Chapter 39.

The Florist.
Life on track || Eighteen months
He only needed ten minutes to know if there was a position for Sungyeol.
But Sunggyu went into the younger man's room only at eleven.
And there he saw him studying hard for his exams and reading some accounting books. He got his attention and told him he had found him a job in the Accounts Department just like he had asked for. He then asked if he was working in his company more often, or Le Fleurs. Sungyeol said on weekdays he would work at Sunggyu's company, and no weekends, he would work at Le Fleurs. He added on that he would inform Mrs Lee the next day. Sungyeol continued on that he could start work tomorrow and study at night instead.
Sunggyu could only grin.
His constant blinking shown disbelief and how he was unable to understand Sungyeol's detemination.
Although determination was something he had always knew and admired about the younger guy, Sungyeol was being crazily determined that it worries Sunggyu. He was reminded of the past Sungyeol. When they were still in Boxer, Sungyeol was always full of determination to get his task done. He did that to made ends meet, and to work till he was literally slaving for someone else.
It was always, always for someone.
Sungyeol never did something for himself, not even for a day.
But what could Sunggyu do now, he had already started helping Sungyeol, and it was pointless to pull out since if Sungyeol couldn't get help from him, he could always get help from someone else. As Sunggyu was about to leave the younger man's room, he told Sungyeol they would be going to work together tomorrow.
He got stopped by him.
"I'm sorry hyung. But I don't want your employees to know we're related."
"Why not?!"
"I'm worried they'll go easy on me because of you. I don't want any special treatment."
Sunggyu rolled your eyes and left out a huge sigh.
As if he had enough of Sungyeol's strong and determined attitude.
"What's wrong with you Yeol, being in the same company doesn't mean you'll be baby sit. You're my brother, that's fact, and no matter how much you wish to achieve on your own, I won't allow that. You asked for help, I help you. Not because I want you to owe me something, but because I wanat to. So enough of this nonsense. I already told my Head of Accounts that you're looking for a job, naturally, he knows we're related."
Sunggyu heaved another sigh and shook his head.
"And in case you forgot something in that operation room, I don't have anyone around me that isn't good enough. I'm not going to send the job to your feet you know, so if you're good enough, the Head would know. Tomorrow, we're going together, and that's final."
He didn't let Sungyeol rebute and chose to leave immediately after he was done. Sungyeol pouted at his hyung's stubborness, he wanted to protest, but since he needed the job, he had to listen to Sunggyu's words. Inside, he promised to show the Head that he was truly good enough. So within the night until two in the morning, Sungyeol prepared all the document that was needed for his interview. His resume and his rather short and small aount of education qualifications.
After that, he picked out something suitable to wear for the next day. He smiled and quickly picked up two of Sunggyu's old books about accounting and slowly went through them. Throughout the night, he read until he understood and was familiar with the informations, it would be handy come the next day. When he was done, he looked up at the ceiling and bit his lips.
From that day onwards, he was going to be someone.
He was going to be successful so that he could take care of the person he love.
He only wished, everyday he wished, that Nana would wake up.
{Eighteen Months Later}
"I'm sorry Soojin, but can you pass me all the information for the Expansion proposal?"
"Yes Mr Lee."
"After that, you may leave."
Lee Sungyeol.
Dressed in the same attire he had wore for the first day of his interview, was looking extremely handsome yet tired. Currently, he was going through three different proposals, and the running of his Department. He was working overtime, again, that night along wiht his assistant and was rushing through the monetary terms for the proposals. He accepted the information from his assistant and nodded his head when she said goodbye to him.
Right now, he was alone in the entire office with his lamp switched on beside him and a pen in hsi hands. He managed to finish and double checked the information within the next half an hour and neatly placed it on his assistant's table so that she could deliver it to the respective departments the next day. After doing so, he went back to his desk and began his side job. Taking our several blueprints and plans, he began drawing and calculating dimensions for the floorplans of a house.
