Last Winter's Eve

Soshi One-Shots


"A whole year without you?"  I asked, my hands reluctantly dropping the small fabricated black box in my coat pocket.  The latter nodded, her face becoming showing many emotions for once.  Hurt, sympathy, and self-pity?  Concern?  Fear?  All those emotions seemed to flash on her face as she looked me in the eye, "Not necessarily a year,"  she began, "Until the last cherry blossom's fall..."  She whispered, her words searing in the crisp winter air as resentment slightly coated her words.

Snow contined to fall, it's soft flakes hitting whatever it could, soon it would cover the ground, as its pace was quickening.  That seemed to me the only thing that distracted me from my jumbled thoughts.  What was going on?  Why was she leaving?  My jaw brokenly hung open as my nose began to tingle--my eyes beginning to sting a little.  She put her hands on my shoulder, steadying my wavering body.  My tongue was tied; my brain was dead; my heart was racing--how could this girl make me feel all these emotions at once?

"Why?"  I managed to choke into the silence.

I watched closely as her eyes trailed to the cherry blossom tree next to us.  Her favorite tree in this park.  Our symbol.  All the memories we had here--was it all going to vanish like that?  Reality took a hold of me with it's cold hands, she wasn't leaving forever.  But where was she going?  For such a long time?   Was this related to her personal life--which she had yet to tell me about?

She bit her lip, "I'm doing this for us, Yoona."

"Then why leave me?"

She avoided my gaze.  Instead, her right hand trailed to mine, "Because..."  she hesitated.  If she was going to say something, she should say it quicker.  I was in no mood to test my patience.  Not when my love was out of reach.  "Because I love you..."  she said, her sincere eyes meeting mine.

For a second, my confusion, my slight anger, my hurt managed to disappear with her eyes.  Eyes full of emotion--a story a had yet to read.  A hot tear rolled down my cheek as I continued to look into her orbs, "Promise me you'll come back."  I said, engulfing her in one last hug as the snow continued to fall.  Was snow to take place of the rain that should fall?  Snow was bitter.  Snow was different than rain.  Rain could help nourish a life--such as a plant's.  But snow could kill.

She nodded in my shoulder, hugging me back.  I wish that moment could've lasted forever as I didn't want to let go.  Not when she was going to leave like this--with so many questions unanswered.  My fate was tested when she pulled away, gently placing her lips against mine for a kiss. 

Our first kiss.

I watched numbly as she began to walk away; not looking back.  The snow continued to fall--my vision of her fading because of it.  I slowly trailed my bare hand down the seam of my jacket, taking out the small black box that contained a diamond ring.  I smiled bitterly as I saw the jem glint in the light.  My eyes then wandered back up the disappearing figure.

Like that--my love was engulfed in the white blizzard blowing away.

Like that--the snow piled up.

And like that--the snow had killed my happiness...


Standing there for what seemed like eternity, I had the willpower to look up to the cherry blossom tree.  Watching as the snow beat the last of it's bloom.  Gently, the blossom fell, resting perfectly in my outstrected palm. 

Until the last cherry blossom's fall...

I'll be waiting...




Last Winter's Eve

My Love Says All



"God, Yoona wake up!"

I held my phone away from my ear at the loudness of the speaker on the other line.  My eyebrows furrowed as the loud sound got to me, disrupting my sleep, "Eish, stop shouting, Fany.  I'll be there in twenty--I swear.  Just tell Soo to pick me up some breakfast while she's getting her morning buffet."  I muttered into the phone, pressing the small red icon and tossing my phone carelessly onto the couch across my bed.

I then pushed myself off the bed, groggily walking towards the bathroom whist raking a hand through my hair.  Getting ready for school didn't linger in my mind much as I didn't even remember which toothpaste I used.  I think it was mint--probably.  I shivered in the cold November air as I made my way to school.

School wasn't always my favorite activity.  Yes, I know.  I'm a student, and I should be happy to be learning.  No.  I don't even know what I'm going to do in life.  What is there for me to do?  The usual thoughts of my life clouded my mind as I walked through the large gates of the school.

