
Star-Crossed [discontinued]


Yi Fan is part of the Order of Principalities, along with Joon Myun and several others. It is the 7th rank in the Nine-Ranks Order of Angels Hierarchy. They are of the highest ranking in the third and last Sphere and have authority over angels in the human world. An angel with Yi Fan’s rank takes direct orders from the 4th rank, Order of Dominions, who oversees all the affairs of angels with lower ranking.

The first Sphere is the most pure consisting of Orders of: Seraphims, Cherubims and Thrones. They mostly do not leave the side of The Creator. The second Sphere is considered the middle management between the first Sphere and the last. Orders of: Dominions, Virtues and Powers form the second Sphere. Alas, the last Sphere: Principalities, Archangels, and Guardian Angels, they have the most contact with the mortal world. They carry out orders given to them by the higher ranking angels.

Order of Guardian Angels is the 9th rank and also the last, so Yi Fan is less than pleased to be demoted and assume a job of one.

He takes pride of his position in the Order of Principalities and enjoys camaraderie with his fellow angels with the same ranking, as well as other angels with lower ranking than his. But to join in the Order of Powers is what he really aspires. It is the 6th rank and they are considered the most elite guards of Heaven or put simply, warrior angels. They are the first line of defense in case demons wreak havoc and unleash evil that may threaten the security of Heaven and the mortal world. He desires to be one with all his being. But now, he is farther than ever from his dream.

The downside of it all, at the back of his mind, he somehow thinks he deserves such punishment. His poor exercise of judgment was beyond unsatisfactory as his leadership skills were put to test. He shouldn’t have acted beyond the scope of his authority but his compassion towards his fellow angels got the best of him. And look where it got him, an utterly upsetting job while living like a human in the mortal world.

Angels are perceived to be human-loving creatures, contrary to that popular opinion, Yi Fan does not have an ideal outlook of humans. Having existed for a few centuries now, he saw how humans brought destructions upon themselves and even among other innocent people.  Causing numerous wars and sacrificing thousands of lives just to gain supremacy. They mercilessly kill for power that makes them even more greedy and ruthless. They long for complete dominance and covet what is not theirs to take.

He can’t help but anticipate for the day his sanction will be lifted and so he can leave behind the material realm swarming with violent, self-centered beings.



It’s only been a little more than week in the human world but it already had him frustrated. Imagine where he’d be if this drags on longer.

It is really a bit awkward for Yi Fan to follow Seohyun around all the time. It does not help that her life is bordering mundane. He accompanies her to the supermarket to grab grocery items, or to her quest to look for a part-time job. Even useless stroll outside or when she dines out, Yi Fan is always with her.  If he is not with Seohyun outside, he is usually just in his apartment. He does not bother to familiarize himself with things that do not concern Seohyun as this won’t be permanent anyway.

Yi Fan later discovers that he prefers it that way, boring yes, but at least there is no chance he can screw this up. He looks forward to the day he will return to his former post. As pleasing as it is that Seohyun is very kind and nice, this is really not his job. And being human is very lame. He cannot fly. He needs to sustain nourishment and restore bodily energy through sleep. It’s not that angels don’t do this. But they don’t need it the way human does. He feels pain the way human does. It’s not that angels don’t feel pain, it’s just that they get over it faster, they also heal faster and weather does not affect them. It is his first time to shiver with cold and sweat from humidity when it is high noon.


Every morning, Yi Fan watches the sun rise from the horizon. It is something he takes pleasure in even before being exiled here in the mortal world. Well, except now he has to do it on the rooftop of their apartment building instead of soaring high above the clouds. Pity.

At this early, none of the occupants loiter in the area which Yi Fan most definitely enjoys. He has a wooden bench all to himself.

“How generous of you to finally grace me with your presence.” Yi Fan, unappreciative, speaks without having to glimpse at the unwanted intruder.

“Not generous. Rather sympathetic.” Joon Myun, humor in his tone, sits beside him on a bench. “Lovely morning isn’t it?” Being all dandy and carefree and his dimples are showing.

Ignoring the last comment and only responding to the first, “You have some courage to say that when you only add to my pain and put me in such a humiliating situation.”

 Joon Myun only laughs heartily. So it appears he remains unforgiven, Yi Fan really does hold grudges long. “Thus the visit.”

Yi Fan scoffs, simply not appeased with his friend’s thoughtful gesture. “I do not need your pity. You may leave if giving unsolicited sympathy is the only reason you are here.” The blond angel returns the favor with contempt instead.

“Ah. You are always unpleasant in the early daylight.” Joon Myun, unbothered, even teases him. Yi Fan wonders when he will ever see him get all riled up. His patience seems to know no bounds. “I am here for a purpose.”

“Please enlighten me.” Yi Fan sarcastically snaps at his uninvited guest.

“To inquire of your well-being.” Yi Fan taunts. If they do care about his welfare then they should have not let him do this dreadful task. “So? Are you well?” Joon Myun’s sincerity makes him feel a little guilty. He brought this punishment upon himself and his fellow angel is only extending assistance for him to survive it somehow.

He sighs. “I am getting by. It’s only a little over a week.” To put it simply as he does not bore Joon Myun with gory details or the lack of it.

