The Next Door Neighbour

Found you!

Luhan stared at Xiumin as he carefully changed the bandages around his arm. He’d been here for about a week now, he dared not leave this bedroom. Not when that mean dragon man was out there, what was his problem anyway? Luhan sighed gaining attention from Xiumin who lifted his head, smiling, “Is something the matter, Luhan?” He asked.

Luhan shook his head…why was he still here anyway? Sure, there was no where else to go, but Luhan wanted to know why Xiumin would go through so much trouble as to just keep him “safe”. What Xiumin was doing, it wasn’t normal, and why was he being so…kind? He really should leave, leave before it gets too late, he could leave right now, at this moment…just, just what is stopping him? It’s frustrating.

The older boy stood from Luhan’s bed, placing his hands on his hips, “Hey, are you sure you’re okay? How about some fresh air? You haven’t left this room for a whole week, maybe we can get to know more about each other?”

“Is…that man…here?”

Xiumin tilted his head, “That man?”

Ugh, did he really not get who he was talking about? Luhan twisted his face and made evil gestures by pointing his fingers on top of his head like devils horns, the older boy laughed and held his stomach, “You mean Kris?” Xiumin grinned, “He’s sweet when you get to know him.”

What did he just say, sweet? Luhan begged to differ, “Whatever, is he here?”

“No, he’s out.”

At that, Luhan stood from the bed and walked to Xiumin’s side, “We can leave now.”

Of course, Xiumin obliged, ruffling Luhan’s hair, making the deer boy push his hands away from him, “Stop touching me!” He angrily stomped to the door.

“But you’re so cute!”

Annoying, “What, do you want me to wear this outside? And what about shoes?” Luhan looked down at the long nightgown that belonged to Xiumin and his bare feet on the cold stone floor.

Come to think of it, he didn’t have anything with him, no belongings at all, he’d been using all of Xiumin’s stuff, he was even sleeping on Xiumin’s bed. He found that out when he had to go to the toilet one night and found the fluffy boy snoring on the little sofa they had.

Xiumin left a finger on his bottom lip whilst thinking, it was quite a sight to see and Luhan couldn’t help but be distracted by his thoughts and stare at the elder. Xiumin really was beautiful; extremely beautiful and not even Luhan could deny that.

“Hm, I never thought about that, oh! I got it! You’re about the size as Chen, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind borrowing you come clothes for now…then we can go to the market and get you something to wear.”

Curiosity struck before gratitude, “Who’s Chen?”

“Our next door neighbour, he’s a year younger than you, he’s ten, but he’s really clever and handsome for his age too! Ah, of course he doesn’t live alone, he lives with his dad who works in the mines near the wall.”

There are mines near the wall? Luhan knew nothing about this place; even though he was born here…he knew nothing about it. He was supposed to grow up here, but…that never happened because those bastards came and took him away. He wondered about the mines…“What do they do at the mines?”

Finger on his bottom lip again, it seemed to be a habit, “I’m not exactly sure, Chen never told me and his dad is hardly ever home,” It’s almost as if Chen’s dad lived at the mines, Chen is always going to Xiumin for food or to stay over because he doesn’t want to be alone, “I’ve only met his dad once and he isn’t very sociable. But, what I do know is that they were hired by the city, it’s something to do with what’s beyond that wall.”

Beyond their knowledge.

“Well, anyways, let’s go!”

Xiumin grabbed a hold of Luhan’s hand and pulled him out the door, dragging him along the grass despite his protests of being held this way by him and being outside dressed like this, “You came to me , and people around here don’t care what you wear!” He said after listening to Luhan’s complaints.


From out of nowhere a boy a little taller (okay, maybe more than a little, but just a little tiny bit more) boy came out and glomped himself onto Xiumin’s side, breaking the connection between Luhan and the elder, a sudden rush of anger came as Luhan was broken away from Xiumin. But seriously, what was with this kid? And just who did he think he was?

The boy leaned up to Xiumin’s ear. To get down a little to his height he had his arm around the boys back, making Luhan boil in anger even more when he whispered something and Xiumin nodded, why the whisper, there’s no need!

“Yeah, this is Luhan, the one Kris was talking about.”