I merely walked a couple of steps before I heard someone calling for me.  "Yoong!"

I turned my head, seeing my group of friends not too far from me--one of them in particular holding some food for me to eat.  I grinned, skipping my way over as I snatched the food away from the taller girl, making her roll her eyes and point an accusing finger at me, "And you guys call me the shikshin."  I almost laughed as I took a bite out of the street food, "Because you are."

We began to walk towards the building, the others in the front with their girls, and me in the back looking like a loner.  Even that Yuri got a girlfriend.  Whilst I'm here, lonely and free.  I suppose that can be a good thing in certain aspects.  Yet in others, it can make me feel lonely.  I sighed, my eyes wandering where ever they felt they could rest.

Apparently, that was a girl sitting under a cherry blossom tree.  Her eyes were closed, and her head leaned back on the trunk.  She must be sleeping.  She looked at peace as she rested there, her legs outstretched and her arms folded.  Unconsciously, my walking slowed, and I eventually came to a stop staring at her face.

She looks familiar...She's in my class, is she not?  Ahh, she's the new transfer student.  I wonder what she's doing sleeping under s cherry blossom tree...


I looked ahead, seeing the other eight staring at me with curious eyes.  Yuri managed to catch where I was looking and stole a glimpse that way, "What are you doing?"  she asked.  I shook my head, jogging to catch up with her, my shoes hitting the concrete loudly.  The group shrugged, assuming it was nothing as we continued to walk into the school building.

Lastly, I stole a glance towards the cherry blossom tree--seeing nothing there but the falling flowers and the barren feel of the emptiness.  She's gone?


"Class is over."

I gathered all my books, holding them to my chest as I quickly walked out of the classroom--trying my best not to raise any suspicions.  I hadn't even made it two feet away from the door when I felt a hand on my shoulder.  Looking back, I saw Taeyeon looking at me with an eyebrow raised.  My face was blank as I tried to comprehend why she was stopping me.  "Where are you going?"

"Piano."  I replied quickly, shaking off her hand.  As I turned around, I saw her smile a little, giving me one last lingering gaze before joining the others, who were on their way to the cafeteria for lunch.  I smirked a little, clicking my heels before taking a propelling step forward, looking for the room I began to favor for a year.


I smiled as I thanked the street vendor, picking up my sweet potatoes as I made my way to school, munching on several from the large bag I had bought.  Stepping into the gates, I noticed I was early--a shrug came over me as I walked to the bench, sitting on it as I enjoyed the cold weather.

A normal person would've went inside in this type of weather, right?  I guess I'm not normal...The cold comforts me.  The wind caresses me.  My soul feels at peace.  My favorite day?  Winter's eve.  Which should be about now.  Looking around idly, that blossom tree caught my eye again.  Or rather, who was under it.

Standing up, for why I myself don't know, I slowly walked over, staring once again at the girl's sleeping face.  Does she sleep here every morning?  Does she even eat breakfast?  I steadied my breathing, setting the plate of steaming sweet potatoes next to her, hoping she would wake up and see it.

With a satisfied grin, I checked my watch.  Seeing it was time for classes to start, I began to walk away--the figure's face still lingering in my mind.  She sure is pretty...I giggled madly at my own thoughts--what was going on with you, Yoona?


My steps were lethargic and slow as my rate stopped in front of the open door.  I felt the floor creek as I stepped closer--my hand gently resting on the door's wooden border.  Sweet memories began to flow in me, making me slightly nostalgic as I walked over with broken steps towards the corner of the room.

There lay an old grand piano--one that I learned to favor over the rest.  This one had a rustic tune--not like the polished and automatic sounding ones they make nowadays.  This one had the tune of an old song--one everyone will be able to recognize and feel drowsy with--yet its keys were so smooth and flowing.

My fingers made contact with the piano, its dust flying around the room as it flew from the hard surface.  I tucked in my skirt as I sat down on the bench, making it produce a creek as I did so.  My hands landed in my lap as I looked across the room, heaving a sigh.  Was it wrong I couldn't let her go?

Was she really coming back?  I had to have faith.  But I couldn't help feel with each passing day, my faith in her diminished.  I should keep faith--I know she loves me too.  I know it. 

