The Secret Keeper

Found you!

It had been two days now and Xiumin was beside the deer’s bed, rinsing the wet cloth out and wiping his forehead, he worked himself up so much that he had caught a fever. The good news though, most of the small injuries on his body were almost healed and for sure, there would be no scars.

“I wonder what your name is…” He was pretty; Xiumin knew that, he’d already seen his big eyes and his now clean and fluffy blonde hair, with pearly white skin and small face. He seemed kind of dainty and weak though, a lot like a deer.

The door opened and Xiumin turned and glared at the intruder, “You should knock before you just enter! What if he were awake, hm? You would scare him again.” The younger boy shook his head at Kris, and then removed the cloth from the boys’ head, placing in back in the tub of cold water.

“Xiumin’s here? You said he was out!”

Xiumin perked up and lifted himself from beside the bed pushing past Kris and walked out the door, “Chanyeol!”


Chanyeol bounded towards Xiumin and caught him in a tight hug, “Ch-Chanyeol…too tight…c-can’t breathe!”

“I haven’t seen you for two whole days, two whole days! Kris said something about being sick, so I came here, but you look fine to me.” Chanyeol checked over the boy, scanning him from head to toe, “Yeah, you look as fluffy and adorable as always.”

Kris groaned and walked past the two idiots, “Xiumin, you haven’t made breakfast yet, if you want the kid to get better, then leave him alone.”

“No!” Xiumin yelled at the older man, “If you want breakfast, stop being mean, I’ll walk out, I will!” He stuck his chest out; Chanyeol placed both of his hands on the side of his face at the cute sight.

“Xiuxiu can stay with me!”

“No!” Kris yelled back at them, making Chanyeol snicker and Xiumin grin, his cheeks went pink and he walked away, sitting down on the small sofa they had managed get.

“So, who is this kid, Xiuxiu?”

“I found him injured by the woods, I think he was lost.” Xiumin answered, because he himself, didn’t really know who the kid was, he didn’t even know his name yet.

“He could’ve come from behind the wall, don’t you think?”

Behind the wall? Xiumin hadn’t even taken that into consideration, could the deer really have come from behind the wall? He was in deep trouble if he had come from behind the wall. With the deer to the boy transformation, he was already in deep trouble, but Xiumin is good at keeping secrets. If there was no witness, he was safe. He keeps Kris’s secret, and Chanyeol’s too, they’re safe. Even so, how could he come from behind the wall?

“It’s impossible, don’t be silly, Chanyeol.”

“I came from behind the wall.”

Xiumin’s furrowed his eyebrows together, “That’s different.”

“Why is-”

A loud bang came from the bedroom the deer boy was staying in; Xiumin rushed towards the room and opened the closed door. The boy was on the floor, his eyes wandering around the place, his breathing fast and rapid, he tried to pull the two sticks and bandages from around his broken arm. Before Chanyeol could storm him, Xiumin pushed him back.

“Hey, be a good sport and make Kris some breakfast?” Xiumin walked into the room, “Thanks, Channie!” He shut the door behind him and carefully made his way to the boy, who now looked up at Xiumin, he didn’t look too happy to see him.

“Do you remember me?”

The boy nodded his head.

“Good, how are you feeling?”

“How do I get out off here?” He sounded all right, he was better than he was before, thanks to Xiumin’s help and the first thing he says is seriously that? Not a thank you or anything? Xiumin pouted and sat on his bottom sighing, “I’m not letting you leave until I know your name, where you came from…” He got close enough to whisper, “…and until I know why you changed from a deer into a human.”

Deer boy sighed, “So you did see. You weren’t smart enough to tell anyone then, now you’ve gotten yourself into a mess, haven’t you?”

Wow, a rude kid, Xiumin felt annoyed, he pointed a finger at him, “If I told anyone, I wouldn’t have gotten out alive anyway, I saved your life, you should be more grateful.”

“Grateful? Pfft.”


Between their bickering, the deer’s stomach rumbled, making Xiumin smile, “Are you hungry? Tell me your name and I’ll make you some food.”

Crossing his arms over his chest, he mumbled out his name as quietly as possible, still, Xiumin heard him, “Luhan.”

Luhan must be seriously hungry then to give in so easily.



A/N - HI! Please subscribe and leave me a comment, I would like a comment so I know how you feel about my ficcy and what I can do to improve. So, yes, I do short chapters, sorry! But! Chanyeol is in this chapter, yes, you're probably confused, but everything will be explained. Chanyeol is eighteen years old by the way. I've made Luhan a bit bratty, haven't I? Well, he has yet to fall so deeply in love with his baozi!!! <333

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Chapter 4: adorable luhan is adorable~~kyaa~~
haha chenchen on the move and luhan is jealous~kkeke..
xiumin just sooo lovely so everybody can't leave him alone.
xiumin x all is allright,but agree with you,xiuhan FTW~~

kyaa you are a jpop lover too?
i love HSJ!! and i know NEWS too! they're the sempai of HSJ right?
haha, it's nice to meet a fellow jpop lover here.. :D
Chapter 4: Yes~ YES~
Xiumin is EXTREMELY beautiful~
Good eyes, Luhan~ XDDD
Chapter 4: Ah yes its ok if the main couple is xiuhan !!!


My jpop era has passed lol now i only like kpop >_<
Chapter 4: Shjdjdkdjks do I sense jealousy?? Hahahah luhan stop trying to be so stubborn! Lol so cute!

Yes,YES! YES! Make them all love xiumin ! Lol gahah I love those kinds of fic where they all just love and give one main character love, in this case xiumin! Gah! I'm in love

Omg I know NEWS as well! I love their song called 'weeeeeeeeek' was it? I don't its been some time since I've listened to them but I'm glad to see that they're still active! ;)
Chapter 3: Xiumin is so lovely!!

Please make it a xiumin x all fic authornim ehhe
Chapter 3: oooh, i like bratty luhan~ hha.
kris is hilarious, and chanyeol being xiumin's best friend is so cool! can't wait for the rest of exo to appear in this fic!

will subcribe and waiting for the update~ ^^
Chapter 3: OMG!!!
Where can i find a so.f_cking.CUTE Kris like this? NOWHERE BUT HERE!!! Oh priceless, priceless~
Chapter 3: Ahhhhhhhhh! This is so cuteeeeeeee!
Lol kris would beg XIUMIN not to leave! So cute and the xiuyeol interaction /swoons
I can't wait till that little deer falls hard!
Chapter 3: Omgcute chappyyyy TT__________TT xiuyeol just so........AGHHH!!! T_Tf