Chapter 12.

The Florist.
Sungyeol never thought school would be like this.
But he was really uncomfortable with it, on his first day.
As he walked anywhere, he would always receive comments about how good-looking and tall he was. It was scaring him honestly, as he ddn't like being crowded or when some girls would constantly follow him. He felt insecure and didn't like to be alone. It was as if those girls were waiting fot a chance to pounce on him. It was torturing, spending that three hours in the morning with most eyes on him. When class finally ended, he took out his music and plugged them in his ears, drowning all the comments and compliment he had been enduring all morning.
His surroundings instantly became quiet, thankfully. He was walking to the cafeteria when he felt someone running and taking off his earphones. As it happened, his ears were welcomed with a blast of screams. Sungyeol turned to see who was the punk who took his music off, but instead, he was greeted with a smiling Hoya standing just behind him.
"Why are you walking so quickly Yeol?"
"I can't stand the crowd and screams around me."
"I understand perfectly. It gets a little annoying after a while. Anyway, how was your first lesson? Mine was awesome, yet terrible at the same time. The lab was filled with cute animals waiting to be healed but the sad part was that they looked so painful when we injected the medicine into them. It hurts me."
Trust Hoya to have the face and body of a warrior but a heart of a mashmallow.
"I don't think I should wear any sleveeless to school anymore because the girls are screaming everything I move slightly. I couldn't even make a decent friend because they were all fighting and pushing to know my name. Tell me you know what I'm saying."
"Perfectly. But at least you have us. Anyway where's Woohyun hyung?"
Sungyeol started looking around. Since his height was his advantage, he indeed to make full use of it. The girls were trying to get his attention but he just look passed them. Why would those girls think he would see them? Not in a mean way, but why were those girls trying to get or vy for his attention? Were all schools like that? If those girls thought Hoya looked hot, they should wait till he was topless and dancing and extremely serious, they would either nosebleed to death or faint immediately. Hoya was y as hell.
"Anyway, my class was pretty boring? I mean, how interesting can Business be? But it was still fun to learn about some factors and whatnots. It was my first real lesson. I have break now and another period later before school ends. You?"
"I'm the same. But I'm not sure about Dongwoo and the rest. Let's meet here after class and we can figure it out? I can't go anywhere without Dongwoo. He's my only way."
"Don't be so mushy Hoya! By the way do you know where Woohyun hyung is?"
"No need to know, I'm right here. You can just ask me."
Sungyeol and Hoya jumped at the same time the girls surrounding them started screaming again. Damn but the new science teacher was good looking. He was flirty too as he sent a wink to the female population. Hoya and Sungyeol were enjoying seeing this new side of Woohyun. In some ways they were happy to see him not doing aegyo or throwing hearts around, but then again those girls were going nuts after him and making them all crazed.
"Woah, where did you come from?"
"Tsk tsk, why the sudden shockness Hoya? I've just arrived from a staff meeting in the discussion room and it lasted for two hours straight. And although I'd done surgeries way longer than that before, it was still boring to listen and not do anything."
Sungyeol and Hoya snorted.
"That bad?"
"I was playing with my pens and drawing random things on my notepad while counting down, what do you think? Awww my dearest sons! How was first day of school? Good? No good? Boring right? Business is always boring, you should've joined Hoya in Medicine. Come on let's move, we're causing a traffic block here. I know a good spot we can have Yeollie's special lunchboxes. Follow me."
Woohyun pulled Hoya and Sungyeol along to a flight of staircase, walking up quickly to lose the crowd. They arrived at the roof top and Woohyun walked passed the no entry sign and towards the opened air area. It was cooling with a soft breeze passing along with the blue sky above them. There was a small greehouse at the side for the science students who were interested in Ecology.
Woohyun opened his briefcase and took out a mat that he had found in the staff room's pantry. The three guys sat down and took out the food Sungyeol had made for them in the early morning. They silently ate before asking one another's lesson in detail and their teacher. They all wondered how Sunggyu would be in class, but it was hard to guess when there's L together with him. He's probably working on his laptop if the lesson gets too boring while L would sleep.