“Good.” Joon Myun breaks into another of his famous face-breaking smile and he, too, pauses to appreciate the magnificent sun ascend and paint the sky with lively orange and yellow. “I gather your human still seems anxious around you.” After what seems like minutes of silence between them.

“I object to the suggestion that it was my aim to make her feel that way. If I remember correctly, you aided in that--- no, it was all your doing.” Yi Fan says in an unconcerned manner.  It is not part of his job description to pacify his human.

“I believe that is not her reason. Sometimes, you inspire a certain tension and exert a frightful presence.” Joon Myun tolerantly points out the aspects he has to enhance himself upon.

“How does one improve upon the truth?” Yi Fan says coldly. He fails to see the reason why Joon Myun even bothers when the smaller angel fully knows his stand on this. He can’t spell it out enough that he does not care. It’s the way he is and he has no plans of changing his ways. As long as there would be no harm that will come upon Seohyun then he’d consider that already as his service rendered.

The auburn-haired angel gives another hefty laugh. Yi Fan fumes. “But the truth plainly put can be cruel.” And with that, he leaves the rest for Yi Fan to ponder on.

Both just take the beautiful horizon before them.

“Is something amiss? You only descend when particular matter requires your presence.” Yi Fan’s curiosity of how things are in his former position is a huge cavity that needs to be filled.

“There is none. I only really paid you a visit.” Joon Myun sees the frown on Yi Fan’s forehead. “Kim Jong Un has put a stop in launching test missiles. The tension is relatively extinguished, as you very aware of. Eruption of an impending war on this bifurcated nation seems very unlikely.” Yi Fan’s only been gone for over a week and not much has change.

“The new North Korean leader is very volatile though.” Yi Fan is insatiable and his first taste of information only ignites his thirst for more.

“We are not keeping our guards down. We are watching his every move and the angel guarding him is doing an impressive job. The South Korean government is always ready, so is the neighboring country, Japan.” Joon Myun being the ideal comrade feeds Yi Fan some more reports.

“You should watch the Russian President too. He is a big supporter of North Korea.” This two communist country binds for the most implausible reason.

“Our area of jurisdiction maintains the same stability since the last time you checked. Yi Fan, there is nothing out of ordinary or out of order.” It’s not like his tall friend won’t return to being part of the 7th Order, so he thinks Yi Fan is just being ridiculous.

Yi Fan shuts up for a while and again silence envelopes them. Not awkward, but rather comforting.

“Your human will start her term in the university this forthcoming week.” Joon Myun starts a new conversation and the tall blond angel seems wary on how this topic will go.

“Yes?” Because fact that Joon Myun points it out makes him apprehensive.

“You will accompany her.” So his fear is confirmed.


a/n: ahhhh.. poor Kris. i love making him struggle. i did not elaborate on the 7th rank i did that in the foreword, but i focused on the 6th. but i entertain question if there is such.



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explanation in chapter 7. i'm really really sorry. /cries


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I Hope that you continue your story.. Looking forward for you to complete your story.. I will support your story promise ^^
julie-61 #2
Hai author, it been a while you didn't update.
Hope you can continue to update.
Looking forward for you to complete this story.
Chapter 7: Chinggu ur going to discontinue? T.T bummer
koreanchick #4
Chapter 7: So..... Are you going to discontinue?! Don't go :(
Chapter 6: OMG. I missed three chapters! I'm so sorry (but seriously, I didn't know you actually updated this already. weird) Anyway, bag angel is bad. Kris, you even asked for a war? Lol. I wonder what he did for being punished.

And yes, I can totally relate with the professor-issues. Mine has a very calm and soothing voice that I just want to get a pillow and lay down for a good sleep.

Also, were the couples fighting next-door going to play an important role? Or maybe just for a comical purpose?

Last (promise XD), Seohyun seemed so affected with the child? Maybe something from her past or whatsoever?
Eycha_sk11 #6
Chapter 6: Aniyo ! You're not failed at all ! Dont blame yourself please.. Maybe the readers forgot the older chpter or overlooked ? Dont be sad author-nim ! Hwaiting !

Update soon ! I love your storiessss <333
Eycha_sk11 #7
Chapter 5: Yifan-ah, can you at least smile ? Sigh.. Seobaby just find urself a boyfriend so you not gonna be sad.. I didnt know what ur so-called angel function stay by ur side ! Lol. Update moreeee plssss !
Chapter 5: hahaha getting a lecture from monotonous professor is really boring. its more annoying if the professor is strict must pay attention to him/her all the time no matter how badly his lecture is. getting heavy eyelid sure can't be avoid kk.

i'm that kind of girl who is shy never tell anyone who is my crush. exposed my secret would be the death of me. its very embarrassing. i will find my way to deny it. yoona is so cute~~

yifan, getting back to your old self won't make your life happier or leaving any sooner from earth. chuckle at junmyeon carefree attitude. much to yifan annoyed lol.

still wonder why must an angel show up and guard seohyun like everywhere she go?
Popopo #9
Chapter 5: Update soon please:)
Chapter 4: like it slow this way too... they awkward. ignorant. cold. bickering. teasing.

reading their mind also exciting author-nim. its not 'only' fall in love theme would get us excited.

haha yifan find his new toy. playing seohyun lol.