Our Story

Our Story

Autumn looked at Taemin, quite unsure of what to say at this point.

"Aren't you gonna answer that?" Autumn asked him, phone still on her ear.

"No... I'm talking to you, that would be rude." Taemin excused.

"It might be important.." Autumn said, pointing at Taemin's pocket.

Taemin became uneasy. "He's not answering." Taemin said as he grabbed Autumn's phone, sliding the end call button. Suddenly, his phone stopped ringing.

"That was weird" Autumn said and got her phone back from Taemin as he handed it back to her.

"You're right it was weird. Hehe" Taemin gulped and excused himself once more. "Excuse me but I really have to go now." Taemin bowed and walked to the other direction.

"Thank you oppa!" Autumn screamed and walked the other way... Autumn was walking happily, remembering her encounter with her bias. Her cheeks became red and she looked flushed.

"He's not answering" 

"How did he know it was a he?!" Autumn quickly looked back, with an unsure answer in her chest she looked at Taemin who was just disappearing into the corner. "Taemin! TAEMIN OPPA!" She ran to him as fast as she could.

As soon as Taemin heard his name being called, he ran to the nearest utility closet and hid there. "Oh god, she found out" He said, crouching down.

"Taemin?" Autumn, who was standing at the front of the door, called out.

A few minutes passed and Taemin felt at ease, he was sure she had given up and decided to take a peek outside. He opened the door, and much to his surprise, he was grabbed by the hand and was led outside.

"Speak." Autumn demanded.

"U-uh... I" Taemin muttered.

"How did you know it was a he?!" Autumn asked yet again, in complete disbelief. Part of her was actually excited to know if it was really Taemin and a part of her was just furious at the thought and she didn't know why.

"I... was the guy who screamed at you inside the bathroom the other day" Taemin confessed, head lowered.

"I knew it" Autumn said, dumbfounded as she sat down on the freezing ground.

"H-hey... don't stay there. Let's talk inside" Taemin said, helping her up. "I know this is a lot to take in... But in my defense, you were the one who left your phone" Taemin pointed out.

Autumn stood up and playfully hit his arm. "Yah" She pouted which turned into light giggles.

Taemin looked at her again, her smiling eyes, her laugh... then the unfamiliar feeling of his thumping heart was evident again. Then something magical happened. Something urged him to say the following words.

"Hey Autumn, let's just go get some ice cream" Taemin smiled shyly, rubbing his nape. Autumn was in complete shock. Was this really happening to her? AUTUMN. THE FANGIRL? The Autumn that had only been writing fanfics about her and Taemin the other night. The Autumn that had been kissing his picture every night just so she doesn't feel lonely.

"W-what? Can you repeat what you said?" Autumn asked again, unable to register what had just happened.

"Autumn. You. Me. Ice cream... I know it's a little cold for ice cream but, you know... It's comfort food" Taemin said and flashed a to-die-for smile. "Besides, I did tell you that I wanted to get to know you more didn't I?"

It was really happening. Taemin. THE Lee Taemin, Dancing machine of SHINee was asking her to get ice cream with him. Autumn's mind was in pure cloud nine and her heart was in a bliss. She could not express how happy she was feeling. She felt lightheaded, ecstatic and all other mixed emotions that the world had.

"O-okay..." She said shyly, head lowered and face flushed.

"Let's go?" Taemin asked.

"N-neh" Autumn replied. She then felt warm all of a sudden. When she looked up, Taemin had taken off his coat and put it around her. "You're wearing a pretty dress.. We wouldn't want to ruin it when snow starts to fall" Taemin just smiled and walked with her.

Autumn's face was just full of emotions. And just when she thought her dreams were already fulfilled and granted, fingers slid across hers, intertwining. Autumn looked up and saw Taemin's face drawing a little closer than normal. Her natural instinct was to close her eyes and wait. Her calm hands turned into clenched fist, her eyes shut closed, and her feet firmly on the ground...



She felt his hot breath on her lips... getting warmer and warmer and warmer....












Autumn closed her laptop as she saw a girl walk towards her.

"Hey there Alena, my pretty little princess" She said and kissed the little girl.

Just then, an arm was slinging on her shoulder. Autumn put Alena down and looked up.

"Hey angel, what're you doing? Are you writing again?" The man, about in his 40's asked Autumn.

"Yeah. Writing again. I just started actually" Autumn smiled and gave the man a kiss.

"What is it about this time? Fairytales? Horror?" He asked, keeping her in his arms.

Autumn looked up at him lovingly, he didn't change. He looked the same except maybe for the little wrinkles at the corner of his eyes. But nonetheless, he was still him...






The Taemin she fell for, the Taemin that stole her heart with a kiss on that snowy night.











"Nah, I tried something new today..." Autumn picked up Alena, carrying her, walking towards Taemin.









"I wrote Our Story..." Autumn said and smiled at him lovingly.













A/N: I finished it yeeeeey~ I finally did :)) I'm sorry for the typos again. I'll proof read some other time. Uhm, thank you for reading my story haha ^^' Even though it's short. I still appreciate it. Even those silent readers ;) I love you all~ 'Till next time ♥ COMMENT.SUBSCRIBE.ENJOY ♥

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Chapter 6: aw, that's cute babe ^^
Chapter 6: kyaaaaaah~ so cute :3
Chapter 6: THIS IS GREAT!!!! i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope more like this to come! :D
the best author-nim! :)
Chapter 6: It's a nice story :)
I loved the ending.. please write more! :3 <3
Chapter 6: I...just...that was....BEAUTIFUL!!!!! TT^TT Author-nim you are THE BEST!!! MA FEELS...I JUST CAN'T...
I thot you are going to make a new chap for this but then I realized a complete mark ><
Chapter 3: eiii autumn u re a silly... how come you cant recognize taemin ? XD I ve read this fanfic from the 1st time u made it just had time to place a comment :3 gotta read more ! :)
PinkypurpleLady #8
Chapter 6: What a beautiful and lovely ending...I Shivered as i read this story. I love it also :) expecting more Lee Taemin fanfics from you hehe take care always mwah
Chapter 6: This story , i can't .... gaaahhh !!
Love IT !
PinkypurpleLady #10
Chapter 5: Awesone :) I love to read this really, looking forward for more updates... Keep it up <3