Chapter 41.

The Florist.
Happily ever after (I)
To everyone's and Nana's most delight, she started her new life the following week, the beginning of new month. Everyone had headed off to their respective work while Myungsoo and Yvonne went back overseas to finish their mid-way trip. Nana was all alone at home, and really didn't have much to do unless she went out to look for work. But she knew Sungyeol and everyone else would kill her if she went out without help. Still, it was boring.
Her legs and back didn't hurt anymore and she returned the wheelchair to the hospital during her previous check up. Yet, she still felt discomfort when she moves too quickly. She made sure she came that away from Sungyeol and Woohyun however, since they would probably scold her to death. That morning, she spent the whole time washing the dishes and writing out some of her ideas for her book. Although she couldn't see what she had written, she could ask one of the guys or Yvonne to just help her repeat what she wrote.
But her first story didn't need ideas.
She knew exactly what she wanted to write.
The only problem was, she wouldn't know where she stopped at. Even though she would love to continue writing without rest so that she wouldn't lost the feel, she knew the others would definitely not allow it. She kept her notes and ideas nicely in a file and smiled when Sungyeol returned back home from work for break. He knew the others would be too busy to come back and someone had to feed Nana.
When Nana asked her how she should write her story, Sungyeol suggested a typewriter would be fine, and bought one for her that very afternoon when Nana was eating her lunch very slowly. The typewriter came the very next day during break as well. Sungyeol specifically arranged that timing for the item to arrive since he would be home. He didn't trust anyone, especially males, to stand outside the door in front of a blind pretty girl and do nothing.
The world to him was still cruel.
And he did send a killer glare towards the delivery guy who was eyeing Nana up and down like a wolf.
He ran for his life, Sungyeol made sure he did and never wish to return.
The typewriter was special compared to the others because the buttons had braille on them. She was also more familiar to a typewriter than a computer keyboard. Before she could began, she had to imagine a lot of things - How many chapters should she make the story, or how the sentence strutuce should be and etc. It was really tough work since the job she had chosen was one of the jobs that needed eyesight the most. At first, she needed someone to tell her the placement of the keys.
After getting familiar with her new toy, she began typing everyday. It was amazing that she was typing correctly and knew just when she was running out of paper. She had to judge for it herself by touching the paper to check how much space was left. Then, she would slot a new paper in. The typewriter Sungyeol had gotten her was blind-user friendly-
(I don't think there's such a thing, but let's just go with it)
-and it made Nana's job easier. All she needed to do was to press an eject button, and the paper would slip out. After that, place another piece of paper into the same place and the typewrtier would do the rest, adjusting the paper accordingly.
Soon, she was typing her heart and soul out, pouring her emotions and feelings into the story. It was a love story, and she finished it within three months. It was hard for her when she was looking for a publisher at that time, but how could they expect any less from Sunggyu, and Myungsoo's boss who was in the magazine industry. They both read the manuscript and almost cried.
It took them like, two days to find a suitable pulisher, but Nana decided to go with the publisher Sunggyu found. Because from what she had heard, that publisher loved the story so much that she actually cried on the spot. As for the other publisher, she was more into thriller and suspense, which was something Nana could never write and would most likely frighten herself first. She knew her publisher would do her utmost best to promote her story and more than as a writer, as a lover and girl, she wished others could fall in love with her story because of its content.
On the very first page, she wrote a short note to the inspiration of the story.
To my Dearest Yeol.
The ink & paper of my life.
{Six Months Later}
In a short span of that time period, Nana had became quite a reowned writer. She was considered very lucky to be honest, since it wasn't easy to get a novel published this quickly. But the fact that she was a blind writer touched many hearts because of her determination and enthusiasim, and of course, her love for her lover. The story sold a thirty thousand copies and was still reprinting.
Her novels ranged into different genres - Romance, Inspirational, and Comedy. She swore she would never write a thriller one, but she did write a fantasy kind of story. Vampires were overrated, so she wrote something about werewolves. It was hiliarious when Sungyeol read it, but woman love those kind of romance. They just do, without a logical reasoning.