As he was so immersed in his work, he didn't check his phone, therefore didn't hear it ringing nor felt it vibrating. //Woohyun hyung// was blinking on the screen. Lately, he had often stayed back in his office to finish whatever he work he had. He was still trying his best to earn more money for himself and Nana. By doing some designs for Sunggyu, Sungyeol could earn another few thousand US dollars. Also, no matter how small the amount, Sungyeol would still do the job as long as it generates income.
It was currently eight in the night, an hour after Sungyeol had started his drawing and had just completed it. He placed his pencil down and rolled up the second finished blueprint and kept it in his bag. As he was packing up, he heard someone knocking on his door. He was surprised since no one would be in the company by now. He told whoever outside to enter as he continued packing.
When he checked his phone, he saw five missed call from Woohyun and two from Sunggyu.
He pressed the call button and placed the phone between his ear and shoulder as he continued packing.
"Don't need to call me, I'm already here."
Sungyeol almost dropped his phone in surprise.
In walked Sunggyu and Woohyun with bright smiles.
"Oh hyung! You're here, and Woohyun hyung too!"
Woohyun quickly rushed towards Sungyeol and placed his hands on Sungyeol's cheeks.
Sunggyu snorted and rolled his eyes, knowing what Woohyun was doing.
"Aigoo, what happened to my baby, all sticks and bones!"
"Hyung, I'm just naturally skinny."
"No you're not, you should eat and rest more!"
"I will, I will."
"Fine. Anyway, why are you still in the office, it's already time to visit Nana! Have you forgotten?"
"How could I?"
Sungyeol smiled happily.
Woohyun and Sunggyu realized that the only moment and time their brother looked and acted like their old choding was when and only when they were talking about Nana. Sungyeol's happiness naturally appeared and they smiled along with his excitement. Sungyeol was done in another minute and he pulled the two older man out of the office.
"We need to leave soon before the security guard sees us."
"Why Yeollie?"
"Because he knows Sunggyu hyung, and would suspect him of stealing data."
"What the hell Yeol, we're in very different line of work now."
"Precautious is better than cure. Anyway, you guys drove here?"
Sunggyu rolled his eyes again before heaving another sigh.
Woohyun just stared accusingly at the oldest man.
"Yep. I picked the annoying Nam before coming here. Seriously, until now, I still can't understand why I'm picking him up since we're going back to the hospital afterwards. You're wasting gas and my precious time Nam."
But Woohyun just scoffed.
"I just wanted to see Yeollie earlier, what's wrong!"
"Nothing nothing. Let's just go."
"Yeobooo! Anyway, Yeollie, we brought dinner for you. Jjang!"
Woohyun magically took out a bag of food and Sungyeol happily accepted it. Woohyun then told him to eat in the car since they were already late to visit Nana. He commented many times that he didn't know how they could visit Nana after visiting hours if he wasn't the Head of his Department back in the hospital. He said one more time that they were so lucky while Sunggyu just snorted and unlocked his Audi.
This would be the second time visiting Nana for Sungyeol. Everyday, Sungyeol always visit Nana during break time from work and  when he ends work. He had his bike to transport him around, but refused to bring it along so that he could save gas money. He didn't mind travelling on the public transport since it wasn't a hassle for him. Visiting and watching Nana sleeping always makes him happy.
As he began his dinner and listened to the two other guys bickering again, Nana thought back of the day of his interview one and a half year ago.
Many, many things had passed and happened.

Sungyeol woke up early even though he slept late that night. He quickly washed up and changed into the clothes he laid out the night before. Styling his hair properly before wearing a watch, he went out after and started on breakfast for the guys and Yvonne. When he was done by eight as usual, he knocked on the frying pan with a spoon. It was exactly the same way he had woken up the others when he wasn't blind yet.
Sunggyu and Woohyun were already up and fully dressed. They appeared a few minutes after Sungyeol had called him. The gonging sound in the early morning was, for once, welcomed to them since it shown how similar Sungyeol was from before. Hoya and Dongwoo were used to waking up early due to dance practices and shows and was fine with the loud noises.
