Puppy Love




 Kim Taeyeon is just an average girl who loves taking care of her puppies . She was never attracted to boys, not even once . She doesn't know why but she will soon find out .Taeyeon's been bestfriends with Seungyeon (who also loves dogs)since they were little kids. They live in the same neighborhood until high school ends, were Taeyeon has to move to another place for college .

"Yah ! How's your new place ? Did you already find a new bff ?! " Seungyeon asked Taeyeon over the phone .

"Hey calm down, we just arrived you know . Silly , you're exaggerating!" Taeyeon laughed over her bestfriend's silliness.

"That's possible you know ! Especially we're apart . " 

"Shut up ! , Hahaha , hey I need to hang up . We still need to arrange our stuffs."

" Okay , don't forget our promise okay ? Call me often. Tell me everything , your secrets , your bad days .."

"Yes, yes I know . Silly , I really need to hang up now . Say hi to Nubi (Seungyeon's dog) for me . kekekeke" 


After Taeyeon and her parents had finished arranging their stuffs downstairs.

"Eomma, I'm fine . I'll just arrange my room myself. " So she headed upstairs and started arranging her room. 

"Woaaah~ Almost done now I just have to put this curtains ." She's now fixing the curtain to the window . When she was finished   she somehow saw someone came out to the balcony across her room . So she decided to pull the curtain .  There she saw it .

A beautiful lady with long ,brown curly hair . Not to mention she's tall and slender . The girl was just busy watering the flowers on her balcony . 

Taeyeon was mesmerized. Somehow she felt something strange.She can't explain the feeling. It's her first time experiencing this. Still caught up with the sight , she didn't notice that she's been staring too long with almost wide open . 

She snapped back to reality when she noticed the girl staring at her with eyebrows crunched . She thought she creeped the girl out so she immediately closed the curtain .

"Just .. what was that .. " She thought while feeling her heartbeat .

It's been a month since she saw that neighboor. Taeyeon had been busy arranging stuffs for college so she usually comes home tired. 

After the first day of classes was finished .

"Hello ? Hello? Seungyeon ah~ Did you miss me that much ? kkeke " Taeyeon giggled .

"How'd you know ?Nubi misses you and her playmates now . Haha, so how's first day of school? "she asked.

"Oh well , as usual for first days, boring . I wish you're here with me . By the way I'm on my way home now . How are you ?"

"Oh , fine kekeke. I met this cute boy  and .. ahh Nubi ! .. " 

"Yah! what happened ??!! " Taeyeon asked worriedly . 

"She pooped ! , I need to hang up now , I'll continue my story next time bye ." Then she hang up .

Taeyeon arrived home and was greeted by her two lovely babies , Ari and Bori .

"Wuaahh` did you miss me that much ?  Mom ? Dad ? ?  I'm home . " She said while petting her puppies. When she got no response "Oh they're not home eh ? " So she decided to go to her room and play with her babies . 

They were on her bed (on which the other side faces the window ) when Taeyeon noticed that the girl she saw a month ago (or so) was on her balcony. Taeyeon watched her  intently . The girl was carrying a dog and was looking at the sky .

Taeyeon's really curious about the girl so she decided to talk to her . She got up pulled the curtain and opened her window. 

"Hey - , " She first said softly. Too soft that the girl didn't notice . So she repeated , louder . " Heyy .. "

This time the girl faced her , just like the first time she was again mesmerized by her beauty . Before the situation gets awkward she managed to say  " I'm Taeyeon , I'm just new here so I'm trying to make fri-- " Just then the girl's dog jumped and ran inside her house , so without saying a single word to Taeyeon , she chased after her dog. 

Taeyeon was really embarrassed , knowing the situation , she didn't wait for the girl to come back so she went back to her bed .

"Okay that was totally embarrassing ." She talked to her puppies, facing her back to the window .

Without her knowing , the girl peeked from her room ,  " Taeyeon . . " 

The next day at school 

Taeyeon noticed a new classmate . the girl was facing the floor so Taeyeon can't clearly see her face .

"Geez , skipping the first day of school. " Taeyeon thought , she then noticed that the girl has long curly brown hair . Which made her remember  her neighbor . So eventhough she hasn't made any friends yet , she asked her seatmate thinking she might know the girls name .