As for Nana now, she liked nothing more than to sit in front of her typewriter and taking a sip of her coffee every now and then. It was still hard to type since she could check, but the publishing company said they would help her correct any grammer or structure mistakes. They were all really helpful to her because she was a very nice and courageous girl. She gained people's respect just like that. It was hard work still, but she loved every bit of her job.
Of course, there was one exciting moment when the readers and her fans found out the man she was writing about in the story was the famous and handsome model - Lee Sungyeol. It was a jawdropping realization that they faced when they found it out. At first, it was just her fans trying to find out more about Nana since they didn't want to be trick to buy her story out of pity, but they fell in love with her more when they found out everything about her was true. And amazingly, her readers supported her relationship with Sungyeol.
He wasn't exact an idol like Hoya and Dongwoo, but he was famous enough on his own. And she was on her way to be equally famous as well. They could only cry when they realized Nana's novel was based on a very true story. Sungjong and the brothers, all were included in the story. The ending was a sad one because Nana wrote that she was blind forever, the only part of the story that Sungyeol disliked.
But she didn't care.
It was, what it was.
She couldn't change the fact that she was going to be really blind forever.
And Sungyeol would just smile forcefully at her, he had plans of his own as well.
Nana wrote two more novels within these six months, and both were dedicated to the other three families that she had that were important to her life. Her parents, and the rest of the guys. Yvonne was kind of sad that Nana didn't write one for her but Nana said she was writing it right now and showed her some of the beginning pagers. Yvonne was crying and laughing at the same time as they both reminiscene the things they had done and been through before.
And as for Yvonne's novel, Nana pleaded with her publisher to release it on her best friend's wedding day, as a wedding gift. It was a tad too rush since Nana had only finished writing the story a week before the wedding. But how could the publisher refuse Nana, they had to all rush for a few days but it was worthed it. The sales were worthed it, and Yvonne loved the gift. Nana wanted everyone to know how deeply in love her best friend was with her boyfriend's best friend. It was almost too adorable to watch.
On Yvonne's wedding day, it was a hell of a hectic day. Nana was Yvonne's maid of honor of course, but she didn't need to do anything other than to fit into her bridesmaid dress and choose some of the colous. It was a small event honestly, only families and friends were invited. However, Yvonne invited the problematic model who was in love with Myungsoo on purpse. So that she could show off and shut the whinings of the model once and for all.
He was her husband now.
And she better get that into her head.
The wedding was one of those moments that Nana wished she had her eyesight back. But even so, she was happy enough to be able to enjoy the event. She was standing beside the spot where the bride should be and was just two human space away from Sungyeol. Often, and annoyingly to the others and Myungsoo, he tried to walk closer and towards Nana to talk to her. But he was always stopped by Woohyun's sudden glare, telling Sungyeol to stop where he was and pay attention to the wedding.
Sungyeol sighed dejectedly, and when the wedding ceremony was over, he, as the best man, went on stage to give a small speech. He decided to talk about their lasting friendship and how Myungsoo proposed to Yvonne, causing everyone to laugh while Myungsoo and Yvonne blushed in embarrassement. They have every right to blush as well, because that wedding proposal, was one hell of a proposal.
Myungsoo came home a month ago alone from the airport and was sweating badly for some reason, his face was drenched and even his hair was wet. It was very hot that day but Myungsoo was shivering like mad. Everyone was at home that night and we were shocked to see Myungsoo like this. Suddenly, he collasped to the floor and we rushed towards him.
He was having a seizure sort of like reaction. And Woohyun, being their only doctor was trying to find out what was wrong with him, but Myungsoo was shaking so badly that he felt moving away from Woohyun. Yvonne was beside herself with extreme worry, she kept pulling Myungsoo up and helping him in some ways, but Myungsoo couldn't seem to stop, he couldn't talk as well.
Then, after a while, Myugnsoo stopped moving totally, scaring them even more. Sungyeol was about to call the ambulance when Myungsoo grabbed his arm and said he had something he wanted to say and for him to switched off the phone. It was like a scene in the movies, and none of them could forget that scene ever.