They were so predictable.
Hoya and Sungyeol had the same Maths lesson together with Woohyun who was a trainee teacher for a week before starting on his own. He was to observe how the teachers carry out their lessons and to follow suit the following week, so the three of them head to class together.
Woohyun followed Hoya and Sungyeol to their lockers which was located in the middle of the two department. It was be easier to collect their stuff this way as the two faculity were quite similar. Coincidentally, their lockers were just opposite one another. Hoya having the middle row while Sungyeol was the top row due to his height. They both took out the necessary materials and headed to the big lecture rooms on the grand floor.
As they walked into the lecture hall, they felt most of the student's gaze on them. Woohyun was smiling and waving and soaking up all the attention. Hoya was neutral about the stares and just ignored it while Sungyeol was doing the same. It was uncomfortable really, he didn't like people staring at him. Hoya and Sungyeol grabbed two seats at the right side of the hall and hoped that no one would bother them from then on.
And thankfully, no one wanted to sit beside them. Maybe it was because they were too famous to sit beside with, that anyone who sat beside them would get run over by their fangirls the moment the lesson was over. They were thankful. It was enough to have people in front of them turning their heads to check them out or the students behind to stare at them. So the two guys, satisfied with the seating arrangement, proceed to pay attention, ignoring the occasionally looks of envy from their 'classmates'.

However, on the other side of school, Dongwoo Sunggyu and L were having problems of their own.
Sunggyu and L had ended their first two periods, one hour after Hoya's and Sungyeol's break. According to their time table, they had a two hour break right now and started heading to the cafeteria near their department. On the way, they saw a short guy, holding desperately onto a very familiar lunch box and running for his life. They saw it was Dongwoo, trying to run away from... two girls?
They called him towards them.
"Hyung! L! Thank goodness I found you guys! The crowd is insane. I was sitting alone on that table and these two girls came up to sit with me. I tried opening my lunch box but they took it away and said thanks for giving it to them. I was so shocked and managed to snatch my lunch box before running away. Help me!"
Dongwoo move behind his brothers for shelter and prayed those girls would leave him alone. He was thankful for Sungyeol for teaching him how not to accept everything and to fight for what was important. Sungyeol's precious lunch box was definitely important to him. Sunggyu frowned at the thought that Dongwoo was hiding from other girls, it was disgraceful really. But to make Dongwoo so afraid, those girls must be really mean and annoying. From afar, Sunggyu and L heard two high and screeching voices. They looked up.
Two - maybe the uglies that they had ever laid eyes on - girls were racing towards them. They paused about one and a half metres away from them and bent down.
"Aww oppa, why are you hiding? Your friends looked so hot. Did they bring lunch for us as well? We don't mind eating with you three."
Sunggyu felt the urge to gag while L closed his eyes and willed his brain to forget what he had just saw and heard. They looked at one another before looking back at the girls. Arrogant and shameless. The girls walked closer to L and Sunggyu, attempting to grab their arms but was blocked off by L. Although L might seem like a pretty face, if there was one thing he hated more than anything in the world, it was rudeness. And the girls in front of him were definitely rude. 
He glared strongly at them, and some to the crowd when he looked up. Some of the crowd backed away. Sadly, the two girls thought L was trying to seduce or impress them and were drawing a lot of attention by swooning and whining over L's handsome-ness. Many of the onlookers rolled their eyes at how dumb those two girls were. They were making a nuisance about themselves and it was utterly embarrassing.
They still couldn't understand that L wanted them to get lose and instead, jumped forward, attempting to hug him. But L was quick, he had learnt some fighting skills from Sungyeol and Sunggyu during their stay together and managed to dodge quickly. All three guys backed away a few steps and let the girls fall onto the empty ground, their bodies and face touching the dirt.
"Yah Oppa, you were supposed to catch us! How are you going to get our attention if you keep backing away. Look what you've done! Bring us to clean up and buy us new clothes. Then we'll think about forgiving you."