"Uhm, excuse me , do you know her name . " 

"If I recall , it's Sooyoung . We bumped at the hallway earlier ,so we kinda introduced ourselves. Ah by the way , I'm Hyoyeon." She then motioned her hands for a handshake. " Taeyeon .. "

Upon hearing that ,Sooyoung's eyes widened . "Taeyeon ? " She thought .

On the way home .

"Taenggg!! I have good news !" Seungyeon excitedly said over the phone .

"Oh,What is it ? " 

"Remember that  boy I told you a few days ago ? The one who's courting me ?"

"Mmm, That Chunji ? What about him?"

"We're finally together !!" Seungyeon squeeled .

" WOW! Congrats! I'm so happy for you, too bad I'm not there ." Taeyeon said.

"Speaking of , when will you have a boyfriend ? We've been friends for like ages but never did I heard that you had a crush, not even once."

"Wow , she's right, but i never had interest in boys . not even once  and idk why . " Taeyeon thought . Just then she remembered the weird feelign she had when she first saw her neighbor.

"Ne, Seungyeon . How do you know if you like someone ?" Taeyeon stopped on her tracks.

"So you finally have someone you like ? What's HE like" Seungyeon teased.

"I don't know , that's why I'm asking you . ." wait what he ? she's not even a he . Then she saw that new classmate giving stray dog some food. Somehow Taeyeon got intrigue by her .

"Oh forget it , I need to hang up ." Then she hanged up without letting her friend finish her sentence. She started walking closer to her.

Hearing her footsteps ,the eating dog got startled and ran away quickly , Sooyoung who was petting the dog fell on the floor. Because of the impact ,Sooyoung's glasses broke.

Taeyeon felt uneasy because of the incident . She immediately ran towards the girl and helped her up . 

"Oh ! I'm so so sorry ! "  Taeyeon turned the girl around and was now face to face with her . Taeyeon got stunned . It was her beautiful neighbor. Her heart beat fast again and the strange feeling is back.

Sooyoung who can't see clearly without her glasses , felt  so embarrassed getting close to a stranger . She immidiately got her glasses ,bowed to Taeyeon and got up. 

Taeyeon finally arrived home . She was now lying down on her bed, she opened her phone and got a message from her bestfriend.

"Geez, you're rude as ever. Anyway I'll be staying at your place for the semestral break. By that time let's discuss about your crush . kekeke love yah ! <3 - Seungyeon" 

After reading her message ,the incident a while ago crept into Taeyeon's mind . Getting confused on why she was reacting that way, she buried her face in her pillow and within minutes of thinking she fell asleep . While on the other hand ..

Sooyoung again peeked from her room , 

"Is it her ? Taeyeon ? Her voice .. It's her right ? " She can't help but mumble.


Many days had gone by since that encounter with Sooyoung . Throughout those days she can't get the girl out of her mind . They did not dare to talk or even look at each other during class. Taeyeon somehow feels upset, they did not even meet properly .Sooyoung who was naturally shy , doesnt have the courage to talk to Taeyeon . 


It's now time for their semestral break .

"Woaaahh!! Your bed is softer than the one you had back then . Right  Nubi -nubi nubi nubi" Seungyeon said , while playing with her dog . 

"Was that a compliment ? " Taeyeon said placing more pillow to her bed. Seungyeon got up and head towards the window . She pulled the curtain and opened the window .

"You even got a good  view here! " She exclaimed , just then Sooyoung came out of her room . Seungyeon was certain that the girl was crying , so she called Taeyeon to come near her.

"Hey Taeng , do you know her ? " Taeyeon's eyes widened. Why the heck is she crying ?!  She can't help but ask. Taeyeon was surprised at her reaction. It feels like she wanna comfort her . 

While Taeyeon was still staring at Sooyoung with a worried face , Seungyeon noticed this expression . 

"She..She's my classmate . . "  

Sensing someone was looking at her , Sooyoung immidiately picked some flowers and went back inside , not bothering to look.

When she was gone , Seungyeon and Taeyeon settled on the bed . Taeyeon was still in deep thoughts , Why is she crying ? Why the hell do I even care ?

"Taeng .. " Taeyeon snapped back to reality ?

"You like her . "

"Eh?! " Taeyeon was shocked.

"Remember when you asked me about how'd you know if you like someone ?"

Taeyeon was shy , she can't possibly like a girl right ?

"Well you see, it doesn't take a genius to read between the lines . That worried face just now , you being distracted especially you asking how'd you know if you like someone. It's obvious Taeng ."