My eyes trailed to the side of the wooden piano--seeing a carving in the side.  I smiled as I saw that--that was my source of strength now.  My hands seemed to have a mind of its own as I touched the carving, feeling it's curved sides, which met in the middle.  A heart.

"Seohyun plus Yoona," I muttered, tracing my fingers over the letters inside the heart, "Forever..."


Humming as I walked down the hall, my thumbs hooked on the handles of my backpack.  I passed a room that seemed empty.  All other classes should be filled at the moment, should it not?  It wasn't break time--yet.  Stopping, I cocked my head as I took a step backward.  Turning my head the other direction, I took several more steps backwards until the doors were next to me.

I pushed the wooden door, seeing the room filled with random desks and chairs, along with random chalk-boards here and there.  Abandoned classroom.  No, that's not creepy at all.  I chuckled a little at my own sarcastic thoughts as I walked further into the room, avoiding getting hit with overturned chair legs and jutting desk corners.

It was then I saw a large object covered in a large sheet.  The sheet looked new, actually.  Slowly approaching closer, I grabbed a handful of the sheet, pulling it off.  There, it revealed a large wooden grand piano.  I stared at the large contraption.  Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever touched a piano...

Gingerly, I sat down on the small bench--testily pressing a key, having it play, not too loudly, not to softly.  Perfect.  I grinned.  Pressing random keys, I began to entertain myself as I played an unharmonious tune.  A mischievous and childish smile made its way onto my face, and it didn't seem like it was going to leave anytime soon.

I finished dramatically with a key to all my fingers, letting it play something horrid to the ears.  Amused, I raised my hands, pretending there was applaud and cheering going on in the five feet of space in front of me.  Suddenly, there came several slow claps, making me jerk my hands into my lap, and swing my head towards the doorway.

My eyes widened in shock as I saw the girl from this morning--the one who always slept under the cherry blossom tree.  She clapped; her head slightly hanging low as she had an amused smirk on her face.  "W-What are you doing here?"  I asked quickly.  She gave a small chuckle, putting her fingers into her blazer pocket, leaving her thumbs sticking on the hem, "What are you doing in my hideout?" she asked me, still standing at the doors. 

Seeing I didn't answer, she smirked, turning on her heel, "And thanks for the sweet potatoes.  They're my favorite." she said before making an exit.


My fingers stretched along the white and black keys of the instrument.  Slowly, my eyes closed as I began to press the keys--producing a relaxing song.  The tune of my memories.


Why are you waiting for her, Yoona?  I asked myself that question repeatedly as I munched on some sweet potatoes, sitting in front of the piano.  Why am I waiting for her anyway?  Yes, I admitted it.  After sitting here, alone in a room with a rusty old piano for an hour every day, just secretly hoping she would show up.

I saw her sleeping in the mornings though--she still sleeps under the same tree.  Doesn't it get old?  I sighed--Yoona, what were you expecting?  Why are you so curious about this girl?  True enough, you never left my mind--mysterious girl.  With a huff, and a blow to my fringe, I stood up, grabbing the sweet potatoes as I did so, ready to exit as class was going to resume soon.

"Where are you going?"

I looked up, once again shocked to see that same girl here, wearing her famous smirk as she made her way over, swinging her body slowly as she did so, "You weren't thinking about leaving, were you?  Haven't you been waiting for this past week?" her smirk became more profound as she sat down on the bench in front of the piano.  I could only stare at her, my mouth not working with my brain.

"C-Class is about t-to s-start."  I stuttered.  Nice one, Yoona.  She shrugged nonchalantly eyeing me, making me break into a sudden cold sweat.  "Skipping one class won't hurt, right?"

She chuckled, patting the space next to her, "Sit."  she said softly, different from her attitude before.  Slowly, I complied, and once I did so, she turned her head, smiling at me whilst outstretching her hand, "I'm Seohyun, nice to meet you."

I returned the action with a beam, "I'm Yoona."