L snorted at what they had said, he had enough of their nonsense and walked away, allowing Sunggyu to clean up the annoying mess. The First Leader could be really nice and caring if he believed the person was worthed his time. But the moment someone pisses him off - uh-oh - they were going to be in some serious trouble.
Sunggyu looked at them from the corner of his small eyes. He really didn't want to make a scene on their first day of school. But maybe these girls could be his public warning to the other and every student that thought about crossing them. The girls were stupid to ignore L's silent yet strong warning and had tried taking advantage of Dongwoo. It goes to show show, how thick-skinned some people could be.
"Oh, isn't this the guy who drove that cool Audi to school today? You must be rich right, quickly bring us somewhere nice to clean up! We want three sets of clothes each as apology. Hurry!"
Sunggyu thought they were out of their minds. They tried getting close to Sunggyu, but the moment they took a step forward, Sunggyu's cold stare pierced through their thick-skin and right to their bones. They started shivering, starting at Sunggyu who looked almost menancing at the moment. He walked a few steps towards them, but still kept his distance because he didn't want to be contaminated by them.
Stupidness was contagious.
"For goodness sake, stop talking."
The girls shut up. The aura around Sunggyu was pressurizing and choking them. But Sunggyu didn't care, and strangely, their legs felt as if they had no strength to run away.
"Let me make this clear for you, and any of your kind of creature. In case this gets too difficult for you two to understand, I'm going to explain it in layman's term. Firstly, we don't know nor do we want to know who you are, so don't call us oppa. It's disgusting and disturbing to us. Secondly, don't ever try to touch us. Have some shame please, and don't think everyone wants you, because I believe nobody does. Thirdly, Stay away from us. If I ever see you near Dongwoo or L or me ever again, I'll personally make sure your life in college be miserable as hell. If you ever want to study here peacefully - Don't ever, I repeat, ever, let me see you again. near us again. My words are good as the law, I have my ways, is that clear?"
Sunggyu's voice was extremely cold and frightning to the girls. If looks could kill, the girls would be in the hospital now, fighting for their lives. They stood rooted to their spot, pertrified and shaking at what had happened, or what they had done. Sunggyu was satisfied that the girls were scared and embarrassed now. That would teach them a lesson. Sunggyu left along with L and Dongwoo to have their lunch somewhere else.
They asked if Dongwoo was fine. Their sudden change in character and expression scared Dongwoo a little. From scary to carefree. It took him a few moments before his mind returned to his head.
"Wowwww! Did you see your faces? Gosh you were so scary! And thank you for chasing them away for me. If it was left to me, I think I might get taken more advantage of."
How true that was. They couldn't imagine what might happen to their clueless and too-naive friend if they hadn't saw him earlier on.
"L, remind me to rearrange everyone's timetable later on so that someone can at least protect Dongwoo when we're not around. I don't want another case of this to happen to him or anyone else again. And Jang Dongwoo can you get a grip! I didn't kill anyone I just scared them away. And please don't act as if your soul had left your body. One day, and I hope never, if you ever see Sungyeol's death stare, you would know that today was just a tiny bit of what he can do. He's legendary, trust me."
L agreed wholeheartedly with Sunggyu and nodded his head vigourously. He led them towards one of those shaded and round tables and began their lunch that Woohyun and Sungyeol had packed for them. The other students stared at them. Who would've though the guys that were so scary earlier on was opening cute lunch boxes in the middle of the school. The guys mentally thanked their brothers for preparing their favourite meal. Dongwoo almost cried when he talked to his chicken cutlet, about being extremely sorry that he almost couldn't protect them. It was so comical to watch.
"L do you know when is Sungyeol ending his lessons today? I heard Hoya and Sungyeol end at the same time. We can wait for them together."
"That's cool."
"For now it's cool. Give and take few more weeks, Hoya will get busier with lab practices and Sungyeol with projects. It's a natural cycle."
"I'm sure they can handle it. But what about you hyung, are you heading back to work?"
"Maybe. I can't confirm yet. But I would wait for Woohyun, he would end about an hour later than everyone else. Let's meet here after school. We have only one lesson left."
