Lucky Guess

Our Story

Autumn was already on the conert grounds, waiting for Jane. "Where's Jane now... =_= I still have Louie." She said, looking at the big ball of fur in her hand. "I guess I didn't need your heroic help after all, Louie" She said, crouching down and petting the dog.

Autumn checked her watch, it was 6:30 already. "Ugh, Jane. Your dog." She said facepalming.

Just then Jane appeared, sweating and all. "Gosh, where have you been?" She said as she gave the leash back to her.

"I was running from the guards who weren't letting me in. They thought I was a crazy person =3="

"They closed the gates already? Really?" Autumn looked at her but heard the crowd screaming. "You know what, rant to me later when I get home. I'll need to spazz as well. I'll see you later okay? THANK YOU FOR LOUIE~ THOUGH I DIDN'T REALLY NEED HIS HELP. BYE~" Autumn said, speeding off into the crowd, disappearing from Jane's sight.

"Aigoo this girl..." Jane said. "Now let's find a way to get out of here without getting caught." She said, crouching by the bushes.


The crowd was roaring, lights flickering, bodies jumping, lightsticks waving, and on the stage, stood 5 magical young men. It was their Dream Girl showcase and Autumn was placed at the frontline. Her body was being pushed to the rails, she ws losing her breath but she didn't care. Her head was high, arms in the air, and she was screaming at the top of her lungs.

The showcase passed and the boys left the stage, they waved at the fans and disappeared to the back. People were already leaving when someone spoke from the stage.

"Hold your horses! We'll be giving away 5 backstage passes to the lucky fans who will be drawn tonight!" The lady on the stage said. As she said this, the remaining fans turned around and screamed yet again, heading for the stage.

"Alright, first up is number ticket number 341" As she said this, someone from the middle screamed. "Come on up, lucky fan".

As the lady announced 2 more numbers, Autumn's hopes were slowly deteriorating. "That's already three." She said looking at the ticket number she had. "378.. Please say 378" She said, clutching on to her ticket.

"For our fourth lucky fan.." Her words seemed to drag along the air as Autumn anticipated for the numbers. As the lady took out a paper from the bowl, Autumn's heart was pounding "37..." Autumn's face was in pure bliss now, her hopes rising again "4.. 374" The lady said and crumpled the paper. Can we have ticket number 374 please?" Right then, a fan from the front was jumping and screaming, running up the stairs.

"Why am I still here?" Autumn said sulking and she begad walking to the exit. "So much for getting my hopes up" She said, already waiting for the bus.

"...378. And that's our last lucky ticket number" Autumn turned around, eyes open, jaw dropped and she ran to the stage, screaming as well. "That's me! THAT'S ME! I'm 378!" She said, waving her ticket in the air. Her heart was pounding, her head was spinning as she came up the stairs to the stage.

"That's it. Miss 378 completes our set of lucky fans that will be toured backstage and have a chance to meet our SHINing boys" The lady smiled. "Thank you for coming, goodnight" She finally said and gave the mic to a staff. "Alright, if you would please come with me" She said.

Now that Autumn took a good look at her, she seemed fake. Her smile was plastered on her face and her eyebrows arched in an odd manner. When they arrived backstage, all the oher fans with her were making weird squeaking noises as they were being guided.

"Here we have the staff room, on your left the equipment room and straight ahead is the exit. Thank you for coming" The lady said, her voice suddenl dropped and her eyes became tired, she looked like she aged 7 years or so. The fans, incuding Autumn, was left dumbfounded as they stood in the hallway where staff and crew were running around, carrying equipment from one side of the hall to the other. The fans were already going in circles "Wh-what are we going to do.. Is that it?" They kept on saying. Autumn was thinking of a way to get to the boys without anyone noticing. Right then, Jonghyun was walking toward them, holding a danish and had earphones on. The girls saw him and screamed at him.

"OMO! Jonghyun oppa! OH MY GOD! Can we please have your autograph and a picture with you? Please?!" They pleaded him and he finally agreed.

"S-sure" Jonghyun said, scratching his nape. They stood together in a line and did poses. Only to figure out that no one would take their picture. Autumn was too busy looking around for Taemin and didn't pay much attention to Jonghyun.

"Exucse me? Could you please take our picture?" One fan said, handing Autumn her camera.

"Sure." She said, taking their picture.She kept on looking around for Taemin but saw no signs of him.

"So why re you lovely ladies here?" Jonghyun asked.

"We were the lucky fans to get a backstage pass" Autumn said nonchalantly, looking at Jonghyun. Jonghyun was in shock as he stared at her. He was looking so intently when a fan asked "Oppa, maybe you can be our tourguide." She said shyly. "Yeah, oppa. please" Another one said as she tugged Jonghyun's t-shirt.

"O-oh, okay. no problem. Follow me" Jonghyun said and led the way. "Oh, by the way. Taemin is roaming around. If you get lucky you might bump into him" Jonghyun said to Autumn with a smirk and walked away.








"How on earth did he know I was looking for Taemin?"














A/N: OH MI GOSH XD ohai peopur <3 I'm sorry for the typos and stuff. Anyways, COMMENT.SUBSCRIBE.ENJOY. ^o^v

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Chapter 6: aw, that's cute babe ^^
Chapter 6: kyaaaaaah~ so cute :3
Chapter 6: THIS IS GREAT!!!! i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope more like this to come! :D
the best author-nim! :)
Chapter 6: It's a nice story :)
I loved the ending.. please write more! :3 <3
Chapter 6: I...just...that was....BEAUTIFUL!!!!! TT^TT Author-nim you are THE BEST!!! MA FEELS...I JUST CAN'T...
I thot you are going to make a new chap for this but then I realized a complete mark ><
Chapter 3: eiii autumn u re a silly... how come you cant recognize taemin ? XD I ve read this fanfic from the 1st time u made it just had time to place a comment :3 gotta read more ! :)
PinkypurpleLady #8
Chapter 6: What a beautiful and lovely ending...I Shivered as i read this story. I love it also :) expecting more Lee Taemin fanfics from you hehe take care always mwah
Chapter 6: This story , i can't .... gaaahhh !!
Love IT !
PinkypurpleLady #10
Chapter 5: Awesone :) I love to read this really, looking forward for more updates... Keep it up <3