was angry at Dongwoo for treating Woohyun with such disrespect. But what Dongwoo said was the truth, he did have no right to scold Dongwoo at all because what he did to Woohyun was much worse. They reached the carpark quickly while Hoya just followed behind all of them. He knew all of them were mad at him, which was why they didn't even take another look at him till they reached the car park.
"What's on your mind Dongwoo?"
"That's my question to you hyung, what's on all your mind?"
They were surprised.
Why was the Dino scolding them?
"I don't understand. Why are you all so mean towards Hoya, why are you guys pressurizing him to change his feelings. He made his decision, he decided to let go of her. But a man can't help himself in time, we all know that. You can't expect him to just forget his feelings for her in such a short time. Fine, it has been two years. But he can't forget her if she's always near him. Do you know how much it hurts him all these while, did you guys even know!"
He was shouting now.
It was the first time he was shouting at them with so much anger.
"You guys are so mean. Have you fall in love before, have you out of love before too? Did you know how much it hurts to lose someone you love because of someone else. Have you? Did you know how much effort it took Hoya to try to forget Nana, you think his feelings for her were just some surface feelings, it was deep alright, I know it! Did you guys even take the time to look after his broken heart?"
Everyone felt horrible inside now.
They looked at Hoya who was tearing now.
"If I knew this would happen, I should have said we're going back to live in the dorm a long ago, because it'll hurt him less. But he chose to stay with us, because he said he missed us and that he could learn to get over Nana. I beg you guys now, don't act like s because of Sungyeol. Because the last time I checked, Lee Sungyeol isn't our only brother!"
Dongwoo was heaving in anger while glaring at all of them.
He took hold of Hoya's hand and said they would go home instead.
"We'll take my bike instead, don't sit with people who don't care for you."
"Dongwoo hyung it's alright, I can take it."
"Well I can't! Why are you such a softie now Hoya, if you're sad just cry, if you're angry, just scream. Don't hide your pain anymore!"
They looked at him, Hoya, who was crying pitifully now.
Dongwoo couldn't stand it anymore. He took hold of Hoya's hands before flagging for a cab and pulled Hoya in it. He looked back at the others before shaking his head. He told them they should just meet at a later time when everything had calm down. And after that, he left in the cab with his phone beside his ear and Hoya on his other side looking dazed and lost.
Sunggyu was sure Dongwoo was calling their manager to move back to their dorm. He bit his lips at not being able to stop them. He remembered the time he had decorated the room for them, Hoya and Dongwoo were so happy that they begged to move back. But now, they were moving out. Sunggyu felt hurt, but he felt ashamed more than ever. He slammed his fist on his car and cursed at himself.
Woohyun on the other hand, was holding his phone and texting Dongwoo about what they were going to do. He received a text back that matched exactly what Sunggyu had thought about - They were moving out. Woohyun couldn't stop them of course, so he texted Dongwoo to come together with to the lunch later at Nana's parents house. Dongwoo replied a short 'Sorry but we need time to pack' back to him. The Doctor hissed at the text before biting his lips and squeezing his eyes. He received another text shortly.
It's going to be a happy event for all of us and Nana's parents. I don't want our presence to dampen the mood. Sungyeol is probably going to propose to Nana in some ways, I know that feeling. It'll be too hurtful for Hoya anyway. See you around hyung, let's go drink soon again.
Woohyun threw his phone to Sunggyu who caught it skillfully and read the text. He was that close to breaking Woohyun's phone if the Doctor hadn't taken it out from Sunggyu's clenched and shaking hands. The others just wondered what was going on, but there was only Yvonne and Myungsoo standing beside them anyway, and they felt empty at the small number of people.
Sungyeol and Nana came out soon after and she ran towards the others, unable to wait to see her parents. She looked around the number of people however, and asked where was Dongwoo and Hoya. Myungsoo lied to her that they received an urgent schedule at the radio station and had to leave soon. Nana pouted, but he replied that they had taken a lot of off for her that their own work was falling back and delayed.
"Oh no! I'm so sorry!"
"It's alright, we can always see them later."
"We will?"
"Maybe. Let's go."
Sungyeol realized all of them looked down and puzzled. He himself got confused because of them as well and he nudged Myungsoo at what was going on. The latter shook his head first and said they would explain later. They reached Nana's house ten minutes late and her parents were already waiting for them. Nana quickly rushed towards them and her parents were surprised that their daughter had gotten them correct.
She didn't look blind at all.
No one told them their daughter had gone for the operation to get her eyesight back.
No one did at all.
They realized it on their own and screamed loudly in joy. They were so happy, so so happy for her that they cried on the spot. Nana brought them into the hosue for a group hug and Myungsoo told Yvonne to follow Nana first. She nodded before leaving the four boys outside the house. Sungyeol turned and asked where Dongwoo and Hoya was again.
"They're moving out currently."
"Is it because of me?"
"And Nana to be exact."
He didn't know what to say. It was just like all of them, clueless and lost. Sungyeol did had a surprise that it was Dongwoo that initiated the move up. And that it was Dongwoo who also scolded them because of what they did to Hoya. Sungyeol sighed, it was all his fault. But it was complicated as well. How they had lived happily for the past two years, Sungyeol could only reminiscence from now on.