Sadly, Myungsoo and Yvonne were both looking very tired. Yvonne had returned back at around one in the morning beacuse of the same problematic model where Myungsoo, he was reading and writing some articles in his room. When he came out of his room, everyone though he looked as if he had a talk with the Death God. His face was tired and frustrated, he was dragging his legs and he groaned when someone spoke too loudly beside him.
It was hilarious when he talked hoarsely and low, causing everyone to wonder if his soul had been taken. But a sweet peck on the cheek from Yvonne woke him up instantly. Sunggyu wondered if he should have painted Myungsoo's room differently and the younger man quickly discard that idea since he liked his room very much to change in.
When they finally digged into dinner, everyone let out moans of delights and satisfaction from the bottom of their hearts and stomach. It had been so long since they ate Sungyeol's cooking and missed it terribly. When they were done, Yvonne offered to the washing and told the other guys to quickly leave for work. Hoya and Dongwoo went to change while Sungyeol collected his bag and walked out. As he reached the door, he looked up at the chalkboard and began writing for everyone.
Gyugyu - Work / 7pm.
Midearest - Work / 4pm.
Angel Dinosaur - Radio & Dance Practice - Midnight.
Dancing Machine - Radio & Dance Practice - Midnight.
Myungmyung - Holiday / Date / 2pm.
Little Sister - Date @ 2pm ; Work 9pm.
When Sungyeol was done, he took a step back and looked at the board. Apparently, Yvonne was having the most work and still had the time to go on a date with Myungsoo. He nodded his head when something ingenious came to his mind.
"Myungsoo, I just got an idea."
"What idea, for who?"
"Can I work as a photographer as well?"
Sunggyu stopped in his track, his frown dark and angry.
What was Sungyeol thinking now?
"I mean, the magazine company you're working for accepts all ideas right. Why not we do something like dining and flower arrangements? We could have a section for it for every issue. I can arrange flowers while Sunggyu hyung arranges the dining area to different styles. What do you think?"
Everyone thought the idea was lovely.
Even Sunggyu who was against it.
He then asked Myungsoo to give the idea to his boss and tell her to think about it. That was when Myungsoo remembered his boss asked if Sungyeol wanted to be a model since he was so good looking. Sungyeol immediately said yes but told Myungsoo he wouldn't work with demale models since Nana would be jealous when she wakes up.
But Sunggyu shot his enthusiasim down and dropped his bag on the floor.
"Seriously Sungyeol, what are you trying to do?"
"What do you mean hyung?"
Sungyeol rubbed his forehead and exhaled deeply.
"You're going to be working at Le Fleurs, my company, a model and a designer while studying and taking care of Nana? Can you please tell me how you're going to be able to achieve that? It's just too much for you to handle. I understand that you need money, but enough is enough Lee Sungyeol."
Sungyeol blinked several times before explaining.
Sunggyu didn't want to listen.
But Sungyeol made him listen eventually.
"We shuold wait and see what Myungsoo's boss has to say first. I don't have to model everyday, maybe just the weekends or some nights. I can take the workload, I promise hyung. I need the money, I would do everything for money. So please don't stope me. I can work, you know I can. I'm used to this extreme workload. So please don't stop me."
The others guys stopped in their tracks and frowned as well. What was Sungyeol and Sunggyu hiding from them? And what, Sungyeol was taking up four jobs plus studying and taking care of Nana, that was just too much. They understand that Sungyeol was in need of money. But they had no idea he would go to such extent to earn it. If Sungyeol did manage to get all of them done, it was a miracle since it was so impossible. It was tiring to even listen to Sunggyu list out the things that Sungyeol was doing.
But the tallest man was stubborn.
And this time, persistent as hell.
He continued to plead with Sunggyu. And Myungsoo was about to tell Sungyeol that he wouldn't tell his boss about Sungyeol's idea anymore since he didn't want his best friend to get so tired. Sungyeol changed his target from Sunggyu to Myungsoo, and finally erupting from stress and frustration.
"Why can't you guys help me!"
"Yeol, it's not that we're not helping, it's too stressful for you."
"No it won't. I need the money, I really do. But I have no connections, which was why I asked for help."
