Chapter 49

He's the One


Chapter 49 - Getting to Know You Again


Kyuhyun and Sungmin dine in an eat-all-you-can restaurant near the school. Upon serving themselves from the buffet table, they find a seat where they can eat. They find one table beside the huge glass window.

Sungmin keeps on eating while Kyuhyun is just watching Sungmin eat, observing him without touching his food. Sungmin notices him and he asks him, "Why are you looking at me?"

"Your right wrist," Kyuhyun starts, now staring at Sungmin's injured wrist. "Does it still hurt?"

"No, it doesn't," Sungmin grins as he raises his arm and shows the wrist to Kyuhyun. "It's a miracle, but yes, it is fine."

Kyuhyun does not believe him so he grabs Sungmin's right wrist and Sungmin twitches in pain. "Ouch!" He snatches his wrist back. "Why did you do that?"

"To check if you are still okay, if your wrist is still swelling," Kyuhyun reasons out and finally eats his food. "I guess it's not yet fine. When you pushed me in our room, it hurt, right, that was why you couldn't push me away?"

Sungmin remembers that. He continues to eat as well to keep himself from blushing as he recalls what Kyuhyun is talking about. "Yeah, that is why I couldn't totally push you away that time."

Kyuhyun sighs. "Is that so?" He questions. He grabs Sungmin's right arm again. Sungmin glares at him. "Let's go back to the hotel for tonight so that we can at least lessen the swelling."

"How about you?" Sungmin asks. When Kyuhyun does not get what he is asking, Sungmin continues, "I mean... are you not sick anymore?"

"I think not," Kyuhyun replies. "Let us finish eating." He removes his hand from Sungmin's arm and lets Sungmin eat again.


Before finally going back to the hotel, they bought a sprain spray and bandages so that he could treat Sungmin's sprained wrist. Kyuhyun treated his sprained wrist when they reached the hotel.

"I can't believe we spent the whole day without touring the city," Sungmin pouts as he enters the room, and Kyuhyun closes the door behind him. "It's still early. Let's go outside!"

"We'll tour the whole city tomorrow for the whole day if you want. I feel so tired right now, so I want to sleep," Kyuhyun tells Sungmin who is now sitting on the sofa. Sungmin sighs and rests his arms on the sofa. Sungmin does not speak, but he watches Kyuhyun as he puts his clothes out from his bag.

"So, why did you and your brother separate?"

Kyuhyun does not reply but he only continues to put out his clothes from the luggage. He stops, then he stares at Sungmin for quite some time, asking him impliedly why he asks that question. Sungmin feels Kyuhyun is offended about him asking a personal question he might be unwilling to answer. "I-It's fine if you won't answer it."

Kyuhyun lifts his bag and puts it inside the closet. Sungmin remains silent again.

"Because he was sick that time," Kyuhyun finally answers, looking at random people who are strolling at the bay walk. "I was scared that I would not be able to give Jino what he needed, but someone else could. We were orphans, and we had no money to spend since we ran from the orphanage. We didn't want to, but we would separate if we did not do it. Someone was willing to adopt him, and as a brother, I didn't want us to be separated. But I never thought that we would still separate."

Sungmin remains silent as he waits for Kyuhyun to say more. And he is not mistaken, he continues.

"We ran away one night before the day Jino would finally go with his foster parents. I told him that we would be okay living on the streets as long as we were together, but he got sick because of cold. People from the orphanage were searching for us, so when they saw us, we ran away again. If we went back, they would give Jino to people I didn't know. I didn't want that to happen.

"I was so selfish for only thinking about myself. I didn't know that Jino would get sick if we lived on streets. And because he was getting weaker, I asked him to stay somewhere so that he could rest. I left him in front someone's house. I was thinking that if I did that, I would still be able to get him back. But I wasn't able to, because the owner of the house told me to leave and that they would not let Jino go with me because I had nothing. They called the police and told them that I was trespassing," Kyuhyun narrates. "So I ran away again, without seeing Jino and explaining to him that I came back for him. That time, I promised myself to do my best to succeed in everything, so that I could show to them that I was capable of being a brother to Jino. When I already had savings from working at the ice cream parlor, I went back, but they were not there anymore. I blamed myself for being so weak in those years when we were separated that I wasn't able to go back and get Jino in between those years, and it already became too late..."