"But what about Dongwoo hyung?"
Sunggyu stared at Dongwoo and sighed exasperatedly.
"Dongwoo has two lessons after this. It shouldn't be hard to arrange. You. come here straight after lessons. I'll give you ten minutes to reach and I don't care if you have to run, it's for your own good. If I don't see you in ten minutes I'll come get you myself."
Dongwoo gulped. He pouted too since he dislike being treated like a kid by Sunggyu. But it was hard to plead or say no to the oldest man. Dongwoo made a mental reminder to ask Sungyeol to teach him some skills later. It was better to know something even though he know he wouldn't hurt those girls. 
They finished their lunch in no time and accompanied Dongwoo to one of the empty dance studios for a round of dance. Dongwoo groove, he moved, he awed the two guys in the corner. They ended up talking a lot more before leaving for their last lesson. Dongwoo had begged Sunggyu to let him go to his own class by himself. It would be embarrassing if his class knew that he was escorted like a baby. But they heard none of it.
L and Sunggyu personally sent Dongwoo to lesson and found the ious two girls being in the same class as Dongwoo. They forced him to sit in the front and waited for his teacher to arrive before leaving to their own. They didn't mind reaching late for class just to look after Dongwoo. Sunggyu and L barely made it to class. They arrived to see their lecturer taking out his chalk to begin lesson and let out a breath of relief before finding two seats at the back and settled down.
Classes ended soon for Sunggyu and L and they left class towards the table they sat during break. It was near their vehicles so it would be easier to leave later. They texted Hoya, Sungyeol and Woohyun about their whereabouts and asked them to meet there after their lessons. While waiting, they started doing their assignments and was halfway done by the next hour. Sunggyu had actually set his alarm for ten minutes to remind himself to pick Dongwoo.
Thankfully, Dongwoo had reached in just three minutes, panting badly and asking for water from L. He told them that the two girls left even earlier than he did. As he told them about the lesson and the weird looks that everyone had given him, Hoya and Sungyeol had reached. Woohyun had texted Sunggyu with a crying emotion that he was ending soon and told him to not leave without him. Sunggyu rolled his eyes.
"So, how was class?"
Hoya and Sungyeol both said it was completely and utterly boring even though they did learn something new. They sat around the table and talked about their first day, exchanging annoying stories about the crowd to one another. As promised, Sunggyu had told them to give them their timetable while he worked something out, L filled the two what had happened to Dongwoo during lunch. Luckily, they all had breaks together with someone on everyday and on Friday, they had the same break and ended at the same time.
Onlookers didn't dare go close to them. Not solely because they though they were scary but because the group was shining so brightly. All five of them were so good-looking and it made people a little awkward to even walk pass such a perfect group.
Five minutes later, they saw the Drama-Queen 'bay-watched-run' towards them. It was so embarrassing that Sunggyu was the first to leave and acted like he didn't know who the hell Woohyun was. They raced to their vehicles and got on quickly. Woohyun saw them ran away, quickly caught up to them and started hitting each one especially Sunggyu for being mean to him. They laughed at him and started their engine. Sungyeol threw L's helmet to him while Hoya took his own helmet and put it on.
They said to one another to see them for dinner and sped off, Sungyeol being the first to leave school while the other students actually stopped to see them leave. It was so bloody cool that the girls swooned while the guys looked green with envy.
Sunggyu had every intention of leaving Woohyun behind since the Mi-Dearest had actually hit him. He had on his seatbelt on and had started the engine when he saw a panic Woohyun staring at him, almost whining at the thought of them driving off without him. Sunggyu drove infront of Woohyun and made a right turn, stopping the car door right infront of Woohyun and told him to get it. He had blocked the other cars behind him for the impossible Woohyun. The six of them went their seperate ways.
Home; Dance studio; Le Fleurs.

Mrs Lee was elated to have L as her employee and instructed Sungyeol to teach L everything that was needed. She wanted to let Sungyeol know that he was important and good enough to teach L instead of her. It was one of those small things that she did for Sungyeol, just to let him know his worth and not let him self-doubt himself anymore.
