Autumn meets Stranger?

Our Story


The boys just got off stage and headed for their dressing room. The boys just sat in their respective chairs, heads thrashed back, sweat beading from their forehead to their necks.

"No matter how cold it is outside, it's always gonna be hot hot hot inside the dressing room" Jonghyun said as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. There was silence in the room, Onew was on his rubriks cube, MinKey was busy playing Candy Crush Saga on Minho's tablet.

"Well, I'm getting a drink." Taemin said as he stood up from his chair.

"Oh, wait up. I'll get something to eat" Jonghyun said as he slinged an arm around Taemin.

Taemin was thinking deep about what happened earlier at the cafe and his facial expressions showed, basically what happened.

"What did she look like?" Jonghyun asked.

"What?" Taemin said, innocently.

"You know what I'm talking about. The girl, what does she look like?" Jonghyun kept on asking.

"Well..." Taemin started and described Autumn's features to Jonghyun.

As Taemin finished explaining to Jonghyun, they already got their snacks and drinks.

"She seems pretty and nice" Jonghyun said, eating his blueberry danish.

"She is, hyung. Really pretty." Taemin said again, smiling to himself.

"Well, I'm glad she didn't punch you in the face when she knew you had her phone." Jonghyun chuckled.

"Why on earth will she punch me?!" Taemin said, hitting Jonghyun's arm. "And besides, she wouldn't lay a finger on me even if she wanted to." Taemin said, sipping his banana milk.

"Yah! You told her who you are?! Have you gone nuts?!" Jonghyun asked Taemin, grabbing him by the collar.

"Hyung, chill. I was in a disguise. Now let me go" Taemin said as he tried to break free from the older boy's grasp.

"Sorry. I just thought.." Jonghyun said

"Yeah yeah... Well, I have to go run to the bathroom. This banana milk is driving my bladder insane" Taemin said and ran ahead.

"Aish, this kid." Jonghyun said as he put his earphones on and started walking to their dressing room.


"Ah, that feels better" Taemin said as he stepped out of the bathroom. He met a few crew members and he bowed to them, saying thank you. "Now, I gotta get back to the dressing room." Taemin said as he started walking to the direction of their dressing room. When suddenly, someone bumped into him.

"Ah, I-i'm sorry" She bowed and fixed her hair, dusted her dress and picked up her bag. "I didn't see---" Her eyes grew and her jaw dropped and before she knew it, she was shaking. Taemin, on the other hand, was in no way near calm. He was frantic, and the unfamiliar thumping of his chest started again. He tried his best to cover his face as he helped her pick up the stuff that fell from her bag.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.." Taemin said and bowed.

"N-no no. That's okay."

"What's your name?" Taemin asked and stood still.

"Autumn..." She replied and held her hand out.

"Oh, pleased to meet you Autumn..." Taemin said, trying his best to cover his face. "I'm Le--"

"I know who you are" She said abruptly, shaking his hand. 

"Oh.. well, that's flattering" Taemin chuckled a little, lowering his head. "So, what brings you here?" He asked calmly, trying to act cool.

"Well, we were told that we will be toured backstage becasue we got lucky. There's five of us, but the other four went with Jonghyun oppa because we bumped into him. Which reminds me, he said something so weird. He said that if I get lucky, I might bump into you and meet you. Is he some kind of psychic... and I'm talking too much. I'm sorry" She quickly said and closed , head lowered.

"Haha. Is that so?" Taemin was finding her really amusing. More amusing than the first time he met her. Taemin thought about what she had just said and was suddenly in panic mode again. 

"Jonghyun hyung met her already..." Taemin thought to himself, eyes widening. "E-excuse me, but I have to go now" Taemin quickly bowed and started walking the other way.

"Wait! Taemin oppa... C-could I take a picture with you?" Autumn asked shyly.

"S-sure. But make it quick" Taemin walked to her again as she took out her phone.

"Nice phone" Taemin smirked as he remembered the instance earlier.

"Thank you. I actually just got it back from someone who found it" Autumn said as she took some photos of them with poses. "Which reminds me, I'll need someone to spazz with now that I've met you" Autumn blushed as her strong words came out of and she dialed the number which the stranger used to text her.

"W-wait! No!" Taemin exclaimed as he saw her putting her phone near her ear. Autumn didn't listen to Taemin and just continued what she was doing. When suddenly...



She heard a ring.... And it was coming from Taemin's pocket.


"!" Taemin thought with eyes on Autumn as he held his phone in his pocket.













A/N: yey XD LOL okay, I'm trying my best to update everyday. Thank you to my new subscribers ^_^ COMMENT.SUBSCRIBE.ENJOY ♥

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Chapter 6: aw, that's cute babe ^^
Chapter 6: kyaaaaaah~ so cute :3
Chapter 6: THIS IS GREAT!!!! i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope more like this to come! :D
the best author-nim! :)
Chapter 6: It's a nice story :)
I loved the ending.. please write more! :3 <3
Chapter 6: I...just...that was....BEAUTIFUL!!!!! TT^TT Author-nim you are THE BEST!!! MA FEELS...I JUST CAN'T...
I thot you are going to make a new chap for this but then I realized a complete mark ><
Chapter 3: eiii autumn u re a silly... how come you cant recognize taemin ? XD I ve read this fanfic from the 1st time u made it just had time to place a comment :3 gotta read more ! :)
PinkypurpleLady #8
Chapter 6: What a beautiful and lovely ending...I Shivered as i read this story. I love it also :) expecting more Lee Taemin fanfics from you hehe take care always mwah
Chapter 6: This story , i can't .... gaaahhh !!
Love IT !
PinkypurpleLady #10
Chapter 5: Awesone :) I love to read this really, looking forward for more updates... Keep it up <3