Everything was so quiet, pin-drop silence other than Myungsoo's heavy panting. He began speaking, but very softly. It was hard for them to listen and they gasped loudly when Myungsoo said he actually had cancer. He only found out when he came back from Japan, his first trip as a photographer. Yvonne started crying while the others was in shock. He then said he was supposed to have another month to live and that he had been feeling unwell these months.
Yvonne then asked was that why he kept writing in that Death Book of his and Myungsoo nodded. Everyone had no idea of the illness since Myungsoo had been in Italy for the past few months. They were scared to death and close to tears, all of them. He suddenly looked at Yvonne and told her he was really sorry he didn't tell her before that he was unwell and sick.
Yvonne was already bawling her eyes out. Her face was tear-stained and she was holding Myungsoo's hand against her face. He was speaking so slowly, as if he was trying to catch his breath. Woohyun moved back for some reason, and pulled all of us away except for Yvonne to let the couple be together. To be honest, Woohyun was grinning to himself for some reason, and only Sungyeol caught that, leaving him super confused at what was happening.
And then, they saw Myungsoo raising his hand to cup Yvonne's face, slowly brushing away her tears.
"I'm sorry I couldn't do anything mroe for you Von, I wished we could have been together will we were old."
"We will, we will! You can get cured, I know you will!"
"I wished you were always mine, I'm so sorry Yvonne, I really am.."
"We'll be together, always. I won't leave you. Why didn't yout ell me you had cancer all these months!"
She was going on and on now, saying she was a terrible girlfriend and a worst bestfriend ever. Myungsoo was comforting her instead and said if possible, he wished she was officially his. And then they finally understood that he was trying to propose to her.
"Will you marry me, Yvonne Shin? Even though I only have a month more to live.."
"I will, I will, the answer is yes. No matter what, I will always love you."
Everyone's tear were already pouring down their faces. Not only was Yvonne losing her love, they were all losing a great brother. Sunggyu was in shock and didn't know what to do, but Woohyun was smiling widely and visibly now. Sungyeol was having a hard time swallowing what was happening. His best friend was drying and he didn't know what to do.
Then suddenly, Myungsoo closed his eyes and left out a sigh like his last breath, and stood up. He began dusting the dust off his pants and clothes while the others watched in disbelief. What had just happened? Their eyebrows were crossed, the uncertainity in their eyes, their heads tilted. What on earth was happening right now, they were all staring blankly at one another, and mouths slightly apart in shock.
Myungsoo looked as if he was given miracle water and was completely healed. He smiled at them with that charming smile of his and gently pulled Yvonne up from the floor and wiped her eyes. And then, he dropped another bomb on her. Following the bomb that he had cancer for a long time, he went on to tell Yvonne he wasn't dying at all and in fact, have no such thing as cancer or whatsoever.
He was healthy as a horse.
Or so he says.
For now.
He then told Yvonne he just wanted to know whether she would love him even though he was dying. Myungsoo had some serious trust issues they all thought, because that was the stupidest question they all had ever heard coming out from his mouth. He then said he wanted to know if their love was as great as Sungyeol's and Nana's, he wanted to know if she didn't mind if he didn't do all those great and loving things for her. He said he would love her till he dies but he didn't know about her.
What was her true feelings?
At that moment, Sungyeol was confirmed that his best friend was the biggest fool of all. Anyone with two eyes could see that Yvonne was deeply in love with him. Even Nana who was blind sighed at the ridiculous question and whispered that Myungsoo was an idiot. But honestly speaking, the things that Yvonne did for Myungsoo couldn't be compared with what Nana had done for Sungyeol. But it wasn't just that, Yvonne didn't do much for Myungsoo as well. They were a normal couple, going to dates and living happily.
And just because Myungsoo was afraid Yvonne didn't love him that much, he went to scare her with something this scary and childish. She scoffed loudly and went into a rage. She started scolding him at how afraid she was that he was really dying or what not. And Woohyun, who thought the couple was cute, decided to make things worse by saying he already knew this was happening.
"You mean you knew? And you didn't tell us?!"
"Hey hey, I just knew earlier on when I touched his pulse. He's perfectly fine."
"Then you should have told me oppa!"
"He wanted to purpose to you in such a way, why should I stop it?"