No sooner that the word of two handsome employees are working did Le Fleurs was filled to the brim with customers. Many female customers would buy flowers and watched and stared at Sungyeol and L who were wrapping the flowers nicely for them and squealing like fan girls. It almost reminded them of school and for once, they really detested their own looks. The boyfriends of the customers were really unhappy that their girlfriends were circling and gawking the two male florist and would often just drag their girlfriends out of the store. They said they should get them themselves next time and not their girlfriends who spent hours just chooising the flowers.
Sungyeol and L were racing to get all the flowers done and sending the customers out of the ways. It was so suffocating in the store that Sungyeol actually called the boyfriends who were outside to get their girlfriends out, which they were gladly do. L was getting more frustrated with every bouquet he made that he almost crushed the flowers by accident. But Sungyeol stopped him in time and said the flowers weren't in any wrong and to always treat them with care.
L thought Sungyeol had the patience of Job.
If it was left up to him, he would just glare and scream for all of them to leave the store immediately. He wouldn't care if it would lose business for Mrs Lee since his patience was really low. But thankfully, Sungyeol saved a lot of that trouble by saying kindly for them to leave because they still have many other things to do, or better yet, Mrs Lee returning back and telling all those customers who had already gotten their flowers to leave. She made it sound like an evacuation exercise though that everyone ran out when she was there.
Therefore, in the afternoon (yes in just that one day), unable to tolerate the crowd anymore, Sungyeol and L splited into two sides. Indoor and outdoor. They set up a table with different packaging materials and a bunch of different flowers outside to serve the customers who were just looking for pretty flowers for their dates. L was in charge of the outdoor and had to make sure his table and the customers were not blocking the passage way.
Sungyeol was in charge indoors, where the customers usually find flowers with meanings for their events and occasions.. Occasionally, he would tie a ring or other accessories on the bouquet for guys who were proposing to that day. And also for any last minute wedding bridesmaid's bouquets. It meant a lot to him, helping others to fulfill their expectations and dreams. After helping his customers, Sungyeol would go outside to help L who was struggling with the number of customers. Not that there were many orders, but it was still L's first day. He left the wrapping to Sungyeol while he went indoors to restock the amount of flowers in and out, only resting when there was not many customers left.
Mrs Lee was surprised to see that only one third amount of the flowers were left for the next day's sale. She quickly told Sungyeol to place large orders of different flowers from now on. And because Sungyeol and L were only coming in the afternoon, Mrs Lee instructed the delivery man to send in the afternoon, since she would be handling the little customers in the morning. Soon, it was time to close and the two guys helped Mrs Lee closed the shop quickly and said goodbyes. They hopped onto Sungyeol's motorbike and drove home.
When they got home, Woohyun and Hoya were cooking dinner and setting up the table. Dongwoo and Hoya had reached home an hour earlier because their lessons had to end by five every evening, if not their students would reach home late. Woohyun told them to shower and call Sunggyu, who was working upstairs, down for dinner. Sunggyu looked completely exhausted when he came down. Dongwoo was the first to spot him.
"Hyung, why do you look so tired?"
"The company can't seem to function a day without me. Just one day and there's problems happening in every department. At the rate, I think it's better to ask the Directors to find another suitable CEO for the company. If the departments keep getting problems and not know how to fix it, the company will fold soon."
Woohyun thought the company was ridiculous.
"Maybe you should just delegate more, the managers from different departments are so useless without you. You're just managing the company, you don't own it. So don't drag on just because you feel bad for leaving. Give them a month notice to find a replacement. I don't want you to fall sick because of over exhaustion. Promise us?"
It was hard to go against Woohyun, or all of them, that was established like five months ago. And Sunggyu knew they meant well. But, like Woohyun said, he did feel rather reluctant leaving the company. Mainly because it was his very first CEO position. He couldn't really just throw it away because of a day full of problems. But Sunggyu couldn't ignore the worried faces on his brothers, so he nodded at Woohyun's suggestion to ease their uneasiness.
