
Our Story

The following morning, Taemin woke up really early and headed out, leaving a note on his bedside table.

He kept on dialing the home phone number that was listed there, but was automatically transfered to voice mail.

Taemin dialed one last time "Hello, you have reached Autumn's voice mail. Please leave a message after the beep. *beeeeeeeeeeeeep*".

"H-hello.. I'm guessing your name's Autumn. Uhm.. I actually have your phone right now and would like to give it back to--" His voice was cut off when someone answered.


Autumn was in her bed, lying face down, and was snoring. Minutes have passed and her telephone has not stopped ringing, she kept putting it on voicemail and slept again but when her phone rang for the 4th time, she put it to voice mail immediately and drifted back to sleep again. When suddenly, someone spoke at the other end.

"H-hello.. I'm guessing your name's Autumn. Uhm.. I actually have your phone right now and would like to give it back to--"

"Hello? Hello? Sir, oh god. My phone! Don't even move a muscle! I'll be there! I need my phone really bad, I mean like really bad. Just tell me when and where and I'll be there." Autumn frantically said, her voice quivering. "Please..." She said in a plead.

"A-alright... I'll be by Holly's. ___ street. 4pm. I have an appointment at 7pm so don't be late" He told her.

"Thank you... Thank you so much sir. Thank you" She was so grateful to the person on the other line, her voice showed signs of tears.

"O-oh.. are you crying miss? P-please don't cry.." Taemin tried his best to comfort the girl as he heard her sniff.

"I'm okay. Thank you again."

"No problem. It's the right thing to you" He said with a hint of smile in his voice. She was about to hang up when his next words left her holding the receiver longer than she had planned to.

"I'll wait for you" There was something reassuring with the way he said it. Normally, she would freak out about the kind of statement that had just been said but there was really just something soothing and trusting about his tone of voice.

"I-i'll be there." She said and hung up, putting her fingers at her temples. "Woah. headrush" She said and rushed downstairs to eat breakfast.

She looked at the big wallclock that was hanging on the kitchen counter wall. "9am.. still early. He did say 4pm which gives me enough time to go to the showcase SHINee's having at 7pm tonight!" She squealed to herself.

"Well I guess doing something productive wouldn't hurt to pass the time". Autumn went by her day like any other day, she watched tv, cleaned the house, ate lunch, watched more tv and slept. By the time she looked at the wallclock again, it was already 2:30. "Oh my god! It's already 2:30. I don't wanna be late!" She quickly ran upstairs to take a bath and get dressed... By the time she stepped out of the bathroom, it was already 3pm so she hurriedly looked at her closet and took out a cute peach colored dress with laces. "This will do" she said as she got her waxing stuff out. "I can do this. FIGHTING!" She cheered herself up and started doing her routine when she called Jane, her bestfriend.

"Hello Jane?" She asked subtly.

"Yah! Where have you been?! I've been trying to call you for the past forever and you haven't answered to any one of them. I even tried texting you and my fingers hurt" She said as she made crying sounds.

"Hey, I'm sorry okay? My phone got lost and some stranger found it. Which brings me as to why I called you up. I need someone to come with me" She said in a plead.

"What? No way! I'm not going out into the open alone with you and some other dude who may or may not be a dangerous criminal, sent to kill us both and drag our bodies to the Han River where we'll never be found again." Jane said. (with all the emotions you read it with)

"You're overreacting. He seemed nice." Autumn said, recalling the soothing voice she heard over the phone. She didn't know why but she felt at ease with this guy whom she never met.. Then her mind began to wander off.

"Autumn? Autumn! Did you hear what I said? I said I'll let you bring Louie" Jane told her as a matter of factly.

"Fine. Some friend you are. I'll come by and pick him up at around 3:30" She said as she looked at the clock that said 3:15. "Alright... see you. Bye" She hung up and started dressing up. "Aigoo, what a wonderful friend I have" The sarcasm in her voice was undeniable.


At exactly around 4pm, Autumn was already inside Holly's waiting for this mystery man. "I wonder what he looks like. Does he have a beard? Glasses maybe? false teeth?" She shivered as her imagination started going to overdrive. Her train of thought was suddenly cut when someone seated himself in front of her.

