Jinki ache

Black and while

Hello my lovely readers, I just added a couple more jongyu paragraphs in chap 3. It was too short to be it's own paragraph and did not match the concept of this paragraph.  

Minho starres at the clock on his wall. "damn it! Only 9:15, okay 45minutes to go. It will be 10 before I know it, now let's concentrated on this medical journal..."

Okay, I am just gonna take a peek, I am sure it's like 9:30 or even 9:35. 

"fruit cake on a stick, only 9:19? How is it that only 4 minutes has passesed? Minho yelled.

"Dr.Choi, is everything alright? Do you need to rest? I can take of your next patient, Jinki, right?" his coworker asked.

"NO! I AM FINE! I mean, it would be too much trouble for you to get up to speed with his file" Minho said a bit too eagerly.

"I am fast learner, besides I hear he is quite the eye candy" she smiled.

"Eye candy? Pshhhh, yeah he is really cute and hot at the same time and has the cutest smile and those checks...errr but hmmmm he is always farting so yeah...I won't put you through that" wow really Minho, farting? Real smooth Choi, real smooth. 

" okay...just let me know if you need a break" she patted his back and walked out of his office. "someone is in love"  she laughed as she walked to her next patient. 

Get your together Choi! Looks at the clock "omg yay! 9:35! Only 25 more minutes, 20 more minutes if I show up professionally early. Would I be pushing it if I show up 10 minutes early? Let's google this. 

Google : how many minutes early is considered normal

enter - click

Wow so many random articles. Okay so should not shown up earlier than 15 minutes before a job interview. Does that mean I can go at 9:45? Thats only 7 minutes away : ).  ttttt, that means I only have 7 no 6 minutes and 20 seconds to get ready. Omg totally did not think this through. 

Minho stands outside of room 317, flips his phone to do a last check and pushes the door open.

"Good morning Jinki" Minho greets with his froggy smile.

"Morning Minho, wow you are like 15 minutes early today" Jinki smiled at him.

"It is normal to show up within 15 minute to a job interview.... I mean routine check up" Minho face palm himself mentally.

"Okay, whatever you say doc" Jinki smiles at him.

Minho swears that all those long work hours has paid off. If he was not strong mentally, Minho would have for sure fainted from that smile. 

The check up went smoothly as Minho was after all a professional. Sure he might lingered a bit long when he was checking Jinki' s incisions. But Minho justified it as due diligence to double check the area for infections and what not. After everything that Minho could check was done at least twice, he knew he had to say goodbye and wait another excruciating 24h before he could come back.

"Alright, Jinki, I think we are all done." 

" thank you Minho! I really appreciate all your care over the past week. Never had such a dedicated doctor like you" Jinki replied sincerely.

"Do you want to eat lunch?" Minho blurted out.

"Lunch? It's only 10:45. Don't the hospital serve lunch at like 12?" Jinki asked with confusion.

"Yes, it is only 10:45 hahah. I was just wondering if you wanted to skip out on the delicacy that this hospital serves and eat some chicke with me, there is a really good chicken store nearby." Minho applauded himself mentally for his bravery.

"Chicken? Can we go now?" Jinki's eye light up like a Christmas tree.

"Why not." Minho smiled. 

Mino waited outside of 317 while his heart was about to escape his body. Okay calm down, you don't want to come off as creepy. This is not a date just a friendly lunch with a super hot patient. Stop it! With a patient, not hot, not cute, just patient. Pull yourself together.

"I am done changing, let's go!" Jinki grabs Minho's arm as he drags him down the hall. 

Omg he is touching me, I should flex, okay flexing. Ahhh too much flexing, muscle spasm.

"Doc are you okay? You look like you are in pain"Jinki asked as they exit the hospital building. 

"I am okay" Minho answers with gritted teeth.

A 10 minute walk later, Jinki learns that Minho has a brother who is a professional athlete  and that Minho wanted to be a soccer player but his parents wanted him to pursue his academics since he was so gifted. Jinki also learns that Minho also likes chicken and likes to watch movies on his spare time. Jinki thought, how great it was if he could be Minho. No dirty work no worries no bloody hands. But he quickly scratch that thought away, Minho does have a great life, but he doesn't have Taemin and Jonghyn. 

"Doc order whatever you want, my treat." Jinki said as he handed Minho the menu. 

"Okay, let's order 5 orders of honey garlic and 5 of hot wings and 5 orders of their house special. Did I order too much?" 

"Not at all, that sounds about right" Jinki smiled happily. 

As the mountain of wings dissapearfed, both Jinki and Minho where quite pleased with their achievement. During the meal they talked about food, sports and school. Mostly Minho's life. Jinki could not help but stare at how charming Minho was. He was so proper and so perfect. That is the right word, Minho was perfect while he was dirty. A flash on sadness crossed Jinki's beautiful face. 

Although it was their first time hangout as friends, they both felt like they knew each other for a lifetime. However, all good things must come an end and Minho had to go back to prepare for surgery and Jinki needed to get his shots. 

While Minho was telling Jinki a lame joke, Jinki stop abruptly and started walking back. " Minho I forgot something at the restauant, you go first" 

Before Minho could stop him Jinki already turned the corner and Minho really needed to head back.  On the way back, Minho could not stop grinning like a kid during Christmas morning. On boy was he in trouble. 


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yaleON #1
...wahhhh!!! i dont what to feel.. this is so nice...! nxt chap.. plxxxxxxx
arianijongyujungli #2
Chapter 10: poor jonghyun cause he just got used! :(
Bluecassy7 #3
Chapter 10: well...when did Jjong confess to Jinki and Minho heard the 'yes' part?
Did I miss any chapter?
So Jinki 'used' Jjong's feelings to forget Minho? >_____< that's not good Jinki.
Hippybun #4
Thank you guys for the awesome support! Should have another chapter tomorrow :)
Bluecassy7 #5
Chapter 6: The love letters trial are so cuuteeee... love the idea xD.
Dr Choi....you're so funny ^^
Chapter 6: oh no, what are you doing jinki? you are getting in terrible things, that mr. L is a freak he doesn't care about his own son =.=

Minho was at the right place to help jinki, he acted so cute while jinki was sleeping and then onew acted the same way, the letter were so cute and hot xDDD I love how they interact but still I feel sorry for jjong u.u
jinkiesa #7
Chapter 6: no one ravages jinki......
aaaaaaa dont tell me jinki's gonna be on top
Bluecassy7 #8
Chapter 5: thanks God Minho was there. anticipating your next update... ^^