After dinner, Woohyun got a nice reward for his busy day by just staring at all the students finishing up their homework. Five guys on a table, heads down and rushing all their assisgnments before they could sleep. Soon, only Sungyeol, Woohyun and Sunggyu were left in the living room. Sungyeol had already finished his work a while ago, he just wanted to talk to Sunggyu privately about his job.
Sunggyu looked up at Sungyeol and knew what the younger guy was thinking about.
"I know, I know. Don't worry Sungyeol. I know what I'm doing. If possible, I will find another easier home job instead of maintaining the CEO position. But I can't just sit at home and just do assisgnments, I would be done in just one hour. And I can't let go of the CEO position. As unimportant it might be to you all, it is still important to me and the one thousand employees in the company. Don't worry about me. Go to bed and take a nice sleep. Goodnight!"
Sungyeol frowned at being dismissed so quickly. He looked at Woohyun for help who nodded his head at Sungyeol, indicating he knew what to do and leave it to him. Sungyeol looked back Sunggyu again before sighing and saying goodnight. Entering his bedroom, he saw an already in-deep-sleep Hoya snoring away and quietly climbed into bed. Looking looked out of the window, he thought about Sungjong again before falling asleep.
"Sungjong, watch over Sunggyu hyung for us? He's so stubborn and it worries me a lot. I don't want him to look so tired because of what we suggested to him. Do you remember Sungjong, that year, you were so stubborn that in the end, you got yourself hurt, because you didn't want to listen to me. You regretted that moment. I don't want Sunggyu hyung to feel that same regret and me, to feel that same pain like how I felt for you. I hope you can hear me and help Sunggyu hyung, just like how he had helped us all these while. Please Sungjong."
{Edit} Imagine that, Sungyeol and Myungsoo working in a flower store - I'm going there everyday. Probably buy a rose for everyone in my school to do so. Kekeke!
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Chapter 49: Love the story.
It made me laugh, and cry.
Continue writing.
Jae_Yong #2
Chapter 48: Hello!
I'm new to AFF and also your new reader.
First of all,your story is really Daebak!I know this story from Running Gaea.
I bawl my eyes out when Sung Jongie died(he's my bias).II almost stop reading and nagged RG a lot why she gave me the story where Jongie died.But she told me to read it till the end and I will thank her.And Now I really did.Anyway,I also cried when I read about Lee Hanuel and when Nana gave up her eyesight for Sung Yeol.I laugh out loud in my class when I read how Myung Soo's Proposal!I was punished for not paying attention in class but I don't regret it.
Your story is so great that I forgot to update mine.But I don't have the heart to do that right now.I jux finished The Florist so I'm gonna jump to The Carpenter.I might update my story only after I have done reading these.
All in all,I love It!!!But still wishing Jongie survive.Andweee~~~
You got yourself a new supporter,Authornim.
P.S-I wanna upvote but I don't have enough Karma.I will do that as soon as I have enough.Till then XOXO. ;-) :-*
ara2712 #3
Chapter 50: hello author-nim~! i'm a new reader of this story hehe yep i managed to find this beautiful story because of the doctor, and i fell in love immediately until i can't stop myself for reading this story
i love your story sooooo much! you can made me feel like i was there, watching their movement. i cried at the part when sungjong died, when haneul died, when nana sacrificed herself for sungyeol, and also when sungyeol met nana's parent. i also giggled nonstop when myungsoo proposed yvonne. oh and also when nana and sungyeol talk about their first night kk
in conclusion, i love your story! and i'm starting to read the carpenter too hehe gonna wait for you to update the doctor ^^
Chapter 48: Loved this *^*
Chapter 46: <3 soooo cute
zhiqing2906 #6
Chapter 46: continue their honeymoon... :D it will be interesting... :D <3
Chapter 45: i am so excited for the next chapter omg. i love this story to death ♥
Sichem #8
Chapter 44: Sequel, yay !!!
Poor yeollie, he can't sleep with Nana.
zhiqing2906 #9
Chapter 42: of coz she should get her eyesight back... :D
Chapter 42: Awwww nana get ur eyesight back :)