She was going into another rage.
"But- Ugh seriously?!"
"Come on Von, if he was really dying, did you think I would step away and do nothing about it?"
"I was about to die of sadness and you're smiling?"
"Please, go rage on your finacee, not me, I'm just the doctor!"
It was tough work to calm her down honestly, and she resorted to completely ignoring Myungsoo for the next few hours. When she cooled down, she said that she wanted to reconsider marrying Myungsoo. Everyone was in shock and asked why, especially Myungsoo.
"I don't think my heart can take it if he pulls something like this again."
"Please dear, I won't do such a thing anymore, I swear!"
"Please marry me, please please please!"
Yvonne was seriously reconsidering, but everyone knew it was just her pride talking then. She was too in love with him to even reconsider the marriage. They got married two months later and everyone at the wedding laughed when they heard the story about how Myungsoo proposed. Of all the ideas in the world, Myungsoo just had to chose the proposal that all women hated.
"And from one man to another, I have to say this - Good job Kim Myungsoo!"
Everyone applauded loudly and some of Myungsoo's friends even went forward to pat his back. Who would have thought that handsome guy would be this cheeky and stupid. He coughed at the many claps on the back, but smiled proudly. Nobody could pull off something this skillful as he could, and sometimes, he thought she should had gone to be an actor than a photographer. His acting skills would be put into good use then.
"And in case you're wondering Myungsoo, I love you till death. And you're the best friend any guy can ever get. So you don't have to test me, because everything I said was true. One of the happiest moments in my life was when we met at Le Fleurs and became such good friends. I won't know where I'll be if it wasn't for you. Therefore, I proposed a toast! To the luckiest and happiest man today! May your marriage be the second best decision of your life, the first was to be my friend of course!"
A loud hmpff came from the crowd and everyone laughed again.
"Just kidding Von! The first best decision of course, was to be in love with your lovely wife! A toast to Mr and Mrs Kim Myungsoo!"
Everyone clapped as Sungyeol walked down the stage after he proposed a toast to the newly-wed couple. Sungyeol received a joking hit from the bride and had to hide behind his lovely girlfriend for safety. Nana was laughing as she heard the loud cry of pain from her boyfriend and told him to close to her after Yvonne got him. He pouted at her and Nana made sure the man was Sungyeol first before pecking on his cheek to make the pain go away.
In truth, she had to make sure the man she was kissing was Sungyeol because throughout the whole wedding, there were so many guys trying to hit on her, one even touching improperly on the waist, faking to be her Sungyeol when she called out to him. Sungyeol was always around Nana and so happened to see what was going on. He grabbed the guy on his collar and asked what he was trying to do.
"Get off me!"
"Who the hell are you and why are you touching my girl!"
"She was the one that was clinging onto me! I was just being nice!"
"You were trying to take advantage of her?"
The man couldn't say anything more because Sungyeol had just showed him his famous killer glare. He was gulping deeply as Sungyeol asked him one more time who he was. He confessed that he was a huge fan of Nana and just wanted to take her outside to speak to her. Sungyeol then asked Myungsoo if this man was invited and Myungsoo shook his head.
"Even if it is, throw him out. I don't want him here at my wedding."
"This son of a just tried taking advantage of Nana!"
Everyone glared at the man and Sunggyu personally escorted, more like dragged honestly, the wedding crasher out of the wedding hall. He was screaming so loudly that he was a fan and wanted Nana to love him like how she love Sungyeol. Everyone grew more protective over her and Sungyeol asked if she was fine. She suffered quite a shock, but refused to let this incident ruined her happy spirit for the day.
"Why did you let him touch you baby?"
"I was calling for you and he suddenly appeared and placed his hand around my waist."
"And you didn't scream?"
"You came along in about three seconds so all is well. He did try to kiss me I think, but I avoided."
"I am going to destroy him!"
But he was held back by his girl herself. She kissed him on the lips and pulled back when she felt better inside. In truth, she was really scared earlier on. But kissing and hugging Sungyeol gave her the sense of security that she had lost just a little earlier on. Sungyeol didn't look too happy still but Sunggyu returned and said he sent the guy far far away.
"How far?"