"Boring...boring..."  I muttered as I browsed through the internet.  Suddenly, something flashed into my memory as I sighed, mentally scolding myself for not remembering.  E-mail.  I need to check my e-mail.  I opened up the browser, typing in my username and password as I hummed a random tune.

Clicking on the right e-mail, I sighed, glad my grades for this semester were okay.  Suddenly, almost shocking me, a window appeared on the screen, playing a video.  Shrugging, thinking it was some kind of virus, I was about to end the Browser’s window when a deep voice spoke from the contents, "Come if you want to save your precious Seohyun."


"Seohyun-ah!"  I beamed, seeing the younger girl sleeping under the tree again.  She awoke, taking out one of her ear buds, and rolled her eyes at me, making me pout.  She sighed as I sat down next to her, "You know, you really are a nuisance."  she muttered, grabbing one of the sweet potatoes on my plate. 

For some strange reason, I've become fond of these.  Even in the summertime, I'm still eating these.  "School's not even in, why are you sleeping in the school park?"  She shrugged, chewing lightly on her favorite food.  I gulped as I watched her chew, her pursed lips looking quite intriguing...I wonder what it's like to--No.  Im Yoona, what the hell are you thinking?!

"Because I can."  she answered curtly.  I rolled my eyes--this girl.  Always so carefree and curt.  Yet I couldn't stop myself from knowing her better.  Six months later from our first encounter, I'm still by her side.  Do I like her?  Possibly.  That got my mind thinking--the others have been teasing me about liking her--do I?

Seohyun then faced me, studying my face for a second, making me nervous.  I slapped my face randomly feeling around, "Is there something on my face?"  I asked.  She giggled, but shook her head--then leaned her head back against the tree, "Did you practice your piano piece?" she asked.

I nodded proudly--Seohyun had been teaching me piano, since my skills in piano are as horrible as my skills in Calculus.  I watched as she grinned, making me mimic the action, "Is miss Seohyun, smiling?  Oh my God, it's a special occasion--let's celebrate!"  I cheered childishly, making her laugh at me before planting a small punch on my arm.

"Alright, alright~"  I laughed, leaning back against the tree.  The tree was in full bloom--I stared at the flowers in awe, wondering why there was only one, and why Seohyun was always at this tree.  "Say, Seo.  Why are you always under this tree?"  I asked, looking at the younger girl curiously.

She shrugged, her eyes closed, "It's the only cherry blossom tree here.  I guess I just like cherry blossom trees."


"Do you know the story of the cherry blossom tree?"  she asked me.  I shook my head.  "Well, that story represents love.  The samurai killed himself to save his cherry blossom tree.  As stupid as it may sound--it represents sacrifice.  Love and sacrifice for the things you care for.  It represents who you would actually die for.


(Seohyun's POV)

I walked back to that small house I use for shelter during the nights--but I know I'll have to leave early in the morning before the owners find out I've been sleeping in their basement for the past month.  Suddenly, someone knees me from behind--naturally, I was going to scream out of fear and pain, but something was shoved quite harshly into my mouth and over my nose.


Once I awoke, I found myself tied to a chair, with ropes on my wrists and ankles, and one around my head, digging into my mouth.  I could feel a presence behind me as I sat there in the dark.  Fear and anxiety creeped through me as I continued to sit there, preparing myself for any type of impact going to hit me. 

Much to my surprise, the rope around my nape was cut, allowing me to talk, "Who the hell is there?!"  I yelled out.  In a cliché manner, a bright light shown on me, making me squint, just to see the two figures in front of me.  I sighed in relief when I saw the two, my face then becoming hard, wanting an explanation from the two, I haven't seen in who knows how long.

"What the heck do you want, Changmin?!  Kyuhyun?!"

The two exchanged worried looks, knowing I can be different when agitated.  Kyuhyun rested his palms on the table in front of him, locking his elbows as he studied me.  Changmin on the other hand crossed his arms over his chest with a small smile, "Say, our little sister seems to have grown up, hasn't she?"  he said.

I rolled my eyes--it's been long since I've been in cahoots with these two.  I haven't even been in contact with them for the past two years.  Two blissful year's I'd like to say.  Of course, they aren't really my brothers--just some boys who treated me like a sister and raised me when I was abandoned.  Kyuhyun nodded proudly, "Why haven't you contacted us, eh, Joohyun-ah?"  he whined.