"I need the money, I'll do anything. I won't ask for anything more. This is all that I'll do, I promise."
Sungyeol couldn't understand why they were being so mean to him.
They couldn't understand why Sungyeol didn't care for his own health.
But convincing Sungyeol was like convincing a five year old that he couldn't have his toy and watched him cry and stomping his feet. It was tiring, both mentally and physically draining. Until Sunggyu sighed and gave in, as usual.
"Fine. We'll agree to this. I'll watch blindly as you work yourself to you bleed. But if you didn't pass your exams in two months, or you've been doing poorly for work, I'm going to personally remove you from my company. Is that clear, do we have a deal? You'll prove to me over and over again how you're able to do anything. And no more jobs!"
Sungyeol nodded and thanked Sunggyu profusely.
"I can't stand here all day trying to convince you to change your mind because I'm going to be late for work, Woohyun is going to be late for work, and you're going to be late for the interview. Which means you won't get the job, and honestly, I won't mind that."
Sungyeol quickly left the house while pulling Sunggyu and Woohyun along with him. He then turned back to tell Myungsoo to tell him what his boss had decided later on and left the house. Everyone watched as the three oldest left the hosue to work. hoya and Dongwoo stared blankly at one another. It was slightly hurtful to watch Sungyeol getting so busy. Myungsoo on the other hand, went to his room to get ready for work.
Yvonne was a little crushed that their date was cut off as she washed the dishes. But she knew everything Sungyeol was doing was for Nana, so she kept quiet and kept her complaints to herself. When she was done, she told Myungsoo she was going to visit Nana first and told him to meet her at the hospital. Hoya and Dongwoo had already left.
Seeing Sungyeol's determination made them even more hardworking than they already were. As Myungsoo head to the company, he text Sungyeol to sent him all the details and information that he had thought about for idea. He started making a proposal in the office and met his boss after. She was surprised to see him in the office, but nodded as she read his proposal.
She was elated that Sungyeol was going to model although she pouted slightly when Myungsoo told her Sungyeol wouldn't be modelling with girls. She asked why, and Myungsoo told her everything. To him, his boss was a nice and gentle woman. She was ambitious, but she was kind. And naturally, she almost cried when Myungsoo was done with his story of Sungyeol and Nana. She agreed with Sungyeol's condition and said she would pay slightly more as well. Myungsoo left and texted Sungyeol the news.
Come down after work with Sunggyu hyung.
My boss wants to discuss the details of your contract.
Sungyeol had already began work when he received Myungsoo's text. He replied a short text saying he would be there after work. He had gotten the job neatly and had also gotten his own cubicle. The Head told him to start work immediately since he had passed the neccessary requirements and test. The Head was delighted at Sungyeol's performance to say the least. Sungyeol was like hidden gold that he thought Sunggyu was keeping. But when he too learned the story of why Sungyeol was working so hard, he couldn't help but clap his hand for the younger man.
He then thanked Sunggyu for giving him such a wonderful employee and went back to work. Sungyeol had a lot to learn since he was still new. But he managed to hand in his work on time and even helped the other employees with some of their work. During break, he went to visit Nana and smiled when he saw two bouquets of flowers around there and held in vases.
He guessed Yvonne and Nana's parents came to see Nana again.
Everyday after visiting Nana, Sungyeol would press a kiss on Nana's forehead, or cheek or sometimes, sneakily a kiss on her lips. It always made his heart jumped and he smiled lovingly at her. When he got back to work, he continued on with the work until it was time to leave. He waited for Sunggyu to be done as well and in the meantime, called Mrs Lee to tell her about his condition and plans.
She was sad that Sungyeol couldn't work with them so often anymore, but was glad that he was doing it for Nana. Who would have any complaints when they see him working so hard for his love one. When Sunggyu was done, they head down to visit Nana first and Sungyeol brought nothing but himself along. He didn't have time to bring a bouquet of flowers and apologized to Nana many times because of that. Sunggyu shriveled up at how mushy and cheesy Sungyeol was.