"The police station for now."
It was damping that such a thing happened on Myungsoo's and Yvonne's wedding day. Nana had to apologize so many times because she felt so bad for being a lost lamp in the crowd. They told her a zillon times that it wasn't her fault and Sungyeol told Yvonne to get Nana some champange to cool down. The bride nodded and pulled her best friend. She assured Sungyeol then that she wouldn't let Nana out of her sight. Dongwoo and Hoya went along with them for protection purposes.
Who knows how many more crazy fans were in the hall right now, disguised as a waiter or whatnots.
Myungsoo, on the other hand, took a drink from the passing waiter and gave one to Sungyeol before they both walked out and away from the reception. It was suffocating in the hall and they thought to head out to talk, just as two best friends. They opted to sit on the railings on a staircase just like old times and acted like kids to one another. It was sad that they were both adults now and couldn't and shouldn't be doing this anymore. Therefore they took the last moment of the day to just enjoy one another's company.
They didn't need to talk.
For it was the company that they missed.
Since the two of them were always together since young.
Soon, the other guys came out to meet them as well. They had saw Myungsoo and Sungyeol walking out of the reception and followed after. Hoya and Dongwoo only left when they were Nana and Yvonne were in the right company and friends. They were now with Baro and Mrs Lee. And Baro just pledged that he would protect Nana at all cost because she was his noona. Yvonne was showing off Nana now, who was extremely beautiful that the model she had invited was so jealous. She had eyes on Sungyeol for a while when he entered the modeling industry.
It was the only time she had looked away from Myungsoo and aimed at another guy. She had been trying to get a photoshoot with him for ages but was always rejected since Sungyeol wouldn't do couple photoshoots. She was so angry when Yvonne told her Nana was Sungyeol's girlfriend. Damn how could she even beat with such a beautiful angel. She got frustrated and asked what was the point of being a model when all the good looking guys she wanted were taken. Yvonne snorted loudly when the model left in search of richer pasture in the hall.
As they walked outside, they paused at the door to let the six guys have some time on their own. They didn't want to invade on their brotherly bonding time. They were standing in a circle and Yvonne thought it felt like seeing six Greek Gods in front of them since they were so hot and handsome. And although Nana couldn't see it, she nodded as she felt their presences and aura. The guys were congratulating Myungsoo and Sunggyu joking said he couldn't believe Myungsoo had gotten married before him.
"It's been almost six years since we're living together, man I still can't believe that."
"Believe it Yeobo, I've lived eleven years with you."
"Oh gosh, I can't believe that even more."
They started laughing while Woohyun just whined at the odlest.
"I shall make the couples room sound proof when they're on a honeyman. It'll be so awkward to know that they'll be making a baby while we're sleeping in another room. Gosh I don't want to imagine that, why did that imagine surface in my head!"
The other guys teased Sunggyu while the girls just blushed. No matter how much their oldest brother was, he was probably the most innocent one of all, after Dongwoo they guessed. After the blushes faded on everyone's face, Sunggyu cleared his throat before asking why the newly-wed didn't want to just move out and live on their own. They have money, and Sunggyu wasn't chasing them out, but he did wonder why they would still want to live under his house.
"Von couldn't bear to be away from Nana since she says her best friend needs her to protect her from Yeol sometimes. Also, it just didn't feel right to move away from you guys. We've been together for six years like you said hyung, and I just can't imagine waking up each other morning without Woohyun screaming around the house. Fine, I can't bear to leave as well! Your house is our home. Deal with it hyung."
Sunggyu ruffled Myungsoo's handsome hair and grinned happily. It was like a childhood dream, as least like Sungyeol's and Sunggyu's. Having a family and friends that they could trust on. The years that went by were the proof of their frienship, their unbreakable friendship. From the corner of Sungyeol's sharp eyes, he saw Yvonne and Nana standing at the doorway and asked what they were standing there for. Yvonne wiped away a tear and bounced towards the guys while holding Nana's hands.
"Let's take a photo?"
"Alright. Who's going to take for us?"
"No. I mean the six of you!"