Sungmin doesn't know that Kyuhyun had that kind of past. Kyuhyun, who works while studying almost everyday to save money, desperately wants to prove that he is capable of being a brother.

He hated Kyuhyun for being so workaholic, for being a perfectionist and for being too thrifty. He didn't know, he's only doing that because of his brother.

And he feels like Kyuhyun doesn't do what a normal person in his age does because he is too restricted and because he wants to take his brother back so bad.

"Kyuhyun," Sungmin speaks. "A-are you also restricted to love because of that?"

"I don't think I can actually stop my feelings for someone but I shouldn't confess... not yet, not until I see Jino and explain to him what happened several years ago," Kyuhyun says. "Only that time will I be able to be free."

"If... If we find Jino, would you confess? Would you start all over again and love that person again?" Sungmin questions.

"I still love him," Kyuhyun meets Sungmin's eyes. "There wasn't any time when I stopped loving him."

Sungmin does not know why he feels something awkward inside him. It seems that there are needles piercing his heart that time. He is so lucky...

He doesn't show that he's a bit hurt, instead, he stands, throws his arm in the air. "Alright then! I promise to help you find Jino no matter what so that you can finally confess to that person and so that you can give chance to Ryeowook."

Kyuhyun stands and walks away from Sungmin. "You really won't give up."


"So where will I sleep?"

Sungmin sits on the sofa as he watches Kyuhyun lying down in his bed.

It was eleven in the evening when they decided to go to sleep.

"You told me you're going to sleep on the sofa," Kyuhyun says as he rolls on the bed, now facing Sungmin.

"Right," Sungmin nods and lies on the sofa. "This is comfortable to be honest!"

Kyuhyun just stares at Sungmin who is obviously not comfortable in sleeping on the sofa. He keeps on adjusting his body on the sofa, but he can't decide on a sleeping position that he will adapt. "You know, it's me who gets impatient. Just sleep on this bed-"

"No!" Sungmin yells before Kyuhyun can continue the rest of the sentence.

"What's wrong in sleeping with me?" Kyuhyun asks nonchalantly.

Sungmin blushes as he tucks his face on the sofa. "That sounds so wrong," he murmurs, trying not to think dirtily about what Kyuhyun said. Kyuhyun does not speak but he laughs, enough for Sungmin to feel uncomfortable. "Anyway, I am fine here. Go to sleep. We need to wake up earlier tomorrow, you know?" 

"Are you sure you don't want to sleep with me?" Kyuhyun asks again, trying to tease Sungmin. Sungmin lets out an irritated groan as an answer so Kyuhyun smirks and gives up. "Oh well. I'll be sleeping in a comfortable bed." He rolls to the other side of the bed, his back now facing Sungmin's back.

Sungmin does not move. He feels really uncomfortable, but for the sake of not sleeping with - he means sleeping on the same bed as - Kyuhyun, he's not going to act like it.

Sungmin's thoughts fly as he tries to sleep. He thinks how he can help Kyuhyun in finding Jino. He wants to help Kyuhyun as a friend. But aside from that, he has other motive, he wants Kyuhyun to live like a normal teenager - just like him.

Sungmin lives freely. He lives without any past that hinders him from doing everything that he likes to do. And only that time when he realizes that he is so lucky to have a life like that.

He tries to face Kyuhyun. He wonders if Kyuhyun has already grown tired of living like that or not.

Kyuhyun is already sleeping, I guess, Sungmin realizes that Kyuhyun is not speaking anymore. I shall just sneak and sleep on the bed - no, what am I saying?

He tries to close his eyes to fall asleep. He does, eventually, but he rolls on the sofa and falls on the floor, making him sane and awake again. And the noise wakes Kyuhyun up too.

"Ouch!" Sungmin exclaims as he caresses his back that falls to the ground.

