River of Undead

Into Another World


So... it's been a while... Sorry about the lack of updates! College has taken its toll on me, unfortunately :( BUT! Now that I'm on Spring Break, I hope to finish this story by the end of this week! (Hopefully, unless I get writer's block o.O)

Anyways, enjoy! Comments are always welcome :P


            “After River of Undead, we are finished with our task,” Youngbae told his friends during breakfast. Last night, the six friends finally crossed over to the Mulonar, and they were able to get two rooms at the inn.

            “Alright, then let’s get this over with quickly,” Seungri said as he stifled a yawn. He was still not used to the time change. “When do we head out?”

            “After breakfast,” Youngbae said nonchalantly.

            “That’s quicker than I thought,” Seungri remarked.

            Youngbae smiled. “Remember that daytime for us is nighttime for the people living in the Mulonar. We want to get back to the inn before the suns rise.”

            So, after breakfast, the six friends went above-ground and walked east toward the River of Undead.

            “The place is so barren,” Dara commented. “I guess the heat from the suns evaporate all the water.”

            “Seems likely,” Jiyong replied. “I guess there aren’t any cacti in Terra.”

            Dara smiled. “Well, maybe in another land. We’ve only been to Gin, after all.”

            “Alright, smarty-pants,” Jiyong joked. He hooked his arm around her shoulder. “You really like to argue, don’t you?”

            “Only with you,” Dara quietly joked back.

            “Hey, I heard that,” Bom turned around and faced them, smiling. “There’s so much PDA coming from you two today.”

            “Ah! Sorry,” Dara shrugged Jiyong’s arm off her shoulder and quickly looked at Chaerin.

            “Oh,” Bom said when she realized where Dara was looking at. Seeing Jiyong becoming annoyed at Dara’s actions, she quickly tried to change the subject. “Youngbae, are we almost there yet?”

            “Yes, just a few more minutes,” Youngbae answered. He pointed to the river in front of him. “See? There it is: the River of Undead.”

            As the six friends went closer to the river, the weather became colder, and faint whispers permeated the area. When they reached the river, they could see small moving lights inside the river.

            “Alright, let’s get this over with,” Bom said as she saw the lights grow in size. “I have a bad feeling about this place.”

            “I’m on it,” Dara said as she raised her hands, summoning her powers.

            Bom nodded and started to step away from the river.


            Suddenly, Bom felt something cold touch her ankle.





            “Bom, wake up!”

            Huh? What just happened? Bom slowly opened her eyes, returning to consciousness. She looked around at the worried faces around her as well as her surroundings.Oh, we’re back at the inn.

            She faintly smiled at everyone, about to say that she’s okay when a sharp pain erupted in her right ankle. Blinking quickly to prevent the tears from falling, Bom took a deep breath and focused on the lamp next to the coffee table.

            “You’re hurt, aren’t you?” a voice came from her right.

            “Huh? Oh! Yeah, it’s my right ankle,” the pain returned right at the moment that she mentioned the place. Focusing on the lamp again, she added. “Dara, can you fix it?”

            Feeling her pant leg being rolled up, Bom took another breath before looking at her leg. Oh my.

            She felt all of her friends cringe. There was a large gash right next to the outer part of the ankle. Blood was visibly rushing out. Bom quickly closed her eyes and willed herself to think of ponies. She felt someone hugging her from behind. Looking up, Bom saw that it was Chaerin.

            “It’s okay, Chaerin. Really,” Bom tried to make Chaerin release her hold before she actually started crying. For some reason, comfort always made her want to cry.

            “I’m done, Bom,” Dara’s voice came from her right. Looking down at her leg, she saw that the gash was gone, and her leg looked normal. Bom smiled at Dara. “Thanks so much! I owe you one.”

            Dara smiled back, showing her teeth. “You know what I always ask for, right? That’s my favor.”

            Racking her brain to find what Dara was mentioning, Bom laughed out loud and gave Dara a nudge after she stood up. “It’s not within my control.”

            Of course, Dara was talking about Seungri and Chaerin. She wanted those two to be a couple so that Dara won’t have to constantly worry about Chaerin’s feelings. Quite understandable, except for one small fact: Bom’s still fighting her feelings for Seungri.