The guys stood around naturally. They did model poses for the fun of it and only Sunggyu was the odd one out. Sungyeol, Hoya and Dongwoo had all did modeling and photoshoots. Myungsoo looks like a model just by standing there and Woohyun was probably a model ever morning in front of his mirror. Only Sunggyu did a rather stiff pose but his expression was good. Yvonne took the photo quickly and waited for the photo to reappear on the screen to check it. When she saw the image, a loud gasp escaped her lips.
She almost dropped the camera.
Myungsoo asked her what was wrong?
"Come see this!"
They rushed towards Yvonne and snatched the camera around to take a good look. They were all gasping in shock whereas Sungyeol smiled happily at the sight. On the camera screen, and taken down, was not six boys, but seven. The seventh boy that had miraclously appeared, showing the others that he was always with them whether they knew it or not.
On this happy occasion, there was no possibility that Sungjong would be down, because he wanted to enjoy a short time and make memories with one another. Standing just in front of the groom and the best man, Sungjong had gone blonde for the photo.
"He's here he's here! Look hyung, it's Sungjongie! He came down today to see us. Remember how I tried telling you all that Sungjong was always beside us? Remember how we went to Sungjong's grave and I told you guys I saw him, it was real, it was really true!"
They could only stare blankly at the camera, goosebumps filling their bodies at how special something like this was happening. They knew they should have believe Sungyeol, but they thought he was just saying things because he missed his brother so much, but they should have known. Sungjong wouldn't send the familiar warm breeze if he wasn't around. They nodded and believed that Sungjong was beside them at all times.
Suddenly, they heard Nana speaking, but there was no one in front of her. She was speaking to someone and was holding his hands as well. Everyone looked surprised at her and asked who she was talking to. But she didn't hear them. She let out a wide smile and nodded happily.
"Don't worry Jongie, I'll fine and I'll take care of your hot-tempered brother. You've given up so much for him, and now is my turn to do the same for him. I know he's been doing so much for the both of us as well. Gosh, it's so good to see you here! I'll miss you."
Sungyeol blinked rapidly.
Why was Nana speaking to Nana and saying it was nice to see him?
"Yeol, I saw Sungjong!"
His lips apart.
"I mean, I saw him in my darkness. He was so bright and he asked me to take care of you. I can see him, even though it was for a short time, like a few seconds. It was scary yet so wonderful! Thank you Jongie!"
And suddenly, the light grew brighter beside Nana and Sungjong appeared. He appeared just in time for the rest to see him pecking Nana's cheeks and tell her to take care and watch out for herself. Nana nodded and bit her lips at how kind and gentle Sungjong was. He was definitely an angel. An angel who was taking care and listening to their prayers all the time.
Sungjong moved back after pecking Nana's cheeks and turned to wink at his brother. He looked so real that it was as if they were looking at him in the flesh. But he was so breathtakingly good looking that he couldn't be real. Sungyeol gulped once, he was drinknig in the sight of his brother, he had missed him so badly that it was making him cry. Sungjong walked up towards him.
"See hyung, you were never alone even when I'm gone. You've got so many loved ones around you that it'll be a waste if you died that night. And it's okay that I died, I'm with Appa and Omma now. And we're waiting for everyone. You don't have to join me now. When the time comes, we shall welcome each other like old friends, like young me, as if we have turned back the time. Like a family."
After he was done, everyone noticed a faint glow around Sungjong, it was growing brighter and Sungjong too realized then the meaning of the glow. He had to return soon and didn't have much time with them. As he hugged his brother once, he quickly turned and walked towards Dongwoo. Everyone was surprised honestly since they thought Sungjong would prefer to stay with his brother longer.
"I heard you then Dongwoo hyung, and I'm so happy that you found Hanuel noona. She was whining to me everyday that she missed you and wanted to see you again. Don't worry, you'll definitely see her again. She told me to tell you that she's waiting for you so that you two could be together again. She'd never stopped loving you too, so don't forget that. Oh, she also told me to give you one more thing."
Sungjong hugged the Dino looknig man and kissed him on the cheek. He told him that Hanuel couldn't come down and had told him to pass on the gesture to her love. Sungjong blushed a little before returned to the spot where he had came down from. He pressed a quick hug to all the brothers and stood at the spot where the stained glass shore on the ground.