I cringed.  That name.  That was my other life.  Joohyun was no longer a part of me.  She was a completely different person, whom I abandoned.  Joohyun was a naive girl who was introduced to gambling and gangs at a young age--teaching herself how to do those things innocently as she didn't know what was bad.  How was she supposed to know when everything around her was sinful?  I hate to admit Joohyun was once me. 

"You two know I'm no longer Joohyun.  I'm Seohyun."  I said curtly and coldly, making the two dramatically look at each other with a sharp intake of breath.  I rolled my eyes once more as they conversed, "What happened to the little angel Joohyun?" cried Changmin.  Kyuhyun nodded along, resting his elbow on Changmin's shoulder, "I even taught her how to hack online accounts and how to play Starcraft!"

"Cut the and tell me what you two want."

Changmin chuckled, elbowing Kyuhyun, "Remember boss?" he asked, making me nod.  Once he was involved, not everything went well.  "He wants you back in his gang."  Kyuhyun finished for him.  I raised an eyebrow--we all agreed to quit the gang at the same time, and never return.

"You two rejoined?"

"Not necessarily.  Sooman paid us a ton of money to track you down and get in contact with you.  I guess he misses his genius hacker that could assemble one hundred and fifty guns in a day."  Kyuhyun muttered, loud enough for it to have a small echo in the room.  I gritted my teeth. No way was I going to get involved again in that drug-high gang, and I still couldn't believe these two stayed in contact with him.

Changmin came over with his pocket knife to untie me, but held my wrists to make sure I stayed.  Kyuhyun then pressed, "So, are you in?"  he asked in a low voice, with a hint of mischievousness and excitement.  I huffed, shaking off Changmin as I looked for an exit.  Walking towards it, I turned my head, "Hell no."  I said loudly, making sure they got the message as I opened the door.

"Even if your little Yoona is being spied on my Sooman's goons?"

I turned, glaring at the two with the mention of the doe-eyed girl.  "What the do you know about Yoona?"  I said lowly through gritted teeth.  Changmin smirked, leaning against the wall, "Seems as if we struck a nerve."



I turned, recognizing the voice as I forced a smile.  "You have three months."  Kyuhyun's voice reprimanded in my head.  I sighed, knowing it was late November, and that my time was up.  I had to do this for Yoona. 

If I really loved her--I could wait, right?  We'll see if these feelings are only petty, Yoona.  I shoved my hands into my jacket pocket, to avoid them freezing and getting frostbite in such weather.  She beamed at me brightly, making me smile back.

I thought I had lost my smile.  But how does this girl manage to bring it back with just a small action?  Why has no one else done this before?  Is she special?  She reached for my hand, pulling it out and intertwining it with hers, making my face heat up and my heart start to race.  What was this feeling?

"How is your piano?"  I asked with a small smile--that was one of the activities I enjoyed doing with her.  She's getting better--I guess my piano skills really haven't rusted.  Yoona nodded, "Mmm!  It's really, really, really good!" she grinned, outstretching her arms and spreading her legs to prove and exaggerate her point.  I chucked as I watched her, naturally, my hand found hers as we walked in the school premises, looking for my favorite place.

I watched as she reached into her pocket, "Seo, I have something to te-"

"As do I."  I said quickly, cutting her off.  I wanted to get this over with quickly before my emotions broke out, which was bound to happen.  I looked in her eye, trying my best not to show any emotion as I finished this, "Yoona, I'm leaving."  I said, getting to the point.  I was never a person who procrastinated.


"Hey, kid, wake up." 

I opened my eyes, only to meet with the grey metallic ceiling of the facility, and the dim light which flickered as I laid on the dusty mattress which I now used as a bed.  I yawned, rubbing my eye as I sat up, aware of the presence in front of me, "Hey, Teuk Oppa.  Anything you need?"  I asked, wondering if I was ordered to do any other things for the gang.