            Realizing that everyone was still hanging around and waiting for her to proclaim that she’s okay, Bom sighed and said, “Wow, I’m tired. It’s time to go to sleep, everybody.”

            Everyone nodded and headed toward the stairs, except for Youngbae. “Bom.”

            Turning back around, Bom responded. “Yeah?”

            “Can we talk?” Youngbae looked oddly unemotional, and Bom knew that it was the silence before the storm. But Youngbae helped her out on too many occasions to refuse his request.

            Smiling a bit, Bom said, “Sure. In the garden?”

            Nodding his head, Youngbae led the way. Taking a deep breath for the umpteenth time today, Bom prepared for the scolding. Whenever they talk nowadays, Bom and Youngbae always end up fighting, and Bom knew that this time will be no different.

            Once in the garden, Youngbae turned around, looking furious, as Bom expected. “For heaven’s sake, why don’t you ever show your feelings anymore?!”

            Wow, that was to the point, Bom thought, a bit taken aback. And it’s about this topic again.

            She stood a bit straighter. “What do you mean?”

            “When a normal person is hurt, they show at least a bit of pain, right?” he started his rant. “But when you’re hurt, you just look away and hold it in. You even go to the point where you lie and say that everything’s alright.”

            Staring at his expression, Bom felt pressure build up in . She clenched her jaw. “Well, I’m sorry, Youngbae, for not reacting the way that you wanted me to. But there isn’t anything abnormal about my reaction. My preference to dealing with pain is to not think about it. What’s so wrong about that?”

            “Everything!” Youngbae threw up his arms. There he goes again, Bom thought.Always exaggerating things. “You didn’t use to be like this, you know.”

            Bom felt something cold run along her spine. She crossed her arms. “And who are you to judge?”

            After hearing that, Youngbae looked shocked. He then narrowed his eyes. “That was low.”

            Inside, Bom regretted it. But at this moment, she felt empowered. So she continued. “Well, if you haven’t been around me for the past nine years of my life, then how can you make that statement?”

            “But you weren’t even like this three months ago when I saw you in Alana and Alfonso’s cabin!” Youngbae countered. “You started becoming like this afterwards.”

            Bom turned away from him. She could feel her tears coming. No, I can’t cry. What Youngbae said was right. Every word of it. “I’m just trying to be strong.”

            “Why?” Youngbae turned her back around and put his hands on her eyes. My voice must have wavered. “You’ve become so cold that even your tears are frozen! How can that be healthy?”

            Furiously taking his hands away from her eyes, Bom glared at him. “And how about you? Aren’t you getting more and more angry these days? Isn’t it because of our elements?”

            "I’m getting angry because of you!” Youngbae shook her shoulders. “You’ve been becoming so cold, like your heart is about to freeze. You don’t show any more expressions without making them look fake.

            “Do you think I haven’t noticed? It’s been getting worse and worse, so I’ve been getting angrier and angrier. Why aren’t you happy? Why aren’t you sad? What can I do you make it go away? I don’t care if you get hurt; I just want you to feel something!”

            Bom was about to turn away when she saw Youngbae’s eyes glistening. What’s this? She felt her heart plummet down to her stomach. Her hands automatically went to his face. “Hey, what are you doing?”

            Youngbae just kept staring at her. Bom ran her hand over his hair, as if trying to console him, “If you’re thinking about using this tactic to try and make me cry, then use a different tactic. Okay?”

            Youngbae just blinked a few times. After making sure that no tears were about to fall out, Bom sighed of relief. “Good.”

            She was about to turn around when Youngbae caught her shoulders again. Their eyes caught, and she saw a hint of red in his irises. Youngbae’s nostrils flared. “Fine.”

            Before she could react, Youngbae kissed her, not letting her go by locking her in his arms. What the heck?! Bom opened to say something, but was prevented from saying anything when Youngbae took the chance to put his tongue in. Bom struggled to get free of his grasp, but Youngbae had an iron grip on her shoulders. Ah, too hot! She quickly tried to freeze Youngbae’s tongue, but his heat just melted the ice away.

