Lost puppy

Black and while

Walking down a dodgy road, Jonghyun reaches his destination. Ever since Jinki has been injured Jonghyun has been collecting debt by himself. All thanks to watching Jinki over the years, Jonghyun managed to collect most of his debts with just a few minor scrapes and bruses. Jonghyun usually tries to talk the debtor into giving him the money. However most of the time, Jonghyun has to pretend to be a total jerkbag and start kicking things and punching walls and what not. 

He knocks on the door and a young attractive female answers "oh hey, we are closed right now. Happy hour starts at 9pm." 

Before she could close the door, Jonghyun stops her and enters the building. "Not here for happy hour, I am here to collect Mr.L's money" Jonghyun calmly said.

The girls looked at Jonghyun up and down and said "alright follow me".

They walked down stairs and before Jonghyun could check out his surroundings he gets knocked down.

"Wow that was fast" a feline eyed man said. 

"I think we have overestimated our friend Jinki, he also looks shorter than what people have described him to be" the girl replied.

Jonghyun woke up with an excruciating headache. Where am I? What just happened? Is this a dream? All these questions flashes through his head. 

"Oh, you are awake, we thought you would never wake up. My name is key, nice to meet you Jinki" 

Jonghyun was now really confused. Is Jinki here? Is this some type of sick joke?

"key, I think you have knocked him retarded, look at his lost puppy face" the girl said.

"Okay Jinki, I am not trying to hurt you, I just want you to listen to me for a couple of minutes." 

"How does knocking me unconscious not hurting me?" Jonghyun barked.

"I agree my methods are unorthodox, but how am I supposed to make you listen to what I have to say? Anyhow, I know you work for Mr. L, although it might not seem like it, but Mr. L trust you. Frankly speaking Mr. L won't be who he is if it weren't or you. However that cheap bastard is under utilizing your potential and I could use someone like you. I want to bring down Mr. L"

"You know I just collect debt" Jonghyun said.

"okay Jinki, whatever you like to call it, you are the best hitman out there. You have the brains and the skills. Although I am second guessing myself now since you went down like a girl a couple minutes ago." key smirked.

"Hitman? Jinki is a hitman?" Jonghyun was shocked. He has never seen Jinki seriously hurt anyone.  Most of the time Jinki just push back to defend himself and Jonghyun. Jonghyun search though his memory and could not recollect any signs. Then it hit him.

One day Jonghyun really needed to pee and rushed to the washroom. When he entered, Jinki just came out of the shower and Jonghyun saw everything. At the time Jonghyun was too busy checking out Jinki's hot body. But now, he also remembers several scars and bruses that did not look like they could be inflicted by their average debtor.

"key, I think he has lost it. He is talking like a third person"

"look Jinki, I really hope we can work together to bring down Mr. L, as incentive, I will make sure your lovely brother becomes the best dancer that ever lived."  Key said warmly.

Jonghyun decided that for the time being, he will just go along with these lunatics because they are some serious weirdos out there. After collecting the debt, Key asks for his contact info to keep in touch. 

As Jonghyun walks out of the door, he is seriously confused about what just happened. Honestly speaking he would not mind bringing down Mr. L, but Jinki being a hitman? Seriously his dubu hyun a hitman? 

At the hospital, Jinki woke up from his nap and is on a lollipop one of the nurses gave him. Jinki has been causing quite a stir in the hospital, all the nurses practically fight to get a chance to check up on him. 

Jinki is quite excited as he will soon see Jonghyun who came every single day to keep him company. Taemin also came but due to classes not as often. 

"Ya Dino, you are like 20 mins late! Wow happened to you face? Who messed with you?" Jinki looked at Jonghyun protectively.

"I am okay hyun. How are you feeling today?" Jonghyun responded.

"Dude are you okay? Your response is way to normal? No that's what she said jokes today?" Jinki playfully asked.

"Hyun, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, but I don't anything about male pregnancy"

"Hyun, I am serious"

"Wow, okay shoot"

"What is it that you do for Mr.L?"

Jinki looks a bit stunned. Then he gestures Jonghyun to come closer and whispers " you seriously need to get laid"

Surprised would be an understatement to describe how Jonghyun feels right now. He was serious and a bit angry less than a second ago. But now, all he could think of is what Jinki just said.

"I was right! Look at you blushing like school girl" Jinki playfully ruffled Jonghyun's hair. 

"I am not!" Jonghyun protested.

"Sureeeee, you are hot Jong, why are you always single?"

Because I only like you. But awww he thinks I am hot. Squeal!

"Because I like the freedom of being single" Jonghyun retroted.

"Freedom? You are more celebrate than a priest, you are going to be like the dude from 40 year old "

Oh Jinki, if you only know what I want to do with you.

"I am just saving myself for the right person" 

"I hope I am going to meet this wonderful creature soon because my Dino has officilaly lost it. What do I do for Mr. L? The same as what you do, collect debt" Jinki said with a warm smile.

Jonghyun agreed, maybe those two weirdos are just messig with him. He was pratically Jinki's conjoined twin. If Jinki was not with him he was with Taemin. The bruses could be from Jinki's sangtae. Yes that must be it.

Jonghyun spent the next hour tryng not to stare at Jinki while he on various shapes and sizes of lollipops. 



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yaleON #1
...wahhhh!!! i dont what to feel.. this is so nice...! nxt chap.. plxxxxxxx
arianijongyujungli #2
Chapter 10: poor jonghyun cause he just got used! :(
Bluecassy7 #3
Chapter 10: well...when did Jjong confess to Jinki and Minho heard the 'yes' part?
Did I miss any chapter?
So Jinki 'used' Jjong's feelings to forget Minho? >_____< that's not good Jinki.
Hippybun #4
Thank you guys for the awesome support! Should have another chapter tomorrow :)
Bluecassy7 #5
Chapter 6: The love letters trial are so cuuteeee... love the idea xD.
Dr Choi....you're so funny ^^
Chapter 6: oh no, what are you doing jinki? you are getting in terrible things, that mr. L is a freak he doesn't care about his own son =.=

Minho was at the right place to help jinki, he acted so cute while jinki was sleeping and then onew acted the same way, the letter were so cute and hot xDDD I love how they interact but still I feel sorry for jjong u.u
jinkiesa #7
Chapter 6: no one ravages jinki......
aaaaaaa dont tell me jinki's gonna be on top
Bluecassy7 #8
Chapter 5: thanks God Minho was there. anticipating your next update... ^^