
Love Makes You Fall

Baro nods, "I understand..." He's of course disappointed, because who wouldn't be after confessing your love to someone who's not sure of his feelings for you? Sandeul sits down next to Baro, "It's not that I don't like, because I do I like you and i do love you. But I'm not sure if I love you that way... I have also been confused about my feelings for you lately... But, Sunwoo, just please give me some time to think about this. Until I know, let's just be friends?" 
'Let's just be friends? Do you even know how hard it was for me before I confessed, to be just friends? No I don't think you do. Being just friends with you is the hardest thing I can ever rember have had to do...'  Baro thinks to himself, but still he nods. He walks out of the room and into the bathroom. After staring a little at himself in the mirror and splashing water at his face, he realize that he's crying. He's really crying. And when he first starts, he doesn't seem to stop... He splashes more cold water in his face and understands it won't stop him from feeling like this. But why is he feeling like this? It's not like they have broken up, right? They're still friends, right? And Duckie only said he was not sure what his feelings for Baro was. Maybe he only needs more time. Maybe he is in love, but he feels like it's wrong.
After thinking for while, he takes an ice cold shower. To clear his head. After that he goes straight to bed. But that night Baro can't sleep. No matter how hard he tries, sleeping this night won't happen. He just can't. His head is full of useless thoughts and the fact that Sandeul, who is not sure wether he likes him or not, is sleeping in the same room is just too much. He's still crying. Tears are escaping from his eyes. 

The days went by with Baro avoiding Sandeul as much as he could. Hiding in the bathroom. Hiding in the other's bedroom. Hiding in the kitchen. Going out alone. Doing all in his power to avoid Sandeul. 
"Yah, Sandeul! What's up with Baro lately? He looks like he's on another planet or something... Did something happen between you two? Did you have a fight?" JinYoung asks Sandeul. "No, it's not that... Did you know Baro have feelings for me, hyung?" Sandeul answers.
"OMG! Of course I do! Did he finally tell you?" Sandeul nods, "but you turned him down, did you? Well then I understand why he's like this. He must be crushed." 
"No, I didn't reject him. I just said I was not sure about my feelings for him. I have always thought of him like my best friends, always. But I don't know if I'm in love with him or if I just want to stay friends. Sure I have been getting jelaus when he's is out with others, and getting mad when he goes out with someone without telling me first. But that can be feelings between just good friends, right?" "Sandeul-ah, how can I know? I have never seen two friends like you two. I always thought you were dating until Baro told me that he liked you. Why don't you just tell him how you feel? I believe you're about to fall in love, you see. Ask him if he can take a walk with you and tell him your feelings. I know he will try to walk past, but just grab his arm and make him go out with you. He has no hurt of spending time with you. He has been like this for five days now." Woah, it's already been five days? Sandeul nods and walk into the living room where he sees Baro sitting there and staring out in nowhere. When he sees Sandeul walking in, he quickly gets up and tries to walk out of there. But like JinYoung said, he grabbed his hand. "Take a walk with me, Baro. I have thought about things. I need to tell you something." Baro turns his head and looks at him. His eyes are red from crying. But he let himself being dragged outside. 
They get out and first they just walk in silence further away from the dorm, and surprisngly Baro is the one to break the silence, "Hold my hand." Sandeul gives him a confused look, "Why?" "Why doesn't matter, just please hold my hand." He replies and takes Sandeul's hand, who holds him back.
"Are you OK, Baro? You have been avoiding me alot... I don't like it. I miss my squirrel. I need my squirrel." "I'm OK... I just.... Lately I have been feeling a little out of it, you know? I lack of powers and I feel like I can colapse at any time. And I haven't been feeling welll. And seeing you just always makes me cry... I'm sorry, hyung. I never meant to surprise you or shock you or scare you. I never wanted to change anything." Baro looks down and again tears escape his eyes. Sandeul take his hand and wipes them away, "Is that why you are holding mt hand? You're scared you might fall?"
"That too..."
"Well, if you fall, I will catch you, so don't you worry." Sandeul looks at him and smiles. But he's also hurt. He hurt himself.. He never wanted to make Baro cry. 'Oh, god... What have I done? I might lose my squirrel... I need to tell him, that I like him too' He says to himself.
"Baro, what I needed to tell you wa--" 
"Hyung, catch me." Baro says and then falls down. Sandeul just got to catch him. Just in time. He sits down with Baro on his lap. 
"YAH! Wake up!" He says and shakes him a little, but there is no response. "Yah! Why aren't you waking up?! Listen to your hyung! I told you to wake up!" When he sees there is still no reaction to get, he slaps him. "YAH! I TOLD YOU WAKE UP YOU! I DIDN'T GET TO TELL YOU!" He yells, but he still doesn't get any reaction from Baro. He takes up his phone and calls the other members. CNU is the first one to pick up. "Hel--" 
"HYUNG! HURRY! Baro... He collapsed... Hurry over here!"
"Whaat? Where are you? We're coming!" He gets Gongchan and JinYoung and they hurry over to where Sandeul is sitting with Baro on his lap.
"What happened? He is breathing right? Did you call the ambulance?" All questions at the same time from each of them.
"He just collapsed... He's breathing, but he won't wake up. Maybe he just fainted and will wake up soon..." Tears escape from his eyes. He's crying now more, than he has done in ages. "And someone please call the ambulance! I totally forgot..." JinYoung takes his phone and calls the ambulance, CNU walks around in small circles and scratching his head and Gongchan sits next to Sandeul and pats his back.
"It's all my fault, isn't it? If I had only told him earlier... He wouldn't be lying here now if it wasn't for me. I screwed up. How can I ever tell him now? His heart is probably broken because of me."
"Don't worry about it too much hyung. This could've happened if you had told him or not. He has been a little like this lately. Maybe he's sick. This probably would've happened sooner or later. Just be happy that you were here with him, if not things could've been much worse." But Sandeul can't stop crying. Eventhough it might would've happened anyway, he can't help but think that it was his fault. It really was his fault...