"Autumn right?" He asked in a odd low voice that seemed too weird to be his natural voice.

"Y-yeah. Pleased to meet you" She said holding out her hand.

"Yeah yeah. Here's your phone lady" He said and took the phone out of his pocket, placing it on the table. "I didn't look through it I swear" He said as he slid it across the table in front of them.

"I trust you" She said and smiled. "So who do I have the honor of thanking?" She smiled at him and looked into his shrouded eyes. She couldn't see how he looked like very well because if the cap, standing collar, and sunglasses he had. But he sure looks damn familiar. "H-hey wait.. Do I know you from somewhere?" She asked, taking a closer look at him, but he turned away.

"No you haven't....Doesn't matter what my name is. What matters is, you have your phone and I'm not liable for anything anymore" He said and looked outside to a man pointing at his watch. "I g-guess I'll be going then." He said and quckly stood up.


"I'm sorry, miss but I really must go." He said and started walking to the door.

"Please, call me Autumn. And I'd love to meet you again." She wrote something down on a piece of paper napkin and put it inside his pocket. "Thank you" She said and smiled warmly.

"No problem" The man said and stormed out, getting into a van.

She watched as the van vanished into the thick curtain of snow that was falling. Autumn sat down and sipped her hot cocoa as she smiled to herself, petting Louie.


Taemin took off his coat and glasses and shook any excess snow off.

"WHat took you so long? What were you two talking about anyway? You almost got caught" His manager said.

"I'm sorry hyung. But she was a talker" He said and chuckled. 

"Well, you made it just in time kiddo. We have 2 hours and 30 minutes to get you to the grounds, get your hair and makeup done, and get you dressed." His manager looked at him from the rear view mirror and smiled.

"Neh. Thanks hyung" He smiled to himself again and looked outside the window. Taemin fished for his phone in his pocket when a piece of paper fell on the floor. He remembered what the girl said.

"Please, call me Autumn. And I'd love to meet you again." He went from pale to tomato in 0.4 seconds and he couldn't believe it. Why was he acting this way? Then he remembered what she looked like, how she dressed up and how she was so calm and natural.

Images of the girl replayed on his mind over and over again. "Her beautiful eyes, pretty nose and perfectly curved lips... And she was wearing that peach laced dress that fitted her perfectly" Taemin smiled and looked at the paper in his hand, he took his phone and fiddled with it a bit before closing his eyes to sleep.


Autumn was on her way to the showcase grounds when suddenly her phone beeped. She read the message and blushed to herself, leaving butterflies in her stomach. She made her way to the entrance and tucked her phone in her pocket.

"Hi there Autumn, I'm sorry I had 2 storm out like that. I also apologize for having left u in d middle of a conversation. I'm also sorry for not showing u my face, I'm a little shy. I want 2 get 2 know u better if that's okay. I'll make it up 2 u, I promise :-) - Dancer"









A/N: Omigod :)) I'm sorry. I'm still trying to get my groove on :)) Sorry for the typos and please COMMENT.SUBSCRIBE.ENJOY.

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Chapter 6: aw, that's cute babe ^^
Chapter 6: kyaaaaaah~ so cute :3
Chapter 6: THIS IS GREAT!!!! i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope more like this to come! :D
the best author-nim! :)
Chapter 6: It's a nice story :)
I loved the ending.. please write more! :3 <3
Chapter 6: I...just...that was....BEAUTIFUL!!!!! TT^TT Author-nim you are THE BEST!!! MA FEELS...I JUST CAN'T...
I thot you are going to make a new chap for this but then I realized a complete mark ><
Chapter 3: eiii autumn u re a silly... how come you cant recognize taemin ? XD I ve read this fanfic from the 1st time u made it just had time to place a comment :3 gotta read more ! :)
PinkypurpleLady #8
Chapter 6: What a beautiful and lovely ending...I Shivered as i read this story. I love it also :) expecting more Lee Taemin fanfics from you hehe take care always mwah
Chapter 6: This story , i can't .... gaaahhh !!
Love IT !
PinkypurpleLady #10
Chapter 5: Awesone :) I love to read this really, looking forward for more updates... Keep it up <3