The boy nodded his head and took a step towards Luhan, his hand held tight in Xiumin’s grasp, “Ah, Luhan! It’s nice to meet you, I’m Chen.”


A/N - In the future, I'll probably refer back to this chapter, so keep a look out for it, as this is a fantasy story too, it does have a different storyline along with all the Xiumin love and the growing romance between Luhan and Xiumin, WAHHHH~! XIUHAN FTW!!!!!  *Cough...* Anywaysss...yeah, Chen's here and well, the next chapter I'll be showing more moments between XiuHan!!!!!!!!!!!

AH, YES! A Xiumin x all? I mean, because I adore those type of fanfics, there will surely be A LOT and I mean A LOT of love towards Xiumin (he's my bias afterall) and all the members will have a huge softspot for him as will his seniors when they come along (I'm a fan of HoMin, so, they're for sure gonna be in more love to Xiumin) BUT my OTP is XiuHan and XiuHan will be staying as the main couple throughout this whole story, so, it'll be focused on them a lot instead of the others. 

I'm so bad, instead of updating (even though I had already written it on my phone) I watched NEWS on Soukon for about the third time...! Sigh, HOW? WHY? Because I'm J-pop crazed as well as K-pop crazed and Tegomass has released Neko Choduko (short ver) and so...I've been on a NEWS craze, after all they are my favourite group in Johnny's Entertainment, then Hey! Say! JUMP! For those of you who don't know NEWS, check them out, they're amazing!

LINKS TO NEWS! <--- this a link to their latest song as NEWS Chankapana! :)
(From the left to the right, Koyama, Masuda, Tegoshi and Kato!) <--- YOU'LL FIND THAT THIS IS CUTEST THING YOU'LL EVER WATCH!!! This is Tegomass (Tegoshi & Masuda) with Neko Chudoku! I'M HOOKED ON THESE FOREVER~~~!!! <--- If you like them, here's a start, a popular video, this is Tego getting his flowers stuck in the bars when he needs them for Akai Hana, then Koyama comes to the rescue! Isn't Tego ADORABLE?!

If you like NEWS, then I will hapilly give you more links to their shows and stuff, because well, it's hard to find J-pop stuff on the internet.



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Chapter 4: adorable luhan is adorable~~kyaa~~
haha chenchen on the move and luhan is jealous~kkeke..
xiumin just sooo lovely so everybody can't leave him alone.
xiumin x all is allright,but agree with you,xiuhan FTW~~

kyaa you are a jpop lover too?
i love HSJ!! and i know NEWS too! they're the sempai of HSJ right?
haha, it's nice to meet a fellow jpop lover here.. :D
Chapter 4: Yes~ YES~
Xiumin is EXTREMELY beautiful~
Good eyes, Luhan~ XDDD
Chapter 4: Ah yes its ok if the main couple is xiuhan !!!


My jpop era has passed lol now i only like kpop >_<
Chapter 4: Shjdjdkdjks do I sense jealousy?? Hahahah luhan stop trying to be so stubborn! Lol so cute!

Yes,YES! YES! Make them all love xiumin ! Lol gahah I love those kinds of fic where they all just love and give one main character love, in this case xiumin! Gah! I'm in love

Omg I know NEWS as well! I love their song called 'weeeeeeeeek' was it? I don't its been some time since I've listened to them but I'm glad to see that they're still active! ;)
Chapter 3: Xiumin is so lovely!!

Please make it a xiumin x all fic authornim ehhe
Chapter 3: oooh, i like bratty luhan~ hha.
kris is hilarious, and chanyeol being xiumin's best friend is so cool! can't wait for the rest of exo to appear in this fic!

will subcribe and waiting for the update~ ^^
Chapter 3: OMG!!!
Where can i find a so.f_cking.CUTE Kris like this? NOWHERE BUT HERE!!! Oh priceless, priceless~
Chapter 3: Ahhhhhhhhh! This is so cuteeeeeeee!
Lol kris would beg XIUMIN not to leave! So cute and the xiuyeol interaction /swoons
I can't wait till that little deer falls hard!
Chapter 3: Omgcute chappyyyy TT__________TT xiuyeol just so........AGHHH!!! T_Tf