The ambulance come not long after JinYoung had called, and Sandeul begs to get in the car with them. They eventually let him come because they're in a hurry and have no time to fight. "What happened?" The doctor asks Sandeul. He shakes his head and wipes his tears before answering,
"I don't know... We were just walking and suddenly he fell. He said that he had not been feeling well lately and felt like he could just collapse at any time." The doctor nods. "Do you know why this could happen, doctor?"
"I don't really know. This thing sometimes happen when confessing ones love and gets rejected. If he has done so, it may be because he was hurt and didn't know where he was. It's not so unnormal, so he will be fine. He just needs some rest." The doctor smiles to Sandeul, but he can't smile back...
It's all his fault, isn't it? It really is...

They reach the hospital and Baro get's carried into a room, with Sandeul following behind. Not long after the other members also come. They must've runned, because they were breathing hard.
"Did the doctor say anything? Will he be fine?" JinYoung asks after catching his breath.
"He said that it may be because he was hurt after confessing his love... It really is all my fault. If I had just told him sooner we wouldn't have been hurt. We wouldn't be here and none of this would've been like this." Sandeul grabs Baro's hand, it's still warm. CNU gives him a pat on the back and they all walk out letting the two of them being alone.
"I know I act like this is something that is death serious and that you're dying. But you're not, are you? I know you're not. You need to come back soon. I reallu have something important to tell you. It's news that I hope will be good for you, and that you will forgive me. I'm sorry I hurt you. I never meant to do that. When you wake up, I promise not to hurt you again. But if I do, I will leave you so that I can never repeat it. It would hurt me to leave, but then I would see how much i hurted you and I will realize how much I need you. And that I screwed up." Many more tears escapes from his eyes. Yes, Baro will be fine soon. But the fact that he is lying here bacause of Sandeul is just too much for him to handle. He hurt his bestfriend. He hurt him really bad.
He takes Baro's arm and moves it to his heart, and when he does, the sleeve of his hoodie falls down. When Sandeul sees Baro's arm, he sees multiple wounds. 'What are these wounds? Where do they come from? Has he done this to himself? He hasn't been doing selfharm, has he? All because of me...'

A/N: Soooooooo~ I think this chapter was short >_<
And I'm sorry if it was alot of crying in this story, but that's because I was crying when I wrote this. And if I cry while writing, the characters in the story will end up crying.
And as you can see, Baro was very hurt by Sandeul... Let's just pray and hope he has not been doing selfharm.
I am very sorry, if this chapter was sad..(no not really) though that was what I was trying to do.
I can't remember ever writing a sad story before... Hmmm
Most of the things I write a scary stuff, or they are supposed to be scary XD Something my teacher don't like >_<
LoL, once she asked if I was OK, because of my stories  XDD
I hope this chapter was good ;D




OK, OK... I'm sorry for being weird right now.. Not really
OK, I am
I didn't sleep much last night, so since I just was sad I am now over exited or something XDD


Well, then that's good :D

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China801 #2
Chapter 12: Will Baro really die? Will they get married, Can they get married? Will there be more short scenes? I'm so curious wat will happen!!! ^^
China801 #3
Chapter 9: AcTually I like the twist u made. Usually I would go crazy and burst but I REALLY like the twist!!! maybe becuz usually Sandeul wil get abused r neglected and then SOOOoOo much drama comes along.... Anyways I like it, really like it.
SproutPrinceDeullie #4
Chapter 11: T.T WHY!? It is so cute and beautiful and you should make the chapters longer c: Your really good at writing.I hope everything works out for Sandeul & Baro<3
Chapter 2: I felt everything on this chapter!!!I like it!!
Chapter 1: I was reading the first chapter and i think was great!!!!Keep the good work!!! :)
StarrySky111 #7
Chapter 8: Is sth happening to Baro? I'm confused... But please update soon Author nim!! Thanks!
BaDeulcutie #8
Chapter 8: What is this?? Is baro really going to die??
Chapter 7: whaaa now i'm more confused than ever =_= , please author-nim make it happy ending i just argghh really hate tragedy :(
BaDeulcutie #10
Chapter 7: This is also make me confuse... about what will happend in the ending??