Wasn't designing a new gun enough?  Let alone put it together.  He nodded, but stopped himself halfway, cocking his head to the side as he held up his finger, "Not exactly.  Boss wants to see you."  he jutted his thumb towards the door.  I groaned, slapping my hands over my face as I leaned backwards, hoping this would end.

Leeteuk patted my back encouragingly, "Hey, cheer up.  It's the end of November, right?  Meaning your time here is done.  Soon you get to go see that Yoona of yours.  And maybe even take some revenge on those idiot brothers of yours."  He chuckled, lifting my spirits a little bit.

Dragging my feet towards the door, I couldn't help but feel a growing excitement.  Maybe he really was going to let me go.  Hopefully--I hate waking up every morning and realizing I'm still in the bottomless pit.  Maybe this was my rope for help.  With high hopes, which I honestly should've suppressed, I turned the knob to his office, only to be instantly hit on the side of my neck.

What the hell was going on?  That was the last thought I managed to process before falling into a state of unconsciousness.


(Yoona's POV)

One year.  One whole year.  I survived.  I grinned widely, running outside, the day she was supposed to meet me.  I finally perfected the piano piece she taught me.  To think it actually took me a whole year to learn it--maybe I really was bad at piano.  But also, maybe it's because I never actually paid attention because of the beauty teaching me.

I don't know...but I love her, I know that.  The ring was once again in my pocket as I sat down under the tree, waiting for her arrival. 


(Seohyun's POV)

"We had a ing deal!  Now let me go!"  I slurred, my mind still hazy from the drugs pumped into my system.  Sooman chuckled as he sat on the couch, his legs slightly spread as he rested his elbows on his knees, caressing the gun gently in his hands.  His helpers were right behind him, holding their hands behind their backs professionally.

I struggled against my bonds, trying my best to wiggle out somehow--but to no avail.  I huffed, stopping my actions as a tear went down my cheek, I'm sorry, Yoona.  Sooman laughed as he watched me, "Your Yoona should be here in about an hour.  So don't worry, you'll be able to die with her."  He laughed.'

I cursed in my mind, mentally screaming at Yoona, telling her not to come as if she could hear me.  Why was my life like this?  Did I ever do anything to deserve it?  Was meeting Yoona a mistake?  She was the only good thing in my life.  She taught me how to enjoy life--without her, who knows where I would be and what I would be doing.

Yoona was my reason to live--she doesn't deserve a person like me--she could find someone else better than I.  But I, I can protect her with my life so she could do that.  I was going to do that.  Yoona was my reason to live--there wouldn't be a life without her.  Maybe is I got out alive, I would go back to her.  Would she accept me?

We could make a new life together--away from dangers, away from stress, just the two of us.  The two of us and our song.  Should I be worrying?  Of course not.  I was going to die either way--might as well use this time to reflect on the good things that have happened in my life.

Has she learned that song I taught her?  Kiss the Rain.  She always loved rain over snow or anything else of the sort--a strange child she was.  Her face flashed through my mind once, making me lower my head, my hair covering my face as I let out a smile.  A bitter smile.

What happened?  I was so strong--how could she penetrate me like this?  I love her. That was the only solution.  But is this what love was?  Making you worry about the other constantly--wondering what they were doing, if they had eaten, if they were healthy, if they were feeling alright, anything appeared my head.  Is this what love was?  Then why do people long falling?  When it stresses you out, and drives you mad, why do people find this feeling...intriguing?

Yet it brings you a sense of comfort--even if you won't admit it as comfort.  People may take this as anxiety and worry--but without worrying for them, it wouldn't be love, now would it?

My thoughts straightened themselves out as I continued to think, reminiscing the memories the two of us shared.

Yoona...because I love you...don't come for me.  I can't bear to see you in this state.


(Yoona's POV)

I sighed, opening the lobby doors to my apartment.  It was eleven at night--where was she?  Or as she forgotten about me?  About our love?  Sighs.  It seems I haven't had enough for today as they kept coming.  I couldn't bring myself to be mad at her--instead I could feel anything except worry.  What was she doing?