He watched as Sungyeol brushed Nana's hair lovingly and went outside to wait for Sungyeol instead. When it was eight, Sungyeol and Sunggyu went towards the magazine company and saw Myungsoo waiting for them with his boss. She had drafted a contract with Sungyeol and Sunggyu and told them their working methods and payment. Sunggyu was glad that she had included his company logo and name into the magazine, that way, he was saving up some advertising cash.
She was super thrilled to have them both working for her as well.
Therefore, in total, from all the work Sungyeol was having, he was getting about ₩6,000,000 a month. To Sungyeol, it was considered enough for now. It was a large amount, but it was only enough. Since Sungyeol had no degree or higher qualifications, it was hard for him to any a higher pay. The first two months were hectic for Sungyeol. And to no one's suprise and Sunggyu's dismay, Sungyeol passed the Year 2 Exams. Not the best results, but acceptable.
He would be starting his final year within another two more months and Sungyeol actually wanted to attend school immediately. But even the teachers needed to have a holiday. When school starts, Sungyeol would have to cut down the hours. He would only report to Sunggyu's company everyday after school.
Sungyeol visited Nana without fail everyday. Whether rain or shine, sick or not. Yet, Nana's condition wasn't the same as before. He witnessed her getting thinner everyday because there was no real food and she was solely relying on the IV drips. It worries him a lot and he consulted Woohyun about it. The Doctor said it was perfectly normal and told Sungyeol not to worry.
He brought flowers everyday and refused to throw any out since Nana loved flowers. The room was actually looking like a mini garden now. The nurses weren't happy with it, but allowed it nonetheless because of Woohyun.
A year went in the blink of an eye, and Sungyeol graduated with Honors and top of his year. Everyoen was there at his graduation. Although Myungsoo, Hoya and Dongwoo made a huge commotion at the Atrium since they were so popular. Everybody wanted to gt close to the dazzling six guys. They were very careful to be always beside Yvonne so that she wouldn't get scratch by some fan girls.
But thankfully, those fan girls were pushed away by some other students who geniunely congratulated Sungyeol for his results. He had been helping anyone who had asked him for help. All in all, a great student, a fine Sunbae.
After graduating, sadly, Sungyeol quitted his job at Lee Corps and went to look for another job. The new company name was Unicorn Corps and was elated to hire Sungyeol since he had such wonderful references from the Head of Accounts in Lee Corps. He was given the position as manager and worked diligently. He also helped around different departments - Sales. Management. Human Resources. He was a really talented man. On the side, he still help Sunggyu draw some blueprints to earn extra cash.
For the magazine however, he had cut down his modelling times since most companies didn't like their employees to be on magazine. He was still working as a florist for the magazine Home section. He stopped working for Le Fleurs when he graduated since that was the paln. All in all, he was allowed a lot of privileges because of his abilities. He could easily wave his superiors to be on his side as well.
During the year that had passed, Nana still hadn't waken up yet, causeing Sungyeol and the doctors to be in a panic. It was unusual for her to still be sleeping. It was driving Sungyeol crazy. He wanted her to wake up so badly, and everyday that passed with her sleeping had only made him more agitated and panicky.
It was five months into Sungyeol's last year in school did Sunggyu finally realized whey Sungyeol was working so hard for money. For one, Sungyeol didn't believe that was no more help for NAna. He didn't believe there was nothing he could do to make Nana's eyesight return and had been spending some cash on research in the UK. Two, Sungyeol obviously wanted to numb the pain he was feeling without Nana.
The loss of her warmth beside him was hard for him to withhold. It was as if he went back to his blind years, hoping he could listen to Nana's voice and feel her touch around him. He wanted her to wake up, he wanted to hug and hold her so badly.
It was as if he had gone back to his old ways. As if he was back in Boxer, a desperate boy who would damage himself till he got the job done. The boy that never shared anything mroe with his family. The boy who kept secrets until someone else found out. And other than Sunggyu, only Myungsoo realized it as well. He brought Sungyeol to his room once and talked with him.
