
Black and while

Jinki turns the corner and enters a coffee shop. He sits down at a table near the window. 

"You know, nothing screams more like I am following you when a grown man is reading O magazine" Jinki grabs the magazine away.

"Oh hey Jinki, oprah is my idol and aren't you supposed to be in te hospital?"

"Save it Joon, last time I checked you don't even read. Hey this mag is pretty interesting, did not know you could cook chicken in so many ways"

"Jinki, I am going to be straight up because I have know you for ages, Mr.L wants to speak with you." The seriousness in Joon's tone gave Jinki chills.

"What the hell does he want? I am sick, still got 4 more days before I can be discharged" Jinki spoke with a hint of annoyance.

"You know that only Mr.L knows what he wants, I am just the messenger. By the way, who was the guy you were with. "

"Joon don't tell Mr.L about seeing me with that guy and as a reward, I will sneak out to see Mr. L tonight. I am serious Joon, not a word"

Jinki returned the magazine and walked out of the coffee shop. Why had Joon seen Minho, he was going to end whatever they had in four days but now he won't even get that.  Jinki entered his ward and practically got tackled by the nurse. 

"omg, Jinki where were you? I was so worried, yo have no idea what I had to do to get this shift. Now take your pants off and let me take your shot ." she said with too much excitement.

"okay nurse lady, no peeking" Jinki toke his pants off and the nurse happily toke the shot on his right cheek. 

The rest of the day went smoothly with Jonghyun starring at him a bit too hard. That Dino boy must have done something wrong. Why does he look so flustered everytime I look at him. Taemin also came to visit and showed Jinki his new dance moves. 

After ensuring that the coast was clear, Jinki quickly changed and sneaked out of his ward and headed to a club in Gangnam. 

"Jinki, I missed you" a man in a smoking jacket spoke. The tone of his voice told Jinki otherwise.

"what do you want?" 

"everyone out" the man waved.

"Now is that what you say to your father when you have not visited him for almost a month?

I don't have a father. He died when mom died" Jinki replied calmly. 

"Look boy, whether you like it or not, you have my blood flowing in that body of yours. So no matter what you do you cannot deny you are my son" 

"Did you call me over to talk about this? As a father, shouldn't you at least ask how I am feeling since I am still being hospitalized." 

"You are right, I am no father material. I could care less if you end up dead in a ditch tonight. " the old man smiled. "I called you here because some low life wannabe ganster decided that he could swindle me. How funny is that? I think you know what to do."

"No" Jinki snapped.

"No? Hahha it seems that you dont remember that I can snap that twig looking bastard brother of yours in a blink of an eye. That bastards dad ruined your mother and now his son is trying to ruin yours."

"I wish mom would have never met you. I wish I was never born. Listen dad, one of these days it will be your life slipping alway in my grip." 

"Looking forward to that day son."


Meanwhile at Minho's office. 

"Come on Minho, it's your birthday today, come out and celebrate! Let's go to Club L! I heard it is the place to go. Lots of hot girl ad guys" one of the doctors spoke.

"Minho, as your senior, I command you to come out with us. You are 22 and still live the life of a 16 year old. " A taller and more authoritative figure spoke.

"Okay okay, just one drink and I am gone" Minho surrendered. 

At the club, Minho was having drinks poured down his throat like waerfalls. He did admit that the music was good and that there was lots of eye candy. All the sudden he saw a familiar red hair pass by.  Minho, don't be ridiculous, how can Jinki be here, he is in the hospital. Before he could follow the red hair his seniors dragged him to the bar to do land mines ( 10 shots, usually 5 soda and 5 vodka).

After 2 rounds of land mines, Minho swears that it was prob 7 vodka and 3 soda since he had at least 6 shots of vodka. He was feeling quite tipsy so he decided to go outside for air. 

"Please, I swear I won't swindle anymore. I will disappear from this city, this country" a man begged.

"Your time is up" 

Minho noticed a small crowd gathering near the back of club so he went to check it out. A guy fell from the roof and has already been declared dead by the paramedics on site. The guy did seem to put up a fight based on his bloody nuclkles. Disturbed by the scene, he decided to take a short walk around the corner.

Minho was feeling a bit better after walking in the cool midnight breeze. All the sudden he tripped and feel forward. All the years of soccer practice made him pretty agile so he quickly gained his balance and look down as to why there is a box like object in the middle of the road. Turns out it was not a box but a person. Minho still drunk as hell tried to flip the person over while yelling " don't worry, I am a doctor. Let me check up on you"

After a couple of seconds of struggling to sit up the man lying on the ground he gasped.

"Jinki, god what happened to you? You are bleeding. Jinki, stay with me, you will be okay."

Minho struggled to find his phone to call for an ambulance. , where is my phone? He looks around and not a soul in sight. The club is a good 5 blocks away and he did not want to leave Jinki alone. Then he realized he was not far from his house. He picked up Jinki and ran home with all his strength.



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yaleON #1
...wahhhh!!! i dont what to feel.. this is so nice...! nxt chap.. plxxxxxxx
arianijongyujungli #2
Chapter 10: poor jonghyun cause he just got used! :(
Bluecassy7 #3
Chapter 10: well...when did Jjong confess to Jinki and Minho heard the 'yes' part?
Did I miss any chapter?
So Jinki 'used' Jjong's feelings to forget Minho? >_____< that's not good Jinki.
Hippybun #4
Thank you guys for the awesome support! Should have another chapter tomorrow :)
Bluecassy7 #5
Chapter 6: The love letters trial are so cuuteeee... love the idea xD.
Dr're so funny ^^
Chapter 6: oh no, what are you doing jinki? you are getting in terrible things, that mr. L is a freak he doesn't care about his own son =.=

Minho was at the right place to help jinki, he acted so cute while jinki was sleeping and then onew acted the same way, the letter were so cute and hot xDDD I love how they interact but still I feel sorry for jjong u.u
jinkiesa #7
Chapter 6: no one ravages jinki......
aaaaaaa dont tell me jinki's gonna be on top
Bluecassy7 #8
Chapter 5: thanks God Minho was there. anticipating your next update... ^^