            When she lost some of her energy, Youngbae brought one hand to the nape of her neck, holding her head up, and Bom’s heart started skipping. Her mind became foggy, and her body became weak, slowly relying on Youngbae’s grip to hold her up. All she was capable of doing was let Youngbae French kiss her. Who would have known that it felt so good? Bom absent-mindedly thought.

            It was only after she felt like kissing him back did Bom come to her senses. Summoning all of her energy and pushing Youngbae away, Bom immediately tried to make an ice stick and throw it straight to his heart. As if knowing that that was what she was going to do, Youngbae instinctively put his arms in front of him and created fire.

            But what greeted him was not ice. It was just water. Looking up, Youngbae saw that Bom was just as surprised as he was. She looked down at her hands, trying to make another ice cube. All that came out was water. Bom continued to look at her hand. “What did you do to me?”

            Youngbae took one step toward her before thinking better of it. “I-I was trying to—I don’t know.”

            After hearing that, Bom looked up, glaring at Youngbae, “What do you mean, you don’t know?! You kissed—even French kissed—me without my consent, and you say you don’t know?!”

            Bom threw water at his face, “What about Dara? Didn’t you like her?”

            She threw another handful of water, more furiously, “We don’t even like each other, and you have the guts to kiss me?! And what’s worse is that I can’t make ice anymore! How are you going to explain this? YOU DON’T KNOW?! Give me back what was mine!”

            At that, Youngbae couldn’t help but crack a smile. Seeing the smile, Bom threw another waterball at him. “What’s so funny?!”

            Youngbae threw back his head and laughed even more. After his fits of laughter, he looked at Bom, who was giving him her signature glare, waiting for him to say something. “After nine years, I’m finally able to hear you shouting at me again.”

            He felt another wave of water hit his face, this time less forceful.

Comments (I hope you guys are still alive o.O):

AppleUra: a little bit of daragon for you~~ There will be more later, I promise!

BigBangVIP: Ah, I'm sorry for having you wait for so long! Lol, Bom sure is ignorant. I sometimes wonder if I should make her more intelligent...

ilavicecream: Welcome! And yay for BomBae!! Yeah, there needs to be more bombae fics out there :P

Neko1996: Welcome, and thank you :D Sorry for the lack of updates o.O I will try my best to update more this week!

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Hello, I hope you guys are doing well! I'm starting my next story, and it's called Suddenly Royal :) It's not 2nebang :O, but if you're still interested... :D


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Valenciapam #1
Chapter 19: Wow nice plot. At first, I was kinda bummed that it suddenly became a fantasy plot but wow I really liked it. And all those pairings, goshhhhhh

I kind of guessed that youngbae is kinda different from the other five in some way but i didn't think that it goes way deeper (with his mom and all the shapeshifting thing and yul characteristics that Vidle wants to have).

Great job with this one. The plot is good!! :)
Chapter 30: awww...great ending. i like this. cool story.
Xuan0913 #3
Chapter 30: Finally I finished this!!
I love the ririn moment at the last chapter..
Nice story authornim ;)
Chapter 30: Finally!!!! ><
Chapter 13: I need to catch up a lot (_ _ ) but this ff is so unique (Y)
BigBang_VIP #6
Chapter 31: I freakin' love this story!!! :) Love it!
Wow!! I really love your story, it likes when I read Eragon, LoTR, and such as. You're really good at describing something and it seems I'm in your story ^o^

Looking forward for your other story.

NB : I read this when it's labeled completed, so i don't subs.
That's it. I'm subscribing to every single one of your stories *_* your such an excellent writer and not many authors do fantasy on AFF
angelesca #9
Now for Big Bang to get theirs xD


I like how Bom has a 'B' :P
angelesca #10
SuperJ13: thanks for sticking around til the end! I will start writing my next story during the summer, so look forward to it xD

alexaSaclao: yayyy!! Thank you for your compliments :D LOL YESH the Vidle IS stupid. *sigh* But I really don't know how to make an evil character... Maybe that will be one thing to work on hehehe