Kyuhyun rolls to the other side of the bed now facing Sungmin. "I told you to sleep here," he says as he gets out from the bed and approaches Sungmin. He stretches his arm and lends his hand to Sungmin, asking him to grab it. "Come on, stand up."

Sungmin breathes deeply as he reaches out for Kyuhyun's hand. "

Kyuhyun pulls Sungmin and helps him stand. "If you want, I can sleep on the sofa and you can sleep on the bed."

Sungmin looks at Kyuhyun for a short while. Normally, he would accept the offer immediately, but now, it is different. "No," he pauses, hesitating to continue, but he still does afterwards. "We can sleep together in one bed."

He likes how everything is different when it comes to Kyuhyun.


Sungmin is the first one to wake up.

The whole night was spent mostly with question and answers, and a little bit of sleep.

Most of the questions were about the things they liked, the things they didn't like. They also talked about random stuff, whatever their minds thought of talking about. That night, they got to know each other again as if they were strangers who met somewhere at some point of time.

There were less questions about Kyuhyun's past that might hurt him - Sungmin specifically avoided that.

Sungmin decides to take a bath before Kyuhyun wakes up. When he is finished,  Kyuhyun is already awake.

"Good morning."

It is Sungmin's first greeting. Kyuhyun smiles and greets him back. "Good morning."

"Aren't we eating breakfast? I am hungry," Sungmin asks as he towel dries his hair.

"We will after I finish showering," Kyuhyun answers and gets out from the bed. "You look so great today, Sungmin."

Sungmin blushes with that remark. "You're teasing me again."

"I am not teasing you," Kyuhyun approaches Sungmin and leans towards the latter's ear as he puts his hand on Sungmin's shoulder. He whispers, "You really look great today."

Kyuhyun taps his shoulder twice before he goes in the shower room. Sungmin wants to burst in giddiness, but he stops himself. Why am I like this!?

He feels like his day is already complete because of that compliment. May it be teasing or not - the thing is Kyuhyun is the one who said it.


Like how everyone who has limited time in Manila and who has no time to visit other places other than the capital city, Sungmin and Kyuhyun went to famous places located in Manila. After breakfast, they went to Intramuros, Rizal Park and National Museum. After lunch, they went to several famous churches in the city, such as Manila Cathedral, San Agustin Church, Quiapo Church, Binondo Church and others. They also rode the passenger jeepneys and even trains. In the afternoon, they went to Divisoria, a famous dry goods market in the city. They went to buy something for their friends and Sungmin's family. They went to Manila Ocean Park then rode the calesa, a horse drawn carriage to the Baywalk where they watched the sunset.

They stay there for a little while as they watch the sunset.

"We went to a lot of places but I don't feel so tired, Kyuhyun," Sungmin says as he looks at the sun. "It is breathtakingly beautiful. I never appreciate such things before, to be honest. Thanks for inviting me to go here."

Kyuhyun does not speak.

"Kyuhyun, are you al-"

"I feel so happy," Kyuhyun finally says as he looks at Sungmin. Sungmin's eyes meet with his. Then he smiles. "I really feel happy."

"Why do you feel happy?" Sungmin asks.

"I can't believe that even for one day, I was able to forget about everything that I could not forget. Everything that made me feel heavy. Never once I sought something like this in my life," Kyuhyun looks at the sun that finally sets. "It's me who should thank you. Even for one day, I really appreciated my life."

"You can thank me by treating me to dinner," Sungmin chuckles and looks at the same view as what Kyuhyun is looking at.

Kyuhyun chuckles softly. "You're still talking about food. Come on, let's try their street food."


"Don't answer this question if you don't want to answer," Sungmin says as he munches his snack. They are currently outside Cultural Center of the Philippines, sitting on the grass, killing time. It is a perfect thing to do, because it is already eight in the evening. "Have you sung for anyone?"

"Sing?" Kyuhyun asks.

Sungmin eats another mouthful of snack before he nods.

"I haven't," Kyuhyun answers. "But I am planning to sing to someone special."

"Is that the person you love?" Sungmin asks again.

Kyuhyun nods.