"Never forget me hyung, I'll always here your calls and prayers. Help is always given to the ones who need love. Goodhye hyungs, and noona. We'll see each other soon, very very soon. Take care and be good. I love you!"
And with that same three words, Sungjong dispersed and vanished back towards the sky. Everyone let out big sighs as they felt the goosebumps appearing on their bodies again. The feeling was so magical that moment that it was a miracle. It was a miracle to see Sungjong again, it really was. Suddenly, the door where the reception was held opened, and all the guests flooded out. They asked the boys where they had been but received no answers. Only tears were evident on their faces as the happiness spreading through them left.
The eight of them smiled at one another, the happiness floating around the air they breathed in.
Pure bliss was flowing through their veins as they smiled and told the guest a miracle had been given to them.
The best kind of miracle.
P/s: Hi everyone! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. I might want to change my words, there would be two more chapters after this. One more chapter and an epilogue. This story is a little draggy but I just want a clean ending. Hope y'all don't mind. Because I would be starting work very soon, I won't be able to update as much as possible. Also, please comment and subscribe and read my new story Inventing Ways. 
P/s/s: Did anyone saw the performance of Infinite's new song, Destiny? Let's hope they can get a triple crown from this week! Honestly I would love to get their album, but from my country, it's a bit expensive. My favourite song from their new album is actually.... 엄마, which is Mother. Excellent song.  It gave me alot of feel to write sad moments in my stories. But I love the whole album actually, what's yours?
P/s/s/s: I can't wait for their One Great Step World Tour! Is anyone excited as I am?
Till the next chapters, xoxo!
{Edit} Countdown: 6 Chapters. & just to say something, I might completely delete one of the chapters from the remaining six if I deemed it unneeded. I realized I've been dragging on the story for far too long that it's making me crazy to just edit it. Sorry about that. XO.
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Chapter 49: Love the story.
It made me laugh, and cry.
Continue writing.
Jae_Yong #2
Chapter 48: Hello!
I'm new to AFF and also your new reader.
First of all,your story is really Daebak!I know this story from Running Gaea.
I bawl my eyes out when Sung Jongie died(he's my bias).II almost stop reading and nagged RG a lot why she gave me the story where Jongie died.But she told me to read it till the end and I will thank her.And Now I really did.Anyway,I also cried when I read about Lee Hanuel and when Nana gave up her eyesight for Sung Yeol.I laugh out loud in my class when I read how Myung Soo's Proposal!I was punished for not paying attention in class but I don't regret it.
Your story is so great that I forgot to update mine.But I don't have the heart to do that right now.I jux finished The Florist so I'm gonna jump to The Carpenter.I might update my story only after I have done reading these.
All in all,I love It!!!But still wishing Jongie survive.Andweee~~~
You got yourself a new supporter,Authornim.
P.S-I wanna upvote but I don't have enough Karma.I will do that as soon as I have enough.Till then XOXO. ;-) :-*
ara2712 #3
Chapter 50: hello author-nim~! i'm a new reader of this story hehe yep i managed to find this beautiful story because of the doctor, and i fell in love immediately until i can't stop myself for reading this story
i love your story sooooo much! you can made me feel like i was there, watching their movement. i cried at the part when sungjong died, when haneul died, when nana sacrificed herself for sungyeol, and also when sungyeol met nana's parent. i also giggled nonstop when myungsoo proposed yvonne. oh and also when nana and sungyeol talk about their first night kk
in conclusion, i love your story! and i'm starting to read the carpenter too hehe gonna wait for you to update the doctor ^^
Chapter 48: Loved this *^*
Chapter 46: <3 soooo cute
zhiqing2906 #6
Chapter 46: continue their honeymoon... :D it will be interesting... :D <3
Chapter 45: i am so excited for the next chapter omg. i love this story to death ♥
Sichem #8
Chapter 44: Sequel, yay !!!
Poor yeollie, he can't sleep with Nana.
zhiqing2906 #9
Chapter 42: of coz she should get her eyesight back... :D
Chapter 42: Awwww nana get ur eyesight back :)