"But .. But what if I am just curious ? What if I just find her interesting ? " Taeyeon retorted .

"Exactly .. " By that Seungyeon faced her back against Taeyeon .

"Oy oy what do you mean by that huh ?" She shooked her friend but she got no response . 

"You're seriously asleep ? Geez ."

Taeyeon didn't get a blink of sleep because of what Seungyeon said . Just what does she mean by that .

The two of them were on the dining table , Taeyeon's parents left early for work.

"You seemed to be lacking of sleep, thinking too much Taeng ? " Seungyeon teased with a smirk on her face .

" Yah , shut up. Aishh." She then faced the other side. They were eating quietly  when Seungyeon said.

"Kidding aside ,I honestly think you like her ."

What if I really do like her ? "Aren't you .. ugh how do I say this .. She's a girl and I'm a girl . That's not normal." Taeyeon said shyly.

"So what? Geez, we grew up together . I somehow realized your different. HAHAHA! " 

Wow so blunt  . "YAH! THAT IS NOT FUNNY! ! " Taeyeon buried her face in her palms .

Seungyeon got up and hug Taeyeon . " No matter what your preference it, your still my friend nothing will change that . Its my first time seeing you getting interested in someone . I'm so happy. "

Taeyeon somehow felt relieved . " So before you miss this chance , go for it , k? " 

Taeyeon smiled cheekily and nodded .

"Say . Seungyeon , let's buy another dog .! " 

"Woah !! so cute ! I shall name it Ginger . !! " Taeyeon exclaimed . Seungyeon noticed someone looking at the dogs from the window. " Hey Taeng , Imma look around a little bit , wait for me outside ." 

When Taeyeon got outside , she was shocked to see Sooyoung staring at the puppies by the window teary eyed. Realizing what just happened she looked at Seungyeon through the glass door and Seungyeon gave her a "go" signal.

Phew , this is my chance . 

"Soo..Sooyoung ? " Sooyoung was surprised , she faced Taeyeon and wiped her eyes and glasses.

"Could it be.. Taeyeon ?"

"So you have bad eyesight , that's why you don't recognize me ." Taeyeon suddenly felt like she said something wrong 

"Ahh , don't get me wrong , but I'm glad, i'm glad you recognize me . "

Sooyoung let out a shy smile .

"So.. You like dogs too ?"

"My dog just died yesterday , I'm gonna get a new one . " She said with a sad tone .

That's why she was crying . . .

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that "

"No , it's okay . " She smiled a lively one . This is the first time Taeyeon saw her genuine smile . 

"By the way , let me introduce myself properly . I'm Taeyeon , Kim Taeyeon . Your classmate and neighbor ."Sooyoung can't help but chuckle . 

Was that lame ? Taeyeon thought . 

"I'm Sooyoung , Choi sooyoung. Nice meeting you . "  They then proceeded to shake hands. Just then Seungyeon came out of the pet store , the atmosphere became awkward , both Sooyoung and Taeyeon were obviously blushing.

"Hehe ,sorry to intrude  but we gotta go now ." Seungyeon said 

"No, it's okay . I'll go inside now . " And then they bowed to each other .

"Bye Sooyoung "

"Take care Taeyeon ."

Taeyeon was blushing madly . Seungyeon can't help but smile at her bestfriend . 

"So is it clear now ? "

" Yes, I do like her ."


kekeke , so it's not angst anymore ^_^ the previous one was somewhat a Sooyoung POV so now it's Taeng's. Hope you guys like it , I tried my best to do a fluff since i find angsty endings much easier xD 

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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 6: The last part was so Cute, cute, cute, cute
But this killed me "Eyebrowless face" XD
Chapter 8: update soon please
Chapter 8: *squel
Sootae is cute..
Some days ago I watch hello baby again and there's this scene when taeyeon huged kyungsan and she was stood beside sooyong, and sooyoung gave her and kyungsan a loving stare.. they looked like a perfect couple ^^
Chapter 8: new reader here
author, you make a great SooTae one shot :D
I hope you will update more
thanks for this updated
*thumbs up*
Chapter 7: it is so sad
poor sootae... they have to break up
please update more
Chapter 6: it is so cute
please update more
Chapter 6: cute short story xD
thank you for updating
Chapter 6: short but cute update, just like taeyeon \^.^/
Chapter 6: Beautiful :D
Short but enough to make my TaengSoong/SooTae heart flutter
Chapter 5: puppy love.. more like shy love :D