"So it isn't possible for me to hear you sing?" Sungmin asks another, making Kyuhyun look at him. "I am wondering how good you are in singing because your speaking voice is-"

"You like my speaking voice, don't you?" Kyuhyun smirks. "That's why you want to hear me sing?"

"You're so conceited, I was just curious!" Sungmin defensively replies. "Anyway, I actually want to go to one place. You see, I researched before going here, and I decided to go there."

Kyuhyun's eyebrows meet. "Where?"

"In a karaoke hub!" Sungmin answers excitedly. "Kyuhyun, please? Let us go to a karaoke hub?"

"No," Kyuhyun refuses. Sungmin pouts and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Please? My treat! Promise, after ten, we'll go back to the hotel. Please, I learned that they had a lot of karaoke hubs here," Sungmin pleads. "I just want to sing songs right now?"

Kyuhyun sighs and give up. "Fine. But we need to be early tomorrow so that we can pack our things up."

Sungmin throws his hand up in the air. "Yes! Let's go now?"


《I'm sorry if I wasn't able to update for to weeks. I have been so busy lately. This is a weak update, I know, because no butterflies in the stomach moments... I mean not too much, right? XD Anyway, for the sake of everyone, I am explaining something. I mentioned about 'the second part;, right? I was referring to Chapter 51 onwards. I am not referring to Chapter 50, though it will have something that you would surely love. XD I am not going to cut this fic and have a sequel after this.This means that more angst/romance will start after the 50th chapter. Please be ready. XD Again, sorry for not updating that much.》

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kaleidosdope #1
Chapter 22: Protective Kyu!!! Can't wait to see more of that!
maefrancekim26 #2
Chapter 64: wahhhhhh my most favorite kyumin fluff sooo farrrrr
Oh! And you changed your username, lol. I am so lame for not noticing. I hope you’re doing fine though. Love.
Err...hello?! *grinning sheepishly*
Just finished this story here, I know it’s been a very long time since I last read and I know I promised you to stick around this story. Please forgive me.

But it ends well! I am so glad. And I know Ryeowook would never let Sungmin down, I am so proud of him. Actually, I am so proud of everyone here, they have grown a lot and everyone has been a help to each other’s growth.

Thank you hehe.

By the way.......ummm about the sequel link, is it missing or you still have not written about the story or you decided to not write it? I’ve been away from the AFF and fandom in general for so long I am pretty sure that I am behind of all my fav authors’ news. I hope you’re not mad at me sorry if I nudge you the wrong way
kyuminempire #5
Anuna teh hahahaha - sweetsmirk
nAJOnHyun #6
Chapter 88: omg how the heck i finish this within a day ... omgggg damn awesome but ryeo is so selfish tbh... ming tried to tell him afew times but he insisted tsk ... awww kmmmm feelssss
Chapter 88: I can't believe i just read the final chapter now when it's long been finished. i'm glad that they're all fine and happy! and there's a sequel! Is there a link for it?
CassieELFInspiShaw #8
Chapter 88: Okay this will be long. I am the one who pestered you before about completing this fic already but then before it happens, Sungmin and Saeun's marriage took place. I am actually very reluctant continue reading this again, like i do with all my fave KyuMin fics. But then I gave it a try. Because I do not want to leave things unfinished so here I am even tho it took me a long time. This fic made me cry during the sad parts, made me angry at the frustrating situations and made me happy at least. It gave me too many emotions I cannot explain one by one but above all, I am glad that at least you completed this one tho I felt that the ending was rushed?? I don't know but I just felt it that way. Reading the prologue of the next sequel... uhm to be honest I am not comfortable with it. Do not take it the wrong way, I am just really sensitive when it comes to suicides, and abuses so as early as now I am very sorry because I will not be able to read the sequel. Sorry. But I wish you goodluck and fighting! More power to you Author-nim :) and thank you for this wonderful fic :) ^^
Gyaaaa #9
Chapter 88: Youngwoon will kill them and then be Sungmin's client? Hahaha... >_<

Wait, the main characters still KyuMin, right?
Chapter 88: WOAH. I wasn't expecting that. But... YAY SEQUEL LLL! WOOOOO
and that was really dark but for some reason I liked it....
Probably shouldn't be reading this in school....