
Our Story

Autumn closed her laptop and got ready for bed; after having just finished writing yet another fanfic. "God, I need sleep" She said and stood up for a glass of water. She looked outside her window and saw snow falling. "It's already Winter..." She said, snuggling her teddybear. "Another cold, lonesome Winter... Right Mr. Huggles?" She said and kissed her teddy bear's plastic nose. "I guess I just wasn't meant to be with anyone... other than Lee Taemin" She giggled to herself. "Goodnight, sweetie" She said and kissed Taemin's printed lips and drifted off to sleep.


The following morning:


"Oh God! I'm late!" Her alarm beeped and beeped as she was running around the house, frantically looking for her things. "Where on earth is my camera?! UGH!" She checked her watch "11:30. That's just great!" She said to herself as she popped a toast in and slipped on her jeans. "I guess my phone will have to do." She hurried to put her shoes on, went downstairs and sped off to the hotel.

"Don't worry, baby. I'm coming for you." She smiled.

She was sitting by the window and was drawing hearts on it, making googley eyes at her reflection. "I wonder how tall he's going to be... Maybe he grew taller!" She thought to herself as pictures of Taemin popped into her head.

The bus stopped in front of the hotel and she got off. "Oh man, I'm late" She said as she saw the storming amount of fans that gathered there. "How am I going to get past this" She facepalmed and walked to the entrance, squeezing herself into the large amount of people there. "Excuse me. E-excuse me, miss. Excuse me." She kept on saying.. But her efforts were proven futile as she never got to the middle. "It's not the way I planned it would be." She said and looked around. "Buuuut, a fangirl's gotta do what a fangirl's gotta do" She told herself and made a fighting gesture. She made her way again, her skinny legs giving her easy access into tight spots. Just as she was about to get to the middle, the car stopped in front and everyone started screaming. "Oh God! They're here!" She exclaimed and started jumping, taking as much photos as she can even though she didn't get any good ones. "I have to get to them! I just have to!" She continued jumping and squeezed herself in, further.

"Lee Taemin, SARANGHAE!" She kept on shouting, hoping that he would hear her... but, yet again, her voice was drowned out by the roaring screams of the fans with her. Suddenly, someone bumped into her and knocked her over, causing her to fall on the pile of snow and ruining the pretty outfit she had on that day. "! SHIIIIIIT!" She exclaimed and dusted herself off. She got most of the snow off but some were stubborn and stuck to her like glue. She looked at the fans that were slowly disappearing to the hotel's entrance then to her ruined dress. "Why. Oh why..." She facepalmed and lowered her head, tears streaming down. She sat on the sidewalk and pulled out his picture from her wallet. "I  even bought this new outfit just to see you!" She said and threw his smiling photo into the freezing pavement. She took a moment for her tears to stop falling and picked up the photo, dusting it off. "I'm sorry baby" She said and kissed again, tucking it safely into her wallet.

"They're probably inside their hotel rooms by now." She sulked. "I guess I'm going home empty handed... again" She looked at her dress then figured it would be best to clean up first. She made her way inside, and into the bathroom. "I swear, if I meet him.. or even see him once, I'll never marry" She sighed and walked to the sinks. She placed her phone beside her and cleaned her dress. "Lee Taemin, my one and only" She dramatically looked up. "I'll meet you one day, I promise" She cheered herself up and reached for the paper towels when she heard a scream. She looked at the mirror and saw a someone come out of the bathrrom stalls, someone definitely not a girl.

"AH!" She screamed. "I'm sorry! I must've gotten into the wrong bathroom." She quickly bowed and stormed out.

"How embarrassing..." She hit her head a few times before getting into a bus. "Aigoo... Autumn." She closed her eyes and dozed off.


"Hyung, I'll just go to the bathroom for a while" He said and made his way there. He went inside the cubicle to make a tinkle when he heard someone come in. When he recognized that it wasn't a guy's voice, he was about to open the door and tell her off, but her words caught him off guard.

"I swear, if I meet him.. or even see him once, I'll never marry" He can tell that she said this in almost a sigh, and chuckled as her voice fluttered in the air like someone had just drugged her. But her next few sentences got him a little more curious.

"Lee Taemin, my one and only" He heard her say... her voice seemed to be tracing the air, sweet and subtle. He anticipated for her next statement, and sure enough, he was not failed.  "I'll meet you one day, I promise" As her lips rolled over those words, his heart gave an odd response and was thumping.

Why was it thumping? He had never met this girl, let alone seen her or know her name. So why the reaction? He gave his chest a strike and waited for it to calm down before he stepped outside the cubicle.

Taemin walked out the door and zipped his pants up. "Ah!" He screamed as he saw a young lady inside the gentleman's bathroom. Why did he scream? He was sure to give her a greeting, but a scream? Seriously?

No doubt, she screamed back at him. "AH!" She screamed. "I'm sorry! I must've gotten into the wrong bathroom." He was surely in a state of shock when he saw her, though he didn't quite get a good look at her beause her head was lowered. But he definitely heard her murmurs.

She stormed out of the bathroom without a single word and left him standing there, dumfounded. He shrugged it off and walked to the sink to wash his hands when suddenly, something started vibrating. He looked to his right, and a flashing smart phone was in sight. The screen said 'Jane' and was ringing non stop. He was reluctant to answer it at first but finally gave in. He took the phone in his hands and started sliding the scren to answer it,just then it stopped. It just stopped. "I guess she gave up" He said to himself. "But I got to get this to that lady" He told himself. "But how..." He scratched his head and waited for an idea to pop up when suddenly, his own phone began to ring. 

"Hello?" He picked up.

"Yah! Taemin-ah, where are you? We're starting the fan meeting in a few minutes. Get your lazy up here, right now" The person from the other line said and hung up.

"Psh.. Minho hyung" He said and put his phone back in his pocket. "What am I gonna do with you?" He said and looked at the white phone in his other hand, "I guess I'll deal with you later..." He said and put it in his pocket and proceeded to the fan meeting upstairs.









A/N: Greetings ^_^ I know I haven't been writing for over a year now. And I'm stopping the SHINee mates turned into love mates and have decided to do short ones instead. And I'll stick to one character at a time :)) Sorry sorry~


Well, that's it I guess. SHINeeallmine's back. So... COMMENT.SUBSCRIBE.ENJOY. ^o^v

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Chapter 6: aw, that's cute babe ^^
Chapter 6: kyaaaaaah~ so cute :3
Chapter 6: THIS IS GREAT!!!! i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope more like this to come! :D
the best author-nim! :)
Chapter 6: It's a nice story :)
I loved the ending.. please write more! :3 <3
Chapter 6: I...just...that was....BEAUTIFUL!!!!! TT^TT Author-nim you are THE BEST!!! MA FEELS...I JUST CAN'T...
I thot you are going to make a new chap for this but then I realized a complete mark ><
Chapter 3: eiii autumn u re a silly... how come you cant recognize taemin ? XD I ve read this fanfic from the 1st time u made it just had time to place a comment :3 gotta read more ! :)
PinkypurpleLady #8
Chapter 6: What a beautiful and lovely ending...I Shivered as i read this story. I love it also :) expecting more Lee Taemin fanfics from you hehe take care always mwah
Chapter 6: This story , i can't .... gaaahhh !!
Love IT !
PinkypurpleLady #10
Chapter 5: Awesone :) I love to read this really, looking forward for more updates... Keep it up <3