
Black and while

"Jonghyun you need to man up" Taemin said while getting into the car. Ever since Jinki got sick, Jonghyun made sure he picked up Taemin after dance class. 

"Well nice to see you too. " Jonghyun was tired and he had no energy for Taemins's antics.

"No, I am serious. I know you are in love with Jinki. I knew you love him before I knew what the word meant. And believe me, I have known that word a long time."

"Taemin, what has gotten into to you? And why ?" jonghyun asks dumbfounded.

"Look, Kim Jonghyun, after Jinki's accident, I realized that life is too short to be holding back. You are a good guy and I know that you will be good to Jinki. You know Jinki is 25 and has not even experience the wonders of love. Jinki has us but at the same time, i can see how lonely he is. Sometimes his eyes just look so empty. To be honest, I am not even sure if Jinki likes guys or not, but I know he likes you. Remember that time when I called you short and Jinki scolded me like for an hour?" 

"First of all, Jinki is only 24. Wait he calls me shortie all the time?" 

"Okay you just missed the point. The truth is Jinki loves you, maybe more than he loves me. If you think about it, who takes in a random 15 year old and raise him like his baby. Remember how he used to give you the drumstick when we ate chicken because he thought you needed the protein to grow taller? Jinki never gave me drumsticks, I will be lucky if I can snag a chicken . And when you didnt grow taller Hyun blamed himself for not feeding you properly. What you need to do is man up, confess your puppy love to him and make him feel loved. I don't want Jinki to be lonely." All the height talk was bit annoying to Jonghyun, but Taemin's tone told Jonghyun that he was dead serious. 

The rest of the ride home was quiet. Jonghyun was partially happy that he somehow got Taemin's support but at the same time, Jonghyun was afraid to break the connection he and Jinki already have. What if Jinki is totally disgusted with Jonghyun and never wants to talk to him again.

Taemin determined to make jonghyun and Jinki a couple, suggested to take Jonghyun out shopping. 

"wow Jonghyun, you look amazing in that!"

"Taemin, this is not a shirt, the sides openings are too big, you can see my stomach if I turn around." jonghyun was busy trying to cover his abs.

"Jonghyun, Jinki likes abs. Remember how he used to complain how his abs are not as defined as yours even though he worked out just as much?" Taemin said as he eyed Jonghyun up and down.

"But don't you think this is a bit much for going to the hospital?"

"Here,  just wear this jacket and when you enter his room, you strip, and vuala y abs!"

"Taemin, sometimes you scare me."

"sometimes I scare myself." Taemin replied.

"Fine, but if Jinki rejects me, you gotta make sure Jinki does not de-friend me on Facebook and twitter. Oh and instangram." jonghyun pouted.

"you and your social media, such a social media !" teamin stocked out his younger while trying to run away before Jonghyun arm bars him. 

"Here hyun, let's plan you confession." Taemin winks at Jonghyun.


Hello lovely readers, the next chapter should be posted soon. 



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yaleON #1
...wahhhh!!! i dont what to feel.. this is so nice...! nxt chap.. plxxxxxxx
arianijongyujungli #2
Chapter 10: poor jonghyun cause he just got used! :(
Bluecassy7 #3
Chapter 10: well...when did Jjong confess to Jinki and Minho heard the 'yes' part?
Did I miss any chapter?
So Jinki 'used' Jjong's feelings to forget Minho? >_____< that's not good Jinki.
Hippybun #4
Thank you guys for the awesome support! Should have another chapter tomorrow :)
Bluecassy7 #5
Chapter 6: The love letters trial are so cuuteeee... love the idea xD.
Dr're so funny ^^
Chapter 6: oh no, what are you doing jinki? you are getting in terrible things, that mr. L is a freak he doesn't care about his own son =.=

Minho was at the right place to help jinki, he acted so cute while jinki was sleeping and then onew acted the same way, the letter were so cute and hot xDDD I love how they interact but still I feel sorry for jjong u.u
jinkiesa #7
Chapter 6: no one ravages jinki......
aaaaaaa dont tell me jinki's gonna be on top
Bluecassy7 #8
Chapter 5: thanks God Minho was there. anticipating your next update... ^^