But Sungyeol acted as if nothing was wrong.
There wasn't a need to tell Myungsoo, because there was nothing worth worrying.
Only until Myungsoo threatened to tell Nana when she wakes up did Sungyeol stopped in his tracks and looked at his best friend seriously. Myungsoo wasn't afraid of Sungyeol, he was afraid for Sungyeol. It was driving him crazy watching Sungyeol in such turmoil, in such pain and stress. But Sungyeol ensured him time and time again that he was fine. Myungsoo gave up.
Their only miracle, was that Nana quickly wakes up and slap Sungyeol out of his crazed state.
But Sungyeol didn't care, as usual.
Nothing mattered but Nana.
Only her.
{End of Flashback}
He finished his meal in the car.
And the twol oldest were still bickering.
Sungyeol asked Sunggyu when they didn't opt to head home. They answered that it was very lonely at home. Hoya and Dongwoo were overseas for a fan meeting whereas Myungsoo was in Australia with Yvonne. There was only the three of time left in South Korea. They had a very lonely dinner as well and it felt as if they had gone back in time when Sungyeol wasn't with them yet.
Sungyeol smiled when he heard Sunggyu whining at him for not being home often and long enough that he was stuck with the crazy Woohyun at home. The taller man promised them he would be home earlier next time. He then passed Sunggyu the two drawings and Sunggyu thanked him. It was better to accept Sungyeol's work now instead of refusing it. He had learned the hard way.
Too much drama.
Too much trouble.
That night was like any other, only it wasn't. Because they didn't expect such a thing to happen, and it did. Before the three of them entered the hospital, Nana's fingers twitched a little, her eyeballs moved under her eyelids and her heart went into a frenzy.
Hope was coming back to them after eighteen months.
PS. Countdown: 8 chapters. It's ending soon! I feel sad all of a sudden.
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Chapter 49: Love the story.
It made me laugh, and cry.
Continue writing.
Jae_Yong #2
Chapter 48: Hello!
I'm new to AFF and also your new reader.
First of all,your story is really Daebak!I know this story from Running Gaea.
I bawl my eyes out when Sung Jongie died(he's my bias).II almost stop reading and nagged RG a lot why she gave me the story where Jongie died.But she told me to read it till the end and I will thank her.And Now I really did.Anyway,I also cried when I read about Lee Hanuel and when Nana gave up her eyesight for Sung Yeol.I laugh out loud in my class when I read how Myung Soo's Proposal!I was punished for not paying attention in class but I don't regret it.
Your story is so great that I forgot to update mine.But I don't have the heart to do that right now.I jux finished The Florist so I'm gonna jump to The Carpenter.I might update my story only after I have done reading these.
All in all,I love It!!!But still wishing Jongie survive.Andweee~~~
You got yourself a new supporter,Authornim.
P.S-I wanna upvote but I don't have enough Karma.I will do that as soon as I have enough.Till then XOXO. ;-) :-*
ara2712 #3
Chapter 50: hello author-nim~! i'm a new reader of this story hehe yep i managed to find this beautiful story because of the doctor, and i fell in love immediately until i can't stop myself for reading this story
i love your story sooooo much! you can made me feel like i was there, watching their movement. i cried at the part when sungjong died, when haneul died, when nana sacrificed herself for sungyeol, and also when sungyeol met nana's parent. i also giggled nonstop when myungsoo proposed yvonne. oh and also when nana and sungyeol talk about their first night kk
in conclusion, i love your story! and i'm starting to read the carpenter too hehe gonna wait for you to update the doctor ^^
Chapter 48: Loved this *^*
Chapter 46: <3 soooo cute
zhiqing2906 #6
Chapter 46: continue their honeymoon... :D it will be interesting... :D <3
Chapter 45: i am so excited for the next chapter omg. i love this story to death ♥
Sichem #8
Chapter 44: Sequel, yay !!!
Poor yeollie, he can't sleep with Nana.
zhiqing2906 #9
Chapter 42: of coz she should get her eyesight back... :D
Chapter 42: Awwww nana get ur eyesight back :)