Did she mean to ditch me?  Or did she run into some trouble?  The thought made my stomach turn--love.  That emotion was horrifying yet so attractive.  Is it bad that I fell for her?  Maybe.  Was I beginning to doubt my love for her?  Maybe.  It seemed that most questions these days didn't have an answer.  Why could I find one?  I feel as if I was chasing someone who couldn't be caught.

Pushing my keys into the hole, I turned the knob to my apartment, getting ready for a good night's sleep after this long day.  Sometimes I wonder what she was doing, and what she's up to--

"Are you Yoona?"

Suddenly, I was slammed against the wall, "What the hell?!"  I ended up yelling.  A slap was heard when a fist made contact with my cheek, and a hot stinging followed, "Are you Yoona?"  she voice asked lowly.  Not wanting to be hurt anymore, I nodded my head, feeling blood creep into my mouth from my cut lip.

I heard him sigh as he let go, "Thank goodness.  I'm Leeteuk.  No questions.  Did you get that e-mail?"

I held my face as he looked at me apologetically, "Sorry."  he mouthed.  I rolled my eyes, hissing as I nodded, "The creepy one with the guy supposedly talking about Seohyun?  Yeah, I got it.  I doubt it's real though--what would Seohyun have to do with those gangs?"  I asked, rubbing my shoulders, where he banged on the wall.

Leeteuk glanced at his friend before looking back at me intensely, "Everything.  Look.  That was real, and Seohyun's in danger.  If you want to come save her, come with me now."  He commanded.  I shook my head, not believing him--Seohyun wouldn't do this.  She wouldn't work for something so vile.

He hissed, sick at the thought of wasting any time--he pulled out his phone as I stood there stiffly.  He showed me the screen, which was a picture of him and Seohyun.  Seohyun?  Her face was thinner.  Her hair was dyed brown.  And you could see guns in the background.  So he wasn't lying.

"Where he hell is Seohyun?"  I growled through gritted teeth.  Surprisingly, my heart raced.  Shouldn't it have turned away?  I wouldn't want to get involved in this.  It had death written all over it--but for some reason, my heart was telling me it was worth it.  I pulled on his collar with both my hands, making his eyes widen at my strength, "Where is she?"  I said slowly.

Once he muttered me the directions, I bolted from my spot, not wanting to waste any time--none at all.  "Wait!"  He called me back.  I growled, running backwards.  He sighed, pulling something out and handing it to me.  A gun?  It might be needed.

(  Listen to that)

Why was my heart feeling this way?  Seohyun changed my life forever.

I'm coming for you--I'm not going to wait any longer.


(Author's POV)

"Where is she?"  Sooman muttered, checking his wristwatch.  If the required money didn't come in a matter of five minutes, sure enough, Seohyun was a goner.  A bead of sweat formed on Seohyun's face as she could see inside the dark tunnel of the gun.  Soon, everything would be over--yet Seohyun felt relief at the thought Yoona hadn't come, and that she would be safe--but she also questioned if Yoona really loved her.

Another tear slid down her cheek as she thought about it.  Yoona may not have loved her as much--but Seohyun was positive that she loved Yoona with all her heart.  "Thirty seconds, boss."  one said.  Sooman sighed, the gun still pointed Seohyun's way.  She clenched her teeth, closing her eyes as she waited for death to save her--for death to take her away.

"Let her go!"  Came a boom, and the slamming of a door.  Seohyun instantly opened her eyes in shock at the familiar name, "Yoona?!"  Yoona ignored the younger as she pointed her gun at the one pointed at Seohyun, quickly she shot at the hand, making the weapon fly across the room.

But at the same time, Yoona was kicked down, making her cough as she got up from the ground, her weapon now lost.  Sooman's two goons advanced on Yoona--throwing punches and kicks at the younger girl, hoping to injure her in some way.  Yoona dodged as much as she could, but it could help the fact that she was injured badly.

Seohyun watched with her eyes wide as Sooman dived for one of the guns on the ground.  Yoona managed to somehow knock out one of the two guards, and shoot the other down with the gun she had finally retrieved.  So far, possibly a broken leg and rib, a bruised face, a bleeding lip, and a limp arm.  But Yoona wasn't going to give up any time soon.

