The Poor Deer Boy

Found you!

Xiumin rushed over to the small-injured deer, abandoning the washing he was cleaning in the small wooden tub by the lake. The poor thing was shaking, shivering and had cuts all over its body. When it came from the woods, it was limping too…that was until it fell to the ground and Xiumin ran over to tend to it. Who would do this to the poor animal? Just as Xiumin was about to lay a hand on the deer, it…began, began to…mould? Huh? Move? What…it shook harder than before and…before Xiumin knew it…a young boy was in front of him shivering, in place of the deer. Xiumin’s eyes widened and he quickly looked around to see if anyone else had seen the transformation, if they did, they’d both be dead in an instant. They were lucky; Xiumin came out early in the morning so he didn’t have to be stuck in a crowd of people when it was busier later in the day. Because most people in the village were lazy and didn’t wake up early. Right now, there was only one old lady who seemed too busy with her washing and paid no attention to her surroundings, it seems she didn’t even notice that Xiumin was there, never mind the deer boy.

Xiumin stood from his bent position and ran over to the clothes he was washing, they were all a bit damp but it’s something that would cover the boy up. He took one of his own long nightgowns and ran back over to the boy.

“Hey, can you hear me?” Xiumin whispered and placed the gown over the boys body, his face flushing slightly.

The small boy flinched and his eyes opened wide in fear, Xiumin was taken aback but instantly held his hands up, “It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you…” His eyes averted to the old woman who stood to leave and he whimpered trying to push himself up. The obvious fact was that his wrist or arm was most probably broken; he squeaked in pain and fell back to the ground pushing himself backwards with his legs. Xiumin approached him again and laid his knees down on the ground in front of him.

“Don’t do that! You’ll only hurt yourself further!” When the boy looked up at him, pretty much terrified, Xiumin sighed, he mustn’t shout, even if he is worried for the poor deer boy.

His eyes shot back to the old woman who had just left the field and was almost out of sight, Xiumin smiled down at the deer, “It’s alright, honestly, I won’t let anybody hurt you, I promise you.”

Childishly, Xiumin grinned and made a cross over his heart, “I’ll protect you, deer! Cross my heart and hope to die!”



A/N - So, the first chapter is a little short, but that's because this is just the introduction, in fact, the first couple of chapters will be like this, so I can build a small relationship between Luhan and Xiumin.

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Chapter 4: adorable luhan is adorable~~kyaa~~
haha chenchen on the move and luhan is jealous~kkeke..
xiumin just sooo lovely so everybody can't leave him alone.
xiumin x all is allright,but agree with you,xiuhan FTW~~

kyaa you are a jpop lover too?
i love HSJ!! and i know NEWS too! they're the sempai of HSJ right?
haha, it's nice to meet a fellow jpop lover here.. :D
Chapter 4: Yes~ YES~
Xiumin is EXTREMELY beautiful~
Good eyes, Luhan~ XDDD
Chapter 4: Ah yes its ok if the main couple is xiuhan !!!


My jpop era has passed lol now i only like kpop >_<
Chapter 4: Shjdjdkdjks do I sense jealousy?? Hahahah luhan stop trying to be so stubborn! Lol so cute!

Yes,YES! YES! Make them all love xiumin ! Lol gahah I love those kinds of fic where they all just love and give one main character love, in this case xiumin! Gah! I'm in love

Omg I know NEWS as well! I love their song called 'weeeeeeeeek' was it? I don't its been some time since I've listened to them but I'm glad to see that they're still active! ;)
Chapter 3: Xiumin is so lovely!!

Please make it a xiumin x all fic authornim ehhe
Chapter 3: oooh, i like bratty luhan~ hha.
kris is hilarious, and chanyeol being xiumin's best friend is so cool! can't wait for the rest of exo to appear in this fic!

will subcribe and waiting for the update~ ^^
Chapter 3: OMG!!!
Where can i find a so.f_cking.CUTE Kris like this? NOWHERE BUT HERE!!! Oh priceless, priceless~
Chapter 3: Ahhhhhhhhh! This is so cuteeeeeeee!
Lol kris would beg XIUMIN not to leave! So cute and the xiuyeol interaction /swoons
I can't wait till that little deer falls hard!
Chapter 3: Omgcute chappyyyy TT__________TT xiuyeol just so........AGHHH!!! T_Tf