What could they do?
What can they do was the question indeed.
They were interrupted that moment however, when Nana's father pulled all of them in. He gave Sungyeol a big hug and said the girls had told him everything. He was about to go on his knees to thank him when Sungyeol stopped him quickly. He was equally happy and he did so to help everyone, not just himself. Nana's father thanked him with tears in his eyes. He thanked him again and again while Nana's mother went around hugging the boys and gave Sungyeol a long warm one.
"But there is, something I wish to have."
"What is it son, just say, it's a yes."
"It's my own selfish with to let Nana see again and I promised I would love and protect her, if there's something I really wish for, I want to marry her someday soon. I promise,  I'll love and cherish and protect with all I am."
The others looked at him in surprise.
Especially Nana.
That soon, really Sungyeol?
But Nana's parents said yes of course, and also said that since the day Sungyeol had came in to persuade them to see their daughter at the hospital, they had already promised to treat him as their son-in-law and one of their sons. And their lives was just like how Nana's mother had said, that they would see ach other again and again. As a family this time round. They thanked Sungyeol who was about to kneel to them now. It was a push and pull situation with the families.
Nana rushed into Sungyeol's embrace and hugged him tight with happy tears rolling down her cheeks. However, beside them, Sungyeol's own family didn't look as happy nor excited as the couple themselves. They were all thinking about the same thing. And Woohyun thanked Dongwoo for his genius brain for predicting the correct thing.
It was best that Hoya hadn't came at all.
Because Dongwoo had knew better, Hoya's heart would shatter.
Shattered into a hundred million little pieces.

P/s: Hi everyone! I just wanna say i'm very confirm that this story would end by chapter forty-six. I wanna thank everyone for giving me encouragement to continue writing stories. Just wanna thank all those who supported this story, doesn't matter whether you're a slient reader or not. Thank you.
P/s/s: Also, I just wanna say, other than my newest story: Inventing Ways, I would be writing another story. Darker, and maybe more thrill. I'm not saying it's confirmed yet but I assure you all, I would put more effort into that story. Please continue giving me support even though this story has ended later on.
P/s/s/s: I swore I would never use a photo that has a mike or some sort of mircophone in them, but for Sungyeol's photo, I can only apologize. There was just too many photos of him that's super adorable but with that damn mike in the photo. Please forgive me. Anyway, i'm also thinking about a sequel? Should I? Or maybe not? Do comment and tell me whether or not you all would like sequel. Thank you!
Till the next chapter, xoxo!
{Edit} I switched up the ending a bit since I thought I neglected Hoya's feelings a lot in the ending. I hope everyone didn't mind the ending and liked it better. Countdown: 3 more chapters. Countdown to my first paper: 9 days. Oh damn, why am I still doing this?!
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Chapter 49: Love the story.
It made me laugh, and cry.
Continue writing.
Jae_Yong #2
Chapter 48: Hello!
I'm new to AFF and also your new reader.
First of all,your story is really Daebak!I know this story from Running Gaea.
I bawl my eyes out when Sung Jongie died(he's my bias).II almost stop reading and nagged RG a lot why she gave me the story where Jongie died.But she told me to read it till the end and I will thank her.And Now I really did.Anyway,I also cried when I read about Lee Hanuel and when Nana gave up her eyesight for Sung Yeol.I laugh out loud in my class when I read how Myung Soo's Proposal!I was punished for not paying attention in class but I don't regret it.
Your story is so great that I forgot to update mine.But I don't have the heart to do that right now.I jux finished The Florist so I'm gonna jump to The Carpenter.I might update my story only after I have done reading these.
All in all,I love It!!!But still wishing Jongie survive.Andweee~~~
You got yourself a new supporter,Authornim.
P.S-I wanna upvote but I don't have enough Karma.I will do that as soon as I have enough.Till then XOXO. ;-) :-*
ara2712 #3
Chapter 50: hello author-nim~! i'm a new reader of this story hehe yep i managed to find this beautiful story because of the doctor, and i fell in love immediately until i can't stop myself for reading this story
i love your story sooooo much! you can made me feel like i was there, watching their movement. i cried at the part when sungjong died, when haneul died, when nana sacrificed herself for sungyeol, and also when sungyeol met nana's parent. i also giggled nonstop when myungsoo proposed yvonne. oh and also when nana and sungyeol talk about their first night kk
in conclusion, i love your story! and i'm starting to read the carpenter too hehe gonna wait for you to update the doctor ^^
Chapter 48: Loved this *^*
Chapter 46: <3 soooo cute
zhiqing2906 #6
Chapter 46: continue their honeymoon... :D it will be interesting... :D <3
Chapter 45: i am so excited for the next chapter omg. i love this story to death ♥
Sichem #8
Chapter 44: Sequel, yay !!!
Poor yeollie, he can't sleep with Nana.
zhiqing2906 #9
Chapter 42: of coz she should get her eyesight back... :D
Chapter 42: Awwww nana get ur eyesight back :)