She pointed the gun at Sooman.  Slowly, her finger wrapped around the trigger and was about to pull when Sooman pulled out his gun and pointed at Seohyun.  Yoona's eyes widened as she wetted her lips with her tongue, thinking hard on what to do.  She scolded herself for not shooting earlier.

Seohyun shook her head, "Yoona, shoot him!"

"He'll shoot you!"

"Do it!"  Seohyun cried, ready to die after preparing her mind for this for the whole day. 

Sooman, seeing more of his men sneak in through the door whilst Seohyun and Yoona bickered, motioned for them to help.  "Do it!"  Yoona clenched her teeth, pulling the trigger, causing the bullet to propel and a boom to sound.  Yet that wasn't the only sound that was made.

The second Yoona pulled the trigger, Sooman ducked, and shot at Seohyun, making her breath hitch, feeling the foreign object go through her.  Yoona's eyes widened in shock--yet it couldn't beat the shock she felt when a bullet went through her side.  Yelling and screaming was heard as Sooman and his men fled, not wanting to get caught and charged for the murder of the two lovers.

Yoona, ignoring her pain, rushed to Seohyun's side, untying the dying girl.  Seohyun, still alive, collapsed in Yoona's arms, the two hitting the floor with a loud thud.  "Yoona-ah..."  Seohyun gasped, sitting up against the wall with Yoona next to her.  Yoona looked over, intertwining their hands, "Yes?  Seohyun-ah?" she breathed slowly.

"I'm sorry..."  Seohyun said, a tear sliding down her cheek once more.  Yoona shook her head, "I'm only last few seconds...will be with you..." she breathed.  Seohyun leaned closer, pressing her lips against Yoona's for one last kiss.  For their last kiss.  Yoona pulled away first for breath as she reached into her pocket, pulling out the fabricated box once more.

"I love you..."  Yoona muttered, slipping the ring on Seohyun's left ring finger and looking her in the eye.  Their song continued to play as Seohyun rested her head upon Yoona's her breath fading.  Seohyun's hand then fell limp, her head resting against Yoona's oh so suddenly.

Yoona cried, realizing her love was gone, before her.  She then rested her head against Seohyun's, "I love you..." she lastly said before joining her lover.  Closing her eyes, ready to sleep.

Love is boundless.

And love will continue to live for these two.

With their last words:



I love you...



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Monstar99 #1
Chapter 1: Omfg this is beautiful my feels.... Omg. XD
drag0nr1der #2
Chapter 4: Even if we don't want them to ever break apart it will happen sometime :,(
and when this happens I hope their thoughts will be something like this
but SONEs will never end:
- Right now, it’s Girls’ Generation
- From now on, it’s Girls’ Generation
- Forever, it’s Girls’ Generation
drag0nr1der #3
Chapter 7: I'm speechless :O
This story is pretty amazing and I don't know how to describe my feelings now.
It sounds so real and you had some deep thoughts here.

I hope your stories will gain more attention.
drag0nr1der #4
Chapter 2: ooh :(
sad ending I'm not amused ... just kidding. I like sad stories
drag0nr1der #5
Chapter 1: wow ... wow Amazing Story
it's sad but it has an happy end
I like it :)
Dstriker7358 #6
Chapter 3: OK this was even more sad and great XD I can't stop crying :'( WOW u write so well... How the hell... Ur like a freaking angel u know that? XD LOL I have to read the rest now ;D
Dstriker7358 #7
Chapter 1: WOW... Just.... Wow.... *sobs* this was really good *sniff* SO FREAKING SAD :'( BUT AWESOME XD u should write more ;)
Chapter 4: I hate you author-nim!! You made me cry!!! This chapter was so bad yet so good!!! I cried so bad that the tears were dripping down my chin!! I have a huge puddle of tears on my pillow now!!! YOu are so bad!!! TT^TT
kokosrs17 #9
Chapter 3: Omg!! This one-shot...there r no words to describe how great it was!!! I serious almost cried!! T-T So sad but happy at the end!! Taeny is LOVE!!! ❤❤ Omo what a great one-shot!!
Thnx going to read the others!!